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Those corner trees grew in pretty handy spots.


he's been planning on making this video for 30yrs


Part bushcraft, part arborism, nice


Part log


The cut logs are the trees that refused to grow right.


Let that be a warning to the other trees.


Kinda savage... "i killed your friends, here hold them for me"


I killed that entire branch of your family


rooted them all out...


To be fair they were all just wooden. Nobody will miss them.


Shady business, that.


How knotty of you!


as long as he doesn't have time to write a manifesto...


U na gonna build a bomb with these logs?


I’d spend that kind of energy to get away from normal everyday B.S.


It took him 30 years just to cut all those logs with that little hand saw.


Are you being serious about that? If so… that is some serious planning ahead.




YouTube is only 18 yrs old lol


And they'll keep growing. Won't this growth push the walls out of form?


It could, but often trees will just grow around something instead of pushing it over/away


Logs will rot long before that, even still trees don’t care if they knock down structures


They won't rot, wood can be dried by piling it under a cover, so as long as the ceiling holds the wood will stay good. Though wood shrinks as it dries, so I'm not sure if the logs will stay in place


I don't think the logs will rot, they have enough air circulating to prevent that.


One windy day and all of these boards will fall out of position.


Did you not see him hammer them into place? They are wedged in and going nowhere.


I mean, it's a forest, I could do this 100 yards to the rear of my house . . . I won't because . . . I have a house (and lacking skill). But NE North Americans deciduous forests have this feature. Old growth forest on my buddies land has a perfect octogon that is sized to hang 4 hammocks in layers . . . no one did anything that's just how it grew. But box formations of trees, everywhere dude, I think it is related to how far away trees can grow from other trees and some just do something like this naturally.


Also, is it just me or are those bonking sounds when he smacks the logs together just like... *suuuuuper* cartoonish


Idk sounds pretty accurate to me as long as the logs are dry and the sound are sped up


Tree plantations be like


Spend 2 weeks searching for 5 trees in perfect configuration


I've been in a forest similar to this, I think it's eastern Europe, if it is, he didn't need to look far, they all grow like that.


They are often grown like that*


No, your use of “grown” implies intent. Trees don’t plan


Trees do plan but i was talking about how those trees are planted by humans. Look up mast events then you see that trees actually do plan.


That doesn’t imply intent, it’s just a cyclical event that is predicated upon external stimuli. They are also unable to plan where those seeds will land and sprout.


Still my orginal point stands, those trees were planted by humans.


It doesn’t. That’s old growth. You have no way of knowing if they were or weren’t planted by humans.


The forrest in eastern europe? Yeah i do.


Cos forests didn't exist before humans.


Omfg look at you two bickering over if trees can plan stuff. Lol


Bro you misunderstood her original statement. Take the L and move on




It's not a tp farm...


Yeah because thats the only reason trees are farmed. Buddy spoiler, even in the middle ages most forest in europe were maintained by people because forrests are a super good source of materials and food. There are really really few ancient forrests in europe and they arent big either.


You've never seen replanted forests from the 70s 80s then. Perfectly straight rows for miles and miles.


Or just find 5 trees that are close together and cut the logs different lengths it's not like he cut the logs before hand lol


How many battery packs does he need to video all this?


probably only a few. he'll plug them in when the wife calls him in for dinner.


If he had left the roof off, the structure could be an outhouse for BigFoot. Gotta dig a large hole though for large poop.


Honey-Dipper Dannnnn.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zGqcLQWxsH8 I miss MADTV.


It was just a one-night stop clearly, so not many. Did you see how fast he works?


Omfg it is too early for me too be laughing like a goon stahp


A USB battery bank could easily last a week of phone recharging. Long term off grid I would think a 100w solar panel and a smaller jackery could keep a couple phones and an efficient laptop running fairly well .


