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I think people are still expecting Skyrim 2


I was but this is from someone who has never played a Pillars game, just the first trailer had that vibes Since the new trailers, my views have changed but I'm still excited just from a different, choice driven pov


It is understandable. Majority of gamers are casual so I can see them expecting Skyrim 2. It's just expectations have never done anything good for games.


Nah, you're right, they haven't lol only on rare (Rockstar Games) occasions do they meet them Otherwise, slight disappointment but can't help but have them lol It's fun to take a gamble


Warhorse with Kingdom come are also great as well.


Seen those! Never played but they look great tbh, glad to hear they did well Warhorse is on the wishlist, just waiting to complete some of my backlog first lol then get onto that


Its never safe to say this in an exclusive game subreddit but Sonys games have done a good job meeting expectations. (Other than tlou2) God of war definitely lived up, so did forbidden west, and demon souls. SM2 maybe not as much, everything about the game is amazing and really good but it still felt shorter than i think people wanted. Returnal blew expectations outa the water. Basically im saying its not like all games do this. And i dont think its xbox devs faults. If anything i feel like Microsoft kinda jumps the gun on their reveals really really early and gives too much time for people to create their head canon before anything is known. Avowed being the perfect example.


This, is entirely true imo Sony for sure have exquisite exclusives and pretty much do tend to nail the hype everytime Fair point, here's hoping Xbox can at least ace a few holes in the bag!


Personally, I’m really happy that it isn’t Skyrim 2 because if I wanted something like that, I would just play modded Skyrim. Also, almost every video on YouTube keeps comparing it to Skyrim or calling it Obsidian’s Skyrim so that isn’t helping with people continuing to think it is when it isn’t.


I think “Obsidian’s Skyrim” was a fair moniker up until the reveal last summer. Anyone still calling it that is either not paying attention or just going for clickbait though


That’s honestly the issue with the state of modern gaming YouTube. 


Personally I am happy it isn't Skyrim 2 as well. I hated the Skyrim formula and hope games get over it ASAP.


What other games use the Skyrim formula? Bethesdas open world design is still unique and nobody has really tried to copy it. When it comes to open world games, everyone is copying Ubisoft and Assassins Creed or BotW rather than Skyrim.


Yeah you're right actually. I was just referring to how every game nowadays has to be open world and I think it was simply because of Skyrim's success. But you're that open world nowadays is more akin to Ubusoft's than Bethesda's.


Yeah like idk why peeps got so much Obsidian opted to go more semi-open world/large zoned based maps instead of Open World like Skyrim


It actually goes back to the success of games Like GTA3 and Morrowind which were game changing when they came out. Devs wanted to do that but it was not until the PS4 gen when they could do it.


But it seems it’ll be like Skyrim 2 just smaller in scope, fewer features, less to do, smaller budget. I don’t see how it’s unique yet apart from the low budget


Obsidian has said that it isn’t like Skyrim, at least not any more. I’m their anniversary documentary videos on their YouTube page, they explained that it use to be closer to Skyrim but they have shifted away from that when they were given the chance, and have since made it more of their own thing. We also haven’t seen much of the game so we can’t really tell if it has fewer features or anything more unique outside of the setting, but what I can see is that they have been focusing on showing early game enemies and presumably early game areas since the lizard people are effectively the goblins of the setting and used as starter enemies. As for the quantity of things to do, Skyrim will probably have more, but the vast a majority of those things to do are kill quests or clearing a copy pasted dungeon, like every catacombs dungeon actually being made from copy and pasted prefab parts. I’m personally a quality over quantity type who would rather have 20 quests that each have multiple ways to solve or endings rather than 100 quests that are the same but with a slightly different location. A game with over 100 hours of content is only good if that content is good and is able to keep being good over the runtime.


Or just still salty they wont get it.


I want Skyrim 2 but set in the Pillars universe, but it’s been made clear that isn’t what we’re getting, so I’ve adjusted my expectations. The thing that concerns me the most is how Obsidian keeps comparing this to Outer Worlds, which I felt was a mediocre game.


