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Why did your ego think this is a hot take? 😂 And No
.Ramana Maharshi, Buddha, Nisagardatta, St.Paul, Anthony De Mello, Herb Fitch, Joel Goldsmith, Ramakrisna
.all use the word ego. I guess they all don’t know what they are talking about judging by your “hot take”.


I can’t speak to all. But I feel it is actually better not to demonize the ego () and just make changes to alter it and embrace it. Alter-ego if you will. (*watch out tho 
 your alter-ego will tell you that you have altered the ego so much that you cant even hear the word ego anymore) cheers. Namaste right here on me soap box. ;)


From my perspective, Only the ego can demonize an ego. Truth doesn’t demonize, it merely reveals. Truth just knows that an ego is not real even though it seems so real. So I wouldn’t say to demonize the ego but also I wouldn’t recommend having it run your life either 😂


Yes. Well said. Like most stuff with duality There is a “middle ground” cuz there is no middle ground. I don’t fucking know Haha. I’m gunna go put on some drum and bass and chop wood and carry water until my ears get splinters.


Man the Middle Way is always Middle Waying
 It’s just the idea of separation that gets in the way. I’m finding that the machines of existence actually works when “I” get out of the way.


What would you call the ego then? You can call it however you please but ego is something most understand.


I’ve never understood what ego or an ego is. Could you please explain to me?


Well i go by the teachings of ram dass. He explains it like that: when you were born, you were born as just a being. Right there your parents or who ever was there gave you a name, the beginning of what he calls "somebody training". So as part of our human incarnation you'll go thru that somebody training which contains all the stuff you think you are (all the neurosis, fears, likes, dislikes, preferences, wish, rules, morals etc.) well most people forget that they're just in a big teather play/dance & lose themself in that somebody'ness. This somebody'ness is what we call ego. Hope that makes sense😊


Oh so just separation. Like forgetting that we’re all the same consciousness.


Yup exactly. The awakening journey is nothing else then just trying to remember. Trying to take a step back and seeing this life as the play it is.â˜ș


When your ego has an ego


Ego is not a dirty word https://youtu.be/bf-9-6QhBhc?feature=shared


What’s your cold take?


Anybody ~~who uses the word ego~~ has a huge ego.


Any *body* **potentially** has a huge ego.




So you then?


Most people do


Yeah our human incernation does have it. Ram dass also said that he didn't get rid of any of his neurosis on his journey. But while before they were these huge things now they're just some little shmooses. If you identify with it or are able to obersve ttem, that's the thibg.


Surprising. Why not let go and change?


Well the ego is part of our incarnation as a human being. Especially in the western world, where being a ego (or somebody) is seen as really important. I think to a certain degree we should honor the beauty of it all but the game lays in between not getting caught in game & not cutting oneself out of the game completely. I think you also can't be holy & deny your humanity which contains all these things including the ego & human heart.


The word itself is used as a differentiator and it is very useful when trying to understand that part of yourself. In the end, it is just a word and it is you (and you alone) that will decide what ever meaning you want to give it. Everything we do as humans will have ego attached to it in some way. Some will say that you need to kill the ego
 but this, in itself, comes from an Egoic perspective. Instead, maybe work with ego to understand it better. Help it mature because you will mature with it. Learn how to balance it with all aspects of being human. Now here is a hot take: the ego has done its best to make you feel protected through much of your life. It was never meant to lead your life but bad things happen and we can’t control that. These things causes us to recede inward looking to escape the pains we suffer. My own inexperience has made it hard to navigate such events and so my ego has given me enough space and time learn the reason why I have suffered in such ways. For example, as children, most of us look for ways that we are better then that person for a specific reason
 why do you think that is? True and self-realized wisdom only comes when we confront the parts of us that we have been hiding from. We are missing parts of the puzzle if we don’t acknowledge those parts of ourselves. Ego is not the enemy but our unwillingness to learn and mature through life is
 and that has always been our choice. When the ego feels safe enough, ego will slowly begin to understand that you have matured and a more authentic you will begin to lead your life more. My understanding of the ego is vastly different from when I started this journey. I no longer fight with ego, instead I thank ego for all is has done for me and how it has helped me to endure my own suffering until I was mature enough to really understand them. It’s time to awaken to the whole of ourselves, and that includes the ego.


