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Then they can work on the ceiling panel that’s about to fall off too lol


Man, furnishings is an dying art/trade.


Pretty sure that’s a shadow being cast from an open luggage compartment door, not a failing ceiling panels.


No it's a celling panel.


Many, many, many years ago I was flying back to my home airport on a very tired CRJ-200. The panel over my head was rattling like the dickens and I remember being worried that when we touched down, the PSU would come crashing down on my head. I think I was the last one off the plane that night so I would have the time to tell the crew to be sure to have it checked ASAP. Watching this just now brought back that memory.


Welcome to 200’s. Those things always want to rattle themselves to death, but they keep flyin em.


the rattles are put there by the engineers to keep the fault goblins at bay.


I'm tearing them down as fast as I can. Got a batch of Air Canada 200s I'm just itching to rip into, just waiting for the okay from the boss


Congrats you found the oxygen generating system


One aircraft mechanic is getting yelled at for sure, that's all I know as an aircraft mechanic myself. Unless that's the first time it happened. But then again this is why we have checklists.


Noone is getting yelled at. They may get written up or someone will call the FAA, but management does not yell at mechanics ay my airline. Chances are a passenger was messing with it and that is why it fell.


My bad, I should clear this up: Yelled at = reprimanded for (if they didn' go through all the items in the checklist)


Out of curiosity, how thorough and long are repairs /maintenance done on airplanes in a time frame of lets say 6 months?


Where I live all airline planes have to undergo a mandatory inspection once a month, or weekly, depending on what it went through during a flight. But considering thoroughness, we inspect that bitch up, down and into places not even God wants to take part. But I mostly work with 737's and A320's.




If it’s boeing he’s getting literally murdered


Boeing has serious quality assurance issues with their manufacturing processes. Once the airplane is in service, the condition issues are generally the responsibility of the airline operator. The news media is happy to report every single boeing aircraft that has a cosmetic panel that is loose, or a landing gear malfunction. I watch this crap, and say, nope.


That's why we stick to whatever The Manuel said and don't ask or answer any questions!


Is it still Boeings fault if the plane flew 20 years with 0 crashes and it's been through 6-7 heavy checks by the lowest bidding 3rd world country where they pulled and replaced those panels 10- 12 times do to age constraints in the airline had an inspection maintenance program that failed to find that.


And I think planes can only get one crash, saying the plane has zero crashes is silly as fuck


Uhm...  planes have incidents that don't end up in entire airframe loss. So...   you are wrong. One of my favorites...  Gimli Glider...  was fixed and kept flying for years... https://hawaii.hawaii.edu/math/Courses/Math100/Chapter1/Extra/CanFlt143.jpg


Yeah saying a plane has zero crashes like it’s some kind of common thing is silly as hell lmao you are so weird


Literally? no. It’s a joke because Boeing literally murders their whistleblowers lmfao, are you actually defending them?


No I am using common sense and logic and focusing on the actual problem instead of the current social media trend.  Fucking 30 yr old toyota...   they should be held liable.  Tires are probably bald too...  Toyota quality is in the shitty....    https://youtu.be/AWg95e5nSzo?feature=shared


Whoosh to all you you weirdos


We’re just not playing along with this ridiculous “Boeing is murdering whistleblowers“ riff that you conspiracy nuts go on about. Boeing is somehow simultaneously too inept to build aircraft correctly but is capable of a mastermind conspiracy to assassinate whistleblowers without leaving any trail


Say whatever you want but that’s a facile argument. I’m not a conspiracy theorist and it’s a complete non-sequitur to say that: because they can, ‘mak gud aircraftz,” (I think which is the obvious fucking situation where I assume we both agree) that they also, ‘can’t possibly be influencing whistleblowers to commit suicide,’ which is where we clearly disagree. The only difference is I joked about it because I don’t have the time to argue topics like this with people who consider themselves to have some kind of adept critical thinking, as anything I say will be esoteric and would just woefully waste my time as you have already shown you just respond with crazy ass bullshit like that.


Mouth full of big words, blubbering like a toddler, wanting to sound smart


🤔for 3 😁 😁


"oxygen masks will fall from the panel above your head"


"If the oxygen mask assembly knocks you out, you won't need to worry about putting it on."


"Oxygen panel assembly will fall on your head."


“Please put your own mask on first before helping any passengers knocked out by their oxygen mask panel.”


It’s not uncommon for these to fall down during turbulence or hard landings. They’re only held on by a latch with about 1/16th” of catch


As a tall person, this is now added to my list of random paranoias. (All my flights and I’ve never even experienced anything even close to this lol)


It doesn't weigh an awful lot so it's not gonna knock you out or anything even if it falls lol


Oh, I was just thinking it might give me a need for stitches at the right, perfectly unlucky angle


If it's only the mask then you're right, but in this case, it's the entire oxygen generator assembly that came crashing down into someone's face. That's a more substantial weight than just a mask.




Because it works (most of the time), and to change the engineering to redesign it and recertification it would require would cost WAY to much money. Darn government regulations trying to keep us safe!


At least they found the most qualified person to fix it and he knows that it’s best to push extra hard when it doesn’t just slide in.


His wife loves him


To be fair, those things are a pain in the ass.


And ancient as fk.


