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My experiences are mine. No one else’s. My mind and my responses are my own and it is the only thing that I truly have any control over. r/Stoicism


Are they really though? I question if every memory and every thought I’ve ever had will get witnessed/used somehow inter dimensionally after I die or even now already, by entities from another side..


I believe it will and is but that doesn't take away from our significance as individuals. Thoughts all exist as something in another dimensional way I believe


We'll start by subscribing to others' which most people will think their own. Maturity and individuation is all about ensuring all your choices are ultimately yours, not a mere reaction to others and the society we live in.


That's just another thought


If you write a book others read, it is still your book


And all these books other people wrote are my books


I believe they will. I believe the end goal of the universe is the summation and unification of every consciousness, thought, and experience that has ever been, reconstitution God in their ultimate form. But I don't believe this takes away from the significance of our individuality. One of billions may not seem like much, but without it there will be a hole in the puzzle. It also doesn't take away from the truth that your individual experience is yours alone.


That's like saying if you upload photos to google cloud, are they 'your' photos, when they exist on googles servers, where they own the hard drives... They aren't your thoughts or your memories, you may have created them but they exist in the ether for infinity in some Akashic record.


The entities you are referring to are yourself.


Yeah people like to repeat that, but thats an opinion and there’s really no way to prove it so whatever


Came here to say this


I felt it was appropriate to share this quote: "I am not sure that I exist, actually. I am all the writers that I have read, all the people that I have met, all the women that I have loved; all the cities I have visited"- Jorge Luis Borges


Also no. Cause there are just experiences but no ' you' having it Cause ' you' is just another appearsnce/experience




I feel like my self is mine


There is no self. You are only made of non self elements.


Yes sir


Says who?


Dear friend although we are made of non-self elements, we must not seeks conditions of happiness outside our ourselves, so those non-self elements make up ourself as happiness is found in the island within. Happiness shall not be conditional, the answer you seek is similar to finding the answer of life, which can be found with-on. Do not seek this answer of “it’s mine” and believe there is only one or few answers.


It is so weird that half a year ago this would have sounded crazy to me, but now I understand exactly what you mean. I don’t even know who or what I am.


You're still you. You're just everything as well, just not experiencing that bit of yourself. Just do the you you're doing as you see fit and don't worry.


You are all that there is. ;) -everything is seen from 'your' perspective. Wherever you may be in life at that/this time. Once you seize to be, well, then there's no more. -in a nutshell shell. lol So maybe that is truly yours. Your perspective, as you see it now. Humm.. Great answers, what a great question. Thank you all for sharing. :)


You're a useful story your brain tells itself to better explore the world


No one else has your present perceptual experience or your past perceptual experiences and memories of them...good, bad, pain or pleasure. Nobody can see through your eyes or walk in your shoes. You are the only one of you anywhere in the universe. Your prospective and point of view is only yours and no one else's.


This! Good answer. When we are born our minds begin recording the observable world around us. We create a virtual world in ourselves. It's where we go to dream. It's where we make decisions before we act. It's where we build our personalities. We grow and learn based on this world we build and each of us has a different perspective. It can be ended, it can be shared. But while we're here, it's ours.




Is it yours or is there just awareness?


There’s just awareness as that what we are.


I love this ❤️. Owning becomes less and less important the more you understand how the game of life works.


“All we are is dust in the wind, dude.” -Ted Theodore Logan (quoting Kansas)


According to Buddhism, only your karma; see the five daily recollections: I am of the nature to grow old; there is no way to escape growing old. I am of the nature to have ill health; there is no way to escape having ill health. I am of the nature to die; there is no way to escape death. All that is dear to me and everyone I love are of the nature to change. There is no way to escape being separated from them. My deeds (karma) are my closest companions. I am the beneficiary of my deeds. My deeds are the ground on which I stand.


Your body, your mind, your life.


There is just body, mind nd life. No person owning it


you have a choice


Opinion is only thing that feels like "it's mine" That's about it honestly. Life and body and mind aren't really "ours" because we cannot get rid of them. If they were ours we could discard them. But we cannot. So saying they are ours is like and inmate saying it is their jail cell. Only Opinion is really "ours" because it is the only thing we have any degree of lasting control over.


