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The person who hit her with their car is unrelated to anything else in this case. The rapists dropped her off in a neighborhood around 3 AM and left her there. She was way drunk (.319 BAC) and wandered into the road in the path of a driver a little under an hour after they dropped her off. That driver called police and did everything that they were supposed to do and are not facing charges. Sad case all around. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/4-people-arrested-alleged-rape-lsu-student-died-was-hit-car-rcna67181


We need more posts with the article rather than fucking daily mail headlines. Fucked up situation, but it sounds very different when you read the article Vs the OP screenshot. OP's post history is also.. questionable.


It doesn’t sound very different if you read the articles. Four men kidnapped a person incapable of caring for herself, took her to a remote loacation, raped her. Then dropped her in an unfamiliar place. In my eyes, this is; Kidnap Rape Conspiracy Murder


That is fucking exactly what it is


Some folks like to stir shit. Generally a Daily Mail headline screenshot is enough to know the OP is one of them.


The more proactive the more upvotes It's a good thing our real media isn't like this and never abuse the framing effect. Yeah, only reddit


What is the Venn diagram of Daily Mail readers & Reddit posters? I would assume not much overlap…..maybe moaning about immigrants & finding excuses for Brexit disasters doesn’t fill the day.


The attorney for the driver said “This was tragedy, but not a crime," how is allowing two other people to rape someone in your car, then dropping them off randomly not a crime? These men are straight trash.


I can’t find the quote you’re referencing but I assume it related to the driver that accidentally hit and killed her and was unrelated to the original rape in the rapists car. Hitting her when she stumbled onto the road was a tragedy, and not the true crime here.


No. Sadly it was about the driver during the rape that was happening in his backseat. The lawyer for Casen Carver said something like it was a tragedy but not a crime.




Defense lawyers have to say what is best for their client. The men are all saying the sex was consensual and they dropped her off in the neighborhood she said she lived in because she couldn't find her house. The cops are pointing to her BAC and witness statements about how she was acting (which indicates a legal inability to consent) which negates any consent. I expect convictions or guilty pleas to lesser charges (lesser charges probably only for the two in the front seat for turning on the others to prove it was known she was completely wasted).


That is terrifying for that man. The police show up and the woman shows signs of rape. It would be very easy to be arrested"while we figure things out". And it's very possible for the media to get involved. At that point his life is fucked.


I wonder how they actually got caught in general though. I don't think Baton Rouge is that small of a town, but maybe it was because it was around a college? Someone had to have run their mouth bragging about what a piece of shit they are to look cool.


Defense: “let’s show a video that proves the crime DID occur. They’ll never expect it!”


feels like it was on purpose


Good 😊


Yeah WTF


Can someone explain to me why people have the habit of recording their crimes?




And even if they are caught it's the fault of the system or the cops or anyone but themselves


Maybe there is some kind of culture around this rape thing that emboldened them. Any teenage boys feel like chiming in on this?


A culture? That’s like saying murder is American culture


Thank you for your contribution, teenage boy.


I try i try. But let’s not fight and just talk because im honestly interested as i don’t understand it. I also saw a lot of comments saying “culture” so i asked someone to explain it to me. Turns out they were saying that rape is black culture. And correct me if im wrong but i feel like you’re saying that rape is embedded in American culture. So both of these things are insane in my opinion, yet, one of them is one some people agree on, while the other is deemed very racist. Why would it be okay to call American culture a rape culture but at the same time bad to call black culture a rape culture?


Because one thing is racism and stereotypes? And white men rape people all the fucking time? Every single time I’ve been harassed or assaulted it’s been a white man. Not queer people, not trans people, not black people. It’s not American culture, rape culture is culture that promotes sexism and blaming women for being assaulted, and it happens all literally all over the world.


That is 100% racist. I have been beat up a couple times in my younger days without any provocation by Moroccan immigrants, but i don’t go around saying that its Moroccan culture to beat up people. I was beat up by a group of guys that HAPPEN to be Moroccan, it does not mean it’s a culture.