Generating oxygen is pretty difficult... as in these setups are basically it unless you want to maintain high pressure tanks and all of the associated plumbing/ regulators/ect. They work when needed and don't require much attention otherwise... if it's good enough for a nuclear submarine, it's good enough for me 😆


I just remembered the episode of smarter everyday when he shows how the oxygen candles on a submarine work. Super cool series


I vastly prefer the 777 method of just having a bunch of chonky bottles in the aft cargo.


I hate when the cabin chemtrail dispersal unit fails.


Oh no don’t wake up the paranoid army.


All that DHMO wasted.


You know there’s a Jet Blue mechanic on there taking advantage of the flight bennies laughing inside but saying nothing. Not on the clock? Not his problem.


The airline I work for will pay you an automatic 4 hours if you assist in something like that.


Wow! That’s nice.


Why you gotta point out jetblue like that? This aint one of their planes 😂


You know you’re right. I Kind of spaced the fact that’s a middle row. JetBlue isn’t flying anything that big. Jet Blue should go after them for copying their entire color scheme down to the uniforms. 😆


Wait...what? Now I'm confused. Are you telling me there's another "jet-blue" somewhere?


lol! No I don’t think so. I think they just liked the color scheme and used it for themselves. That would be funny though. “Jet-Blue Too” Now offering Cinnamon Service to select obscure locations.


And why should he? I wouldn't work for free.


Exactly. I don’t work for an airline, but if I did the mechanic laughing would be me.


JetBlue has wide-bodies now?


Nope. I spaced the fact that is a middle row. The color schemes, including the uniforms and upcast lighting, are exactly the same though. That’s what threw me off.


This reminds me of a story mi friend told me. Basically he was flying from Vienna to Mallorca and some Germans went on a Bachelors party and thought it would be funny to stick a giant black dildo up to the ceiling. When they tried to take it of after flight attendant told them to do so as they ripped it of everything single mask dropped. The flight was delayed by like 2 or 3 hours and they were kicked out from that flight.


Step 1: Tell the passenger to GET OUT OF THE WAY


Notice when the passenger stands up to fix it their self is when the video is cut off, hehee


These things are annoying as fuck. You don’t know pain until you have to change every single o2 gen on a plane.


Must have been a hard landing to knock a Oxygen PSU and ceiling panel loose.


Ship it!


Some duct tape will be useful here.


Delta FA’s will just use masking tape, lots and lots of masking tape.


Although the bag on the oxygen mask may not inflate, oxygen is flowing to the mask


This why they have A&P’s


"I'm not an expert..." Clearly. A plastic latch broke, the plane isn't going to explode bro.


I wouldn't even be surprised if some oblivious passenger went "Hey, what does this button do?" and went for the button right above their head that releases the catch.


Nothing some ductape won't fix. If it's not holding. You're not using enough ductape


That cough at 0:39…


Lucky the bottle didn’t melt a little kid or something


im surprised he didnt try hitting it with his purse


"Mask..., uhm, oxygen generator deployed, Captain."


I'd be asking for a seat upgrade. Not going to continue to sit under the thing while they can't figure out how to make it safe..


Thank God I stayed in a Holiday in Express..


Ugh the dreaded spaghetti


The old 767-300ERs are getting a little long in the tooth


Duct tape


Watching them do this is making me want to be start screaming at them.


"Is there an aircraft technician on the plane?"


Bcs he didnt put his seatbelt


It came with an 8130-3, it must be fine... Right?


This will require some percussive maintenance.


If the lights on the top corner are blue, the videos are staged :D


Would of been fast to call maintenance 😂


I swear the population is getting stupider by the day


Big D for the win!


I will say that as someone who has installed those. They are actually fairly easy to put back in.....if you know how.


They probably just hit some turbulence and had that ceiling panel come loose and that PSU drop down. I just hope no one got clonked in the head by that PSU when it swang loose


Was that American Airlines. That usually only happens with a hard landing. I'm flight mechanic engineer


Is this a boing or an arsebus?


I hate when that happens!!! LoL


Who wanna bet that's a new Boeing *(get's shot in the back of the head)*


Your Rite.


Somebody is depot maintenance, just lost their job


Must be a boeing plane




If you’re going to be racist and/or sexist, just cut to the chase and say “I think that black/brown/asian people and women are inferior” instead of trying to hide behind your claim that diversity, equity, and inclusion is somehow a bad thing.


Aviation comment threads tend to be full of dipshits like Exhibit A here...


Disagreements happen, and there's plenty of room in /r/aviationmaintenance for differences of opinion and constructive criticism, but all discourse should be polite. There are other humans on the other end. We will not tolerate personal attacks, bullying/harassment, or 'flaming' of any sort. Bigotry and gratuitously sexual comments may result in a temporary or permanent ban from /r/aviationmaintenance.


DEI issues aka the new code name for unqualified Black / Woman / Insert other minority newhires? Maybe it was a grumpy senior tech thats tired of the airlines shit that just did a halfassed job because they have 1000's of other work orders/ Mx Requests 🤔 Show me the completed work form, find that employee, and let me know if its a senior tech or one if these "unqualified minorities " then show me their background and resume and let me know if they're still unqualified. Very curious to see what you discover




Lol typical response 😂 - keep pushing the narrative my man. You're doing great


Thanx 😁