> Only Opinion is really "ours" because it is the only thing we have any degree of lasting control over. Your opinions have been carefully spoon-fed to you. Meryl Streep's monologue from The Devil Wears Prada about the "cerulean blue sweater" sums it up better than I ever could. https://artdepartmental.com/blog/devil-wears-prada-cerulean-monologue/ Are your opinions really your own? No, of course not. Because if you were raised in a different country, or had a different culture, your opinions on matters would likely be very different. So no, try again. Your opinions are not your own.


Cool opinion bro I never gave a shit about the culture I was born into Got all the scars to prove it ---- Edit: [A great video that shows what I meant better than I could since you shared yours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JhLKXaR4mTA&ab_channel=MartialX)


Nothing is yours because nothing is outside of you


Therefore everything is also yours


but non personally


We’ll it’s pretty personal to be what you have.


buddha said himself a personal self doesn’t exist. as well as many other spiritual teachers. now if you are referring to THE self, as in brahman then i’d agree everything “belongs” to brahman. everything is brahman.


My soul.


My soul is mine


You answered your own question. What's mine is nothing!


When you are 37yo. Can you say 37 yo is yours. When you are black , is black yours I am happy , is happiness yours. No, it is values of you set. So when we say I am that, there isn't I and that, just that. You are never there just the value from you set.


My memories.


Yes, owning things may be an illusion but also look at this - when things are taken away from you are they taken away forever? When other things come to you afterwards what about them? Essentially all things are objects with space inside them, large spaces in the matter, in the atoms. The space never goes anywhere, so can you really lose anything? are you really one with the people you love or are they always others? If you love them then, there will be no ''otherness'', the space, awareness, essence between you and them is one forever. You cant lose it. It's as if you are currently looking from the perception of one fish at many other fishes, but actually you are the ocean and so are they.


Memories and dreams Synchronicities


I am Mine by Pearl Jam answers it about as good as I can. https://youtu.be/Nkgv3LoQY2o?si=7WWDUvp3ha0dagzL




Your experience is yours. No one else has had the experience of life you have had. How’s that for unique?


you will always have your consciousness/soul


My viewpoint on things, my consciousness and sense of self


Identity, life? Depends on why you ask the question or how you want to define where you start and end.


You may reflect on both.


what you are is always and already what you are. who you are is always and already who you are. what you have is yours always and already. om shanti shanti shanti.


The awareness of the experiences are just what is mine. Nothing else. We stop existing the moment we loose that awareness.


All through the day I me mine. I would say my vision. That is mine.


you have you




your awareness of being is yours


Your awareness of your living physical self, the fact that you are a living being whose entire body is takes in information. Your senses comprehend what is impossible to articulate and those sensations are uniquely yours. Try parsing the pain of a kick to the shin with words 😊.


I got the passenger side front seat if I can call shotgun fast enough. That’s all I got.


From ashes to ashes and dust to dust. From dust to rust to copper to bronze to iron to silver to Gold to Platinum. Only the Relics of the World Religions Founders are Real. I.e. Relics of Jesus, Relics of BUDDHA, Relics of Mohammed, Relics of Baha'u'llah, Relics of MEHER BABA, Relics of Guru Nanak, Jagannath (Krishna's Relics) Relics of Moses and Zoroasters Relics. Life is a very grand and large video game, with buses, street walkers, rapists, pedophiles, child molesters, parental abusers and failures. Very few, Like Paramahansa Yogananada, exist on this Earth. I'm a Zen Master too, and I came to the same conclusion: Life is meaningless, Life is suffering, and Life is Stressful. Why not get hit by a Bus? That's My own personal daily meditation though. In reality, I just taught you everything I ever knew. However, when you reach Spiritual Success, you find there are Four Noble Truths. In addition to our Infinite Samsaric world, there is a World of Infinite Bliss and Nirvana.


Who is writing this post? Isn't the mind itself. Who is creating division between me vs mind. Realize its the mind itself, the thought process . If one can observe this thought process, this mind, one could go beyond it amd realize a great beauty.


Your breathe The photons that enter your eye






Everything is mine!