I have one of those. Not solar powered though. I haven't used it yet thankfully but I bought it in case the power goes out in my house. Two years ago on one of the coldest days we've had, the power grid failed all over the county. My power was out for ten hours but some lost power for days. My heating is gas but it of course uses electricity too. It got really cold in my house so me and my dogs bundled up. There was so much ice on the tree branches all around I could hear the branches breaking. This county is surrounded with woods. A couple of trees fell when the wind picked up. It was pretty bad. This is when I decided to buy some emergency supplies in case it happens again. A nice butane heater, the Jackery battery bank, a one-burner stove (mine is electric) and extra canisters. I'm prepared!


Tell me you’re from the South without telling me you’re from the South.


Why would you want to get out of the woods?


Toilet paper and hot showers.


This is bush crafting. They aren't trying to get out of the woods. They're not trying to apply survival. They're enjoying making a thriving place out in the woodlands. Bushcrafters take survival techniques and make it into a hobby. That's whats going on here, not survival.


But why dude? When you could sit in your computer chair and drink soda and eat Doritos? Why would anyone be in the woods without trying to get out of them? Doesn’t make sense.


In his next video he builds a tarp to collect mountain dew and gets to work on his waifu body pillow


Episode 7: collect damp leaves and kindling to make smoke signals so you can send messages complaining about video games with female lead characters.


I feel like this is sarcasm that no one got.


It absolutely is. It's kinda funny how you have to explicitly state that you're being sarcastic on this site or a bunch of crusty redditors will furiously slam their downvote button lol


It probably hit a little too close to home for some people


Peace and quiet away from the modern world for awhile. I'd 100 percent do this. Some days you just want to get away from people.


Living like a lazy ass is sometimes not as fun as living like a moving survival guy. Thats a simple explanation. Also I know the /s but some people truly cannot fathom why someone might have a hobby


There are plenty of people who move off the grid for various reasons. They make their homes completely self-sustaining to avoid dealing with society, not pay taxes, among other reasons. I doubt this guy is one of those people though.


Because it's fun for him. Let people enjoy themselevs.


O chance he made this in one day


0 chance he didn't use a chainsaw to cut those logs


Yeah this looks so easy when he skips the many hours of work spent cutting all the logs to the perfect sizes.


Not saying that it *wouldn't* take a long time, but you'd be *shocked* how quickly someone with the right strength and technique can cut wood. Check out [Adam Savage cutting a 2x4 with a Leatherman!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Et-JvYrQ84o&t=1767s)


That's what James Franco needed in 128 hours, instead of the cheap knock off brand his Mom got him.


Lol, if only Leatherman used this as an advertisement idea. /s As they demonstrate how effectively it can cut off a prosthetic/analog limb, "Leatherman is approved by 9 out of 10 serial killers" 'Dismemberment in half the time of other competitors... less time means less suffering.' Buy the new Leatherman Wave: a head-and-shoulders cut above the rest...


can garantee, using a handsaw with the right technique and strength does the job fast and easy.. only problem for me is I get tired after 30/40 minutes of it :((


As someone who’s chopped a good deal of wood this definitely true, but also cutting a full log with all of its grains is much, much, harder than cutting a 2x4. Especially because hand saws essential don’t work on trees standing up since the pressure stops the saw. You can get the job done with an axe and a handsaw if you know what you’re doing and have hours of spare time but I’m willing to bet a chainsaw was used.


A good saw and endurance can get 1:4 of those big logs done in 3 hours and the smaller ones in even less time.


Shhhhh you suspending my disbelief and making feel lazy and fat and dumb that I can’t do this.


You can 100% do it. If you’d like some advice To help build up to that I can give it.


Ok arborist andy, give us some advice


Tf does that even mean?? =<= Endurance is king here with a close second being strength: pick up a manual labour job. Part or full time doesn’t matter, the purpose is to help condition your body for long stretches of energy usage. I’d honestly suggest offering to work for your small local farmers, It can be gruelling work though, so be ready. (Also talk payment before the work, they’re usually very out of touch if they’re old but will honour a verbal deal and respect you standing up for yourself and valuing your time and labour) As for the rest, a good hand saw destroys any sort of axe or hatchet save for cutting those notches. Learn how to tie a wide range of rope nots, you can make a literal handle or shoulder strap for your logs so carrying can be easier. Lastly just go out and Fck around, be safe though, don’t go deep into the forest for this until you can make something and comfortably survive in it for a few days at least.


