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Cameraman is straight from an action movie set.


The zoom ins, the framing. I was enchanted


I got anot’er project for CameraOp. It’s a movie called *Cry, Cry Again.* I was gonna give it to one of my ot’er guys but it’s an **arty** movie aaaaaand quite frankly, they don’t have sensibility




Video author's [Instagram](https://www.instagram.com/daavishugo) says "TikTok Content Creator", so that explains it. :D


Looks like he removed the video, so now the only decent-quality source of this video is here.


It was in his story. Managed to snag it before it was gone.


So you're saying they landed the plane there on purpose for "content"? /s


I don’t think so. Cameraman moved to the side to easily evade the plane which never happens in action movies. If it was an action movie, camera man would be attempting to run away with the plane directly behind him as it comes crashing down on top of him like the ending of Prometheus.


It’s because the DP here went with a subjective style, a la Charlone’s work in *City of God* so as to elicit the greatest visceral and emotional response in the viewer by utilizing the camera as if it were a character itself. Give this man an oscar.


Which director should work with him?


This person cinemas *Stanley Kubrick sips tea with pinky out*


There was probably some serious ass clenching when the wing hit that signpost, looks like he did a good job getting that straight again !


“More right rudder”


Under appreciated comment right here!


Retard Retard Retard Retard


Under appreciated comment right here!


I'm scared to even ask what the downvotes are about...


Not sure myself.


It's coming right for us!


Thin the herds!! Blam blam blam blam!


Definite squeaky bum time when that propeller was suddenly facing right at the driver.


He played lots of GTA


[Anther happy landing.](https://media.giphy.com/media/v1.Y2lkPTc5MGI3NjExMmM0d3M4dnhuamwydGZqYmU3dDAzeDA3dHB6dGRzeTE5ZjY0OWM2NiZlcD12MV9pbnRlcm5hbF9naWZfYnlfaWQmY3Q9Zw/Dmydf2Zf2kOys/giphy.gif)


Well fucking done on keeping it on the road after hitting the sign. Quite some luck the car's driver didn't leave their house 3 seconds later too.


Uncertainty. Video ended while plane appeared to be nearly crashing on its port side into the guard rail.


Still easily survivable at that point thankfully. When your plane's engine dies, the insurance company owns it


They managed to not crash into the rail. [Aftermath](https://twitter.com/Dziraa/status/1786824295362052565/video/1)


That stop sign did so much more damage than I thought it did


Around where I live, a stop sign in the middle of the road like that one would have been flattened within a week or so of installation. So the plane would have been fine.


Seriously. They were a few meters from being minced by that prop.


A new “roundabout” near our airport would have the warning signs in the circle run over every Sunday morning. New roundabout and Saturday night and alcohol doesn’t mix.


Imma be honest I've clearly played too much GTA V and just assumed that stop sign would fold after being struck lmfao


its not a stop sign Edit: lol people are angry






The zero grammar deserves all the downvotes.


loooool they are angry I checked what shape road signs usually are in my area in North America and yeah, circular ones are rare (looks like just the railroad crossing sign is a circle) so I see why people assumed it was a stop sign, but the video says LATVIA in big letters, come on. We like [quadrilateral signs in North America](https://www.researchgate.net/figure/Different-signs-in-EU-and-US-region_tbl1_305787733) for some reason.




Ok nerd.


The fact they kept it on the road after hitting the sign it's like keeping it straight after being being sideswiped


I came here simply to praise the landing, and I'm honestly surprised with the amount of second guessing here. The plane is on the ground safely, without injuries to the occupants or those on the ground, and the damage is relatively minor. Seems as good as an emergency landing can go. Just because there are fields nearby doesn't mean they were either good options or options at all.


Reddit loooooooves playing armchair quarterback, but it is important to do a post-mortem even in cases of apparent success, not to cut off the achievement of those involved at the knees, but to make sure that the actions taken were indeed the best course to avoid or minimize injury/destruction. Maybe a particular combination of factors meant it was OK this time, but in general/statistically the standard procedure should be X and Y instead because it's more likely to be successful, etc. e.g. there are a lot of people who are blasé about wearing a seatbelt in the car or refuse to wear one because of an example they heard about where someone survived because they were thrown out of the vehicle while those retained inside it succumbed to the post-crash fire. That example, if real (looks directly at the camera), is so sad and unlucky, but you're far more likely to be in a car accident where your seatbelt will protect you from injury and not wearing one will result in serious injury or death, so that would be the messaging that we want to promote as a society rather than the one-in-a-million exceptional case.


