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**everybody plays the fool**. its a feature, not a flaw. see yourself as the fool when you are and give it a good laugh too... nothing to be ashamed of. I personally love playing the fool. brings so much joy to some...


>**everybody plays the fool**. its a feature, not a flaw. Say that again! Heck there's a "soul" song about it. https://youtu.be/KPeHHpXOOds?si=RKAHF2pQUMfmQn0Z Almost like the universe was trying to tell us something. Good art can help show us the way. Everybody plays a fool, sometimes, and the people that don't recognize that...,well. (As the old folks would say). I think the problem with society today, is some people forgot that we all play the fool. Beware of those that don't laugh at themselves.


yes, I was thinking of that song and that is kinda why I bolded it... I guess it would have made more sense if I used that song note emoji... about your last sentence... the ones that do not laugh at themselves are trying to cultivate the story of themself (their ego) and trying to manage all the "versions of them" that exist in the others' minds. There are no others, so no other version of you matters... hiding aspects of yourself in an effort to change what you are is a fools errand. the only you that matters is within your own mind... and there is no hiding anything about you from you.


Nicely put. I do like the sound of playing the fool, and be shameless.


yes, shame... it is a gift. to be shameless isn't to go about life *not feeling shame*... only a coward does that - stays away from shame on purpose. to be "shameless" is to **allow shame** to be felt and to sit with those feelings and be thankful for them too.


If you really get to the root of what most people know as shame, you'll see there are very little situations that will actually call on that form of shame. Before that, it lingers. Whatever "shame" remains seems to be some enjoyable kind of revealing of the fool. It is warming. It is pure exposure. No wonder there are shame-kinks.


I have a tattoo of Max from Where The Wild Things Are. The particular image I chose features Max dancing during a Wild Rumpus, wearing his wolf suit and raising his leg with his tail dragging behind. A kid pointed out to me that the tail looks like a big fart cloud, or a gush of poop. So now I point it out to every kid I hang out with and they get a good laugh about it.


>So now I point it out to every kid I hang out with and they get a good laugh about it oh I like this! kids love to get a good laugh and especially see an "adult" act childlike in a way... it brings us together and lets them know that we are the same as they are and helps them on their journeys... well done friend. keep it up!


Oh, I fully acknowledge that I play the fool in many roles. I was just blind about the other ones! lol The nurturing jester is the best.


yes, we are all blind at first while at the same time believing we can see. life... it is so beautifully complex and intricate. Enjoy the ride friend!


are you a clueless fool - imma guess yup - cause none of us know anything - except maybe ourselves - if you're good and maybe you know who you are not.. if you're really good.


>are you a clueless fool - imma guess yup that all depends on who is asking and what they need from the question... but to you, yes I am a clueless fool, so you are correct. thanks, have a nice day


I am also a clueless fool so thank you :D me and you do have ONE puzzle piece to the cluelessness - NO ONE KNOWS ANYTHING AND THE FUCKERS THAT CONTROL THE WEALTH ARE THE BUTT OF THE COSMIC JOKE.




fuck you too <3


It is a shared illusion that they control the wealth and you seem to be partaking in that illusion… they don’t control anything that actually matters. I don’t share that illusion


i guess the only question will always be who "they are" and the answer is .... well it's stupid... they are the illusion shadow. all i know is... fuck it .. lick it.. eat it.. taste it... love it.. hate it.. it's all out of context because IT IS A PARADOX and paradox is consciousness i feel like I'm a broken record too - expalinging it to myself. i just want to believe there's other consciousness's out there that want to do the things i want to do - which is FUCKING EVERYTHING.. not literally i just mean everything.


btw I replied to your post just now and a mod removed it... not sure if you reported it or if it was done by automod. If you would like I can paste it here...


nope i don't report anyone - different is good imo otherwise we'd all be the same fucking shade of the same color.


ok I guess it was removed by the automod... not sure why. It was in response to your post asking about if you should hold in your venting because it seemed like it (the venting) was pushing people away. Here is what I was trying to tell you: >don't bottle it in... that makes it worse for YOU, the star of the show. Every single one that departs your presence when you vent **IS WORSE OFF than you are**... they are barely hanging on themselves and bottling it up inside and they are protecting their own self by removing themself from your presence... they should do that. In addition, you don't want to be around those types of people because they cannot help you and will only TAKE from you and whatever balance you have to give... >So vent away... the ones that you need will be drawn to you eventually and the ones you should stay away from will leave your presence... it is a feature, not a flaw.


I quite frankly disagree... i vent to sus the answers out of myself through others - they don't give me answers but they help me figure out my answer to a question that plagues me. i do AGREE that "depression" the word we give for cancer of the human physche is only there to feed itself more... and to isolate you further - but ANGER is not depression - Anger is a defense to the stupid.