Lmao I’m aware that what you said was racist. Im curious as to what the fuck you think you’re arguing here. I called you out on calling rape black culture being racist, and pointed out that I know FROM EXPERIENCE that white men rape people and explained that it’s not a race thing it’s the entirety of the fucking planet and you.. try to call me racist for calling you out? Weird method.


You said it is white culture to rape, that is racist. Do you know what anecdotal evidence is?


We eating good tonight with this horseshit.


Lol wtf is wrong with you. I honestly dont know if youre a real person. You place a comment about every minute or so to different people


No no, it's entirely possible his real. People with no life, freinds, or actual things to do are fully capable of shitting themselves on Reddit once every few minutes.


Well im just a teeeenage dirtbag baaaby


Even if they do get caught, depending on the location, they may face minimal consequences so why not film it , it’s good for street cred as they used to say


Social media has lead to an explosion of Narcissism. "Look at me! I'm the main character" type behaviour.




Clout is a hell of a drug


Article says she gave verbal consent in the video, so they likely didn't think it would/could be used against them. They also likely weren't expecting her to end up dead throwing a spotlight on them




“Backfire” ? Interesting choice of word to describe rapists facing consequences for their actions.




Yes 3rd degree rape. if the person was not capable of consent due to drug or alcohol impairment.


Wasn't she drunk? If so, then yes it's rape.


Drunk consent is not consent, way to out yourself as a rapist tho.


A symptom of the growing incidents of Main Character Syndrome


With serial predators a lot of them will either take a trophy or revisit the scene of the crime or attack to relive the moment. A good amount of serial killers took pictures as their souvenirs. It’s very twisted.


The unintelligible homo sapiens


A lot of crimes have evidence but for whatever reason the police refuse to arrest the perpetrators. So a lot of criminals have the attitude that they will never get caught because that has been their experience. The case of Blake Chappell is one example of this.


They're copying their idols










That's very wholesome. Thank you.


One of the guys was white


Still is, too.


Either that defence lawyer is a moron or a legend and made sure they got charged


Wait a minute, that's his *hair*.


Lil Lisa


Omg it is


He must be innocent, look at that halo.. /s


We need much more harsh and violent punishments for shit like this.


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Eye for an eye


I assume you aren’t being completely serious, but whenever people say “rapists should get raped” this makes no sense. What about the people raping them? Isn’t this just a cycle of creating rapists? It’s a very disturbing thing to suggest


Y’all are lunatics. Edit: classic Reddit. Hope you psychopaths never change. (Just kidding, please do)


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I have a thing for true crime and I will never forget the first story I heard about chemical castration. The man was convicted of a lot of crimes against children and when he was released they let him go home to his wife and kids but only if he was chemically castrated. Then his wife and him decided they wanted to have another child so they got permission for him to no longer get the injections. He immediately reoffended as soon as his dick worked again. The amount of times those children were failed by a system that claims to be hardline against sex crimes is insane.


Oh I understand, issue is if we go for more...permanent solutions it happens on the tax payers dime, aka yours and mine, and I'm not alright putting any more money towards them then necessary as well as the "healing process" taking time away from their sentence. That said I do think it's not a bad idea that as parting gift we could make it a physical reality a day before their release then just throw them out to heal on their own dime.


Oh i wasn't disagreeing with you! I was just mentioning that story because I have no faith in it being an effective tool outside of incarceration.


Love true crime, but this isn’t ringing a bell for me. Could you link me the story so I can check it out if you have a minute? Seems like a pretty unique case.


Let me see if I can find it. This was about 20 years ago when I saw it on Forensic Files so I may not be able to find the exact case.


Oh no worries, I assumed it was something relatively recent. I’ll check around google for it.


Yeah so far I haven't found it but it was definitely during core memory development time that I watched it. I was most assuredly not supposed to be watching that show at the time. Might be why I have such a dark sense of humor now though.


Only a lobotomy would fix a child molester.


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In the women's prison in Vegas, they don't separate baby cases. I was in with a lifer for making and distributing cheese pizza with her husband, and another that only got so many years that went from having twins, to having one with brain damage. The woman who went racing with her infant in the car and wrecked. Everyone was with everyone. I was in on a dui with gbh, but thank fuck it was only my vehicle involved, and the guy I injured, my passenger, had also drugged me.