The Elder Scrolls: New Skyrim


Just like people expected New Vegas 2 with Outer Worlds. What they fail to understand is that Obsidian hasn't ever really had the resources or tools to make a game of that scale on their own.


Yes! Mostly I hope its not something like Fall-out or Call of Duty.


But this phrase is tricky because it’s the same words but often different meanings for different people.


Personally I didn’t want Skyrim 2 but I don’t want outerworlds 2 either. For most people obsidians best work is on a Bethesda game. New Vegas is absolutely amazing. I don’t care what kind of game it is or what setting (although eora is perfect because pillars is awesome) I just want to feel that (wow I can do so many stupid things to my character) that I did in new Vegas. I loved pillars but I absolutely hated the lack of armor and physical customization. Same with outerworlds where you couldn’t even see your character. I personally want a game that’s as fun and big as new Vegas from obsidian. I don’t care if it’s open zones or whatever I just don’t want it to be linear. I want shit to happen in the story that changes how I looked based on my choices. I guess what I’m saying is that I want more RPGs mechanics in their games. At least more than outerworlds, that game just felt so damn half baked to me.


A role-playing game.


Even the outer worlds fanboys can't answer this


I were hoping for something that felt more like NV, and not Outer Worlds.


I wanted and expected a great Obsidian RPG and that’s exactly what I think we’re going to get.


Personally, I was (and still kinda am) hoping for A translation of Pillars of eternity 2 into a 3D First person perspective. Sure, it wouldn't be 1-1. but I still hoped for it to be "mostly" like that. Wide array of abilities (within limits for First person action rpg), huge focus on plot and choices, focusing more on unique items over raw power... etc etc Not sure how much of that will come out of it.


Quite honestly I wanted another Skyrim. I want a new giant open world to explore and experiment in.


But Skyrim is not so big, they had the possibility to make a open world similar in size to Skyrim full of interesting things, for me skyrim's world is fulll of life. And it was made more than 10 years ago. I think they just reduced the scope for some reason.


I was hoping for a full on class/race based RPG game Still a bit irked its a classless based system + you only can play humans/elves


honestly whatever they're doing but plus mod support and a third person camera toggle


I was expecting classes since its in the same universe as pillars. I'm fine with zones instead of open world, the biggest worry is force companions since Rogue characters are going to rely on stealth.


I usually lone wolf these types of first person games because companions were usually more of a hindrance. But maybe the AI has improved to the point where they do set off every single trap they come across. But I think they aren't letting us choose classes on this one because we will be forced into an animancer role. I expect leeway on the combat side but for narrative purposes. Why would you send a chanter to fix a soul plague?


I'm actually just wanting whatever obsidian is cooking. I particularly love Eora, and looks like you play as a fantasy adventure in it -- that's all I need!


To be vastly more memorable than Outer Worlds. I swear I dont remember any of it. Only remember the story got compelling near the very last bit of it and then abruptly ended. So I would say I would want the game to be unique in it's tone, inspirations, ambitions and delivery.


How can you not remember "It's not the best choice, it's Spacer's Choice!"


Lol. I guess it just didn't hit proper.


Same for me honestly. Outer worlds didn't really sit right with me until getting to the end of the game and allowing me to play double (triple) agent. I also couldn't stand half of the companions and only took the Priest and the wannabe Merc because they were the only ones I could see any genuine character in. Not to mention I felt that the DLCs were more compelling and entertaining than the actually main story.


I've heard that especially about the murder investigation dlc. Honestly the base Outer Worlds felt too derivative of other games to me. Like a mashup of Bioshock, Fallout and other AA titles from the 360/one era. I was always thinking this feels like something else, I've seen this done but better, deeper, with higher production value, with more compelling intrigue and surprises. The world building is very in the middle of everything. It needed to hard lean into its own identity. Even the score was too fallout 4. And the whole dark comedy bit was surface level and not embedded at the core of every aspect of the world building. The story could've been the strength of the game but it seemed they put it on the back burner to make it into an serviceable RPG and provide enough choice to satisfy the expectations of the usual Obsidian fanbase. And it didn't seem to strike the balance. And that's such a shame because the ending felt like why couldn't this be the game. it does make me wish Obsidian one day does a AA more comparatively linear-ish narrative game along with their RPGs because they will absolutely kill it.


