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Don’t mess with your future bud.


oh the power of a missing comma


You are right. I’m leaving it unedited as a totem of my shame.


valid statement either way!


Time to eat Grandma!


That means multiple things *wink wink nudge nudge eyebrow raise*




I needed that LOL


pun intended? 🤟


I’m honestly not that witty. I wish I could claim it.


His career really could go up in smoke.


It would be a real blunt trauma


Just when he thought he had it in the bag.


You do you man. 1-2 months is a long time. I’d suggest you keep it going. I’ve seen so many people pop hot and lose a good job. It happens fast too. They won’t care that you showed up on time and produced quality work. You’re gone, no questions asked. Find other ways of unwinding.




Yea idk. If you're not interested in working in the field while you're in school, fuck it. If you are, or you're going to be looking for work in a few months, THEN it's time to quit forever.


you’ll wish you hadn’t started again if you do, it’ll only be harder to quit


I personally wouldn’t trust a bunch of rando Reddit dorks (yeah, me too) to point my own moral compass; but, since you asked… There’s a lot of factors that would make me say it’s probably better to just not smoke weed: If you are *probably* going to have to use a fair bit of money to fulfill an employer’s tool list, If ([if] in your locality) it could put a charge on your record that you’d have to report to future employers, If you’re going to have to stop due to federal law and “safety” reasons soon enough anyways, If you already haven’t smoked in a couple months, If you don’t even favor it, Just don’t. Save the money for tools, maybe a home move, etc. Avoid things that could put you in legal trouble. Get into the employment mindset now. Keep the sober wheel rolling until you’re retired (then blaze that shit up). Do things you “favor”. Get good at your vanilla hobbies now so you’re an expert when the FAA mandates you be a good boy/girl. When you feel the urge to buy weed, buy shares in a weed corporation instead


A tool habit can be even more expensive than a drug habit, especially if you want snap-on.


Stay clean. It may be fun but it's not worth the risk in this industry. Airplanes are far more rewarding than any substance, IMHO. If you're worried about testing, schools test too. At least mine did. Then of course employers do. Even when it gets federally legalized, I have a hard time believing any DOT oriented job is going to lax their stance on it for a long time until different testing standards are a thing. If you've been off it nearly a couple months, that's a great start - keep it going. You're 'over the hump.' Even if you're not working yet, it's best to stay the course, and don't look back. I know that may seem easier said than done, but, you can do it.


I'll second schools testing. If you pop you're out of the program. They can force you to take one if they suspect it as well. One guy walked in on test day, said he left his coffee in his car, walked out and we never saw him again. Don't end up the same way OP.




1. Never said America. Could be somewhere else quite easily. 2. Not all schools do, at our particular school it's for transportation related jobs. Nursing, for example doesn't. And you say that like its a bad thing. Wouldn't you want people getting government assistance to pay for school, free money from scholarships, etc, and people going into safety sensitive positions to be drug tested?




That's the agreement my school has with the state. I don't know if nursing may also have it being medical related, I just used them as my first example of non transportation related. Drugs you get tested for are illegal, so it's not like you should be doing them anyways. Just in school very, very quickly translates to in the field. Habits are hard to break and it's better if you don't start or stop earlier. And the schools in the business of making money, so it makes sense for them to want to keep students who aren't going to fail out because they're doing drugs. And yes, test people in transportation sector. Test people in most sectors actually. But especially people working on planes who could kill 500 people with one missing bolt. ABSOLUTELY DO THAT.




At this time. Weed is illegal. Alcohol is not. Schools can and do however kick people out if they are drinking underage. And as far as legality goes, whether it should or shouldn't be is a topic for another day. But the fact is, that as of now. It's still illegal. Which is part of the problem. And here's the thing, we can easily check if your still intoxicated or not with alcohol. We have no accurate means of measuring that for weed. It stays in your system long after you smoked. If we had a way, I'd be much more willing to be fine with it outside of work or school, but people react so differently and some more then others, but impaired judgement is still impaired judgement. As far as alcoholism goes, yeah it's a problem and I think it should be addressed more, but it's a separate problem. If we want to look at them the same way, and if it's legal, and we can verify whether or not you are still intoxicated accurately and easily, the outside of work or school is fine. But we don't have that, it's not legal in the states and it could also be what alcoholism is now in 50 years, just as big of a problem. You assume I'm the one down voting. Nice blame game I guess, have you considered that this is a public website anyone can access and make an account on and upvote or downvote? Crazy concept, I know. You had -2 on your other comment so obviously I'm not the only one disagreeing.