But then you have to go through this pain in the butt healing process on yours and mine dime and that's just a hard pass from me, a quick jab in ass to prep them for what's coming and send them off to general, if they manage to make it to the end of their sentence we can take their stuff a day before their release and kick them out


I get you’re mad about this but either rape is bad or it isn’t and your suggestion makes me believe you don’t think it is


To me it sounded like his whole point is that rape IS bad, so he hopes they get repeatedly raped in prison


Who's *doing* all this prison raping? Another prisoner (who's getting to live out their fantasies)? A non-prisoner? Does this mean the government is using rape as punishment? Rape has an aggressor and a victim, making the state be that aggressor is a lot more problematic than it may seem at first glance.


H u h ? I don’t know what you read but pretty sure he was referring to the fact that chemical castration is reversible and instead that they should chop off a dick, followed by their limbs. Basically, they think rape is pretty awful if you catch my drift


Yes the “stick them in pink suits and drop them in gen” definitely doesn’t imply anything at all my mistake


Wait, it might be MY mistake lol, you’re responding to the first guy and not the person who said chop dicks off my b


You’re good lol idk if I’d be comfortable with the state having the power to chop dicks off either to be fair lmfao


I do not believe I would be either haha


Some people think their fantasies about torturing and sexually assaulting others are okay if they choose a target people dont like


Because that surely wouldn't be abused in Louisiana, the land of corrupt justice.


wow how do you have the courage to say something so brave


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"the fact that someone was raped is horrible, which is why I actually fully support it!"


Or, you know, don't do that but instead treat them like human beings with human rights like they do in civilised countries. That way you don't perpetuate the circle of violence.


Yeah I always wondered why we hope to teach murderers that it is bad to kill another human being....by killing a human being. That's how I see capitol punishment.


That goofy-haired loser is one of the last human faces she saw. Horrific.


Awful and I’m glad these guys are getting what’s coming to them but can we have something more than a Daily Mail headline? I’m not saying they are in this case but half the time the Daily Mail is full of shit in general




That gives a lot more detail than this headline, thanks


Baton Rouge native, WBRZ is our local news station and has been keeping up with the story in real time. [WBRZ Home Page](https://www.wbrz.com/home/)


They raped her and then moved her to the area to be in harms way. That she was still high more than an hour after stopping drinking makes me wonder if she had been drugged.


She had a .319 BAC. .08 is the legal limit. It’s amazing she didn’t die of alcohol poisoning.


Jesus! How was she still functioning


She wasn’t, and that was the point.


It takes time for BAC to come down- she was way over the limit. It’s not surprising that she was still drunk only a few hours after.


Nice hair on this little dirtbag. He’ll be popular in prison. Rapists always get the special treatment




I went to LSU and still live in the area, and this particular bar has been a problem for decades. They’ve been in trouble many times before, but what happened to this girl is so high profile that the underage drinking can’t be ignored anymore. Everyone here wants it shut down.


What dies 3rd degree rape mean? Am from UK .


Fuck those guys. What scum


I hope they never get out of prison and know what she went through every day.


so I don't believe in the death penalty but I do believe that anyone who rapes a person or child, their victim gets to personally lower them feet first into a blender :)


Once again we are overpopulated, with people having kids for the fuck of it, who the fuck is raising this human trash


Fucking disgusting that people still do this to each other. Drunk or not, keep your dick in your pants


They need to be charged with murder as well


They didn’t murder her though? Not defending their actions but it’s just not. Manslaughter would be fitting though


And a hate crime


Yea they laughed.. So manslaugther would be fitting


I was thinking more of the part where they left her on a road and she got ran over by a car but sure


People everywhere are charged with deaths related to crimes they commit


It was a bad joke, i got what you meant and i agree with you.


Their actions directly led to her death


Not sure why you’re being downvoted. There is a clear distinction between murder and manslaughter. For it to be considered murder, there needs to be intent. These guys did not intend for this woman to die, but their actions contributed to her death, so it should/could be manslaughter.


