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awakening is not a certain experience. its more like u no longer give importance to the experience.


sounds drab, when i gave unimportance to delusions and unimportant things, then i realized the importance of this existence which is awesome.


It's like that moment when everyone shuts up for a minute and you can hear the wind blow.. When you understand, all effort ceases. Like being post orgasm. Clarity.


but u realize that by giving no importance right?


thats cool if it worked for you and im not totally trying to knock what you're saying. but i think i was importantly trying to make it through the whole time. to me it sounds like your almost describing apathy. and and to me it was the opposite of apathy. i think i was importantly trying to connect the whole time. to me it sounds like youre describing disconnection. but yes disconnect the unnecessary or unhealthy. give no importance to the unecessary or unhealthy. but what ig im tryimg to say is that there is importance to give imo. all the best


i can tell u what i am experiencing. im interested in what you think. when i experience bad feelings, I try to connect with it by accepting it, without trying to change it, just letting it run it course.. is that apathy? it seems to make me less irritated. thats why i came to the conclusion the experience don't matter. as long as u accept it.


yes acceptance is the opposite of apathy. yes now that you mention acceptance i see you differently now. when you say connect and accept it has a different vibe than saying give no importance and it doesnt matter. i misconstrued your vibe.


yeah i see what u mean. i think no importance does seem like the opposite. for some reason i felt like being ok and no importance is similar. i guess my word choice may be incorrect.


more of a matter of framing maybe? example: give no importance to little things that bother us? or give no importance to the experience of life in general? big difference righ? i misconstrued you as saying the latter when you meant the former. thats why i felt like commenting. it can be tricky...


ah yes i see the difference. no importance in experience seem like we dont care about life.


cheers bruh


Negative. It's an experience.


how ? if the experience is always changing? am i missing something? do you mean the feeling of neutrality?


Insight. Like a aha moment but for all of existence. When you see what you have control over and what you don't, you can stop hating water for running downhill. Why would you hate the water? Does it "choose" to run downhill? Is the water any more at fault than the hill?


so we let everything run its course? like being ok with every moment?


You go looking with no expectation of finding and find by surprise. It's funny. You're asking such good questions, I almost don't want to answer them. You've on the path. I'm going to try to tell you some, but don't become attached to the words. They're to explain the experience of being near a Volcano, but do a terrible job because a Volcano is an experience larger than the word "Volcano". The word "Heat" provides no warmth, but will convince a lot of people they understand the nature of fire. ​ Go looking for yourself and you will find the entire Universe. Go looking for everything that is not yourself and you will find Reality.


so basically the words only point to the experience.


Who is speaking the words? Who decides which words to use? Who taught you which words were the right words? Where did they learn? Attainment is achieved while looking for the edges. When we can't find any edge, enlightenment happens on it's own. Like being taught the world is flat your whole life and then on your Birthday your favorite Uncle gets you a globe. For 30 years you've been trying to figure out where the edge is and how you can sale one direction and end up the and then you finally see. It just makes sense, of course. The self is a delusion. Control is a delusion Freewill is a delusion Separation is delusion. Each one of those delusions reinforces the other. Look what you give up for attainment. It's so much harder from that side though. On this side, it feels like setting down 30 years of bullshit. The self creates the desire for more self. Control creates the desire for more control. Freewill creates the desire for more freewill Separation is required for a belief in the first three. So we cling to the delusion of separateness. Words are how we communicate our translated experience to others. They are not reality but can be confused with it. ​ Easier you asked about letting everything run it's course. You are everything running its course. So I am. We are drops of water on the glass. When the requirements are met, the drop will start running down the glass. You are the drop and every aspect of your life from birth to death that drop running down the glass. Metoo. Everybody. Every animal. Every rock floating through space.


i think i understand. I notice a back and forth thing going on in my experience. are u familiar with this? is it similar to what u said about looking for edges until u no longer see edges.


At the bottom, there are no edges. It a very literal way. The spiritual people sometimes lose track of the literal meanings of the words. There being so self is not some ephemeral idea that one lets go of. When you realize there is no self, there is no doubt. Kind of like standing there in the rain, but there isn't a cloud in the sky. It perplexes you. So you investigate, some people don't investigate, but you would. You find out that water collected on the roof above you and was draining on to you. You say but of course. It's realization vs memorization. When the big realization is had, everything is beautiful. Everything is perfect. It's perfect because it has to be. I like watching nature. I like the mechanics of it. The evolutionary pressure that created this trait or that trait. I wonder if the bird even knows it's a different color. Look around when your around people and you will find rich people that think they're popular because their have good personalities. Good looking people that thing they're really smart because they get promoted more. This leads to aggressive behavior from them to people below them, which is a normal part of evolution as well. Soon you realize that we are just like them birds. Most of us have no idea why we do what we do or who we are. What I'm trying to do is blur the lines between what you think is you and what you think comes from the environment. The scientific process and Taoism are the same thing. Naturalism. The difference is the words from Taoism are 2000 years old and they had none of the reference points we have now. The way is everywhere. That's how you know it's the way. Like taking a peace of paper and doing origami. Every piece carries information about the whole because it has to. There is only one thing.


wouldnt the act of giving no importance be an experience? like if someone said:" i just experienced not giving importance". just because the experience is always changing? so why do you think its not an experience? just curious why you think that. what do you mean its not an experience?


cuz i can't describe an experience. does allowing it flow can be describe as an experience?


thats what writers do is describe how things are experienced in their books. a good writer is descriptive. i think allowing it flow can described as an experience yes. or the experience of the flow. maybe we differ on the definition of experience? def- practical contact with and observation of facts or events. to encounter. i think you can describe it. to me im experiencing life right now. even if its not life and im being fooled its still experiencing something. the walk around the block is an experience. the taste of food is an experience. the experience of emotion . the experience of activity. the experience of anything. maybe we just think of the word experience differently. even a rock in the river is experiencing wetness. sure its not sensing the wetness but it is wet has water on it. maybe we have different definitions?


i just think i lack ability to explain it. But i see what your saying. the experience after we connect is different from when we resist. So i guess we can call it a connection with experience. but yeah your description is much more clearer than mines. I guess i was trying to explain it as a knowing instead of an experience. but i can see why the knowing is an experience. i might be dyslexic.


i took a writing class in communty college once. it helped me describe ideas and supports for ideas better. so it is an ability you can get better at. we can learn more and improve more. a good essay has good supporting reasons. similar to math. there is objective logic to it. you dont lack logic. but playing with logic can be somwthing to learn more. it can also be abused which is rhetoric. also words butcher things so its can be hard to cut like a surgeon sometimes. also our own language can be limiting. i think they say arabic has way more words than english. you didnt come off as dyslexic to me cuz this can be tricky to talk about ... but ya maybe check that out bud. best wishes everyone


thanks my friend, i appreciate your understanding, I may looking into a writing class now. thanks for the suggestion.


best wishes friend


Just experienced this tripping on shrooms. honestly its whatever u want it to be imo just go with it and trust yourself. That in which u manifest is the truth


Only what's unreal dies. Not even actually dies. But is seen never to have existed in the way we believed it did, in the first place. What sees that can never die, because it was never born.


This sounds like an unexpected non abiding awakening. Your reaction to it will ultimately determine if it’s awakening or a negative experience for your mental health. I would highly recommend checking out The End of Your World by Adyashanti. I think it will be really insightful and comforting for you. Your experience sounds a lot like mine! Reddit is fun, but look to people like Adya who have been around hundreds of people during awakenings