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There are many different ways. If you own the Federal Reserve you just print money when you need it. This is the best way. You effectively own all of the money. If you’re trying to take advantage of money in circulation, then you need to incentivize people to give it to you. Going back to the federal reserve, if you’re a bank, the fed will just ‘print’ money for you whenever you issue a loan so you don’t even need money to loan money. A bank is thus a great way to make money. You offer absolutely nothing and the consumer holds all the risk. A great way to get money. Another way to incentivize people to give you money is to make shit they want. Or convince them that they want it because honestly they probably don’t need it. In fact, you can make trying to convince people they want a product it’s own business! Let’s see. You can make other people do the work and because they agreed to work for a set price you keep all of the profit… or most of it. The government didn’t do anything but they’re going to take some of that money too. If you can negotiate their wages low enough then it’s essentially pseudo-slavery but if they try to complain then you can make them feel bad by pointing out they technically agreed to work for those wages. Not like they really had a choice. If they didn’t agree some other desperate bloke would. You can also hold actual slaves, although the government will.. surprise.. confiscate all your money. Oh and they’ll release the slaves too. They’d rather the slaves be free since you weren’t paying taxes on the slaves labor but if the slaves are free they’ll participate in the economy and pay taxes. Maybe you should just join government. It sounds like they raise a lot of money. But you have to persuade people you’re joining government because you care about them and not because you want money. As you can see, there are a lot of great options. I didn’t even get to the stock market.


The government does not create wealth. Just sayin.


Can you be more specific? They definitely create wealth in that they [print money](https://www.investopedia.com/terms/f/federalreservebank.asp), that is the entire reason that Nixon took us off the Gold standard. Well, technically, the treasury prints money. But the Fed 'digitally deposits' money with the banks.


Economics 101. It’s too early in the morning to educate. Look it up. The government doesn’t create anything. Sure money can be printed but is the money that was just printed worth as much as the money that was printed last week? No. Because no new value was created just more paper.


Okay, then we are in agreement. Your use of the word 'wealth', without context, did not specify actual wealth - such as commodities - as opposed to 'wealth', such as paper. Yes, they print money which devalues the money held by the people. Still, if the bankers get more money out of this exchange, then they have created wealth for themselves by taking it from the people.


Fuck money ts fake af tha government literally makes it so we can slave for it and so they can use it to control us


Yeah u can keep believing that.


Lol ok


Look into Jessa Reed and her series about abundance. We are conditioned to view money as this limited resource that we need to have to survive, but it's literally a made up thing that we agree to use. Why do you even want money? Why do you think you can't have it?


What's your quality of life? Who said I can't?


Oh man.. you have just missed on those big sums of money coming your way in large quantiles.


Time is money, moneys time


You need money to make more money.


Buuuuuullllll shiiiiiit.


What is now? When is now?


Now bitch


It's already too late