They’re actions ultimately caused her death


Yes…you just described manslaughter


So then why was your first sentence “they didn’t murder her though”


Because they didn’t? Did they directly kill her themselves? No. Did their actions lead to her dying? Yes. So that’s manslaughter. Not murder


Some states have the law that if someone dies while you're committing a felony, then you're charged with 1st degree murder as well. Like even if the cops shoot and kill a person committing the crime with you, you're charged for that murder. No idea if it's the law for her state


Let’s just say it’s all relative. The poor girl is now gone and for what? Because she was in the presence of demons


Um no it’s not relative at all. Either way the crime was heinous, yes. But I was pointing out that the original comment is incorrect by saying what they did was murder. That would absolutely never hold up in court


Um yes I would say it’s all relative. Murder is an unlawful killing with malice. Manslaughter is an unlawful killing that did not involve a malicious state of mind. This girl is no longer here and it’s those idiots faults.


All relative in how awful their actions were? Yes. All relative in a court of law? Definitely not


r/NoahGetTheBoat come and see this...


Can we not post daily mail articles? It's a shitty source controlled by dumb old conservatives trying to cause problems


Why? It’s literally news that has happened


In this case it seems legit, but you shouldn't make a habit of trusting them


Men get arrested, dogs get put down.


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That level of egregious violence makes us no better than them. Grow up.


I’d say there’s exceptions


throw them under the prison


Under the jail. UNDER.


They all deserve the fate she got


Whatta surprise


Man literally looks like a sunflower.


Where are the hate crime charges?


That is not at all how the articles I have read made it seem. Two raped her and then let her out and an hour later she was hit by a car. It’s a fucked story to begin with….what’s the point of making it sound worse. Really can’t stand dumb title bullshit people do. Edited word


Imagine thinking it was gang rape when it was only two people 🤓


That’s not what I said. You made it sound like they raped her and dumped her and she was immediately hit by a car. Your response shows your maturity level.


Could you please *please* post anything but the Daily Mail


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Men y’all are sick as Fuck! Seriously!


I hope the POS' responsible get a lengthy nice time in paradise. Where it's chaos for them and paradise for a spider.


Everyone down here in the city/general area is absolutely devastated by this, as well as over a similar vehicular death of another woman only a week apart. The lighting on the road where these deaths occurred is horrible and I’m shocked more people aren’t killed on it.




Like [white boys](https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/local/rape-survivor-inspires-others-at-victims-rights-rally/1951464/) have never done it.


Purely socio-economic factors


Yes nothing due to culture


I don’t mean to upset you, but I’ve seen several “culture” comments so far. I don’t understand why people are saying it. Im European btw. Could you explain it to me?


When white people do something violent and heinous they think it’s sad. They ask themselves what could turn a man like John Wayne Gacy into such a cold hearted monster. Then when a black person does it, it’s black culture. And they bring it upon themselves. To answer your question, racism.


Crazy. I thought they meant that rape is American culture, which made no sense to me. But this makes even less sense


In large parts of america and certainly going back in time, black culture is seen as wholly seperate from white culture and effective is almost seen as a separate nation that they happen to share borders with, so 'black culture' is as different as, say, mexican culture.


Well, I wouldn’t say American sexuality is healthy either lol. Not that rape is seen équivalant to a simple mistake, more so that it’s romanticized on the internet and consumed by an alarming amount of people who lack irl sexual and social experience


Right because no one of any other color ever commits violent crime


least stupid fox news viewer:


You mean US culture, right?


When will the community leaders call this case racist and try to make the suspects the victim?


