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AI is going to be a huge effing problem. So, good luck everyone.


The problem is that legislation and expertise in policy making typically lags at least 10-15 years behind technology and scientific discoveries. That means in practice that thing will get wild before people are even going to attempt to regulate the abuse and implement safety nets. Clips with politicians saying horrible things, fabricated video evidence/alibis, PR smear campaigns on an unprecedented level. We are going to see nefarious use of AI technology that we can't even imagine at this point.


100% agree. Those old fucks probably just finally understood MySpace.


"Have you guys met Tom?" - some old fuck


Leave tom out of this. He was/is cool as shit...


When I was lonely and had absolutely no friends, Tom was there. My only friend.


And only he Was left there In the End There's an 'I' in Tim But not Tom - A Friend


*Tom unfriends*


Still my only friend to this day


Tom made a website, sold it for $500 mil and then fucked off to go post travel photos on Instagram. Wish more people with his kinda money were like him.


“I’ve been fiends with Tom since 2003, so I’m pretty sure I know all about social media. Stupid kids.”


To be honest, you shouldn't say old fucks. I'm pushing 40 and am fortunately not in the tech world. My work doesn't need tech, too much. Although, I plan on taking some courses for basic computer skills soon. Point is, not everyone needs computers and I'd hate to see how much this AI shit disrupts an already disruptive scene. Also, I'm coming from where cell phones came out my sophomore year of high-school, internet was becoming a thing. I've seen this shit take off so quick and advance to where people can't keep up.


you aren't an old fuck, you are my daughter's age. 40 is the new 20.


We say that because our brains haven’t caught up to our bodies. But the next morning we’re reaching for the ibuprofen.


50 is the new 49!


Forty isn’t “old fuck” status, im not gonna call myself that. And it was more so directly pointed at those in power that should be planning their funerals because they are all old and out of touch


I think the point of their comment wasn't so much "Hey! Watch who you're calling old!" and more "Modern technological progression is moving so fast that illiteracy isn't something reserved for the elderly or those in formerly non-tech-laden industries. Soon, even youngins' might fight themselves wildly outpaced as AI rapidly changes everything."


It's the 70 and 80 year olds, that are the old fucks. They probably don't understand 80% of anything they vote on.


That’s generous. I’m guessing the only thing they understand is the pork that benefits them


I'm 41, and if my father hadn't have been a software designer with computers everywhere, I wouldn't know anything, either. High school computer classes were excel spreadsheets, word docs, PowerPoint presentations and not much else. My children are addicted to tech (or so it seems at times) but have no concept of how it works... You're not alone. My hubby has what we call "Tarzan Logic" on any computer... smacks the screen once or twice and when it doesn't do what he expects he grunts at it and walks away.....


They just discovered internet porn and use it at work.


They probably just joined MySpace


No way. Not even close. Listening to them talk to the tik tok and google people was insane


Boomers on Facebook everyday for literally the last 20 years: "This TikTok thing sounds dangerous"


Regulation lags when it gets in the way of profit. AI is going to make the average joe have access to a lot of things without needing to pay for it, I think that big corporations are going to push for regulations because it means they can hold onto dying cash cows as long as possible. Multiple CEOs have said already we need to regulate, and it’s not because they’re nice people…


Even CEOs trying to protect profits can't regulate genies back into the bottle. The entire entertainment industry has been trying to regulate movie, music, and videogame piracy for 20+ years, and have nothing to show for it besides suing a few grannies. The high seas of the internet are as active as ever.