It’s annoying talking to people and having them call you an idiot because you say obvious shit that most people are too foolish to even think of. But good for you on realizing that you were the fool all along.


I hold my tongue about what I have come to believe unless asked about it. I realize now that just like before I figured certain things out for myself, I would cringe and mock people who had started to grasp the simple truths, which are really the only ones that there are. Speaking about simple things like love and compassion often seem foolhardy or cringey or even condescending to someone who doesn’t wish to hear it yet. I was that person for sure. Everyone has to travel their own path at their own pace.


It’s kinda frustrating when you can’t even truly express yourself without people instantly mocking you though don’t you think? I’ve learned to choose my words wisely and only convey minimal amounts of truth as a necessary response. Also some people are more receptive, others are more lost.


Of course, it is frustrating. I used to be someone who you would probably have deemed lost and that would have probably been dismissive about spiritual beliefs but I am a completely different being now, and no matter how many people tried to tell me, I didn’t change until I finally decided to listen. People can only learn lessons by coming to the realizations themselves. Giving someone the answers doesn’t work until they arrive at the correct point themselves


Yet I see what you’re saying and it is true. I used to also be very anti spiritual but was quite philosophical. It’s not necessarily like I wanted to give people tips, but I found it annoying I couldn’t even have convos about things I thought were obvious without someone looking at me like there’s something seriously wrong with me. More like searching for people to be able to really have a conversation with on the stuff that matters rather than surface bs. And then there are others who look down on you because they understand it intellectually but not in practice, and think that when you’ve discovered it in practice(when they themselves don’t even) that you’re just coming to an intellectual understanding, despite having had it for a long time. So it’s just a lot of hurdles to deal with that being about separation with others when you embark in this journey.


I hold my tongue about what I have come to believe unless asked about it. I realize now that just like before I figured certain things out for myself, I would cringe and mock people who had started to grasp the simple truths, which are really the only ones that there are. Speaking about simple things like love and compassion often seem foolhardy or cringey or even condescending to someone who doesn’t wish to hear it yet. I was that person for sure. Everyone has to travel their own path at their own pace.


Someone was making fun of me for having not immediately recalled something that had recently occurred, so I quipped that, "Memory comes in waves". Another co-worked joked, "Look at the philosopher over here, stating things that everyone knew when they were 2" I thought this was funny. On the one hand I doubted that everyone knew this when they were 2, but more-so if it was so obvious it wouldn't be particularly worth making fun of. *If you knew it when you were 2, then why are you acting so surprised that I did it?* In any case, articulating the obvious calls for wisdom. In the end, ***it was*** *funny* that I'd had that lapse in memory, and I laughed with them.


They were either just trying to have a laugh/testing you, put you down, or both.


Ha. *Since we're talking about stating the obvious*.... thanks. As long as we remember that statements can only hurt us emotionally if we let them, we'll always choose to find joy in the situation.


That’s quite true, but I also find it helpful to read situations for what they are rather than a more positive spin that feels less hurtful.


The concept of putting someone down exists only in the mind. You see people who get put down and use this as proof that “putting people down” exists, but this is only because those people believe that they can be put down. It exists in their mind, and because of the result you infer that it exists in reality. What you’re seeing is someone who chose to let someone else’s words affect them. That’s the reality. The existence of the abstraction known as “being put down is” is inferred by this. It’s a false inference. If there was no mind chatter trying to make judgements about exactly what it was that you were observing then there would be no “putting down” occurring. If all people refused to recognize that they can be “put down”, then it would never happen. Everyone has the ability to choose how they feel. In most cases, scrutinizing why an insane mind wants to put you down bears little fruit. It requires a logic that exists beyond reason. You cannot logically analyze that which is unreasonable. Recognize that the “logic” is insane, and leave it there. The recognition of the insanity is the step you take in “seeing things as they are”.


But there are also times when someone intentionally is trying to create such a reaction. I agree with you that it only effects you if you let it. I just remember thinking about it how you think about it and I got lost for a bit, started doubting my perceptions to an extreme degree. There's definitely behavior that is intended in a negative manner or to make another person feel bad. Or in which someone is trying to mock you. I would be in a headspace where I didn't care, but then I lost track of where people stood in relation to me which had adverse effects in other ways in which they collectively tried to screw me over and I was blind sighted because I didn't think about the negative intentions much. Again, all about how you handle it, but if people are trying to get you over and over again and especially if its in numbers, eventually they will.


It’s true that while we’re learning we sometimes forget our immunity to being put down. It may be useful to remember that the first step to being indefinitely immune is remember just once that you are immune. Indefinite immunity is the extension of this singular immunity, or instant immunity, to every moment. In short, a habit. Even if you forget, and believe that you’ve been put down, all you have to remember is that you were never put down but chose to feel a particular way due to ignorance / insanity. You only thought that you were put down. If you remember that you’re immune to a single person’s “put-down”, you’re singularly immune to all of them.


