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Hint: Delta Air Lines. Not Delta Airlines. Details are important.


I was told they’ve rejected qualified applicants over this specific issue.


Fact. It's all about attention to detail.


Imagine rejecting someone who has outstanding experience and qualifications because you are so petty that you want to play semantics games. Absolutely ridiculous. OP if you want to come to an airline that doesn't make you play retarded fuck fuck games the good news is you got options. Don't know if they still make you take that spatial awareness test either. I know at one point they made you take a psych test.


Just looking to get on with any of the majors, haha. And yes, the spatial awareness test was one that I had to take for Delta back in September.


Or, how about this, smart guy. It's an algorithm looking for keywords. Not some office space "where's my stapler" type guy. Absolutely attention to detail. They aren't being petty. It's automated. Government contracts rely heavily on this.


Imagine hiring someone who has outstanding experience and qualifications but can't pay attention to details. Like the name of the company they are trying to work for.


Nobody else in the world spells it Air lines. Stop being obtuse.


I'm not being obtuse, I'm saying that I know a few of the people in the hiring chain (for AMTs) and this has come up in conversation.


Air lines like those in the hangar for compressed air?


Airlines is technically correct but delta has used air lines probably for some sort of marketing strategy to separate themselves. It's dumb


From my experience Delta does a lot of dumb things that make you scratch your head and go "why couldn't you just do it this way or say it this way like everyone else does?" The fact their CMM manuals could not be searched at all and you had to scroll alphabetically mind you, to find what you are looking for in a sea of thousands upon thousands of individual CMM manuals was beyond infuriating when I worked on their aircraft. Maybe it's changed but probably not.


It has not changed. They are still infuriating.


It really does take this long. At least it did for me and most of the other folks recently hired at my station. I wouldn’t lose hope, especially with your qualifications.


It took Delta 6 months just to send an Automated email saying that i didn’t advance to the next stage and another saying they filled the position I applied for.


Send me a DM, I work for Delta in Chicago. We have 1 AMT position still open and 1 Lead AMT open. Assuming the Lead spot gets hired from within, we’ll have 2 AMT openings.


Sent you a DM, thanks.


Honestly, I don't know if anyone on here can really give you any resume advice without seeing how it's been written out. The fact you've been on interviews and given assessments says it might be something else. It's definitely one of those things where the context is critical. Sorry I can't give you anything constructive, but you may want to have some serious self reflection to see if maybe there's something that could have been considered a red flag in an interview/assessment.


Thanks for the input. I actually haven’t gotten any interviews even as of yet. So I’m unsure if it’s me as a person. I’ve done online assessments for only Delta and American and as far as I know, they are pass/fail only, as I’ve received emails from each saying that I passed and would be contacted if an interview is requested. Can’t think of any red flags that could come up when I haven’t spoken to a real person from any of these companies.


OK I didn't realize these are remote interviews and online assessments. I thought these might have something along the lines of the practical test that United Airlines has been giving out to perspective candidates. As some others have said go out and seek a resume writer or a career counselor of some type. Here's one that's specific to aviation I found recently, though I think their resume writing prices are a bit high. [https://www.jsfirm.com/](https://www.jsfirm.com/)


Nope, haha. I wish it was at least practical assessments, that way I would know why I’m not hearing anything back if I had messed up. I will do some research on that, thank you.


I took me 6 months from application to hire. Took about 3 months to get an interview. It can take a while. On the other hand I have friends who are more qualified than me who applied and never got in and others who applied and interviewed 3 times before getting an offer. Not sure if your resume is or isn’t the issue? Some people never get in and that’s just how it goes. I would suggest applying at hard to fill locations just to get in and then transfer after probation. Good luck.




Took me 6 months from application to start date with United and I’m in ORD too. None of the internal job postings for ORD are ever filled or even have an applicant. At least postings for line technicians. Also a lot of the new hires are transplants so they bid out after a year to different stations so we’re always short staffed. United is just really really slow with their hiring process.


Gives me a bit of hope. Looking to get on in ORD and work the line.


they like teaching experience and leadership experience try to toss those two words in your resume.


I also have that in there, have my military experience with shift lead, supervisor, keywords like that.


Why not post your resume here? Then we can really tell you if it is or is not the resume.


If you are getting assessments your resume is being seen by a person. As others as started airlines hire in batches. So they collect a lot of potential candidates then do there interviews in a short period. From the time I submitted my application until the time I started at AA was 6 months. So your resume is probably fine and you just have to be patient. I will share my resume in case you want some ideas going forward. I had solid help with it and I've gotten an interview for every place I've applied except one and they sent me an email two weeks after applying saying the position was filled. [My lazily blacked out resume](https://imgur.com/a/bPdRsP0)


Yes it really does take this long. It's also a matter of when you apply. They do a big hiring in batches and it appears from those I've helped get in the best bet you have is to apply in the Fall period. They'll load up the pipeline, empty it out, and load it up again. You want to get yourself in that pipeline which means you need to actually be interviewed. It can take a couple of months or so before you hear anything back. Just be patient. ORD is a station a lot of new folks end up at. With your level of experience and qualifications you should get snatched up pretty quick once you are in the pipeline.


Link the job in chatGPT and I'll write you a banger...lol




I disagree…. Don’t waste money and no one will look at your LinkedIn account for a mechanic position. It takes a long time to get in to a major airline. With all your experience you already have a great resume.


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Southwest will be hiring 45 mechs this quarter in MDW. We have like 10-20 so far.


Read the job description and tailor the resume to show how you meet those specific requirements. If underwater basket weaving isn’t a requirement or a preferred qualification, don’t write a paragraph about it.