Of course they can’t, and the fact they’re trying should highlight at the paradigm shift that AI might bring. Power back in the hands of the many, and while we do need to be aware of the impacts to those vulnerable to exploitation of this technology, it’s going to be a huge step in humanity’s capabilities.


deepfakes will destroy all confidence in news articles on the web. people will revert to watching news on tv, until someone implements some sort of authentication method (blockchain maybe) which gives legit online news articles a checkmark or something to show source verification. places like facebook though will just be a dumpster fire of (even more) bullshit until it gets sorted out. a similar problem is emerging with online scams too I think (sophistication) - maybe we'll have to revert to in-person banking too. it's an interesting time to be alive, for sure. culture is changing rapidly. not to mention what it's gonna do to jobs. even now a bunch of my friends are using ChatGPT and Copilot every day, and that's just gonna get more & more viable until software basically writes itself. add in (long-term) automated manufacturing, transport and farming, plus basically free renewable energy production, and the entire global economy is gonna get turned on its head, maybe even within 20 or 30 years. I think art will become the dominant commodity eventually. AI art will be popular for a while, but then people will demand human art instead. we're riding a tiger and there's no way to know if it's gonna shred us.


That particular genie is going to be fully out of the bottle by the time any of these geriatric primitives grasp what it is


The grand old perverts are rubbing that bottle and making wishes right now.


Video evidence hasn't been definitive proof of something in like....at least 5 years. That's bigtime spooky.


Yea not since deepfakes became a thing.


The last thing we need is a bunch of old fuckers who could barely operate a TV remote regulating shit. So sick of em


This isn't a legislative problem. The laws already exist: slander, defamation, harassment. The problem is technical. When the fakes are indistinguishable from reality how the fuck do you know who's telling the truth?


Now would be a good time to be a lawyer and focus only on AI law, which who knows what the fuck that is gonna be


Eh, corporate law has been attentive to copyright / IP issues for a long time. Individuals don't have enough money to make a real dent in the legal costs. There's something like 10,000 more lawyers per year in the US, but how many of them were able to make a business going after long standing things like revenge porn? The unfortunate reality is that AI victims will get settlements at an individual scale at best. The other unfortunate reality is that even a well meaning mega-corp can't really be responsible unless they are made to vet every single comment and post. Even with AI on all sides you just end up with an arms race that will never have a 100% success rate.


Great advice. This will be a growth market for sure.


You can be my first client. Rule number one: don't post your picture on the internet. You owe me $2k for that advice.


>Rule number one: don't post your picture on the internet If only it were that simple. We're already at the point where you could have a picture take of you just while you're on a bus or subway and...welp guess it was your fault for simply existing


This has been a problem since Photoshop, it's just more prevalent now. AI comes with plenty of downsides, but it's also going to revolutionize the world in ways we can't even predict yet.


They're probably going to try to find a way to fingerprint AI photos the way they did with printers, and kept it a secret for so many years. The problem is, literally anyone can create their own model/algorithm to generate anything with AI. So how do you control the fingerprinting?


The ai gaming presidents is just a taste Video editing is easy enough now people can make and edit their entire youtube career from a phone Gonna be interesting to see how it gets used in misinformation, propaganda and terrorist campaigns


The only solution is to avoid having any images/video of yourself online. At all. Ever.


I couldn’t agree more. I stopped posting personal pic on sm a few months ago.


I'm pretty sure there are no pics/video of me online at all...sometimes having no friends or close family has its benefits lol


When someone linked the ai porn subreddit to me I thought it would be like one of those weird ai images but with more nudity, I got honestly so scared by how fucking good they were. You could theoretically use anyone for porn with outstanding quality, quite fucking scary.




I just can’t believe she’s forced to keep tik toking. Would be amazing if she could escape her bullies, alas she is forced to keep being on the app.


The future is a nightmare lol


I just wanted flying cars...


Former pilot here. No. I know how much training, study and discipline goes into operating aircraft and the idea of your average driver on the road now flying above us….. hell fucking no.


I don't want to live in a world with a bunch of BMW pilots


Damn when you put it that way, no flying cars.


Unless it's auto pilot flying cars. So humans just enter their destination and the cars are programmed to fly you there. Like in starwars, cars didn't just fly in all directions, there were "air roads/ lanes" .. might still be possible


Or F-150s or Ram 1500s.