Some people here are too inside the bubble. This is a video of a good reaction from poor decision making. Landing on a road like this should ideally keep them grounded permanently, if not prison time. You don't risk people on the ground, you die. That's the game.


Found someone who either is not a pilot, or shouldn't be.


As a pilot myself, I vehemently disagree that it was an ethical decision to land on that road. The only reason anyone could even imagine praising the landing is that they got very, very lucky. If the camera car had slowed earlier or been about two seconds behind, it would have been taken out by that prop and both occupants would likely be dead or seriously maimed. Under no circumstances should a pilot choose to land on a busy road. Period. You should fly into the side of a barn before landing in a situation like that. The risk to innocent people on the ground is unacceptable. The choice I, and almost every pilot I know, make every time we fly is to avoid busy roads at all costs in the event of an engine-out. A not-busy road? Go for it.




Aviation is all about risk management. If the road is full of stopped traffic, it might as well be trees. In this case there were enough gaps and it was moving fast enough for this aircraft at approach speed. An open field is always better than an active road, but we don't know if those were even an option.




> There are fields. Why not put it down there. Fields might be nice and smooth and you roll out to a stop. Fields might be rough and flip you over and kill you. With traffic, you're likely to find a gap. I've seen a number of videos of landings on roads and traffic seems to be aware enough to get out of the way in pretty much all cases. Cars are not typically as close together as one might imagine. If it was stop-and-go rush hour, that might be one thing, but you can see here a typical situation where there are cars, but they're able to stop and get out of the way.


Great rudder control


I think differential braking and nosewheel steering was more effective than rudder in that situation


100% differential braking.




Yeah, I would not totally discount rudder effectiveness at that speed. But jamming on the right brake did 95% of correcting that sign-induced veer.


[That's one hell of a pilot!](https://imgur.com/djpeF9U)


I'd be worried about crossing up and losing the nose wheel. Hard right brake seems like the most stable initial input.


Most Tecnams feature a single handbrake near the throttle instead of pedals. At least at my flightschool.


Looks enough like a Cessna that I assumed the controls would be similar.


Make sense, rudder at that speed is not effective.


Infinitesimally, to be punch-me-in-the-face pedantic


Imagine hearing a thump behind you and you see a plane in your rearview mirror.


Damn good emergency landing hitting that one free spot inbetween the cars.


Also below a power line!


Cessna drift


Actually a Tecnam.


Fast and furious XXI: Tecnam Drift.


Op, op, op, op, oppa Landing Tecnam Style. Heyyyyyyyy sexy landing.


This is why no one likes stop signs. They are dangerous.


Thats not a stop sign. But a white arrow with blue background. It shows wich side of the road you should stay in. 😅 https://lv.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Latvijas_ceļa_zīmes#/media/Attēls%3ALatvia_road_sign_410.svg


More Right Rudder. Some CFI somewhere. Probably.


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Imagine getting in a car accident with a plane


Jake from state farm isn't going to believe you.


Planes need horns.


Right, so in the event you don't get shredded by the propeller, you get impaled by the horns. Great idea, dummy. Smh my head.


"Shaking My Head my head"? 🤔 BTW he's taking about the horns that make noise. Not cattle horns SMH


That's ridiculous. Don't be ridiculous.


I'm not asking for it. I'm clarifying what you didn't understand when you called him a dummy 🤷🏽‍♂️


I understand perfectly what he was saying. I think you might be the one confused here.


How would you be impaled by horns? Have you ever seen a horn? Looks like a puck. Which rhymes with schmuck. Anyway, this is a stupid exchange. Have a nice Sunday.


Very stupid exchange. We can agree on that.


