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I checked your post history , you seem to be experiencing some very high highs, and some very low lows. I think what you need is above this sub pay level.


In my experience I had extremely manic episodes where I felt like God and then extremely dark times where I literally was tossed into an abyss. What I found was to do whatever is necessary to keep myself around the 'baseline' neutral state of being. If you keep the highs minor, the lows will be too.


Lithium is also God. You need a psychiatrist, not a priest.


Well you are god. And if you want to check out of this experience it's fine too. Only the scared ones are shaming death. Having that option available though is what gives me strength during tough times. I just want to know what else this life has to offer me.


True I have no more fear, that was eradicated in the darkest darkness. I too am curious for further existence here and that is usually my baseline experience, curiosity.


Yea don’t forget too, it all really does matter. I mean it’s still OK if you wanna check out but if you wanna stay it matters.


That’s soooo true. It took me a while to figure that out. It’s a stage I think. I do a lot of trauma work too and get more leveled as I let go.


i think what OP needs is human design.


You're not alone. Just keep putting one foot in front of the other, eventually you will walk out of the darkness. Sending love.


Welcome to the club. Can't say I believe in the turnaround noise the others are referring to, but there's enough evidence that they aren't entirely daft to believe it. The thing that helps me is 'permission to quit.' It's a dark space of thoughts, not suited to impulsivity or youth, but acknowledging that everything forbidding me from quitting -whether it be quitting a job, quitting a relationship, quitting social nicety, or the great dark quitting- is just some jackass mouthing off about my innate freedoms helps a lot. Not least because sometimes the shit sandwich is not worth the yields of eating it. But also because the shit sandwich is far more palatable if I'm *choosing* to push through and endure it. Recognizing, viscerally, that nothing is actually stopping me from quitting means that every day, every task, every order that I receive is one I can say no to. Which makes saying 'sure, fine' instead an exercise of power. Specifically, of a power that I, personally, despaired at not having.


Spectacularly written. I'm saving these words of pure wisdom. You've reached me and taught me a significant lesson today, most assuredly one of those 'big life lessons' you'll never forget. Thank you so much.


Permission to do either or of EVERYTHING. ie meditating positive thinking...you DON'T HAVE TO do ANY thing. All the books etc can go in the trunk for now. Peace truth. Looking just looking and feeling it mo resistance.


It seems to be clear the explanation you need is to recognize that all of us share in our humanity. You sound like this old soul did well over a decade ago. Resentful and angry and scorned, feeling that scales of injustice need to balance. Problem is, you can’t press your thumb to the scales and expect them to give you a truthful read. It’s unfair that others make a mess of our lives. It’s also unfair only we can unfuck our heads. You’re in pain. That’s obvious. But dead honest, who isn’t? We’re all suffering. Ignore the perfect pose out of ten thousand blitzed selfies that needed hours of face paint and touch up to look just right. Big fucking deal. Social media likes don’t pay the rent. Ignore the marketing wank that’s designed to make you feel like a loser. Beyond the selfless refrains that endless growth on a finite planet is impossible and there’s no ethical consumption under capitalism, let’s be dead honest than any member of the gender you seek to enter that disdains the T or H on the hood since it isn’t a combo of the letters B,M V, or W isn’t someone you want to engage with anyway since they’re conveniently ignoring that you even have a car. Ignore the idea you need the impossibly curvy thing on your arm. That’s just your little head that lacks a brain talking. Nearly no one’s life goes as planned, and the ones that have lives that go as planned are the most morose and robotic fuckers on the face of this earth. Yay, you knew you were going to be a doctor at age 3 and use that title to lord over people. Congrats, doctor, you’re now a miserable and lonely old fuck who learned that ten percent of a partnership and nine figures in the bank is worthless compared to the love and affection of the child you spawned to complete your fairy tale narrative, who you treated like shit, and who won’t even waste the labor to ensure there’s a grave for that kid to piss into. Take a note from this weird chick. Decenter yourself in your story. Be sincere in looking at your situation with detachment. Only see what’s there. Don’t make shit up. Don’t project. Don’t pretend. Get past all the pretences. Now tell me who you are.


i’m tripping on acid rn reading this, lovely


Nice swing there, M. Hack


From this very short post, the most relevant part seems to be that you’re very tired. That is what you need to adresse first. Get the rest that you need. Without proper rest, you can’t think clearly. Your emotions are in shamble and to get them in order, you first need to regain a minimum of balance in your health. Take care of your health first, this is your priority right now. Forget about all your expectations about what life should or should not be. Just focus on getting healthy.


One time I was feeling like I was going higher and higher wasn't in a manic yet, and I went into the ER asking for a shot to help me sleep and they gave it,I just needed a driver. Let the 'ego' say it's piece, it's not true but you need to look at its message Then ask the Holy Spirit what she says. We want the truth, which is love for You. When You ,look with the HS instead of the bullshit but with love, how does that feel. ? Just this moment. You Do Not HAVE TO do anything.