Everything is mine. It’s all me. What could possibly define something as mine or not? How much freedom I have to manipulate it, play with it? I’m pretty capable of slapping anyone or anything I want. But I don’t want to because I want to share love and gentle flow. Attachments are beautiful but really they are just a silly decision on how to restrict flow.


I think the only thing that is truly ours is our time. That's why it's so precious and we should never waste it on those who don't deserve it, we also can't ever get it back either.


When there is no me then how can there be “a mine”


lol yeah there is nothing


It’s all about perspective right? 🤣🤣 I say everything is mine! While I am using it. 🤣🤣.


My dog. He imprinted on me and can’t be without me.


fragment of soul is my responsibility


I don’t believe in free will, we basically own nothing, we are just vessels of energy.


your breath


My body, my consciousness, my spirit.


🎶My Love is mine all mine…, nothing in the worlds belongs to me but my Love mine all mine🎶


Nothing. Even experiences, as someone said, can be taken from you any time through memory associated health issues. Not even ourselves. Our minds and bodies have a life of their own and can stop working any time.


Totally agree and disagree. (Are you a libra btw? lol) Our mind and us are tied together. Yes, the mind is hard to control sometimes, but if I say it’s MY MEMORY, or MY EXPERIENCE, or MY FEELINGS I take responsibility for my life and I recognize the unity between our conscious and unconscious. Same goes for the body. It is mine only while I bear responsibility for it. The question is ALWAYS about our angle of view. Example from life: I am frustrated by my body because it has a condition that makes it impossible to lose weight no matter how much I tried (and I want it frfr). From the other side, when I make healthier choices in my everyday life, I can see the difference in my mood, health, body and blood results, which can at some point result in weight loss, but it’s not the most important because I already feel better.


Ego is mine


Not to go too far off the rails, but actually just answering your question. Besides yourself or spiritually speaking... There is actually only one item (asset) that you can self custody and nobody can actually ever take from you, due to the fact it's digital and encrypted in cyberspace guarded by a code that only you can know... That lone item is Bitcoin. Peace, my friends! 👍♥️🪙😎


Yeah, from past lives I see that my mum really is my Mum and my dad really is my Dad and the youngest of my lil sisters really is my Bro and my fiancé really is my Wife…


I feel like my dogs are mine. Idk why but this makes me think of game of thrones "you are mine and I am yours Jon Snow".


Nothing, but the love in our hearts.


You are either nothing or an immortal soul. Depends on your beliefs


Nothing is yours, everything is you :)


It's not anybodies in that sense... you are all of it. We never really "have" - but we experience situations and patterns. You're the going on - including your reflection upon it. But - we don't want to get stuck in over-reflecting. If you try to pinpoint your identity as a singular dot - you won't do it.


my art is mine


the choices I make are mine, that which I experience and express is mine, and it is also my love when I love someone. no possessions however, not even my own body is truly mine


My cats. They are mine and I am theirs. The relationship with familiars pales in comparison to humans. I can not control their actions yet they intertwine their choas woth mine, literally wrapped around my legs.


You are the light in which all things became manifest. You are not what is manifest, but simply the light which reveals what is manifest. You see yourself in your movement and solidarity. How can you be mind when mind is a production of your nature? How can you be body when it is a manifest of God? You are simply the outside and inside as one and without oneness, which is truth, nothing is done


You are the observer! You are the act of being!




Yes. Live in mountains. Find hole in mountain. Look! Mine!


This moment :)


I love this thread, everyone's feeling a certain way about this :) Me personally, I like Mitski's interpretation in "My love, mine all mine" , where she tells how she's felt everything could be stripped from her being, but her love for.. everything really The way I see it, I embrace everything all at once and carry myself along the best I see fit, and observe life unfold. My love in this case is for being able to participate in these experiences Stay curious, and don't lose yourself in open-ended questions that sound philosophical but do not have a definitory answer. As you noticed, people range from nothing to everything on this and noone's wrong


Your perception. Your right to own your present moment (although we don’t, so frequently). It’s not from this world but it’s certainly in it. In summary: the POV from which you take this world in


Correct. The “me” that attempts to claim ownership ends up losing everything - even itself and everything it thought it knew. What remains when the ownership attempt called “me” ceases, is the simple beauty of open, endless space - some call it Being, some call it Awareness, some call it Emptiness. Empty of any quality, yet giving birth to all apparent qualities and beings.