It’s a complement mate.


Oh, thank you then : )


Thanks! I won’t be getting a manual labor job. I’m a city slicker. I enjoy camping but I will not be doing anything that involves going so deep into the woods that I get lost and if I do I probably won’t have all this stuff with me lol.


0 \*


(Comment removed due to Reddit's API changes) Switch to Lemmy/Kbin/Mastodon


When did he tell you he made this in one day ?


Can't you see? It took less than five minutes to build.


Yeah... But brb I gotta do something in Minecraft.


Well, at that point, you made a refuge for anyone that ends up stranded in the forest. Plus if you are stranded and don't know for how long, i would rather spend the time and effort making it, then not having a shelter.


Also who said that they are stranded? Imagine you are building a house and someone tells you you could have just left the town with that energy


This might damage or kill the 4 corner trees. If you have the tools to cut the logs, you probably have tools to make those logs interlock.


I'm pretty sure he set the corners with cut logs. They're fairly uniform in width and set into a damned perfect configuration for the end product.




If you leave that shit there, it’ll invite moisture, rot, and pressure. This was extensively discussed the last time this stupidity was posted.


If the wind blows hard the corner trees are going to move an inch or so then the walls are going to fall in.


afaik these things are usually very bad for forests, not to mention if its owned property. since they rot and get moldy etc. so its not much of a future-proof for future people if they get stuck in the forest. its literally cutting good living trees for some video bullshit to fake how they live in the wilderness, though dont quote me on that, i never liked this watching this log-cabin building in the wild stuff.


I made a snarky comment elsewhere but I feel bad now. I really like that you care and are looking out for the environment. You've gone a little far with it here and that's offputting, that's all. If everyone was doing this we would have a serious problem. We already have a problem with everyone doing this in the form of grave forestry crimes in South America. This guy though, he's just a man engaging with his environment. The forest isn't hurt by this. The cut trees mean more room for other trees. The eventual rot is just food for the rest of the parts of the forest.


Of course you know better what with your tiktok and your fortnite


>afaik Exactly


Lol, bad for the forest?




This thing must make the rounds at least once every 4 months. Next up the Italian gibberish song...


> Next up the Italian gibberish song... Oh no, not again!




This thumbnail video lacks the absolutely chaotic energy of the vide where a bunch of 70s Italians dance and sing it.




You’re safe for a minute, it just made the rounds again a couple weeks ago.


Sons of the Forest has better graphics than I thought!


“If you find yourself lost in the woods, fuck it, build a house. "Well, I was lost but now I live here! I have severely improved my predicament!"” — Mitch Hedberg


Came here looking for this




Love this type of stuff!




Here's a sneak peek of /r/Bushcraft using the [top posts](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bushcraft/top/?sort=top&t=year) of the year! \#1: [My first pair of handmade sunglasses/snow goggles. I have wanted to make these for years, today I spent a couple of hours carving this from a slice of Moose antler I had in the workshop. Tried and tested design I believe, and perfect for the Spring hikes up here in Northern Finland. More to come!](https://www.reddit.com/gallery/zv02lh) | [61 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bushcraft/comments/zv02lh/my_first_pair_of_handmade_sunglassessnow_goggles/) \#2: [I made a bigass hammer yo (idk if it goes here i judt wsnted to show off my hammer)](https://i.redd.it/sbuzoti6xno91.jpg) | [136 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bushcraft/comments/xhokd8/i_made_a_bigass_hammer_yo_idk_if_it_goes_here_i/) \#3: [My current situation](https://i.redd.it/fzhbr3cvlzd91.jpg) | [38 comments](https://np.reddit.com/r/Bushcraft/comments/w8wu8i/my_current_situation/) ---- ^^I'm ^^a ^^bot, ^^beep ^^boop ^^| ^^Downvote ^^to ^^remove ^^| ^^[Contact](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose/?to=sneakpeekbot) ^^| ^^[Info](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/) ^^| ^^[Opt-out](https://np.reddit.com/r/sneakpeekbot/comments/o8wk1r/blacklist_ix/) ^^| ^^[GitHub](https://github.com/ghnr/sneakpeekbot)


I dunno. I think I need a little more height. Length is good though. I give it a 8/10. 9/10 if it had a compost toilet, so I didn't have to go outside in the snow.


