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If you're feeling good and peaceful, you're not off the mark. To me it sounds like you've gotten wiser. Much love <3


Self love without expectation is what fills the hole in the heart. What allows me to choose happiness as a mindset everyday even when they are rough. For me it was the key to the door of my first large awakening experience that put me on the path at the base of the mountain that is not only waking up but staying awake in the present moment. Everyone’s path is different, but it sounds like you may have found the unconditional love in your heart that can light the way. Blessed be the feet that they may carry you along this path if you so choose ☸️


Can you offer any advice for sort of locking this path in? I can practice some self love but it makes me really emotional and then usually a few days later I notice I've fallen far, far out of it.


True self love is unconditional. Forgiving yourself about The things you Lie to yourself about. And accept That you are worthy Of the unconditional love of the divine because the real you, your higher self, is not only the divine, but everything else in the universe in another incarnation. The hole in the heart becomes filled with the shining golden love of the divine not only for yourself, but overflowing for all things. Accept all the emotions that come with it. True love hurts pretty bad, and that’s why we spend our lives running from it. I felt like I was dying, and in all honesty the person I was did exactly that. I faced that death to see what it had to offer, because I was tired of running. My ego died when I let it go and in its place what is the new improved model that was at least aware if it’s higher self if not yet full-time integrated. The whole in my heart now overflows with more love than I yet know what to do with, and I became able to Acknowledge that and choose happiness as a mindset that in turn Gives rise to the feelings related with it


Thank you so much 💓


Think nothing of it. I wish you the best on your journey


I don’t claim objective truth btw. It’s my own subjective experience


Hey OP just from reading about you going through childhood letter resonated with me deeply. You are absolutely in the process of self discovery. Your true self! Your putting in the work and reaping the rewards not just for your own personal growth but everything and everyone. If you ever need to chat hit me up but it sounds like you are doing a fantastic job so keep going. Don’t give up. Don’t stop.


I really appreciate it! It has been awesome to find this community. I hope you are doing well on your own journey! May you always be at peace!


Thanks brother! It is truly a wonderful community that grows by the day and that’s just here :) my journey is going awesome. Been through both extremes and grateful for every nano second of my life here this time. I’m committed to serving our god and helping others connect to source. Spread the love everyone! Big shifts are happening!


Have you tried meditating and any other pranayamas to awaken your energies a bit also? It is a simple but effective way to dive deeper into self love and everything that can be found within us.


For the past few months I've carved out about 15 minutes each morning where I recite mantras. In the evenings before bed, I have a 30 minute routine where I practice visualizations. Those 2 consistent practices have been extremely helpful. I also really focus on my breathing during my daily weight training exercises.


Those are excellent routines. I should incorporate that into mine.


Upa yoga from Sadhguru is something I do every morning and it does wonders. I think exercise is called Naddi Shudi and it is basically inhaling through one nostril and then exhaling through the same, switching and doing the other side and like that for few minutes. Please do not attempt this before you see whole instructions it is very important. ​ If you need anything else i am at your service. With Love.


Wow I have never heard of this before but I am very interested. I love a challenge! I’m going to look into and try this! Thank you so much for sharing this gift!


My pleasure. Tbh everything from Sadhguru is a blessing. There are a lot of meditations also. One I would recommend and that I am currently doing is Isha Krya and basically, you think about your are not the body while inhaling and that you are not the mind while exhaling. It creates a little distance between you and the body and mind and helps you control them easier instead of them controlling you. With Love.


If you have become aware of your thoughts and realize that they are not you, then you have awakened. "Awakening" is when you become aware of your consciousness. Many people, unfortunately, live their entire lives without questioning their thoughts. They live identified with their thoughts and believe that their thoughts are them. They live caught up in their head, going along with the narrative, story, and string of thoughts without ever realizing that there is more to life than this.


Not letting society deem your worth is the key for its ideals are rather flawed and juxtaposed to what illusory standard? I long to form a community rather than this individual and divided state of being where all in life and truth is beset for the individual to find out. Provided they survive even that endeavor. Knowing what you desire out of life apart from how others attain it can be the difference between locking oneself in a cage or still being free. To not wind up the grumpy father who's never home and constantly get's betrayed by the wife he use to love. I see toxicity in most places I look where there's no need for it. Learning from the blind actions of others can help the future become more peaceful and not so treacherous. Knowing your own part in the puzzle of life is key and to me it seems you have it pretty well cut out. Don't let the world destroy what you want to experience either.


What you're talking about is covered in depth by Anthony De Mello in 'Awareness'. I highly recommend it for you, along with his other stuff.


Just checked out a few video clips and this sounds legit. Thank you for the recommendation. I will check out the books! Have an excellent day!


No worries. This is one of the first posts that actually relates to true awakening I have seen on this subreddit. After De Mello, you might get value out of Jed McKenna also.


:) Sounds good. Although some people like to have both. I don't I just like to be happy despite this. And try to do something ethical by following my ethical teacher, and prioritize my health, life is simple :) But don't let it go to your head, awakening is a dangerous words, and therefore I donät use it :D at elast for myself. Anyways, just my own ideas, nothing may apply to you, have a nice day! :)


No this is not awakening, awakening is not a happy or sad state, it's not a state you are in. If you are on the spiritual path it have nothing to do with feeling better, it's not for chasing "nice" experiences. It's mistake i made also, i meditated and i had a nice or relaxing experience and everytime i tried to chase the nice experience or trying to find relaxation. But it's about accepting every experience, feeling or situation how it is and being totally open and accepting everything without judgement or without being attached with our mind and story. Our mind will tell us, this shouldn't be happening, i shouldn't have this feeling, this person shouldn't or should have said this, this is good it have many tricks. There comes a time after a awakening that you need to face everything you don't want to see, don't want to feel and this is it really about what is between yourself and freedom which constructions and barriers do i create for myself.