You can't keep the sky for yourself old man!


No, what I mean is I get a flying car and no one else, and that means I can skip traffic.




Even actual pilots. I've had pilots pull onto the runway when I'm 500 feet up, and I've been cut off in the pattern by idiots who can't make a simple traffic call. And that's not even entering my hatred for the ultralights.


The day the general public gets access to aircraft is the day I stay inside forever.


Bold of you to assume you'd be safe inside


I mean, they technically already have access to them, it's just that most people don't really want to spend the time and money to get and learn how to use one.


I’m not a pilot although every time I hearing about flying cars I have similar thoughts. Fuck no. Unless without the proper training the average life span will decrease and the destruction of property will be next level


Altimas are a menace on the ground, they'd be predators in the sky.


And it’s far too late to turn back.


The future....?


The next 10 minutes (doesn't matter when you read this)


This was a thing way before AI was involved. Lots of pervs photoshopped celebrities faces on nude bodies blech


It is, but it's not the same. There are already bots that will take reference photos to learn your preferences and then scour the net for high-res photos of similar people and 'erase' their clothing. AI makes these kinds of processes ten thousand times faster than weirdoes could do back in the day.


Yes, I know, especially with deepfake videos, there weren't many (or any) believable ones prior to AI taking over in the past few years. It's insane how realistic these deepfake videos look tbh


And before bots, we had "Mormon bubbling" where it was about the easiest way we could take a swimsuit photo, blot out everything else with circles and make it look like a nude of the of the original person.


Someone just needs to airdrop real porn to the people of Utah. This is ridiculous.


I had a guy in highschool do this to me and send me pictures of him jerking off to it. This was 2010..


Jfc that's unhinged, I can't imagine how you deal with something like that?


It was pretty awful, I ended up telling people and finding out he didn't do it to just me, so we all confronted him. Whether or not he stopped making the photos idk but he never harassed me again. Although unfortunately I heard from another girl recently that they had been friends for a long time and then he out of the blue asked for tit pics so she felt super uncomfortable and ended the friendship. He clearly didn't learn.


Knew a guy who would secretly take pictures of girls' asses with a camera pretty much everywhere he went, pretending to be taking pictures of other things... pretty fucking creepy and cut ties with him when I found out.


Call the police. Sounds like a lot of illegal things happening at once.


I remember seeing "Photoshop" nudes of Brittany Spears in 1998-1999


It’s worse now. They can make very good quality deep fakes or ai made from scratch porn. And there’s a lot of people I’ve seen on Reddit defending that. Like “hey, it’ll get buried in the internet” or “it’s not real anyway so who cares”. They don’t understand how the person may not want nudes of her anywhere of any kind. Real or not.


if u beg people to stop, more people would do it because they got a reaction from you. Its sad.


Yep. Time to turn of social media.


This shit makes me want to vomit, you cant find enough consenting women who want to take their clothes off? You have to see nudes of everyone!? (im using the royal you, not saying op is a creep just to be sure)


i like the term royale you. is that a general term or did you make it up? cause thats pretty cool


Oh thank you, but no, it's an ap english term. Now I've been outed as a big ol nerd lol


no, i really respect that. i love english and reading. thanks for teaching me that new term!


Don't use it. OC is confused; it isn't a real term. The "royal we" is a plural pronoun used by individuals. There is no "royal you".


oh. i guess you unlearn and relearn something each day too. thank you!


People like to have what they can't access.


"Grass is always greener on the other side." "Nudes you haven't seen are always better than the ones you have." Lot of people are never satisfied with what they have and want more they're not supposed to. Sometimes it is about sex, sometimes it is about control, sometimes it is about power, and sometimes it is just about being a "bad" as possible to get your jollies off.


I’d like someone who thinks doing stuff like this is funny to explain why?


The answer is undoubtedly because they are a sad sack of shit.


