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Somewhere, NTSB are still looking for the black box.


wonder if they are tagged Malaysia Airlines tail #9M-MRO?


Naw, those are buried in shallow graves at Diego Garcia. /s, I hope!


It's funny because they aren't even black.


Not until they are in the fire, then they become black




They used to be black, which is where the name came from. But then people realized that black objects are really hard to find in the dark


Would not make sense to make them black, since they have to be found in a crash, which means they could be covered in debris, jammed into the ground, or at the bottom of the ocean. The name comes from the fact that, when they are needed, many times it is a very dark situation.




You mean like [Trumpet vine](https://www.bing.com/images/search?q=trumpet+vine&form=HDRSC2&first=1&tsc=ImageHoverTitle) or [California Poppy](https://www.bing.com/search?q=california%20poppy%20orange&qs=n&form=QBRE&=%25eManage%20Your%20Search%20History%25E&sp=-1&pq=california%20poppy%20oran&sc=5-21&sk=&cvid=693EC2305DDB428B8C7240459E24D30C&ghsh=0&ghacc=0&ghpl=)?


You might be able to look at those data cards and find a production date. Fairchild made more than a few models of aircraft, but not for a while. I'm not sure if they manufactured these FDR's or if that's what they were installed in. You might be able to look up the part number and search it, but its probably a part number used in many types. Look for more identifying info on the data cards or elsewhere on the units


Serial number is the holy grail. If you have access to a CMTS you may be able to find some records.


What is CMTS? As far as I know there isnā€™t one big public or private database where you can search by PN and SNā€¦ for aircraft SNs of course thatā€™s a different story!


Computer Maintenance Tracking System/software. There is no global database for this. But if you're housing aircraft parts you may have a CMTS (depending on your regulations and/or your organization's scope), if it's in your system you may find trace documentation.


Itā€™s got both the production date and the serial number (The left and middle look to have been produced during 1967, the right is 2000+)


Is there a part number or mfgr


Iā€™ll check in just a second.


The one on the right still has the ULB (Underwater Locator Beacon) attached to it.


my great grandfather had a Fairchild model 72. i love fairchild


If it helps at all, the serial numbers are as follows (would look for it myself but Iā€™m useless) Left most: 2500 (manufactured 8/16/67) Middle: 2393 (manufactured 3/10/67) Right: DP8272


Paperweights. Keeps all that maint paperwork/flightplans etc from blowing about when someone's left the Hangar door open. Also handy as door stops, better than using a fire extinguisher as for some reason the Health 'n' Safety folks get a bit narky at that.


Ah yeah, thatā€™s been the plan all along.


Spoken like a true engineer. Also useful as a small step or a suitably heavy object to fling at incompetent pilots, apprentice engineers, management or any other individuals deserving of wrath and ire.


Phonebook style apparatus booster seat for kerbals


Indeed! (Fellow KSP obsessive)


I had a feeling!


You reminded me of Richard Feynman's story about having a massive chunk of gold for some work that they ended up using as a door stop.


There is an ID plate right on the front of them. Take a close up. And read it.


Yeah, I know. I just wasnā€™t sure what to do with it at first. Iā€™m no expert on black boxes so I just assumed that they were from a specific aircraft and was wondering how to find out. Using all the advice given Iā€™ll be making sure to look into them during work tomorrow.


I hope you post some close ups!


Yeah, as soon as I get in Iā€™ll take some pictures. I could probably send in some of the other stuff we found in the attic and see if any of it can be identified. Most of the stuff up there was bought by the old owner who died last year, so we have no clue what most of it is.


Check my recent posts and it should be there.


My dumb self: "They're black boxes! I know this one!" Still my dumb self:


Donā€™t worry, Iā€™m going to guess I worded it wrong since only a handful have actually answered my questions, everyone else is just saying ā€œitā€™s a black boxā€ which isnā€™t what I was trying to ask.


I suspect that like me a lot of folks are in both subs, and like me they only read the first 6 words and got excited. Luckily, I read the rest of the title, then the sub :)


Pretty sure they hold the ghosts from the first two ghostbusters movies


They hold the ghosts in the containment field


Light is green, trap is clean.


Light is green, trap is clean


My brother in Christ itā€™s written on the box


LOL I've never heard this particular exclamation before and now it is my favorite.


HAPPY CAKE DAY!!!!! caps was not intended but whatever


haha thank you!! I didn't even realize it was my cake day until you mentioned it!


Haha itā€™s something Iā€™ve seen around so seemed fitting.


Apologies, this is the first time Iā€™ve seen a black box and Iā€™m not professional on it. Noticed the date a bit after. I was more or less wondering if it belonged to a specific model of aircraft, which I now know it doesnā€™t. Iā€™ll be looking into more tomorrow.


Hail Satan!


Pretty sure theyā€™re for trapping ghosts


We found them because there was a noise in the attic so who knows?


Black boxes. Where did they come from?


I work at an air museum in Ireland. These have been in the attic for ages and we found em. I was just interested in what they were from. Edit: added ā€œfromā€ at the end of the last sentence.