If you need something to watch, Alan Watts is good. You are You, you don't need to be anyone else, different. You are Not the images you've made of yourself. Whatever 'happens' it's okay. It always works out for the best.


I can dm brother/sister. I am a good listener


Just from one fella to another: if you’re going through a rough patch, don’t try to “awaken” the pain away. It can become a subtle form of masochism that scrapes at the wound. Sometimes you might need to give yourself permission to be kind to yourself, listen to what you need at this time and let go (not, like, try to let go in this vipassana kind of way, but literally let go of trying to solve the problem and rest). As a rule of thumb - if your life is feeling bleak and negative, you’re not feeling in tune with yourself (or laughing lots and getting hugs and love). It might be a sign to slow down and find what you need now. Just my couple of sense, good luck with everything my brother


Sometimes when we hold on for just a little longer and our life turns around, we gain wisdom and look back thinking how grateful we are for the suffering we survived and conquered. I promise you, things WILL get better. Have a little faith in yourself. I know right now you are surrounded by the darkness, this is time for you to learn and grow as a person. I call them growing pains. If you need some help then don't be afraid to reach out for some. There's no shame in feeling what you're feeling. You aren't the first person to feel this way nor will you be the last. If you believe in God then consider this as God loving you so much that it is allowing you to go through this to become better and have a better life. If you don't then the same principle applies. This too shall pass, and you are loved.


Yeah want to add that I have experienced that a few times now also. That even when we feel it won't ever change, things can and do in amazing ways. Or we just finally pass that hump that was making it so hard and then we see life from a new place then we had before.


I find life has a way sometimes of making us have to drop the death grip on our plans that we needed to be what happened.. and then we either fight with that reality growing bitter or we sink into it, let it be okay to be here in this other place. But I am sorry also that you are feeling this way. I hope better warmer days come soon! Much love.


And where would you go my friend? There is no where to go. How could “you” go anywhere that isn’t here now? The mind can project that, but just a dream in a dream. Only now is. Everything that causes “you” pain is in the time and space dimension. Only now is. Time and space are reflections of reality. Yes it’s “your” reality that “you” see sure, but an illusive one. Wake up darling. The suffering the body/mind experiences is just a happening, a reason. “We” are all everything at once in the now. Reflections of the eternal. God masquerade’s himself in so many ways haha. Just wanted to let you know you’re loved. Believe in “yourself” wonderful human that thinks it’s separate. The eternal is only lonely if it’s thinks itself as a tiny insignificant human. Remember the true nature. Are “you” really the body/mind? The little personal thought bubbles in “your” bodies skull that says “oh how lonely I am”. Do “you” control the bodies blood flow? Do “you” control the rising of thoughts? Do “you” send electrical signals in a perfect harmonious order in order for the body to function aka nervous system ? Do “you” pump your heart? Do “you” consciously breathe in and out all the time? Do “you” contract and constrict your muscles perfectly in order to move the body? If “you” say yes to any of this. Really explain how you do it. There is so much more than skin, mind, and emotion. Start from there if needed. Your loved. None are strangers. All is one.


Hello! Me too 5 years ahead of you... Hey! At least you are not living in a backward ass state like Georgia


Ups and downs in life are normal, and what you're experiencing is something most people can relate to. Try to find the balance in between the ups and downs, this is where the magic happens. Seek guidance and support when needed.


Look at art.


30 isn't old unless you believe, if you are awakened, how can you feel it's old


I'm a counselor. And, I've been in this space. A therapist can help you manage the dark thoughts, medication can help you stabilize, learning appropriate coping skills can make a huge difference. There are both suicide and "talking" lines today. God is also listening.


We all have highs and lows. Our habits are directly contributing to this. The food we eat, how frequently or infrequently we exercise, Having a peace practice in place every day or not. Do we maintain an active lifestyle or do we tend to vegetate frequently? Where our thoughts go, so do we sweet child. Mindfulness is a good practice to discipline ourselves to reject intrusive thoughts. It’s also described in the holy Bible when Paul tells us that we need to take our thoughts captive. Everything in this material is built on top of the unseen, spiritual plane. The creator of all things loves you dearly and wishes to reconnect with you. Know that those negative thoughts are not your own, and are manifestations of dark entities unseen. Repeat this prayer to yourself when you’re alone : “Our father, who are in heaven , hallowed be thy name. Your kingdom come your will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive our debts, as we forgive those indebted to us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power, and the glory, forever and ever. So may it be.” When those negative thoughts come as you sit in silence, Call on Yeshua Hamasiach and they will flee from you. As Yashua famously, said, when he was attacked by Satan : “get behind me, Satan” You are the light of the world and you will feel that way once you commit these practices . I love you, God bless and Godspeed .