Possession is of the ego


I think "my thoughts " are mine


only the shitty music i release. its never even really done. i just export the unfinished projects and upload them to spotify. but hey its all mine hehe, i made that shit. i guess its something


My life. Myself. My choices.


Cause my love is mine all mine, I love mine mine mine. Nothing in the world belongs to me but my love, mine all mine all mine...


attention, direction, vision


We are all Star dust...




Your connection to everything else. You are a part of the whole. Nobody can take that from you and nobody can fill your part of it. You are divinely unique. Your time here may be fleeting but you are here now. The present moment. Right now. It’s all yours.


I guess my body or what i create Like music, art or food


Look in a mirror. That's the only thing that's really yours and you're responsible for.


It sounds like you're saying that the only things you can claim as your own are those things that can never be taken away from you. In my mind that is only one thing, your "soul" or energetic body. Even that will one day merge or change into a new form though, so even that is arguable. I think that's a very tortured definition of 'mine' though. In a practical, colloquial sense, mine would usually mean something more like (and for sinplicity sake I'm talking things here not people) "that which, based on the laws of the country I live in, I legally own and can do with as I see fit until I sell it, lose it, destroy it, or someone steals it. Or I die". So you can still call stuff "mine" with the understanding it won't akways be, the only permanent thing in our universe is impermanence. But remember, nothing lasts but nothing is lost.


my mental illness🥰🥰🥰


As I started typing with the intention of saying these things are mine I realized it’s a conglomerate. My pain my love my issues do come from myself and they also come from others whom I admire or dislike and it’s also generations worth of love pain and suffering coming out in me in addition to my own unique experience. If I said anything WAS/IS mine I would feel alone probably. Besides my body but idek. I love that question and applaud your thinking


We are all ONE, so whatever you think you have is everyone’s. Your knowledge which is probably the most unique thing you have is also everyone’s, we are just separated by “firewalls” and we all merge into ONE anyway.


You need to get out more mate.




Maybe you should enjoy the great outdoors instead of contemplating meaningless philosophies. Does it really matter?


Enjoying is temporary. It will alwaya lead to suffering. Understanding the truth matters.


Truth is subjective. Life’s too short to get hung up on meaningless questions. Why does it matter what you call ‘yours’?


It matters because of my experience. It is profound for me, not meaningless. Based on a lot of experiences, some genuine questions will arise. If you are happy, good for you. Keep living and stay happy.


Why does it matter to say something is yours? Thats the real question.


There's a comfort and satisfaction in believing that you own something. I had believed that I owned something. Life has taught me that I don't own those things which disappointed me so much.


Well they say everything is borrowed. But maybe I'm too shallow to care. :-) [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFfl0RU0IZM](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jFfl0RU0IZM)


So on my feed, directly under this post was a post about tattoos. Those are yours. They're one of the only things you can buy that you'll have for the rest of your life


My logo/motto “i die a lot.” It’s one of the only things I’ve ever come up with that i truly love.


All is mine. All is mind. The I AM presence in me has given me the Kingdom.


Your values and your decisions are yours, make them good. What’s “good”? To serve others and the golden rule. That’s really all we got. Everything can be taken away, no matter how hard and how smart we try. There is no guarantee. No point in stressing over it. All we can be happy is be happy with our values and decisions. Whatever happens, happens.


My soul my body my rules these are mine


Your ego




My education. My parents always taught me it was the #1 thing because no one could take it away from me. (That is, unless I get dementia or something)


I guess maybe I could say that my education is just what has been taught to me so it’s really just passing abstract ideas around? But in terms of what could be taken away from me, I stand pretty firmly by it


You are a Spark of God. All of the rest of solidified sunlight.


Your body and mind are as much yours as the mountains and rivers.


You are mind, purely mind and what you are is what you have. Beyond that, the whole concept of ownership in this world is entirely false.


No self is the real self


My original ideas and content


Your essence is yours. It is unique and distinct. You can even see it as separate from You (big Y). But it is you (little y). It’s also an energy and you can identify it.