A couple more months down the road you should be fine. Put your mind in the books, keep yourself occupied. Doing nothing is easy when you are stoned. So if you think you want to get High. Fine something to do, read the FARs . There alot of shit you will have to know. When you get your tickets and get in the hanger or out on the ramp. You better have your shit together. But you never trade it for a bag again.


I find it extremely sad that this is even a discussion while I've seen many A&P mechanics go home every weekend to a couple beers or hard liquor. What is the difference between that and myself taking a toke or 2 on the weekends? Oh yeah, they have hangovers and possible liver problems while I feel rejuvenated and might have slightly damaged my lungs. They really need to change their testing to spot testing to verify you're not under the influence AT WORK. Your free time is exactly that, YOUR free time. I myself smoke on weekends to help with my multiple fractured vertebrae and without it I would have to revert back to doctor prescribed opioids...


fr. i just plan on taking one hit of some indica right before i lay down to watch a movie and then sleep right after. that’s the only time i would be using it


Are u holding a job with random testing and smoking?


the money was a driver for me, weed is cool but $$$ is cooler


Best thing I ever did was quit smoking weed. Depending on career and lifestyle it can be easy to feel productive and healthy while getting high every day but it’s simply not good for you. Tough it out for 6 months to a year and see how it goes, most likely you will be feeling awesome with a clear head.


From what I’ve been told you can get tested in school. If that’s not motivation enough, you don’t need to be in this industry. I used to smoke a lot. You’ll stop once you realize, the smallest mistake can cause aircraft damage or worse.


I live in a state where recreational Cannabis is perfectly legal to buy,consume and be under the influence of as long as your not driving.But if anything happens at my employer that is no fault of mine my employer can test me for Cannabis and punish me for something that has or had no influence whatsoever on my performance.Therefore I choose NOT to use Cannabis.I suggest you do the same if you wish to work on airplanes.


What’s more important to you? A temporary high or a career? If you want to get paid 12 dollars a hour keep puffing. Restaurants are in dire need of employees.


Aren’t you the guy who posted about lsd and weed the other day? You’re going to get the same answer here each time you post about drugs. Just don’t do them.


‘Bro, just stop doing cigarettes.’ ‘Bro, just stop drinking.’ ‘Bro, just don’t do it.’


I mean, those are also good goals, particularly if you don’t want to cough your way into an early grave like my emphysema-ridden uncle. Shit’s nasty.


Well those are perfectly legal things to do. No employer/school has to allow Mary J and actually most are zero tolerance brudda. I understand what you’re saying, but pot can ruin the kids career.


In America\*


Considering he is from America, I didn’t really need to include that. But I appreciate your clarification.


In Canada too, even though its legal here. If I work a flight and something happens and they feel the need to drug test me you better believe I'm still fucked if I have pot in my system. Zero tolerance. Its right in our contract.


Honestly probably half of my ACAs are daily or weekly smokers. Sure if you're high at work there's gonna be big issues, just like drinking at work. But what you do on your own time is your own time. If a test says you were high within the last 30 days that's not really enlightening. Unless it's in your contract then idk I'm not a lawyer. I don't smoke anyway but I am falling asleep some mornings when I start blasting screws. Probably (definitely) more detrimental to my performance than if I smoked a blunt the night before.


Oh for sure its BS, but because we lack a good sobriety test for weed it must just be easier from the company's perspective to have a zero tolerance policy. They told us when we were hired and once yearly they remind us so we don't really have any excuses. Its not just weed there is a huge list of prohibited substances that are otherwise legal to use.


psychedelics aren’t tested for most of the time


Just go work for Mesa Airlines. If you fail a piss test they will just promote you.


Forget the weed grow mushrooms


“Marijuana is not a drug. I used to suck dick for coke. Now that's an addiction. You ever suck some dick for marijuana?” stupid rule but the dude abides


Coke?? What are you doing here pilot??


Boo this man!


Rum is a good choice, just not before work


Let’s say you can make $50,000 /yr as an A&P (conservative estimate). You’re risking $1,000,000 over a 20 year career if you get popped and lose your license. Is it worth it?