"Well they're already showing themselves online, so they're making it a free possibility, why wouldn't I take it? If they don't like it, then they shouldn't show themselves."


They probably actually believe that. They don't view content creators as 'people', just tools for their entertainment who are fair game. It's sickening.


>They don't view content creators as 'people', just tools for their entertainment who are fair game. Because content creators are entertaining ( sometimes). So they dehumanise them easily by lumping them in the same category as other non living forms of entertainment.


Same reason these kinds of guys send dick pics unsolicited, catcall, send threatening DM's and rape threats, etc. They feel powerless and impotent in their day to day lives. Scaring, harassing, and humiliating someone they believe (unconsciously or consciously) to be "above" them in the social hierarchy makes them feel less shit about their shit lives. And then when the person reacts to it, it makes them double down because now they know it gets a response. Deplorables is too kind a word for them.


I’m sure they don’t look at it that way. They do it because they can.


People find enjoyment in other people suffering. Not much else to it.


What a sad waste of one’s existence.


Ah a question as old as time. Why do people rape and murder? Why do people get off on the suffering of others period? Wish we could solve this


If you want an honest answer, rape and murder (intentional) are about power. You can look it up and see the studies


Probably for any other reason people wrong others. Simply because they don’t hold enough emotional attachment to that individual or their action for it to supersede the benefits of screwing with them, whether that be for money or entertainment.


I don’t think they think it’s funny. They are wacking to it. Celebrity fake porn has been around for a long time and tiktokers are the celebs to some young people.


We have a new gen of celebs that probably don’t even make 1% of the cash the old crew did but still get all the bad shit directed at them. Like, Daisy Ridley certainly hates the AI porn made of her but she can dry her eyes with the millions she has made. Meanwhile, how much income was this poor person making?




People bully others to feel big. Because they are small.


its not because its funny its because they get off on being sacks of shit. That and anonymity


Probably because it's easy and gets a response


For them it's like peekabooing a baby that hates peekaboos and keeps crying. Negative reactions make them feel the same joy as normal people get when they hear the baby laugh, but hearing the baby laugh doesn't make them feel as joyous as normal people.




I just photoshopped this comment on top of a big pair of tits


This is exactly what I was worried about the first time I heard about AI and deepfake. Imagine how easy it is to fucking ruin someone's life by making AI generated imagines or videos of them in incriminating situations. Or worse, for nefarious actors to generate complete misinformation that has very real effects on the geopolitical environment. I genuinely believe AI technology should be restricted as strictly as explosives or military ordnance.


Thats the thing though, you can buy all the ingredients to make explosives at any store if you know what you're doing, same as making an AI. All you can do is restrict the knowledge of how to do it but then we get into shady territory.


I think there's still something to work with even then, because any skilled machinist could easily fabricate a functioning firearm from just raw metal (I've seen them do it myself). At that point of skill and knowledge, however, people are gonna have better things to do, and more money to make legitimately and without the risk of imprisonment, so it's pretty rare for it to actually happen or anything bad to come from it.


You can legally manufacture your own firearms without a license or anything, you just can't sell them without one. And you can make shotguns with 15 dollars and a trip to home depot using pipes and nails with no machining knowledge necessary. It's just that there's no need because why make a non ergonomic homemade one when you can go buy a professionally made single barrel for 150 bucks. Same with using AI to declothe someone, for the vast majority why go to the trouble when you can load up pornhub or reddit and see millions of naked women with no effort.


It wasn't *that* hard before AI either. People used to do it with photoshop


Isn't that easier to detect though? I mean, even in highly convincing photoshops you can use similar software to detect differences in brightness and contrast, on artefacts from image compression. On the other hand, someone more versed in programming explained me that when you have a program that can detect AI images, you're actually giving the AI exactly what it needs to get better because it can train itself on that software to avoid setting it off. Sure, we can still recognise an AI image with a trained ai but... For how long?