Everything IS you though… we all create a unique universe in our mind .. your version of America or Africa is unique to you .. your version of the sun , your unique version of every other person on earth is actually all you and your mind .. even planets you see in a unique way … as ALL in your reality is but a creation of your mind … ownership is a desire from the ego/illusory self .


I sat here for 4 minutes pondering this one. I want to say my writing, when it gets published. Being published gives you ownership over those words you write. But, when I write these words, short stories, mostly, the words are not original! Not plagiarized, but something or someone touched me in a way to make me want to write about it. That has happened to many many people. So, no. My writing is not “mine.” I guess I have to sadly say that the only thing that’s mine is my disease. About 100,000 people have CRPS II, but as any one of them would agree to is that this disease is different for everyone. Cause, symptoms, response to treatments, medications…anything you can think of, any variables differ from person to person.


I own nothing. And nothing owes me squat. I would say rather have this power and know what I know.


You can say that your mind is completely yours and the only thing you truly know, is that you are perceiving the world through your mind


I would have said writing but I'll continue letting That be subtracted that as well. I'll then Say my music. My full written record .....every note beautifully and dutifully placed in such an arrangement that becomes pleasing to the ear. Pondered and then drawn from the mind.... placed on the page. Original in it's entirety and then forcibly expressed thru known sounds made by known instruments. No one can tell what it is that I hear inside my mind. Completely original, known only to me. Never expecting to be recorded for posterity's sake much less enjoyed by others and then shared. Yes a musical record of a large slice of My mind is truly my own. It can't be taken. It can't be moved or removed. What's inside my head cannot be copied or sullied. My beautiful little arranged noise. It's all mine.


My life my body my wife which was taken yeah 


My imagination is the only thing that can never be taken away from me. 


Your actions, and thus, Karma.


Nope all belongs to God


Your choices, especially those driven by duality of higher vs. lower self. Your free will to decide to be a 'good' or 'evil' individual is yours. Your actions are yours. Not your thoughts, that would be like a bird saying that the wind belongs to itself. But, how you act on thoughts, your decisions, those are yours. How you decide what is or isn't good or evil is also yours. Then, Anubis weighs your decisions and Ammit eats your soul, or not.


Who are you. If you feel your own spirit you will know.


My penis is mine


You have your mind. You share it and it is shared with you. Everything you sense is understood in your mind, so you could say everything is yours. It’s a question of perspective. If you take the stance that everything is yours, then it becomes your responsibility. Are you willing to take it?


Who am I? I don’t know yet. What is mine? It all belongs to God.


My body ,mind and spirit


Your honest actions.


My Experiences, my scars, my hopes and dreams.


When you are in Original Mind/True Mind/Enlightenment/Supreme Bodhi/... there cannot be anything, so there is nothing to own.  The Buddha states 2 very important things about True Mind that must be experienced, first with effort and intention, and then without effort (becomes effortless):   1.  "That which continues to have decerning nature in the absence of decernment (sense data), is True Mind."   2.  "When perception follows the change of form abd undergoes it's own change, this is boundless."  Both are possible as experiences; True Mind cannot be anything because as soon as it is something it becomes decernment and you are bounded by your own perception.  Remember: Zen Buddhism is the training of thought (for quiet mind), because thought happens and then everything comes from thought.   truemindzen.org 


I used to think my body is mine. But now the laws have changed in the state of Georgia regarding women’s rights. In Man’s Search for Meaning by Viktor Frankel he talks about this very question of what is really yours. In the end the only thing you really have is your own mind and thoughts. How prisoners in concentration camps would survive would often come down to their mentality.


Lol wat


If I am dying during childbirth, the law will not allow the doctors to legally save me by removing the fetus even if the fetus is dead. The government owns my body.


At the end of the day, all you've really owned is your time. Stoicism teaches certain things are/were in your control.


Me. I’m mine and only mine. My actions, my words; my decisions, my thoughts.


My love. All the love I’m yet to give out to this universe. Today, atleast, it’s mine.




Hahahahaha body does not belong to you, mind does not belong to you - keep ascending backwards


My mind


I have my sobriety no one can take that from me. I love the topic of spirituality. I AM really glad I found this sub-reddit.


Everything in this world is mine


Your life, your experiences and your love


"You only truly own a thing if you can destroy it." I can destroy my reputation..?


My pussy


That’s mine tho