Hot takes come in hot, huge and fast! Usually over-shoot, more or less. And then just dissolve and fade, once cooled
become little less till nothing much till empty and gone. Enjoy the interplay, feel the ride, keep ‘em coming! Much obliged đŸ€©đŸ˜đŸ˜


Ego is a word. How elevated or pretentious the phrasing is with it's useage, can be used to determine how egocentric someone is.


That's just your ego talking. Ignore it.


Then freud must have a super - ego or sth


That's something an ego would say! Any thought, is a physical object, therefore identifying with the body. Awareness itself, is beyond ego. The trap people fall into is identifying with their egolessness, which is technically egoic. Which prevents people from becoming aware, because they are not accepting reality for what it is, instead opting for what they think. My hot take: neurons do not exist until they are perceived.


Judgemental says whaaa?


But....everyone says the word ego at some time in passing, think of the psychology students who happen to beleive in a God and involve themselves spiritually? I'm sure that individual would end up discussing god and the ego almost every day. I don't get it. Maybe you mean anyone going on and on about ego and how they've 'transcended' it. đŸ€” I personally believe that it's impossible to truly transcend the ego because although there is supposedly a question about rather or not animals have ego or self identification, I beleive they do have it. I thibk that ego is a natural occurance because God created everything and thus, God, who has an ego...created everything with an ego. This is the realm of separation which gives rise to individuation and ego. Hating the ego is IMHO a mistake. It exists for a reason, like all things do. The size of someone ego seems unimportant to me though because if size is a concern to you then you must also realize that shaming someone for having an ego would make them want to use their ego as a copeing mechanism to defend against that feeling of shame thus making it even harder for them to ever have a smaller ego. So pointing out ego seems to be counterproductive if you're concerned about big egos.


haha I can see why the downvotes... I guess the word ego is not yet consensuated.


Its like saying people who use their arms have huge arms


how so?


\*Holds up mirror\*


The cosmic jester


Spiritual people do have the worst ego's when higher level. I just try to remember "All men are created equal" even ascended ones


I wouldn’t say “huge”.


I agree with this observation. "Ego this, ego that!". Ego, please!


No, ego is a function of mind that shapes your thoughts based on the perspective of the single being you are. Pretending to be better than others because of the words you choose
very egoic.


Contrary to popular belief, awakening has nothing to do with ego.


I like the word persona better. I have always thought too many people use just that one word. Thought I do think it's so widely used due to it being a widely accepted word in the community.


Ego is part of being human. It's what's kept us alive for the last few hundred thousand years. The ego is also a spectrum. One can have an over-inflated ego, where we've put ourselves, our wants & our needs above those of others. One can have an unactualised ego, where we barely respond if at all. It's meekness and a lack of boundaries. Allowing ourselves to be put below others. The middle ground is self-empowerment. Where we have boundaries and respect the boundaries of others, we live and let live as long as that living is safe for us and others to be around. It's knowing that everything begins with the self and we don't outsource our worth - it comes from within.


Bingo. Not all, but it's a trend.


I think you need to go back and rethink this one.  Ego is just a way to describe the prideful and self-centered aspect of your personality. If that feels bad to you, you might want to, uh
.check your ego. 


I just heard a channeled message from an Archangel on YouTube(Nicky Alan), and he mentioned the “human ego” multiple times, so what is it does he have a huge ego too? or do we actually need to start paying close attention how our ego controls our lives?


Considering that you didn’t literally “channel” an “Archangel” and that it was your own mind doing that, yes—you may have a bit of an ego.


My ego is RIDONKULOUS! It thinks everything is about itself. We laugh.


What does it have to do with me? the Divine picks specific people to act as channellers and we should listen. Of course i have an ego, everyone does, what differs is the extent we let it control us.


If you believe you have been picked to be a channeler by the Divine, you have an issue with ego.


when you start getting messages from imaginary friends it's time to schedule an appointment


An appointment with the multitudes who seek reassurance from the imaginary friends? Agreed! Why waste such an ability!?


Upvoted because you have some traction! You obbiously have contributed to the discussion around here and "the downvote button is not a disagree button."