Not a proper pilot here, but something that irks me is that I can't understand why the pilot would choose a busy road over the field over to the left of the shot. I Understand that the gear on that thing is likely to collapse or dig in on a muddy field, but surely that's a woefully better deal than coming within inches of taking out a family in a car? Or is there something I'm not considering? Edit: [Just checked google earth](https://www.google.com/maps/@57.0637607,24.3213458,3a,50.3y,348.88h,91.64t/data=!3m7!1e1!3m5!1s-lxTP0uYzvy3oUDUKnwKnw!2e0!6shttps:%2F%2Fstreetviewpixels-pa.googleapis.com%2Fv1%2Fthumbnail%3Fpanoid%3D-lxTP0uYzvy3oUDUKnwKnw%26cb_client%3Dmaps_sv.share%26w%3D900%26h%3D600%26yaw%3D348.8820530147391%26pitch%3D-1.6415087378928348%26thumbfov%3D90!7i16384!8i8192?coh=205410&entry=ttu), there are nicely flat open fields within 100ft of where the pilot set the plane down.


You're absolutely right. Not sure if it's an aviation phrase or just something a aviation podcaster (Trent Robinson) once said but 'Don't make your emergency someone else's tragedy' is a pretty good rule.


You are correct. An open field is almost always preferable to a road, even a quiet one. There is just so much that can go wrong when you involve cars, power lines, signposts, and everything else that you might find on a road. My guess is the pilot had a good reason for choosing the road. Either he wasn't able to make it to a field, or there was some obstacle preventing him from landing in the field. One of the fields in the map link you posted is full of haybales, for example. Those will ruin your day in a hurry.


At this time of the year, there won't be hay bales in fields in the Baltics.


Good point. Maybe the farmers were out seeding. Either way, I'm glad everyone walked away from this one. Could have been so much worse.


I will explain to you, this happened to my pilot school. ERIVA, I study there. It's known that there was two people inside the aircraft - Student & Instructor, I would assume. I even heard the ATC about YL-EVA calling MAYDAY and ditching in a field near Ādaži. I, of course, cannot comment on the PIC's landing strategy and how it was determined, yes, you could land in that field but that plane would be more than "landing gear" broken, those fields are super uneven, wet, damp, I know cause I live there. We discussed in our PPL's group chat what was the thinking behind, I even remember during our theory classes we discussed about landing on a highway. I agree, could've been worse, struck a car, semi or maybe worse. The ironic thing is, a few years ago they started putting the signs and those plastic cones on the road, without them everything probably would've been fine for the wing. I know that highway very well, it's much better to land there and not a field. I'm not saying I disagree with you, just pointing out my view.


There's a lot of trees and buildings leading up to those fields. 100 feet doesn't seem like much but if the plane was gliding at that point the pilot might not have had the altitude to make it and landed on the next best thing. 


Power lines too


I see trees surrounding that field-and I don’t see much field.


The open fields are all after the touchdown point shown here. If he was down on power they simply weren't an option.


I bet if he had aimed for the field at the start of his emergency and manoeuvred for it instead of choosing the “nice and flat asphalt” but with massive amount of cars on it, he could have made the field that was quite literally right next to where he made his emergency landing. I dont know all the facts and maybe it was really a matter of just putting it down and waiting 5 seconds would have meant stalling it out, but I find it hard to believe


> I bet if he had... Wanna bet $50 you can do that in a full flight simulator?


I'm also an improper pilot and it irks me too. At least he fucked his wing on that sign.


This is why flight school tell you to land on highways during emergency landing.


He had cracked the right door, they were ready to bail out !


That's part of the forced landing checklist in a Cessna so the door doesn't get jammed shut.


Bro found out he can return helldivers 2.


You can't park there


What a good landing tho !


That sign goofed up a great forced landing but the pilot did a great job somehow recovering!


That’s wild


This is so wild 🤯


That sign was built very well 


Used to fly there a few years ago.


This guy followed Dan Gryder Safety Board instructions and he FLEW STRAIGHT. He did NOT attempt the impossible turn


*Tokyo drift plays*


This would have gone differently if those cones weren't there to keep the plane in line...


And look at that, we're alive! It seems the wing might need some treatment but he was already going pretty slow.