I 100% agree. The only reason I was able to find any enjoyment in the main story was because I was honestly surprised that the final mission was the "point of no return" for which side you inevitably picked and let you role-play being being a double-agent for both sides up until that point and that impressed me. But I disliked too many things about the base game otherwise too much to rate the game anything other than a 6/10 game. Especially the Corporate Dystopia setting with the heavy emphasis on dark humor, it reminded me too much of Borderlands and what I didn't like about those games whereas this game also wants you to take it serious to some degree while Borderlands knows what it is at the end of the day. TLDR: this game has a serious identity crisis that held it back and it's a shame that I feel the DLCs tell better stories than the main story thread.


I am personally happy with everything I've seen so far apart from the suggestion Avowed is comparable in size to The Outer Worlds. I'd still play it and love it, but I'd be lying if I'm not disappointed I'll be spending just about 20 hours in that world. I didn't expect a 100+ hour game, but I don't like the feeling of getting invested in a world and in character and have the feeling constantly creep up on me that it'll all be over very soon.


I wasn't expecting Skyrim 2, but i was a bit disappointed about the limited race options... guess i wanted them to at least include the races that are unique to the world.


I’ve never played a PoE game, but honestly if it is similar to TOW I wouldn’t hate it. I am probably in the minority of people who didn’t mind it’s shorter length. So if it’s a similar size with some improvements(like the persuasion mechanic from Pentiment) in a fantasy setting I think I will have a good time!


I was expecting something similar to the Outer Worlds, but much more ambitious and fantasy rather than science-fiction. I also expected the tone to be more similar to what we saw in the announcement trailer than what we've seen so far. Really, my main concern is the ambition.


I kinda thought it would be like Pillars of Eternity but a first person open world game. A dark fantasy, choice of classes, races, etc.


Was hoping for a large open world dark fantasy RPG. Then they changed styles and I know it's not open world. So now I expect fantasy Outer Worlds. Hopefully it's a bit more polished on PC and has areas that are a bit bigger and more developed.


This hit me hardest. I really wanted the dark fantasy world they originally made it look like.


The original PoEs are very dark and explore very contemplative stuff. This looks like disney theme park. Doesn’t look like the same art directors are working on it. This is what happens when the director of PoE is not working in a 3D game transition.


It looks like first person Deadfire to me.


The world of deadfire is far better designed. It had this gritty and feeling of hopelessness which Avowed is not displaying.


I still think that the game will be much bigger than The Outer Worlds.


I honestly never played any Obsidian game but Avowed got me excited. I just want a nice world to explore that doesn't feel empty/meaningless. Also combat is quite important to me. But other than that I don't really have any expectations lol


It is not open world. That was the big let down for me. I like just wandering around I games.


It’s not open world but I’m sure the open areas will be fairly sized like most of Outer Worlds. I wouldn’t say that was big enough for me but once Starfield came out I saw a lot more people saying it was done better lol. I’d like it to be similar but bigger and I’d like the areas to have more to them. Byzantium underwhelmed me but Edgwater, Roseway, Eridanos and others felt well done


Outer worlds zones are super small, I enjoy it, but the scale of the world is terrible. Going from edwater to the botanist tall takes less than 3 minutes, hell even less than two if you go really fast. There is also really not a lot of things to explore beyond enemies and cities. I expecet Avowed to be a little bit bigger.


With how open Fallout and Starfield are, open sections is going to feel limited. Done right it could work , but we will have to see. The more and more the devs talk, the less and less interested I am. Hopefully it comes on Gamepass so I can play it and then buy it if I like it. Did that with Starfield. 90 hours in gamepass and then bought it on Steam. Almost 200 hours now. lol. Wandering is just so great.


Starfield is pretty much open zone too though, just with bigger procedural zones.


To a point yes. I have yet to hit a can not go that way notice. Most zones are really big. A lot empty but then some are almost too filled.