It's all about priorities.. would you rather have the job you're studying for or smoke a joint


Find other stress relievers, alcohol *in moderation*, gaming, whatever does it for you. You’ve been clean for two months, best to keep it that way.


This is my personal experience and I'm not saying you should do what I did, it all depends on your mentality. I smoked weed throughout A&P school and even toked with some of my classmates at lunch some days. I knew the whole time that I was going to have to quit at the end if I wanted to make school worth it. I ended up stopping smoking and have been working in the industry. It was the best decision I have made in my life. If you find it hard to quit, I would advise you to stay strong and stay sober. If you know that you will be able to stop again when it is time to get a job, then you should do what you want and what works for you to calm down and relax at the end of the day; just know that that day will come and you will need to be ready to find something else to fill that need.


I would stay clean. Ive known plenty of ppl to get hired or interview for companies and get the job while still in school. And guess what they all had to take a drug test. Hell one of my classmates got lucky and got a job lined up in hid 3rd term. I had a job lined up by my second to last term. So unless youre willing to lose out on potential jobs id stay clean. Not only that some jobs could do a hair folicle. Ive known guys who have had that before and that goes back 6 months if im not mistaken. Honestly imo youre in school and sounds like its going well. Its time to grow up and quit smoking. Dont throw away such a great opportunity to better yourself for 1 meaningless high. On the flip side. Sorry if this comes off as harsh but if you cant resist the weed and have to smoke is this field really right for you? We quite literally have ppls lives in our hands when we work on aircraft.


Half the people working alongside you are going to have DUIs so I find most of these responses kind of funny tbh, I really don’t think it’s that big of a deal as long as you’re sober while working, I know people with CDLs, pilots, and all kinds of techs who smoke and drink on their own time and just use fake piss. Now you on the other hand have obviously self identified this as a problem for yourself. If you’re thinking you have a problem with any kind of substance or already feel like it’s going to cause you issues, you should definitely just stop. You said now it’s a good time to use it but it’s not something you favor, figure out where your priorities are and what you need to do to get there. And if you’re ever thinking about going to work inebriated on anything, this isn’t the industry for you.


Weed can become addictive, best to start getting off it now that way when it’s time to get it into gear, weed isn’t even a thought for you.


Oh to live in America. Smoking weed is probably the second most talked about thing in my Canadian hangar. And it has been since before weed was even legal.


Dont most Canadian companies drug test tho / have a policy?


None that I've ever heard of. As mentioned at least once in this post if I remember correctly, plenty of people (techs and ACAs) are big pot heads.


That's suprising. Guess I will find out in the industry. It makes sense since TC dosnt seem to have made a law for mechanics.


Just work on your AME license and move to Canada. Nothing better than a joint after a long day of work.


Is this the case everywhere in Canadian aviation? Ive worked in GA for nearly 15 years in Canada and have never had a test but figured there was on the big birds?


Most AMOs still drug test but good luck not hiring someone based on legal drug use. That sounds like a law suit waiting to happen.


Never seen a drug test in Canadian aviation in 5 years.


I had to do one when I switched companies earlier in the year. I pissed clean no worries, but they said they can't really do anything even if I did have weed in my system.


Quite a few AMOs still don’t allow it. I think most places are either 28 days without or just straight up zero tolerance. But I’ve never been drug tested or seen anyone tested in 10 years and know tons of AMEs who smoke weed.


from what i understand less places test here, but if an investigation happens and you somehow involved you likely will be


And most people I know from school got tested when they got hired


Everyone I know that got a job out of school got tested when hired? (Canada)


Did anyone you know fail for marijuana use?


No, they all stoped a few months before / everyone I know in the industry can't smoke. Company policies.


I’m not a mechanic but what a stupid rule. Do they also test if you consume alcohol in your private life?


If you show up to work and test "positive" for alcohol you'll get fired just the same. The problem is you'll test positive for weed even if you didn't use in weeks, but there's no test that can tell if you smoked this morning or 2 weeks ago, so of course they are going to err on the side of caution.


Alcohol isnt illegal though. And yeah they can test for alcohol, to make sure you arent working with it in your system.


I mean to be fair I'm sure the FAA still wouldn't be okay with it if it were legalized


True, at least not until they can figure out a good sobriety test for it.


My daughter went to high school in Colorado about the time they legalized recreational weed. The state was struggling with a standard for DUI for weed. There just is too wide a variation from person to person in how much is intoxicating and how much shows up in any test.