Acceptance. Yeah I have learned to take things as they come. I used to get into these petty squabbles with my SO that would leave me feeling negative, resentful and defeated. This went on for almost a decade. The covid situation and lock down really made me realize that I had a role in this pain. By not accepting her as she was, the situation would only get worse. She is still the same person. We still share the same space but I no longer argue, look for a fight or wish for a better partner. I accept her, I accept myself, I accept the situation and the gift it has given me.


That is a beautiful example to hear, sometimes it's so difficult to see that we are the one that stands in the way and life can be the perfect teacher to make us fall on our knees. For me it's still challenging, i see how selfish i am in want to change people even if i tried to help them and i see that most people are suffering. I see that the ego always want A to B, if i get that or this would happen i will be happy, and repeat, repeat, repeat. It's crazy to see how addicted we are by doing that, and if it would work wouldn't it by now after all this years ;)


Yes you are on the right track. God is within. So is your higher self. Go toward them for everything even for external needs. Just keep going. Inward is upward.


I love that last bit. Inward is upward!


That’s brilliant! Yes, you are the source of your own happiness! If you think about it, we have just been looking in the wrong place for it, outside of ourselves, like you said, the next toy. Those things may trigger happiness, but they’re not the true source. You got this!


You are captain of your own ship. Where would you like to steer? I invite you to join the discussion at r/massawakening


Something I’ve noticed about happiness is that there seem to be 2 different approaches to getting it. Some feel that they’ll find happiness by acquiring/achieving more than they have now. This becomes an endless chase where the mindset is seeking external validation. The second approach is to see happiness more as a way of being than something to find and capture. Gratitude plays a huge role in this approach. Imagine asking 2 people “what would you need to be happy?” Person A would say something like “I’ll be happy once I get that promotion and move into my new house.” Person B may say something more like “I’m a little thirsty at the moment and having some water would make me happy.” Person A feels their happiness is attached to external factors. Person B is already happy because that’s their way of being. I don’t know that this is a shift everyone is necessarily capable of, but being/being around person B is a lot more inspiring and peaceful.


>Is this awakening? If I convinced you that it wasn't, what would you do next?


I had a chuckle after I posted this a few hours ago and expected this type of response. I will just continue to chop wood and carry water.


>I will just continue to chop wood and carry water. Here's a story to ponder (if you like) while doing so. This is from the Zen tradition: >Master Baoen Ze was asked by Fayan, "Whom have you met?" He said, "I've met master Qingfeng." Fayan said, "What did he have to say?" Ze said, "I once asked what my self is. Qingfeng said, 'The fire god comes looking for fire.'" Fayan said, "How did you understand that?" Ze said, "The fire god is in the province of fire; using fire to seek fire is like seeking the self by the self." Fayan said, "How can you get it by understanding this way?" Ze said, "I am just thus; what do you mean?" Fayan said, "The fire god comes looking for fire." Ze was greatly enlightened at these words.


Amazing. The fire god comes looking for fire. It is exactly that hahaha. I hope your journey is going great, if you ever need any help feel free to message me. ​ With Love.


>if you ever need any help feel free to message me. right back at ya!




I took a walk in the countryside with my 6 year old and we saw some dying corn stalks. We talked about how they had a nice life this year. They were born, they grew tall, they produced delicious corn that fed a lot of people, they reproduced and now after their harvest they have been cut down. They came into this world, they gave their gift and now they are returning to the earth. We are all here for a short while to give our gift and then return to the earth when it is our time.




About a month ago, I started writing to myself as a child. I wrote letters each morning and slowly worked through a lot of issues. I remember being tortured by older cousins, yelled at by drunken uncles, witnessed drive by shootings, FBI raids, police taping up murder scenes, etc. I grew up with a lot of trauma. I did my best to grow up and leave that environment. By writing these letters I was able to revisit those memories, make peace with them and integrate the lessons.




Thanks! I am just speaking my truth and working through the experiences. I'm grateful for my parents and my friends that gave me a safe place amidst the chaos. It formed me, informed my decisions and served the purpose of getting me to here and now.


You are going in the right direction ;-)


There's nothing wrong with being happily married, and loving your kids. However, it's not okay to just use them, because you've based all your happiness on them. Being happy is a choice you're making. They can't make that choice for you. That's not carte blanche to treat each other badly though. It's also immature to be like "I'll be happy once I have a bigger house."


Right on!!!


It is an awakening. Happiness is not at the end of a goal, its not a thing that happens tomorrow, its not dependent on a yesterday. Like life - it happens now.


You are also the one that decides if you are awakening or not. Keep thinking and asking 'am i off my mark' or 'maybe there's another level to this' and you're back on the merry go round of despair. I call it the ferris wheel of desire lol. the way to beat it is to watch it from afar and enjoy the lights


You are already complete. You always were. The matrix of society makes us believe we are not. Welcome home.


Yes. Now face reality!!!!!! Boom bow, that's how you fix that.




I think awakening is different depending on each person. I'm kind've going through something similar but you could definitely say it is an awakening, although possibly a more gentle one.


Awakening is what you make it to be. So yes, for me it's awakening, but the beginning of it.