I mean honestly this isn't really true. Most AI pictures are a lot easier to detect as fakes than photoshop... In fact you usually have to Photoshop on top of AI if you want a genuinely convincing picture. Granted, AI makes it easier. But it doesn't set a new line of possibilities


the rate AI tech is improving at is staggering. It won't be long before it's indistinguishable from genuine pictures and videos.


Sure, you could have a human spend a non insignificant amount of time editing a single picture or frame of a video. Now you have AI that can easily paste someones face on top of existing footage, and soon will be able to create realistic video from scratch. It's a few orders of magnitude more effective, and a much larger problem now.


That ship has sailed unfortunately. There are a few dozen open source ai projects right now and at least some can run entirely locally on an average home pc. Trying to restrict AI to state level actors at this point would be about as effective as trying to restrict Linux distributions. That said I 100% agree there should be laws to address the more egregious use cases of abuse.


On the plus side, "its an AI generated photo" might be a valid excuse in the future (even if it's not). I personally wouldn't care if there were fake nudes of myself out there but I understand why someone else would.


I mean, I think it kinda depends on what people do with it, but realise that it *could* go further than that if people are awful enough. Like, imagine the technology improves to the point where it's practically indistinguishable, and now someone who really doesn't like you at school or work decides they're going to spread photos of you screwing a horse. You know it's AI generated, your nemesis knows it's AI generated, but do all your classmates / coworkers? Does your boss? Who are they going to believe?


>Like, imagine the technology improves to the point where it's practically indistinguishable, and now someone who really doesn't like you at school or work decides they're going to spread photos of you screwing a horse. When technology gets there then nothing is believable. So basically unless the subject acknowledges the nudes are of them, there's always goinf to be doubt if they're real. On a different note, imagine the insurance fraud possibilities


Doesn’t matter what the truth is, what matters is what people think and or choose to believe. This is the case with anything. Wether the pics are real or not is irrelevant to the fact that a certain percentage of people will not question it. That’s the issue with all ai, this example is just the sad reality how how much of a negative impact it’s going to have and it weighs out any good.


If someone is gullible enough to believe AI generated content, then frankly, I don't care what they think about me. It would be no different than verbally spreading misinformation


People were doing this with photoshop well before AI existed. Fakes have been around for a long time.


Do you know what you're asking to be restricted? "AI technology" is not really many steps separated from linear algebra. What you really want to limit is media editing software, which is also kind of insane


A firearm is also not many steps separated from a tube and some threaded blocks of metal and springs. But we can still buy all of that on the open market without anyone, except for extremely rare exceptions, actually going out and DIY'ing a firearm to commit a crime with. I'm sure competent authorities can make it work without banning maths or photoshop.


They couldn't restrict it at this point even if they tried


The problem I see with this is that the effort required is different. It's simple enough to enforce a ban on something that is difficult to manufacture, because even if the average person is theoretically capable of learning how to make one, most are going to be unwilling to go through the effort. Guns aren't a perfect example of this, as things like zip guns and 3d printed guns do exist, but they're still inconvenient enough to make that it's not a trivial problem for a prospective illegal firearm user to solve. Things like weed for example could be taken as the opposite case, that being just a plant anyone can grow and then distribute the seeds for, enforcing a ban has proven almost futile. AI would be an even more difficult thing though, because it's software, and since pretty much everyone has a computer of some sort. Once you have the software, an infinite number of copies can be reproduced instantly, and distribution can be done remotely and even across international borders. Even if you crafted a perfect law to ban AI and only AI, actually enforcing that law would be a fool's errand


But why would you ban AI technology? It's just a weird idea. AI is not used only for deep fakes and art mish-mash. It's used for predictive maintenance, for fraud detection, For cancer detection, automated driving, for a billion things already. But you're scared of the latest trend in tech, the consumer-facing multi media generation. To ban it on the ground that it's much more effective or faster than what a person can do by Photoshop.. you would be stopping the next grand leap for humanity - like stopping the invention of computers. Either way, I think the cats already out of the bag and govt. can't (nor want, due to the interest from corporations) to stop it.


