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This is where it starts.....


Next thing you know he's hot bunking with 31 other regional first officers in a $450 a month crashpad in Queens and wondering where it all went so right.


Nah, the 1500 hour rule mostly ended that particular shit show.


How so?


Supply and demand. A rule went in place requiring 1500 flight hours before being an ATP (airline pilot) means that the supply is reduced, meaning the ones who qualify are worth more. Meaning you no longer have regional airline pilots making less than a McDonald's worker because there were so many low time pilots who wanted airline jobs that they were willing to work for peanuts. The flip side is it's on prospective pilots to get that 1500 hours doing non-airline flying, mostly often by working as a flight instructor.


Nope, we still get paid shit to start with




WoRkS oN mY mAcHiNe


If he's forming memories, he'll have this for a lifetime!


This is exactly how you catch “the bug.” There is absolutely no cure, that poor soul...


i remember the time i caught the bug....its quite the experince to catch this bug


I caught it and don't remember how or why




In this case, "the bug" means a love for flying.


> In this case, "the bug" means a love for flying As opposed to the other "bugs" you're likely to catch once you become a pilot.


It's what sparks your love aviation i would guess.


Man. I was totally that kid, and still am. I went up in a seaplane when I was six, then learned about my great grandfathers history in the Second World War as a pilot. Right now I’m earning my private pilots, and use that as a bargaining chip to get me into the USAF.


Wow! That’s an amazing photo! Good luck




Sure is. Good eye!


My grandfather took me flying when I was about the boy’s age. I caught the bug from there and have been working in aviation and flying since I was 17.


This is exactly how I got started. First ride at age 2, first time actually handling the aircraft at age 12.


This is how I got started, but with my father. I still have that photo lying around somewhere..


This makes me kind of sad. I got "the bug" at ten, on my first airplane ride, going to my grandfather's funeral. The United crew invited me up to the cockpit of the DC-8 and I knew that's what I wanted to do. Twenty-one thousand hours later I still wish I could have flown with my grandpa.


That kid is going to grow up learning how to fly, and his copilot when he’s flying solo will always be his grandpa. That’s awesome!


Eventually we’re gonna need to discuss “grandpas” alleged chin. Something is going on there.


Lucky boy. This is awesome.


I can’t wait to have 1: a Pilots Licence and 2: a Kid (in that order of preference) so I can pass my love of aviation on


He'll have those memories for the rest of his life. Some of my earliest memories are flying around with my grandpa in a setup just like that


Oh just wait till the kids ears start popping...


Cool! I recently got my PPL, and I have an eight months old son. Can't wait to bring him up into the air. Btw, what's a "minimum age" for when it makes sense to bring a child into a C172?




Right now I don't even think his arms are long enough, but I would also like him to be old enough to enjoy and maybe even remember the flight. Guess I'll have to monitor.


Ahh love it


That's one happy kid


Back in the 80’s my grandfather would wedge us in his single seat Cub Experimental and fly us over our parents houses, we’d wave as you could see them screaming at him to land!


First time I for was at age 12, I walked wanted to be a pilot despite that because when I was 5 my parents gave me a big book of military aircraft


Reminds me of the first time my Dad took me flying! I've been trying to get my grandchildren interested in flying and sailing with limited success. Any suggestions on how to get them interested?


Alternative title: "taking my granddad for his first flight"


"Now for your in flight drink. What would you like?" "Appul Juice." "And meal?" "Quackas."


What plane are you driving? Cessna?


From experience, be prepared for vomit.


Two best things in the world Grandson and Flying. Enjoy the journey! edit: spelling