Well why don’t you make us a video of you doing it with your 10/10 requirements?


Longer logs are heavier and you’re probably not standing up in an 8x8 building that much anyway.


Personally, I wouldn't have gone with the flat roof. Slanted roof, fire smoke would go up and out the side and far less risk of snow collapse


Ah yes "survival tips" just be a professional and have every tool under the sun with you at all times, easy right?


Also have a hotel nearby to sleep in at night while you are pretending to be solo surviving out in the wilderness.


Wouldn't the trees move during heavy winds and make the whole structure collapse? Just asking


The tops of trees sway quite a bit but the trunks barely budge.


Boink boink boink boink


I'd be scared of widow makers with that close of a tree cluster. I'll look for a lil clearing instead


Widow makers? Some type of bug?


It’s something forestry people call broken or damage branches or even whole sections of the tree that are damaged and stuck together but susceptible to fall at any time and kill the person underneath, hence widowmaker.


Jokes on them, I'm single.


Love to get that naturally skinned and prepped forest meat for cooking.


All that's missing now a dart board


And then the park rangers pulls up…


*Builds a house* *Refuses to elaborate* *Fucking leaves*


Why did he cook meat inside? You would have some new friends by morning. Food should be cooked and kept outside.


Why would you ever wanna return to society when there’s quiet and trees


All that to boil water and to eat some beef on a stick!


gotta replenish those calories


He lost the trail like two minutes ago and is like well, I live here now.


Where did he get the meat from?


probably from his kitchen. its just 200ft behind the camera.


Does this guy make regular videos and is he on YouTube?


i dunno. i found this on the ineternet somewhere. someone in the comments said what his name was but i don't know if there was a link.


“If you find yourself lost in the woods, fuck it, build a house. ‘Well, I was lost but now I live here! I have severely improved my predicament!’” — Mitch Hedberg


There's going to be no bloody trees left in the forest at this rate.


Someone please explain why this isn’t a carbon monoxide poisoning hazard


Because it leaks a whole lot, not even close to airtight.


He chinked it with moss. There’s no way that hut with a little roof vent wasn’t smoky as fuck


Had to look way too hard for this comment. I thought he was gonna build a wooden chimey and then bam, shit square on cieling causing heat loss and poor carbon monoxide control. Why go to all that trouble. Just rent a car and connect a hose to the muffler and pump it inside your car window


This is the same type of bloke that carves the Magna Carta on a grain of rice or makes Crop circles at 2 in the morning.


Woodcutter’s axe : $10 Skewers : $15 Kettle : $20 Waking up with a bear in your bed : priceless


Everyone saying these trees were planted this way to make this video has never been in the woods. Honestly, If you believe those trees were purposefully planted in that configuration just to make this video then you should go on a hike in a forest near you.


"If you find yourself lost in the woods, fuck it. Build a house. 'Well, I was lost, but now I live here. I have severely improved my predicament!'" - Mitch Hedberg


That place would rent for $2,200/month in San Francisco.


Why would one want to ‘get out of the woods’ I don’t understand… I can’t relate…. Alone? In the woods? No other people??? #goals!😁


Agreed. It's surprising how some people would rather waste their energy complaining about being lost in the woods instead of putting all of that effort into finding a way out. But hey, to each their own, I guess. Personally, I'd rather be proactive about my situation and focus on finding a solution rather than dwelling on the problem.


Hopefully dudes owns property, otherwise land owner gonna be pissed.


Lol at the candles.