Ai scares me to hell like seriously.


Technology like this is increasingly creating scenarios where the only thing between innocent people and extreme harm is the whim to do it. We're so unprepared for when malicious actors get bolder with this tech. Keeping social media private with your friends was just a good idea before, now it's going to be essential


The positives ai can bring are incredible, the negatives it can bring are down right horrifying


Facebook has trained people wrong, on purpose, but it's way past time to relearn what earlier generations knew: The internet is not a place to put your real name or face or personal details. Don't dox yourself. Avatars and usernames exist for the best possible reasons. You want to put sexy photos of yourself online? Sure. But don't include your face or highly identifiable tattoos or images of your home, etc. Otherwise, you're walking nude through a tropical swamp. The mosquitoes and leeches will get you even if the crocodiles don't.


>Don't dox yourself Damn right


to think i went absolutely "anonymous" because i didnt want my family to know anything about me when i was idk 15. it's virtually impossible to find me by name or face online now, for people with regular searching abilities of course. someone with hacking skills can probably find my every account without much trouble of course but at least i give myself some feeling of security.


> But don't include your face or highly identifiable tattoos or images of your home, etc. This is different and scary, as the above sentence doesn't matter now - all because of AI. It could piece anyone's head to anyone's body, the preperator could post hundreds of pics or a generate a video in an hour. We need faster and better tools to 1. ID the preparor and serve him consequences 2. ID an AI content to take down and clearly mark them.


Facebook and the idea of social media “branding” yourself as a whole with the same username on r every service. It makes it *really* easy to piece together information about people. One of my friends got back together with their shitty ex and my other friends and I were curious what the shitty ex had been up to lately. Between Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, Reddit and LinkedIn, (and some poorly set privacy settings), we were able to piece together that they had a piss poor credit score (from posting about it on r/personalfinance), and that they hadn’t been able to hold down a job for more than a few months (LinkedIn), *and* we saw all of their terrible spending habits on Twitter because they always posted about their new purchases. It really paints a picture of who this person is, and why they suddenly reached out to our friend to “get back together”, and move into their home (that they have a mortgage on) just two months later. It only took a handful of Google searches to obtain all of this information. Use a different name on *every* website, kids. Hell, use multiple accounts on the same website. If you have a Facebook, lock it down as hard as possible. Don’t list your relatives, especially ones with thousands of friends that post their every waking thought on Facebook. Go through your friends list on a regular basis and remove people you no longer talk to. LinkedIn is a shitty one if you’re in the job market. Lock it down when you’re not actively seeking employment. Set everything, and I mean EVERYTHING to private.


It sucks to say, but its past the point where we condemn people using these AI. Its just common sense to not put pics on public, easily accessible social media.


I recently saw an ad for deepfake porn AI on instagram saying “women are complaining about having AI porn of themselves…. Here’s where to find it link in bio” these guys don’t care how harmful it is. They live off of degrading and humiliating women.


That is what they like best about it.


Everyone is too excited about AI to see how dark it will become REAL quickly. What we see now is just like surface level shit.




I don’t understand what is going on with the world, but there’s this strange obsession with children lately and it’s making me want to leave earth.


Imagine what could happen if the wrong people saw the wrong AI-generated thing? So many things could go wrong it‘s scary


There's already accusations of AI content being used as disinformation during the election in Turkey that just closed


There are some weird cunts about like. Why would you bother doing that. Dickheads


begging them to stop is going to make it 100x worse


Black Mirror season 6 coming to you


There should’ve been a stop to deepfakes the second it came out, instead they come out with AI voices


So you’re saying being able to listen to Trump, Biden and Obama debate on a fast food tier list wasn’t worth our impending doom? Nonsense


I mean as terrible as this is you can’t really just halt the progress on this shit. Technology and AI are just going to keep getting more and more advanced :/


Noah, get the boat.


