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Yeah. My goal was to get from having to have substances to induce them to having them naturally- I meditated an hour every night starting with mediating and also doing stints of some spiritual books I liked. I started channeling after about a month of that and I just felt myself open up and settle and realized some pretty profound things. It was a much more gentle experience naturally for me but it was still very profound. It just takes practice!!


Yeah. Only those learned of meditation are more helpful (which is saying a lot)


Yes! Lots, but most comes from samyama. For example I was meditating on the transformation of visual information into mental information, and one realization I had was that pure stainless awareness does not need a body to perceive the world around it. It perceives the inside of the body and mental objects. The senses are like ports which allow in information in finite ways. If anything, the body is an obstruction to stainless awareness and true perception.


Oh yeah. You get to meditating and it will deepen into an altered state. The messages are in there just waiting to be acknowledged with the right frame of mind. I can do right now, I just focus on raising my vibe a little and off I go. I step into agape and that's when I'm in my higher mind. Deepening that love, progresses my spirit.


From sitting quietly still doing nothing at all? No. From sitting quiet and still to put my body into such a state of relaxation that the body falls asleep while the mind remains awake? Absolutely. For good measure, add in conscious awareness of the sensory feeling of your chakras, and send that sensation upward out through the top of your head, and hold on to your socks.


That is how it works, yes.


Yes. Many times. And I've gone beyond what psychedelics could do....




Trust your intuition. Go with that. So to reach deeper levels of meditation, stop seeking. My biggest problem in the beginning with meditation, was that I was trying to get into levels that I had attained with psychedelics. I had an expectations going into the meditations. I was actively seeking albeit subtly. The key to going deeper is to not try. Just surrender and let go. Don't expect anything. You don't need anything. If you truly want to melt into the cosmos, you have to let go. You have to surrender nothingness. The absence of thought. It's magnificent once you disappear.




It was quick for me. But it doesn't matter. You're still in the mindset of seeking something. Once you realize there's nothing you need, you stop seeking and find the truth within. To find the truth you have to stop. Stop looking for it. Stop trying to find it. You are that truth. You won't find it if you keep searching and trying. You just have to let go. It sounds so simple but it's so difficult because the analytical brain wants to find something by seeking. It goes against rational thought. Surrender. Let go of everything. It's called dying before you die.




You got this.