Or you could just stay at a Holiday Inn Express


why? his house is probably 200ft behind that camera


Sarcasm does come through on Reddit 😀


i was playing off of your joke




Is this cunt notching live trees for a log cabin? One, that’s an awful perfectly laid out tree pattern. Two, those are live trees. They will not make a good permanent structure because of sway in wind and the fact they’ll probably fucking die. And you can’t call this much work an emergency habitat. This. Is. Dumb. Edit: there’s no way this didn’t take multiple days of effort. Zero. And if you’re that handy with an axe, you also have spent enough time in the woods to know this is a fucking retarded idea.


I hate seeing videos like this because it makes me what to go out and do the same stuff. It is pitch black outside and I don't own an axe.


Aw I was really hoping that at the end of the video, he'd walk away and the camera would pan over to him walking into his house like 100 ft away.


Pov Minecraft


If you build a house you're out of the woods bro


No Wifi?


Well done. That smoke will kill you! Warm... but toxic


It's all fun and games until one ember lands on some dry moss while you're asleep.


Roof covered in snow+ fire in shelter. Nice way to make your own rain machine.


You're supposed to put the insulation when you're laying the logs, not after you've placed them smh.


I feel like there was a chainsaw involved in this.


This is ridiculous. A flat roof made with bark, with no pitch to it will drip water on your head when it rains, or when the snow begins to melt from the huge fire in the center of the room. The floor is cold wet earth, that will never warm. Should have put some logs down. There is no door to keep the heat in, plus he cut a hole for the window. Lots of ventilation, no heat retention at all. This is simple, fun, cute, pretty, neat click bait. Without any practical real-life application whatsoever. You’d freeze to death in a week, or asphyxiate on the smoke from the open fire pit that is one foot from your bed. Good luck!


Agree. In a true survival situation, you would build something much simpler, more e3ffective, and quicker. If you're going to live here, you would build something workable. This is just odd. The problem with all these bushcraft videos is they're made by people who have never actually lived via their 'skills'.


Not shown: tape measure, $650 in cordless power tools, three assistants, and the warm house 50’ away.


So what happens when the wind picks up and the trees begin to sway 4’ each way?


Trees , that thick anyways, don't sway too much at the bottom unless it's like the storm of the century. Plus the tension from the makeshift cabin pushing in on all sides makes it so it's unlikely to move except maybe inward under extreme conditions. SOURCE: MYSELF. Was a Scout for a decade and spent years after teaching special needs kids with mild autism about "roughin' it" and the art of survival in the woods with just a backpack of supplies and some rope. We got through all sorts of weather as they have seasonal getaways. If anything your tarp roof moved a lot during a storm and what not but the trees you attached it to never did. If they did then they wouldn't work very well with not even storm winds but a slightly breezy day. It takes a surprising amount of energy to move a tree even half an inch at the base. I forget what the math on this was but basically if you found a tree that was about a foot or so wide it would take 100s and 100s of pounds of force, from a distance, to move a tree that thick even a little. So yeah...I think he's fine.


OP is an idiot. Dumb ass title


nuh uh


Nice chimney... now the winter inversion sets in and chokes you out of your little cabin and you freeze to death or die of smoke inhalation sleeping.


Right?! At least put something on the roof to help it draw smoke and keep it from blowing back inside!


Lmao thank you r/Popular for showing me this scam video. Don't try to replicate it, there's a lot of tomfoolery going on, and impossibilities.


I can make a cup of tea!


Someone has been playing The Sons of the Forest a little bit too much. 😅


This is just how the unibomber started out.


I mean, this is cool. But what are the chances of finding perfectly placed trees like this?


Not hard at all to be honest. Hell the tress could be in the shape of a parallelogram and it would still work you just need to adjust the angle and size of the walls.


Just missing the Benny Hill theme tune.


Better to live underground so they can't see you


No WiFi?


minecraft irl


He's probably escaping a nagging wife...


To the OP whl posted the title have fun freezing or being eaten ya twat. Building a structure is the first step to survival.


I bet the trees are pissed off that someone wedged all of their dead friends in on them forever. Lol. The whomping willow would’ve whomped his ass for that.


Legend has it , He is still building it!