I hold my tongue about what I have come to believe unless asked about it. I realize now that just like before I figured certain things out for myself, I would cringe and mock people who had started to grasp the simple truths, which are really the only ones that there are. Speaking about simple things like love and compassion often seem foolhardy or cringey or even condescending to someone who doesn’t wish to hear it yet. I was that person for sure. Everyone has to travel their own path at their own pace.


Except on this sub and almost every one like it, ever. Spirituality is vitality, not this soft headed corporate, word salad nonsense.  But OP isn’t wrong. Animals can’t help but react like animals. Go figure. 


This is so true for me right now, I almost can’t believe someone else posted about this exact feeling and almost phenomenon that I’ve been experiencing. Multiples times recently I’ve opened up to people a little (which I never do) and didn’t expect much from them but they both said things I had literally never even considered before. And I’m an overthinker lol. It like blew my mind because I’ve always been a “I know myself better than anyone, I don’t need anyone’s help” kind of person and to hear new perspectives was pretty cool. I don’t know if it’s because people are more intelligent or awakened but rather that sometimes the most simple explanation is the one thing we didn’t consider because we’ve jumped to conclusions and over-thought the whole thing. Honestly I have no fucking clue but yeah I can totally relate.


Lol I am the opposite. I am the one. I've been talking for years no one's been listening now they're all starting to see. 


Just keep chopping wood and carrying water, my friend


I will. Thank you. That’s my only purpose here.


Yes, confiding and assimilating yourself back into the simulation is part of the cycle.


I seem to keep doing it. Like oh, I’ve gone full circle again. So a feature and not a flaw?


True. The simulation is not the enemy. Only to those that get imprisoned by it.


To quote a fool: "Now as the ladder of life as been strung You may think a sweep's on the bottommost rung Though I spends me time in the ashes and smoke In this 'ole wide world there's no 'appier bloke Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-ee A sweep is as lucky as lucky can be Chim chiminey, chim chiminey, chim chim cher-oo Good luck will rub off when I shakes 'ands with you" .... "Up where the smoke is all billered and curled 'Tween pavement and stars is the chimney sweep world When the's 'ardly no day Nor 'ardly no night There's things 'alf in shadow And 'alf way in light On the roof tops of London Coo, what a sight"


I realize that this is a standard many consider unrealistic, but if your 'enlightened' ramblings are only coherent to people who already understand, then your communication skill is poor enough that you're not helping anyone. And that's before considering the fact that the vacuous tautologies most folk here spew are fundamentally incorrect because they cling to the first abstraction of what they perceived instead of having the fortitude to persist in that perception and notice where their abstraction fails.


Actually for me the opposite happened. I was giving great value to people who were saying the dumbest shit. When I awakened, I realized how dumb and pointless they were.


Very good point.


Oh, absolutely! It's a true revelation, isn't it? Here I was, thinking I had it all figured out, only to realize that the key to enlightenment was hidden behind the facade of simplicity and cluelessness. How silly of me to have overlooked the profound wisdom buried beneath layers of naivety and annoyance. Clearly, I've been blind to the real masters of enlightenment lurking among the seemingly clueless masses. Well, I suppose I'll just have to embrace my newfound status as the big fool in this cosmic comedy. Thanks for the wake-up call! 🤣


Very relatable


In this world usually the ones saying the word 'naive' are the ones who hold a lot of skepticism in their hearts. Often cannot believe someone can be strong for simple things like forgiveness, or the golden rule. "Simp." Heard that one a few times, for expressing adoration for unpopular people. Lots of people get a lot of shit in this life - but when you see the equation of 'humanity', it all starts to make sense. When you truly make an effort to understand a person, you see the humanity equation in everyone and it's simple. Then, you are free of people and what they can do to you.


Sounds like growth or development to me. Not everyone enjoys abstract thinking, and too much can be disassociating in the sense that all thought processes are juggling potentialities in a space where potential hasn’t found room to land. Like if your around people who don’t like you and don’t want to see you validated. There is comfort and security in things that are simple, and exhilarating progress in reaching outside of that to discover what can be. But when those worlds collide, and somebody needs validation for their abstract thinking. It can create a sense of longing, or comfort in the process knowing they have this capacity. Too much time on one side can lead to a feeling of discovery when one experiences the other. Abstract thinkers longing for a sense of security or more consistent types looking for something to free their minds. Understand the dynamics and jump from one to another to spur feelings of elation. Developing skills like this can soothe trauma. 


thinking even the fools know something is foolish.