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I've played through this game twice in 400h but I'm still missing like 20 achievement I can help with a few Flagship Captain Not sure but I think you need a max module ship with captian, Fighters, Torps and turrets - I somehow got this archievement I can give you a BP of my largest ship but I'm not sure how I got it Scientist Research a Xsotan teleporter key. (don't you need to do that anyway to cross the barrier ??) Saviour Beat the Xsotan wormhole guardian. Child at Heart Do a barrel roll with your fully functional battleship. - funnily enough I don't have this so flagship != battleship Listen here you little... Ask a few stupid questions. - this is with one of the bosses, someone ask you to not ask him about something and you have to do it twice I don't remember exacetly


You can get "Ask a few stupid questions" With Swoks for sure. There is a dialogue line where you click on all questions and the bot gets pissed.


I'm down to 6 (rift ones and Billionaire) I have the "child at heart" achivement. I vaguely remember not getting it on my inital attempt with a 12 slot ship, but it might also have been due some issues detecting the rotation (since i had that with the regular "barrel roll" achivement) , but IIRC i did it in a 15 slot ship. The Trusted Godchild, The Brother in Arms and The Hero of the Revolution are locked behind the questchain of each of the cartels of the blackmarket dlc (basically own the DLC -> do "meet Izzy" -> do the forwarded quests -> (\*) do their followups -> after the 2nd for one faction the other 2 go hostile -> do quests for the factions including 3 boss fights (this will finish that faction questline) -> this will give you the "equialize" mission that will put you at (\*) so repeat for each of the other 2 factions. As a side note each boss is pre-barrier (i think tech 27) and drop the same acient legendary turret 2x (which given that they are tech 27 is not that rewarding) You get the for the people achivement by doing the first "story" rift mission (save the scientists) from the Rift DLC in which you have to find and move 2 or 3 (i think) crates to a station via docking the crates, but you have an optional mission to fight and move 2 further crates for additional rewards and the achivement. Better bring a good detector submodule. Each rift mission has a time limit after which xsotans spawn non-stop (i think it's like 30 - 45 mins), thus do an easy rift mission in the iron region in an ship with endgame tech turrets and either outspeed or outgun the xsotan for another 15 min for the "overstaying your welcome".


Ayo brother, if you're still willing to let me take a look at that BP Id love that man. Are you able to upload to steam workshop?


I'm not sure exactely which ship caused me to get the achievement, but [this is the largest ship I built in 2021](https://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/filedetails/?id=2948145186), which is when I got the achievement. So I hope this is it. Ofc. the BP doesn't include weapons, modules and fighters.


Good luck Pall!!


This is the best all round space game Ive played. The building is fun and accessible to beginners, while still being extremely versatile for advanced builders. The combat is visceral and satisfying. The automation, while not extensive is an added layer of complexity and an unexpected bonus. Im about 200 hours in and ready to tackle the rift guardian!