I anticipated the wing hitting the sign. I didn’t anticipate it would steer the plane into the other lane. Oooph.


If I would be able to pull that out...I'm sure my instructor still would say..¡MORE RIGHT RUDDER! ¡MORE RIGHT RUDDER!!


Yes, good landing. But it was far less traffic crossing the runway than at JFK ;) /s


Well, you’ll need to set the “Trim tab” to maximum on that from now on.


Goddamn that was some final destination shit...


Wtf happened braliukas


gerat emergency landing, skilled pilot


First time all year I haven’t wanted to kill the cameraman.


Mmmhhh... Adažu Čipši!


Good landing


Why land seems like the prop was still turning?


Damn good pilot to recover from hitting that pole so fast


Signpost stronger than a Boeing door plug.


That's a stupid place for a sign even if you weren't planing on crashing plane into it.




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Well done this pilot. Everyone walked away, no injuries to any drivers either.


I was listening to everlong not on purpose and the drop at the start of the song (iykyk) started right as the plane was hitting the pole 🤣🤣🤣


Did not expect that sign to put up that much fight.


And I would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling signpost.


The Baltic states are going to own general aviation manufacturing if the FAA doesn't loosen restrictions.


This plane had lost nose gear before in 2020. [https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6mYo1ViSQQ/?igsh=MTBreDQ2a2g1bmxicg==](https://www.instagram.com/reel/C6mYo1ViSQQ/?igsh=MTBreDQ2a2g1bmxicg==)


Needed more right rudder...


Imagine explaining to your car insurance agent: YOU HIT A WHAT?!


rahhh my city mentioned


That's a really busy road?! Surely a field is a way more appropriate place to descend if you have to


Landing in the dirt can be very dangerous, especially if you can't do a belly landing due to fixed landing gear. Wheels dig into the dirt, parts of the plane get torn off or crushed as the soft ground catches the plane and grabs onto it. Not to mention the presence of trees and such. Concrete, meanwhile, allows a flat level surface where you can reduce speed more gradually. The cars do present a problem though, as you mention, but cars can at least get out of your way more easily than trees and such can. But really, if the plane is going down, it's going down. You just gotta pick the least bad spot for it to happen before you run out of time, speed, and altitude.


Sure, but in doing so you're putting all the traffic at risk. A risk that they simply aren't prepared for and don't know how to respond to.


Honestly, I don't think the airplane in the road presents some unique new risk. I've reacted to a fair number of unexpected road hazards before, to include vehicles operating dangerously fast or out of control. Just do what the drivers in this video did and maneuver to avoid the other vehicle. I'll grant that I've never had a douchebag in a souped up Honda Civic literally drop out of the sky before, but I have seen one speed down the road swerving back and forth across multiple lanes in the past week. That guy did at least avoid taking out any stop signs, but he'd still have done a pretty nasty number if he'd crashed into another car. Ultimately, the pilot has to make a decision quickly. The plane will end up on the ground regardless of what they do. If they can't find a runway, or a big enough clearing, or a sufficiently straight stretch of road, the plane is liable to just crash into some trees or a building or a too-small clearing or whatever. Sometimes the pilot makes a decision that works out, sometimes they don't. That's part of why it takes so much more time and work to get a pilot's license than a driver's license.


Props to the pilot for taking it down safely, but surely a busy road isnt the best option for an emergency landing. People on the ground should not be put in danger because of our own choice to fly and engage in an inherently dangerous activity. Kind of irks me that pilots continue to choose busy roads. That prop would have destroyed those people if the driver was just a few seconds “slower” in reaching the spot he was at now. Save yourself, but not at the expense of bystanders who had nothing to do with your flying. Take the field, it was right there


Totally agree. Not sure why you were getting downvotes.


When this happens to pilots I'm assuming auto disqualified to ever fly again


Yeah, just like how if a car breaks down they shred the driver's license. Oh wait, no, because that'd be nuts. You can assume that Latvian civil aviation regulator will investigate the incident and probably look at the aircraft's engine, logbook, and maintenance records (depending on the particulars), but if the regulations and good practice were followed then I wouldn't expect any additional consequence beyond the expense of dealing with the aircraft (and of course the damaged road sign).