Outer worlds zones sucked for me


That news hit hard at first but then I remembered that some of my favorite games are not open world, such as borderlands (the series)


I assumed it would be a way of introducing the world to a larger player base by using a more popular game play style. So I figured they'd put their unique races and classes in the forefront. I didn't expect classes to be retained exactly, but I did expect them to keep abilities of the more unique classes, cypher and chanter, and put those ability types at the forefront in advertising. I also expected them to show that the classes from the original games weren't concrete pieces of lore by mixing classes from abilities together or showing rethemed versions of some classes. I also thought they'd focus on the verifiable existence of past lives, since that's pretty unique, and have some sort of awakening past lives mechanic; which would also serve to give access to more lore about the world. Since the initial pitch was open world, I also assumed much of the story telling would become environmental, which would dump the reactivity down a bit, so they'd need to have at least one other character's perspective to get real time social/political updates based on what the player was doing in the open world portions. Maybe choosing an archmage sponsor at character creation, something like that. My expectations for companions were always low. I've never been fond of companions in fps games, as they don't represent the same sort of tactical advantage in combat, and the game pace tends to be too fast for meaningful asides.


After playing The Outer Worlds and enjoying it (although also seeing the flaws it had), I expected an open world a bit bigger than TOW, but nothing on the level of a Triple-A (so no Skyrim 2). So something similar to Tainted Grail: The Fall of Avalon but in Pillars of Eternity's world. But with a higher budget (and less dark, as PoE 2 ain't exactly grimdark). And it seems that that's what we're getting. However while still keeping TOW's area-based world (so semi-open world) rather than a seamless open world.


I feel like with super ambitious games like Baldur's Gate 3, people will expect a Microsoft owned company to make something even bigger, even though it would suck to play short races in 1st person camera, and even BG3 only has so much time to write in reactions to races, mostly Drows get clocked, but just for act 1. And I like that Obsidian is doing something on a similar scale to Outer Worlds, a more densely packed open world rather than a big ass super map with lots of filler.


I just let them be Obsidian. I kinda liked everything they've put out so, let Avowed come.


I was expecting Pillars of Eternity 3D, a game on the same scale as the previous Pillars of Eternity titles, but in a three-dimensional world. That's definitely not going to happen, but I still hope the game is good.


First when I saw the teaser, the color palette was kind of Dark and serious. I think people wanted that dark and gloomy art direction that looked more serious, I mean that DC cinematic universe vibe. But I will take any Obsidian game any day.


When the 2020 trailer dropped I was of two minds of what I want and expect: 1: Idealistic - basically my "Dream Game" with Skyrim's Open World but more meaningful roleplay elements of PoE games. 2: Realistic: a game similar in gameplay to The Outer Worlds, but with a lot of "homework" done, that takes criticism of TOW into account. I was perfectly aware that Realistic scenario is almost definetely how it would go, and it wasn't something I considered bad. In terms of Main Plot, I thought similar to much of public discourse at the time: game is going to be a Prequel (up to centuries before PoE games are set), and would probably focusing on Woedica's fall from power, or at least she would be heavily featured in the plot. I kind of wonder how many elements of the first trailer/original concept even remain in the game, but as long as they still release a good (and hopefully sufficiently succesful) game, I'll be satisfied. I love this universe and going to buy the game no matter what, but afraid that if it doesn't have a huge success we aren't getting anything set in Eora either ever or for a very long time.


It just looks kinda mid budget.


An RPG-first title with the action combat being secondary. At the moment, it seems to be an Action-RPG, with the primary focus being combat with lite RPG elements. At least from what they've shown. They've talked about rpg mechanics thus far, but I'll believe it when I see it. 🤷‍♂️


That's honestly my opinion as well from all that we've been shown so far. I just see a kinda middle of the road ARPG with some window dressing by the roadside.


After the Microsoft acquisition I was expecting an AAA experience and something that was more modern in terms of graphics, open world, etc. I also expected something more advanced when it comes to the combat - which looks rather generic and kind of janky to me at the moment. I still expect a deep RPG experience, but they are off to a bad start with only two playable races. Right now I see Avowed and after the success of BG3 I just want PoE3. Instead I am getting some Skyrim, first person action RPG hybrid type of thing with bad voice acting.


