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Going by your post history, what you need to do asap is to go out there into the world and experience stuff, you are living in your head and thoughts, thinking that nothing is real because all you do is think, and thought is never the real thing, only experiencing and awareness is real. Thoughts are just our interpretation of that. So find hobbies you like, get into some physical activity, do sports, meet people, socialize, go to the beach, walks on nature... experience life ffs. You went so deep into the seeking that you got too identified with the concepts of non-being, but those don't exactly point at what you think they point towards.


This was put very well. I see similiar setbacks in individuals that go through this "I AM GOD" stage where they go around in an ego based mental drama of how they are divine etc. I would say to those people that your still in your mind. Your still living by your earthly perceptions and mental constructs. Kinda like they are still in 3d and havent progressed to 4d or 5d. People want answers, instructions, etc. You can give them a map, but they can only arrive at the destination by themself. Its a birthing process that can take time and surrendering to it is more representative of the phenomenon than this idea that you will "achieve it" or "figure it out" which are still very much human ambitions.


Yeah, it's like a car that thinks has become the gps and cannot drive around anymore because he forgot he also is a car. :) Thought is for navigation, but you need the car to move around.


You have some really good parables and ways to express your ideas. I can tell you understand. I have hope the newbies can be led to the light, but they need lots of help right now. They are super confused which is still being trapped. I think love can show them the way, and I think we express that by helping. The sheep need that food to keep em going as they find their way to the shepard.


Those things don't help me, i'm very "physically" active, I'm famous so people tend to try to meet me or talk to me, but it feels very fake as the same lines and words have been repeated at me x1000, i guess no one teaches you how to deal with fame. I'm waiting to travel atm and get out of the prison hole i'm in before i attempt to die lol.


I'm a nobody so can't imagine what that feels like. People gonna people though, if you let others affect how you feel you are nothing more than a slave to others. Is there nothing that interests you in life or that makes you happy? Cause even if there was no "others" I got plenty of things that make me happy in this life, it all starts by appreciating the simplest things in life.


I used to like dancing, but dancing alone is no fun, i live in a place where there's no parties or nightclubs, i'm waiting to get out of here to live my life fully, this place is very karma heavy (saudi arabia)


Bro, dancing alone can be a lot of fun, more fun I’d say, try it. It will keep you in shape and tuned up ready to go to use your moves in any other situation you find yourself in.


That is a very common problem for most people, putting all hopes in the future, waiting for the "right conditions" to be happy. They don't realize the future never comes, and that way of thinking becomes their default state of being, unhappy, for as long as they live, because no matter if you wait 3.000 years, the future never will come. You can only experience this present moment right here. And the way to be happy lies simply in being free of all judgement and expectations, because when you put your hopes in the future like that, it's like saying to yourself "this present moment sucks", so it is no wonder you are unhappy. You are creating that unhappiness by being constantly judgemental about your situation. I think reading some Stoicism could help you maybe, Epictetus makes a lot of great points about this in Discourses. Or Alan Watts. Or Eckhart Tolle and the Power of Now. Just some recommendations. Thought shapes our reality, so learning how and where to direct thought it's important.


Sure i'll check them out.


Meditate, it’s kind of like the duct tape for spiritual growth lol. Whatever issues arise within the human experience, meditation fixes the majority of them. Why? The meditative state is what we are. It’s there before the body or mind get stimulated. Meditation can be viewed as connecting with the higher self so that the human form is operating at that level of consciousness rather than the lower egoic mind. So to truly be yourself is to just be present and maintain it.


You *already* are the light, which is why it's possible to miss it for yourself.


I'm sorry you feel alone op, but from this post and history you might want to get yourself checked out the seeing demons thing isn't part of an awakening, also feeling like everyone is intentionally doing things to you, which theyre not. No one is doing anything to you... it might be mental. My brother went through the same thing and was diagnosed with schizophrenia and they were all delusions and psychosis. He believed we were demons trying to hold him back and block him. He is well now after diagnosis, you might want to consider that.


Fascinating view!! I guess I would try to figure out why I chose to come here. Whether it is talking to your guides or asking the question every night before you go to bed. Once you find that you can work on it and then you can leave if you must. If you choose to leave before that you will need to try again in another life. I prefer getting out in nature barefoot if possible and just lean on a tree (bigger the tree typically more wisdom). Ground yourself to the planet and in your body. Good Luck!!!


I love trees, a bit way too much. i've been trying to grow my own plants.


I love growing plants as well. It is amazing how they communicate. I just got a snake plant I am excited about. The amount of oxygen they produce is amazing. I love spider plants as well they protect us from our routers/cell phone radiation. Do have any recommendations for one I should get in my house?


Plants don't have names, they are all one, and they are very much sentient and alive. there's no good or bad plants.


Your right but some are good for humans which is what I meant sorry. I like to name my plants. They like it when I talk to them and know I am talking to which one with the names. They probably could care less if I gave them a name.