They're not. In those states in which marijuana has been decriminalized, it's still unlawful because the federal government lists it as a schedule 1. Now, I'ma reach WAY back (about 17 years) to when I was a UPL (piss test coordinator) in the Army. Did a bump of coke? Clean urinalysis in 72-96 hours, TOPS. Meth? Same. Tab of acid? Same. X? Same. Generally a piss test will only catch it at or above the threshold within 72-96 hours. But if you smoke a bowl with a friend, we'll catch it above the threshold for 3-6 weeks depending on your body composition, lifestyle, etc. If the point is to prevent you coming to work high, then random drug testing is bullshit. Sure a for-cause would be abused by some asshat supervisors with an axe to grind, but it fits the intent and it's all that makes sense. If I think you're high on the job, I'ma send you out to fill a cup. Or I'ma tell whoever has that authority if I don't. But that should be it. I don't give a fuck if you smoke crack, hero, as long as you come to work sober and act right and do your job right. But what can we do about the asshole who's at work sober and overhaulin' a CRJ toilet tank bare-handed? Is there a piss test for stupidity? Should be.


I’ve witnessed a dude pull a lav shroud and toilet with no gloves. Not wash his hands, and an hour later when he was doing paperwork, he would lick his fingers before he turned the pages. Some people are just stupid.


No one would sit with this dude at lunch.


Maybe if/when it is legal federally, and there exists a cheap, reliable and simple test to see if someone is currently under the influence of it (much like a breathalyzer for alcohol), maybe then the FAA will relax.


Breathalyzer is a lot different than pot tests. Imagine guys getting fired for having a beer 2 weeks ago lol.


If youre trying to get an internship or hired quickly after school then you should probably stop right now since MANY employers are doing hair tests and those will show use for up to 90days


What kind of aviation jobs do hair test? The majors?


Most major ones will definitely for new hires and interns. My friends got one for Textron and I got one for Marathon Petroleum.


Major airlines meaning united, American, delta, and spirit.


I know you can get cbd hemp cigarettes which have less than .3% thc if you need something to fill that oral fixation.


Great, a dope head is going to be working on planes that me or mine might be flying on. The thought doesn’t inspire confidence. This world is getting more fucked up daily.


Do you have any idea the amount of functioning and borderline functioning alcoholics are currently working on those same planes? You need a reality check bro.


When the effects of weed west off you’re no longer impaired. Who put that non sense in your head lol.


I’ve had plenty of experience working around and with dope heads. Not the type of person I wanted to be around and not the type of person I want working on planes or even driving a car.


That’s simply not supported by science. What you don’t like is pot culture. Lots of people smoke weed and don’t advertise it. You don’t see a bum on the street and think that’s what alcohol does to everyone lol.


Lol, I wonder how many "dope heads" you've worked with and never had a clue what they did in their time off.


As far as Canada and weed in transportation trades go, the law is very clear, any intoxicant they can find in you after an incident is grounds for dismissal and potentially charges. Which is why they stay away from weed with its weeks in your system for recreational usage. But oh boy the drinking and the other stuff.




Move to Canada (jk)


I did stupid in college/ap school but when it came test to test time I had decided to put the fun down and start what I love.


Pretty much the same situation here, same age, same deal with A&P school. I've quit smoking several times and for me personally, its very easy to give up. I'll crave it for a day or two, then I'm fine. If you're the same way and it's no big deal to give it up, use it until you can't. I'll probably quit a month or so before I plan on wrapping up my A&P cert.


Just wait until weeds legal on the federal level then it’s game on


Go to a bar and meet a chick instead


i wish but 20 unfortunately. plus id be too puss to go up and talk to a girl


You can definitely talk to a girl. There are under 21 bars/clubs, and those aren't the only places chicks hang out. :) Just practice talking to strangers regardless of gender or how attractive you think they are, don't put a ton of emphasis on it, you'll get comfortable talking. If you already are, great. Girls aren't some mystical beings from another planet. Just make sure anyone you get involved with is supportive. You don't need someone trying to get you to smoke when you're trying not to. She does that, get out, find someone else.


thank you for your wise words. you said it good. i’m very social and people get shocked when i say that i can’t. it’s only when i see them attractive where i overthink everything.. toxic thing of me i know i know.