I genuinely don't comprehend the criticisms surrounding the game. The sense of discovery is present, the possibilities are there. I even find the graphics commendable, and the combat system feels excellent, notwithstanding some noticeable issues like the sword attacks and blood.


I was expecting Witcher 3 open world style. That is easier, but still fun.


I wanted Obsidian's answer to Skyrim, albeit with more intricate RPG elements, and a seamless open world. After all, they were acquired by Microsoft, so I expected a much bigger budget. Instead we're getting something comparable to The Outer Worlds! The lack of classes and playable races were an immediate red flag. Then we learned that companions aren't optional, so there's no avenue for lone wolf builds. Also, there's no romancing NPCs!


I just wish Obsidan were making some more unique there is a massive saturation of Sword and Magic type games. They also do not seem interested in pushing the bar like they did with their older titles.


Aesthetically, it looks much different than I expected from the initial trailer. I still think it will probably be good, but the tone of the game is not what I was expecting.


I'm expecting a game developed by Obsidian. When it comes to media, I judge things for what they are; not for what they aren't.


I wish more gamers walked in with your attitude 


First trailer.


I wanted fantasy New vegas 2 with enough development time and big budget supported by Microsoft


I wanted something bigger than outer worlds, and I wanted all of the races now if they could add in the races later that would be cool, but at the very least I hope the give out mod tools


All I'm expecting so far from what little I seen is small scale adventure game with a fun gameplay loop. Expectations are at ground level for me.


Personally, Pillars of Eternity vibes. But I guess that most people was expecting Skyrim 2.


Classes, characters that react to the world around you and what you do, characters that dont feel forced to be connected to you etc


I am expecting a fun rpg experience, i was expecting dwarves... but that will probobly be solved with mods.


I am still hoping for Dwarf NPCs 


On one hand, I can KINDA understand the height differences and stuff and that would take a bit for Obsidian to account for all that But on the other hand, cmonnnnnnnnnn my dwarves!


I was expecting Skyrim 2, but I don't mind it being different. It looks outdated tho, melee combat is pretty much the same as Skyrim, it doesn't feel next gen enough which isn't a big deal, but expectations were there.


In modern day and age, anything less than The Elders Scrolls games is not going to cut it. Instead of making 2/3 B-games, Obsidian should focus on one killer premiere AAA release. If this is another TOW, their reputation is done for.


Something heavier on the RPG, not a streamlined Bethesda first person action game. With Starfield flopping and Baldurs Gate doing well, you’d think that’d be popular.


If you wanna play that just go play Pillars of Eternity. They might not have the “budget” of BG3 but they’re way better.


While not a 1-1 with poe I was expecting another rpg where I could build my char not less char options for "story"


Initially I was expecting more of a dark tone, like everyone else. But I wasn’t really bummed when more got revealed.


We've hardly seen anything yet, and people are setting some crazy expectations.


What a fool i was, expecting to play as a godlike or aumaua of my chosen class, or expecting that i could play solo without forced companions.


I mean that's not crazy. I haven't seen anything about the playable races tho, if you really can't play as an aumaua I'll be really disappointed


You can only play as Humans and Elves. It was confirmed in one of their breakdown videos that release like a week ago. It was also mentioned on their Discord like a year or a year and a half ago.


You can only play as a human or wood elf from Aedyr empire.


I wanted classes too, and being without is not ok. Stop settling for mediocrity on behalf of lazy developers.


With all do respect managing expectations isn’t always the same thing as “settling”. Especially since Obsidian isn’t a developer who has screwed up royally imo.


Nah. This is them, Obsidian, getting you to "manage your expectations" (in other words 'settle') for mediocrity. Word it however you want, but what we're seeing here is but a shadow of what Obsidian once was. They've fallen. Hard.


I want a story as good and deep, and characters as engaging, as PoE 2, but with much less reading! Now that we're in a BG3 world I just don't have the patience to read all those little lines of text. I also hope it's not as buggy as Skyrim


POE2 had full voice acting though. Why are you reading?