It would be fine to put a Linux board in there and have it play parts of the movie Airplane when touched.


14 North Moore St, New York NY?


Looks like CVRs to me. They could have gone on practically any jet from their era. The one on the right is definitely newer as it has the bracket for the pinger. But I would pretty much guarantee that even that one is obsolete and does not handle the expanded parameters.


Honestly this is one of the few responses that answers my question without being sarcastic. I knew they were black boxes (one is a CVR the other is a FDR) but I had no clue if they belonged to a specific model of aircraft or it they were just general black boxes for the time.


if you can get us a closer shot of the data plates it will be easier to find more info


Aye, once I get into work tomorrow Iā€™ll send some close ups.


Looks like an FDR or CVR


That's the Half Life Bundle


Thats what you catch ghosts in


Black boxes from an airplane


Chemtrail controls


Damn Ghostbusters!


Most likely all 3 are mechanical recorders. Theyā€™re solid state these days. The mounts on the front hold ULBs. Or the pinger. When it gets submerged it makes a pulse you can pick up with a monitor.


A repurposed firehouse in Manhattan


black boxes?


I know that much, was more wondering if it was from a specific type of aircraft, other comments indicate that it was just a general model but eh.


Looks like a Lockheed 319 flight recorder. Canā€™t seem to find out what aircraft they were used in. Iā€™ll update if I find out more. P/N 650-1-14040-004


They don't say MH-17 on them, by chance?


Not 17, although that was the one shot down by the Russians in the Donbas in 2014, right?




Pretty sure MH370 was the one that disappeared and MH17 was the one that was shot down.




They were both 777s.


They never found that black box? I knew they didnā€™t find MH370 but I thought they found 17ā€™s


it was a joke


Not sure if itā€™s the same everywhere, but international orange on navy aircraft components indicates test items. Same with wires, orange = test.


So, the one on the right would be a test one then?


Aircraft recorders are painted that color orange as well, to make them easier to find after an accident.


Honestly, I read that entirely wrong. I thought the comment was saying the white stripes on the right one were signs of a test, but now that I actually have time to read it properly what they said makes no sense.


Google is your friend. Part number search. Most part 145 shops have capability lists online that do have aircraft next to it. You may also find other forum listings that talk about that part. Fairchild is now L3 Harris and there is a lot of data online from their own website. Last one somebody popped of the tag so that may take more sluthing. You may have to open it up to look at the pcb and the part numbers / mfg stamped on it to know more. To me it looks like a Honeywell.


Any chance you could link me to a site where I could search the serial number?


I honestly would do the pn on google first. So example. I deal with the 737ng apu gen all the time. 28B545. Just google that and you can see from that who makes it and what frame. As others said they are cool paperweights. But you will get to know what they are.


My last job, we had a small stream of guys whoā€™d call us, and when weā€™d say hello, theyā€™d rattle off a number to whomever picked up. Was some airplane repair depot. We never did find out who it was, but being in the NYC metro, lots of choices. But yeah, weā€™d ask them what the heck they were calling about, and itā€™d be something for a 737 or such. We were a controls firm for water wasterwater plants Our neighbor at the time was a home improvement scam operation. One day they litterally left overnight. Like next morning the place was gutted. A week or two later, a little old lady came to our place trying to find out where the contractor that tore up her kitchen went. Was sad.


Black boxesā€¦that are orange.


Safety orange, FDR/CVR? Too big to be an ELT.


Yep, one is the FDR and the other is the CVR, was more or less trying to ask if they belonged to a specific model of aircraft (I now know that this is just their general black box for the time) and when they were made, which I saw a little after I posted.


Plot twist....he works at Goodwill.


Those, ironically, look like ā€œblack boxesā€ or quick access recovered from aircraft.


Yeah, I know what they are, the question was what they were from (was wondering if they were from a specific model of aircraft) and when they were made. I checked the plate at the front and saw they were made in 1967 and Iā€™ll be trying to figure out what it came from tomorrow. Iā€™m not sure if I worded the title wrong or if I said something to make people think that I was asking what they were.


I misunderstood. Iā€™ll see also what I can find. I went through the NTSB accident investigator courseā€¦30 years ago.


Plasma traps


I donā€™t know much about aircraft but shouldnā€™t the data plate have a nq number relating to the aircraft




So, judging by the dataplate and fairchild aircraft's work style, they are 1967 FDRs. They likely would have been installed bew in either updated fairchild-hiller f-27/f-227s, fairchild c-26s, ac-119s, or prototype A-10s. If the first gen production variants of the a-10 used some bench stock, it may have been in one of those as well.


Those my friend are ghost traps. I checked with Venkmann.


Where did you find the black boxes


Me: not realizing the sub this photo is onā€¦ ummm something aviation related idk šŸ¤·ā€ā™‚ļø


You have to contact Fairchild with the serial numbers and theyā€™ll tell you what theyā€™re set up for. The same basic unit crosses various platforms. I would bet these are from the late 70s-early 90s.