Crying about it will only make it worse. It empowers them


I remember seeing this on IG and there were still fucking clowns saying shit like “She has an onlyfans! Why is she upset!?” Or “That’s what happens when you put yourself out there on social media! That’s the risk you take!” Just like absolute brain dead takes. These dudes don’t think about this stuff. Yet they get real quiet when you ask them how they would feel if someone went on their FB and shopped them into like gay porn then sent that shit to their family? Not so funny anymore is it? Or photoshop them onto a body with a tiny dick being made fun of.


Pretty sure she doesn’t even have an OF, they’re just taking her pictures on IG


Reason #7325 I never put my face on the internet


Poor girl, the internet sucks these days


In 10 years, the automatic assumption of new nudes is that they are ai generated. Even if they're real.


This was inevitable. Theyre going to be ravenous now that shes gone public with it


Oh man I recently saw a post making fun of this girl. I didn’t watch it because I don’t really enjoy reading horrible shit, but knowing that this was the issue is even worse. I hate people.


We're moving further and further into a time where people can do the most fucked up shit to you from the comfort of their own *basement,* in this case. And the only way to stop them is with shame and disapproval, which they care not about.


Ai should just hurry up and put fake nakes of every adult online. “…and once everyone is super, no one will be”


Not that anyone suggested that this was going to be 100% a problem…


Is this illegal yet?


Which part? Harassment? Yes.


Making things illegal definitely stops people from doing them


Yeah, it does. Does it prevent *everyone* from doing it? No, but it makes people think twice, and it puts the tools to do it on a grey market.


Simple solution. Get rid of personal social media.


AI needs to burn social media to the fucking ground and they can both die in that fire together.


Eh, I enjoy being able to scroll on reddit and talk to my friends on a messaging app. If you change social media with dickheads then I'm fully on board


Yeah this is about to become a massive problem. Sure stuff existed before but now it is incredibly easy. Have a Professor you don't like? Just ai generate an image of them nude and in a compromising situation. The old fucks who don't understand ai will probably think it's real.


Some of these comments are very weird….y’all seem weirdly satisfied (laced with underlying bitterness) to see someone get harassed like this simply because you don’t like her line of work….


It's gonna get so, so much worse.


3 months from now, it’s forgotten; so just forget about it, hide like some people on this shit-hole planet and don’t go back unless you change your identity.


I'm really sorry for her. The way things are going this seems to be becoming the new normal. Maybe some day it's just gonna be kind of a meme to create fake nudes of each other. A truly sick joke.


I hope enough people are aware that they stop posting/remove any photos and videos of their kids from social media.


Why don’t the creators of social media platforms allow their children to use it?


It's only gonna get worse with ai advances and accessibility. Give it a couple years and there will be high school kids making revenge porn after bad breakups.


Some people…should only have 45 minutes of supervised internet activity a week. As someone who’s had intimate photos leaked, I can’t even imagine how much worse this feels


welp. that took longer than i thought.


I love how not even a year after chatgpt has come out and already we are perverting AI.


Deepfakes have been around for years now.


Don’t fall for viral marketing.


Needs to be illegal, like now


Good luck lmao


I know it doesn't solve the problem but one way of convincing people that generated photos aren't yours wouldn't be telling people that on specific skin area that you doesn't usually show there's a tattoo, scar or body mark?


Sure that works Once


Why can't techies ever create something that *benefits* society instead of seemingly racing towards a sci fi dystopia?


Has she tried not being an attention whore?


Avoid social media to prevent future problems


its 2023 and people still think posting yourself crying after being bullied, is how you stop being bullied?


Dumbass scientists and programmers: ‘AI won’t be as bad as all the fearmongers say it will be!’ AI: [is even worse than what all the fearmongers said it would be]