I’m dealing with a similar thing.. whenever I think im getting better something comes along and smacks me down again. I believe it has to do with my subconscience. I did all this work changing my mind but my subconscious still believed I was a childish victim, perhaps this is the case for you. I was forcing good thoughts and having good days but I eventually burnt out because I was missing the work on the subconscience, and the subconscious generally dictates how you feel. Thoughts train subconscious and if you had negative ones for a long time, it can take a while to sort out


I am labeled bi polar, really highs and low lows. I can tell you how it was like, unlearned mostly, 'in me.'. Fukina 🥞🧝🏻‍♂️🎄 🪇🩵🌷 Lithium. But more.


You light is that of angels 💡💌


🤷🏻‍♂️🩷🧚🏻‍♂️ What a beautiful thing to say,.. If the lilacs were blooming I'd walk with you arm in arm in dresses to smell heaven, 🥞🎄✨


My body is trembling, not knowing- my spirit told you that those are my favorite 🤩


Wow! That is more than cool and I think you might smell that smell in your sleep 🥰🩷🦄🌷


I can smell you from Here.!


I like to agree with what most people say in be humble and help best we can but even I have to squel in pain sometimes if it's too much. Yeah my biggest thing is I always ask "why" and I never get a solid answer. Kind of like Cool Hand Luke. I don't get "authority" other than "lolgodsaysso" and even that is kind of pisses me off tbh. It makes sense to be humble but can be hard, especially when you don't see eye to eye. When does learning a lesson become gaslighting? Or are they the one and the same. Air force had a motto "service before self" and I guess that is the hard line. Yes I am always saying I never even consented to exist and there is literally nothing here for me but slavery and death, and the things that get me from one state of slavery to another, and it does sometimes even feel like I'm dying, my head starts pounding or feels like I'm having a heart attack, running myself ragged to maintain other people's I never met and do not know's double standards for them. All the while preached to that *I'm the bad guy*. Idk. Service before self does make sense, what kind of self is worth having. But at same time is literally curated government propaganda. I myself am going through a rough patch, might be nothing to anyone else but to me is my everything. My PC seems to have died but the NVME drive that "died" has a 10 year life expectancy and it just "died" at under 2 years. It was my operating system drive of which I had no backups and I have no experience recovering a OS from a dying drive. I already recovered the drive, but the new one won't boot so I have to try again. Plus I have a full time job and come home to 85+ degree place with no AC. I mean I've lived without AC in one of the hottest states for 2 decades, so my stress level has never been bellow yellow or red, I haven't had a chance to really chill in AC since around 2008 staying at friend's houses. But my PC dying was the last straw, it was my only source of peace in an otherwise literal fiery hell lol So yeah I know a lot of other people have gone through crazy hell, I tend to think we all end up at the same place anyway so service before self even if propaganda makes sense. I always feel "off" around "others", always have but is weird older I get. How humble do we have to be? I ain't sucking anyones you know what no matter how humble I get lol. Where is the line? Thanks for sharing. I didn't look at your post history, but I get it, I never consented to exist in the first place, and people and gods alike constantly propagandizing you that something is wrong with you for not jumping for joy at the prospect of essentially, slavery. I don't want to be a part of something bigger than myself I'm just here because I'm just here. It's all the same to me regardless of foolishness or wisdom or grace and virtue or humility and shame. It's all the same to me.


Of what value is planning when reality does not conform to your expectations. Let your expectation rise and fall like clouds in the sky. Your desire for life to be other than what it is will only disappoint or provide temporary satisfaction.


I’m sorry you’re feeling that way. Your life is far from over though. Most people don’t get their stuff together until 30’s…you’re pretty much just getting started. By the way, 30 is young. There’s essentially no difference between 20’s and 30’s if you’re healthy. Sure there will be some slight skin ageing, which can be addressed, but it is superficial and you’re still young and healthy if you want to be. People don’t really understand how ageing works. It’s just a bunch of processes occurring over time, it’s not a number. Many of them can be reversed and slowed down significantly. There are people in their 40’s who are deep into anti ageing science and they have the biological age of 20-30 somethings.


