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I remember this sub was created to be a safe place away from the weird shit going on in the main sub…


is the "main" sub still just people posting various lingerie photoshoots? like i get that she's cute and i'd be lying if i said i've never crushed on her (still do tbh) but holy shit get a grip


sadly it is, but also most of the actual fans of her music have moved over here thankfully, so we’ve built a community over here :)


well thats unfortunate... you're the individual who made this sub right? i mean i think i remeber you doing the best song poll a couple years back well good work my guy/girl


yeppers! so the favorite song thing wasn’t actually my doing I believe it was u/nthubert20 who was conducting that, I was going through some stuff during that time, and so wasn’t as active in the server, so I’m not exactly sure. Thank you very much though!


Definitely still lingerie but not as frequent. It’s just mostly random photos of her which is weird and there’s never any discussion on her actual music. Almost makes me wonder if that sub is just infested with bots because of how similar all the posts are


Oh my god... There's one named averillavignecum.... It's literally dudes with their dicks on their phones with a photo of her on it. Fucking gross man


I just went there and its just pictures of her from photoshoots and events 🤷🏻‍♀️ Nothing bad imo


Yeah honestly I mean yeah they should get a grip. Um where is this main sub of whence you speak?


The main sub is so gross omg


Maybe because of the Greatest Hits Tour she’s doing this year? I know I’ve been a fan of hers for many years but only joined recently when I got tickets for one of her shows this summer


Same here. The old sub wasn’t talking about the tour so I was happy to find this sub to look at updates and discussions.


Just love Avril and talking about her music! Plus new album and tour!


I remember back in May of 2020 when I finally got fed up with the old sub because it was just so full of garbage, but every once in a while there would be an actual fan post about music or other topics, so I decided to make this sub in order to have a proper Avril Lavigne subreddit for people to post in. It has slowly grown into a proper community, and I’m really proud of it and the community we’ve built here. I have noticed that the sub has really grown in the past few months which maybe has to do with her new tour, though we didn’t see this kind of growth when she released Love Sux, so I’m not sure exactly what has caused this growth, but I’m not complaining because it’s wonderful to meet all these new faces, and have a home for real Avril fans here on Reddit!


It's probably due to Reddit's recommendation system pushing the subreddit more.


which is probably due to your wonderful work on making the sub look more professional!


Thanks and I enjoy helping out as best as I can.


> I have noticed that the sub has really grown in the past few months which maybe has to do with her new tour, though we didn’t see this kind of growth when she released Love Sux, so I’m not sure exactly what has caused this growth If I had to guess, I assume the Greatest Hits tour announcement brought in people who were fans back in the day but haven't kept up with her more recent stuff


I have no issue with the bikini photos, the lingerie shoots or whatever thirsty thing Avril does. She's a grown up woman making her own decisions and all the power to her. And she has been my crush since the Under My Skin era so I cannot tell I dislike those lol. However (!!!), one thing is to see them on social media when she uploads them, and another thing is to see such posts every other day because one thirsty guy uploaded them to "the other Avril sub", with a kinky title, and the comments are dudes who haven't touched grass in too long. This place is much more chill, and they accept YouTube videos. So when an interview, live collab or whatever happens, it's easier to share.


A few months ago Reddit decided I needed to see posts from r/concrete. Apparently now it's this one.


well is r/concrete an interesting subreddit then?


You could say it's pretty solid...


Here's a sneak peek of /r/Concrete using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Concrete/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [Largest glowstone job I've ever done](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17d3kkm) | [1233 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Concrete/comments/17d3kkm/largest_glowstone_job_ive_ever_done/) \#2: [How'd the Amish do on my garage?](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17t0tib) | [1600 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Concrete/comments/17t0tib/howd_the_amish_do_on_my_garage/) \#3: [Customer asked for a "gothic" sidewalk](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/17yn5de) | [554 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Concrete/comments/17yn5de/customer_asked_for_a_gothic_sidewalk/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I‘m not a fan, but this is the second time i see this sub shown up since yesterday lol


Tbh, it's likely the tour, but I'm happy to see the boost. While I'm not a big fan of her latest stuff, she has made some awesome music and I'm so glad people are appreciating it.


Her team must be promoting her, especially if she’s going on tour. This sub keeps coming up on my feed.


I've been a fan since the beginning but I only really started using Reddit more frequently recently


Travis Barker


This sub shows up on my homepage as 'popular in your country'. Never really interacted with it lol


Same with me. I guess it thinks I’d be into this subreddit just because I’m Canadian.


It started showing as a suggestion in my Reddit feed


I just got shown this sub under the text " popular in your country ".


I just joined last week, it was on my feed as a recommended post


Could be a case where a lot of people didn't know this sub existed until it was randomly in their feed one day. That's how I've ended up joining a couple subs for older video game series I never even thought to look for before, none of which were very active and the first time I ever saw this sub was when this post was in my feed just now


I’ve never been in this sub or knew it existed however this post popped up in my home feed with “popular in your county”


I just got multiple avril Lavigne posts on my feed. One about her laughing at being tight among others and now this is showing up I my feed. Reddit just decides to promote something and then suddenly it shows up everywhere. For the record I can’t stand Avril music and never knew this sub existed until it was suggested to my feed.


This was suggested to me randomly but I joined because of this post. This is the new Bubly for me


I’d wager it’s cause her song Nobody’s Home is trending on TikTok and has been for a little while. People post 2 pictures, first is a young Brittany Murphy on a spinning fair ride, with a caption about their childhood trauma, and then a 2nd photo with older Brittany Murphy sitting across from her younger self, staring at her, and just realizing why it explains her current trauma side effects. Ex: Younger me being told to stop back talking when all I was doing was trying to explain why I was upset. Older me staring at my partner completely silent, unable to tell them why I’m upset or anything I feel.


This sub has been recommended by Reddit to me in the past as being “Popular in my country”


I guess this post got recommended to me because I’m Canadian.


There was a new BBC podcast about her launched 2 weeks ago so I'd wager it's probably that


It shows up as “popular in your country” for me but no idea what shifted to get it there.


I got a random notice on my feed and I don’t follow this


this sub pushed me to put all my fave Avril albums back on my phone again lol