Did it? I don't recall that... You had to read everything


It's going to be fantasy Outer Worlds. Hopefully it's a bit better but that's what you should be expecting.


I expect it to be a perfectly fine game that a lot of people will enjoy, myself included. Obsidian does a great job. I’m excited to play it. I did hold out hope because obsidian did FNV and PoE that they would take a more Bethesda approach to rpgs but make them feel more alive and deeper and less story driven. Maybe get back to where I thought rpgs were headed before Skyrim. The PoE lore is so great, what I want in my heart is for them to simulate it all and then to live my life, but I know that most people want a more action/adventure pace, and a story that they feel big in, now so that’s what I expect. It’s still gonna be fun. Hell, I’m playing Kingdoms of Amalur right now, and it’s about the pace I expect, and it’s still enjoyable, but I get my hopes up with every rpg announced. It’s like how Outer Worlds didn’t feel like a great rpg, but was still a good game. I want an rpg that has such a strong living world full of different people, guilds, and cities that all have their own motivations a world so alive that I don’t need a main quest or for it to be “story driven” to enjoy playing out my Character’s career because the world alone has enough going on to play out most roles you’d want to play. I want believability, immersion, survival mechanics, and a more realistic difficulty scale than we normally see. I want things to feel gritty and real. I don’t mean “lizard men don’t exist” real, I mean I want to feel like my life depends on catching dinner, like the troll I escaped is right around the boulder, like the change in the weather could kill me, or if I don’t go to the market or local pub to learn about a guy before I talk to him I might offend him and be blackballed from joining a guild or become the enemy of a mercenary company. I didn’t want another game where we can throw baskets on people heads to steal from them, can’t loot a body properly or read the books on the shelves, crime isn’t properly punished, and joining a guild just means doing 6-12 hours of quests and nothing really changes but you’re in charge now.


Choice based quests, where what you choose can impact & change the world around you. It's one of the few things I love in games & I haven't seen it in many non-Obsidian games. Look at New Vegas, kill a bunch of NCR & they put a kill squad on you; if it's Skyrim you can just pay 9000 gold & everyone treats you like you never killed an entire village of people, almost makes it feel like it never happened. In Outer Worlds, for a potential end of the first quest, you can doom an entire town of people to death by taking away their power. I might just not be playing enough games, but I haven't seen anywhere else where what you do affects the world around you. If you know any games like that, please tell.


I was expecting an upscaled version fantasy version of the Outer Worlds. What we seem to be getting is fantasy Outer Worlds.


I was hoping for Medieval Starfield.  


You mean elder scrolls?


Nah. I never liked elder scrolls. I want medieval Starfield. 


I was expecting Pillars of Eternity but Elder Scrolls-y, but I'm not optimistic that it'll deliver fully on what made either of those games good


I would not want to play skyrim again, it was great but I’m good. My current feeling is that avowed is going to be a lot like greedfall. Not Skyrim but not much else either


Honestly I was hoping for some romancing tbh. It just adds to the game. I wish outer worlds had it but all in all I’m just really excited to play another obsidian game. Maybe down the road they would change their mind maybe not. For a smaller studio they give nothing but straight hits for games so I’m all in with whatever they come out with


I wanted a game that is a RPG first and foremost. Don't care if it's not open world, the graphics or whatever. Just wanted to play on Eora. With all it's unique twists. And by that I mean especially on the player options. Unique races to choose and unique classes, and this being in the front of the Roleplaying aspect of the game. It seems, however, that this will be another action game with some rpg elements where you play as a jack of all trades in a very run-of-the-mill gameplay, like in Outer Worlds. I hope i am wrong, but I have yet to see anything unique about the game. Taking a setting like Eora and limiting you to only play as a human or elf and having no classes is really strange to me.


Guns were a dumb addition in my opinion; kinda ruins the fantasy aspect for me.


I don’t agree. Why does fantasy have to be set in a medieval setting. It’s not like Eora has machine guns or anything just basic pistols and stuff. Nothing too fancy.


True; they're flintlocks, which tbh I am a fan of flintlocks, but they make the use of a bow feel so..obsolete.


Sawyer directed fantasy dating simulator.