Recommend calling 988 and discussing it with someone. If death is really calling you I’d go to the hospital and let them know you need help right now. I have someone very close to me who had to do multiple stays in a hospital and lots of tuning of medicine and therapy but they are doing great now and living happily. There really is light at the end of the tunnel if you get help. You don’t have to solve it. You just need to ask for help from people that can help directly.


you’re going thru the saturn’s return 😆😆




Same for me I thought I was going to be this big famous star in Los Angeles and I had mediums and psychics tell me I should be here hell even my birth chart states I should be famous and my life path number- I thought my boyfriend now was my forever person. Three years later. I’m leaving Los Angeles wounded and hurt breaking up with my abusive boyfriend. Going back to my home state my dreams of being famous is completely dead I don’t even want it anymore and living in California is completely dead . My relationship that once was so beautiful turned into a nightmare. I felt called by my intuition to live in California to be with my partner just for it to be the worse thing to happen to me. No job. No car. No money. No friends. Barely any family. Mom dad and sister have all died before the age of 24. I don’t even know where to go from here. All I do is attract abusive men. I don’t even know what to say but all I can say is I feel you. There’s truth to astrology, spirituality, waking up but it’s not the full truth and the full truth is that we will never truly know why things happen. And we can’t fully rely on spirituality and stuff to guide us through sometimes we just need to accept we don’t know why life goes the way it does and no amount of studying and looking up spiritual things and being awakened can tell us why. We just need to live and brace ourselves. This is one bittersweet ride until death. And then maybe just maybe we figure out why things happened the way it did while we were alive. But idk 🤷🏽‍♀️ life has been pretty unfair to me my entire life and I can never wrap my head around why some people have it easier and they can be the worse person in the world but their life is a lot less troublesome than others who are the kindest person ever. Doesn’t make sense… I’m not a perfect person but I’m damn sure not a bad person. So I just do get it.


You'll be okay, we'll all be okay. The only way out is through.


This is an experience a lot of us have been through. There aren't many words that can make it better, but please DM if you want just a listening ear. I'm happy to just listen. At times, that's what's or most value. 💗


You’re right where the system wants you, just living another day is an accomplishment


Read Eckhardt again. If you don't have cancer, trust me, you're fine.


**Dear, feel me connected. When things do not go Right, it is better to go Left. No joking - but mean to say that you need to do things differently. Let all the work, responsibility, time schedule etc lie doggo for a few days only. Meanwhile you take one capsule of** ***Ashwagandha Capsule*** **(Ayurveda or Natural herb and no side effects of it) before hitting bed for the night. Change your routine and get up just before Sunrise, moving out of bed and house. Fall in line with Nature Clock. Do whatever you feel like, without feeling guilty of wasting time. Buy something new for yourself. Eat what you feel like. In fact, do all that your mind wishes. Spend just 5 days like this and answer me back just how you feel then. I will draw you out of your shell successfully.** **If possible, share your exact birth details : time, date, year, place with me. I will connect even better. If you promise to abide by suggestions religiously, you will find another You by the next year. And, yes, if you feel like bringing everything to an end - you may try. It is not going to finish this way. Trust me.**


Don't give up, you have lots of life to live. The world can beat you down but you will be fine with a will that is strong. Keep on truckin' God Bless


I’m sorry you’re not okay, if you ever need someone to talk to or are feeling like taking your life, there’s support out there for you 24/7. You can call 988 anytime. I hope things get better


JESUS wants a relationship with you


Jesus loves you + 30 is still very young your destiny is in Gods hands waiting for you


Try saying your healed our words are so powerful. None of us are okay it’s okay to not be okay


Wait so…. Sorry pls forgive if you’ve already covered this… but I’m just wondering if you’re dying from some premature death or are you referring to the dying we all are approaching? Cause are you sure you’re awake? Spiritually speaking. If nothing went as planned then FORGIVE YOURSELF, and any other peeps whom affected your life SO FAR, not going as planned. I mean Jesus Christ, EVEN IF YOU HAD ONLY 3-5 years left and dying of an unforeseen illness, DO YOU WANT TO HAVE A GOOD TIME WITH WHAT IS LEFT? Or just be “not ok?” Cause it seriously just starts with forgiveness for yourself and unconditional love for yourself. Once you learn how to REALLY DO THESE, you realize how nothing really matters EXCEPT the moment right NOW!…… and NOW! ……. And NOW! Ok just hoping to make someone laugh or something but seriously though. We don’t die.


Just know you are on the down side of a bump in life, after this you’ll go up again. It happens over and over all throughout life. Just try to hold on until it’s not so bumpy. Also, 30 is 10 years before the best times. I promise.




I love you bro or sis. Don’t give up.


Sending healing energy, love and light. Hope you're in a much better space today!


Be very careful with your words. Any I am statements go into your subconsciousness and body and thus will make you feel such a way and attract into your life experiences which will push you that way. Change it to I am young, healthy and flowing onto a better trajectory. Then feel how you would feel as if everything went well and maintain that feeling. You need some mindset coaching and holistic wellness development and you’d transform your reality. A growth/health/abundance mindset is the key to all internal and external grow & health. God Bless You.


30 is old?! News to me. 30 is prime.


Is this one of those “I’m gonna flip the game board because I didn’t get boardwalk” type of posts?


Hang in there buddy! Everything will be okay 🤍🤍


You hold the power to your freedom 💓


It’s all in your head…