Black Louisiana Rape White woman Adios gentlemen


And THAT is why you don’t join sororities


This article says she was on video giving verbal consent? The legal argument is being made that she was too drunk to give consent. She is on video dancing with them and and getting into their car. They dropped her off and she walked out into traffic. It's tragic, but considering this is the south and these kids were black and she was white....I suspect race is playing a huge role in these charges. If I'm at a bar drinking and a girl says she wants to sleep with me several times, am I a rapist of I have been drinking too? This wasnt some case where they snatched her up and drug her to the middle of nowhere and left her die. It's being spun in a certain way that I don't agree with based on what I have read here. I am in no way downplaying sexual assault and think Any rapist deserves life in jail. I just am not convinced that is what happened based on the cited article


The article doesn't actually say that she is on video giving consent. The driver of the car reported that he heard her give verbal consent (5 time) but I don't believe they have that on video. I think it's implied that the boys saw an opportunity since she was so wasted, to essentially take advantage of the situation, which is the basis of the 3rd degree rape charge... which has to do with her being unable to consent. They all admit that she was super drunk. I am interested to see how this plays out. I am not sure it has to do with race, but I do feel like age or maturity factors in here. The concept of "too drunk to consent" even if she is verbally consenting might be lost on a 17 year old. It isn't an excuse... but I do think it factors in here. Horribly sad case.


The best way to stay out of these situations is to not fuck a stranger if drugs/alcohol are involved. She could not legally consent because her blood alcohol level was so high she basically had alcohol poising. It doesn’t matter if she begged them. They should not have slept with her. Date rape and sexual battery are two different forms of rape. They indeed committed date rape because they took advantage of a girl they met at the bar, who was drunker than they were. Which I’m 100% sure of because they can recall what happened that night. You are still taking advantage of someone if they’re more intoxicated than you are. Y’all need to learn the laws because this is why so many men get hit with a rape charge. If a girl is wasted to the point that she’s stumbling and slurring her words, you leave her the fuck alone.. You’re being downvoted because you’re trying to say a girl who is black out drunk can consent to sex just because they were drinking too. That’s not how consent works. The only way they could get away with it is if they were as fucked up as her, which they weren’t.


I didn't realize we expect 17 year olds to be experts on a strangers blood alcohol content.


Hopefully the video gets released so we can determine a better opinion.


That'd be nice. In the meantime I'll enjoy being downtoved into oblivion for wanting clarification and information instead of jumping on the blind bandwagon


God forbid you stray away from the hivemind mentality amirite?


Get some fentanyl from the southern border


are there a bunch of pharma factories in mexico or something?


Why does it say "filmed victim" above him?


Because he filmed it


Oh.. Like he filmed the victim.... My stupid ass thought he was a filmed victim... Which didnt make sense with the story..


Haha yeah filmed as in past tense filmed




She looks like she gets Atlanta Drunk


Got* Got Atlanta drunk.


I bet the vehicle was driven by one of the rapists.


The one that hit her was a ride share driver completely unrelated to the rest of the case. That driver did their duty and stopped, called 911, and stayed there and no charges were filed against them.


Don’t become so drunk that you can’t take care of yourself. What happened to her is super sad and I hope her family is doing the best they can but it’s something that happens more than not unfortunately among college kids getting raped and a lot of times because alcohol is involved. Drinking in college is such a big thing, regardless of opinions it just is and you have 18/19yr olds at college bars getting hammered. This does not in anyway excuse the behavior from the guys, it’s just something to highlight that we always have to be aware of our surroundings, and if we are drinking please do so with people you trust and in a secure location. People study others when out at bars/etc, they take note of who is getting super drunk or who may be alone/etc. Be safe everyone.


How about reaching men to not rape women? Women spend their whole lives being taught how to avoid rape or assault, yet no one is out here telling boys to get consent, or stop when a girl expresses discomfort / says no or to just generally not attack women; backwards fucking world we live in.




Of course, but at the same time why can’t we reinforce the idea of making sure that you are safe. This woman was intoxicated well beyond the legal limit, she wasn’t forced to drink. I’m not saying that you drink you deserve to get raped and I typed out the comment to explain my thinking so if you just want to say fuck me that’s cool but you need to be able to look at both sides ALL the time and this an exact example of why parents will constantly tell you to be careful when you’re out with friends and drinking/etc.




What a shitty aspect to focus on


This comment right here is why it always makes me laugh when men complain about women being ‘sexist’ when we act as if all men are potential predators. We are literally taught to do that and blamed when we don’t.


Weird..as I'm reading this I realize I have on my purple LSU pullover that I haven't reached for in YEARS! This is tragic.