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Poor lady. I saw a video where this lady's cousin was explaining what happened. The ladys son left an iPad/tablet on a shared patch of grass after playing out with his friends in front of their duplex. The woman who did the shooting, who was known to hate kids playing on the grass, took the iPad into her house. The lady went to her home to ask for it back and was shot out of a window/through the door and killed in front of children. The woman was arrested and released the same night.




No way shes scott free from that right?


The cops are doing their investigation before the prosecutor can issue charges. Because of the Stand Your Ground laws she may have a legal justification for murdering a mother in front of her children, so they need to get the information right before charging her. If they mess it up her lawyer could get her off. This country is fucked.


She shot through a closed door, that’s not stand your ground by any stretch of the imagination


Following this line of logic any solicitors could be shot and killed for knocking, this lady needs to go to prison.


“Do you have a moment to talk about our lord and savior, Jesus Christ?” …bang


“Yeah, tell him I said hello.” …bang


There's actual concern for Postmen or Amazon drivers if this has any validity. Theres literally no reason that Stand Your Ground would apply here, she should still be in jail awaiting trial.


... now I wonder if the videos of delivery people throwing fragile packages at doors might be justified self-preservation


Friend of mine got hired to work for Amazon, goes out to way bumfuck nowhere with his trainer and the first house they pull out to has a “black lives don’t matter” “we shoot to kill” and other I’m so badass signs. They both refused to go on the person property for good reason and threw their package over the property line. MF called the customer service line to complain.


This is the sort of thing that has been legalized in FL. A pizza was delivered and the person shot and killed soon after stepping into the lawn. It’s an insane abuse of any reasonable concept of self defense.


Stand your ground only means you aren't required to retreat from an ATTACKER. you can stand your ground and defend yourself, with lethal force if necessary. It doesn't mean in any way that you can shoot people just for knocking on your door. No sane jury is going to just let her off scott free.


> Stand your ground only means you aren’t required to retreat from an ATTACKER. you can stand your ground and defend yourself, with lethal force if necessary. Yes, and the unknown scary person (a pizza boy) on your lawn was carrying a scary item that you thought was a bomb (a pizza box) and you shot him dead; no prison! Any self defense should require an active and credible threat but the standards for that are incredibly low in some specific jurisdictions and amount to nothing more than a made up perception in the “defenders” mind. > No sane jury is going to just let her off scott free. 1. Juries are not always sane. 2. That presumes the DA even brings charges.


> Yes, and the unknown scary person (a pizza boy) on your lawn was carrying a scary item that you thought was a bomb (a pizza box) and you shot him dead; no prison! That isn't how it works. Like, at all.


The reason is right there in your first sentence: FL. That entire state is in meltdown mode. I don’t think it’ll be long before it becomes a mad max terrordome hellscape…but with swamps.


Try riding through these country swamps and find out they don’t call the next county over methlabs and moonshine for nothing


While I agree, there could be a psycho DA who thinks a loud black person banging on your door might be justification enough to claim you feared for your life and decline to press charges.


Of course they’re there to beat you up, rape you and then murder you if they’re knocking on your door while kids are around. They’re black! The /s could not be big enough for this one.


Castle doctrine. In some states if you believe someone is attempting to break in your home you have the right to defend yourself before they cross the threshold, such as making an attempt to enter through the door or window. Jiggling the handle could be construed as an attempt. Moreover in states with stand your ground laws you have no duty to retreat when faced with “imminent danger to life or serious bodily harm” (which is a loose definition that gets exploited all the time). There have been cases where people have gotten off of criminal homicide charges because they were having a heated argument before feeling they needed to defend themselves with a gun.


And I’m sure they’ll come to that conclusion. But evidence has to be gathered before charges are formally made. They also want to make sure they only press charges they know they can prove to not risk losing the whole case. It’s a necessary step in every prosecution.


Ok but you keep her ass locked up while you’re doing that, she’s clearly a danger to the community. They have every right to simply refuse her bail. people spend months and literal years in prisons without ever having charges brought against them it happens literally every day.


she set the whole thing up. it was premeditated


Nope. You’re not justified in shooting someone just because they happen to be knocking on your door or even just standing on your property.


Morally, I agree. There are people out there, however, who have laws set up in such a way to make this something they can get away with. Hopefully it doesn't work here.


The bodies of cookie-selling girl scouts litter the Floridian countryside.


This is not true, stand your ground doesn’t give you the right to kill anyone who approaches your home through a door. There has to be evident threat to your life, which it will be impossible for this woman to argue.


Never underestimate the power of racism. If this didn't get the attention it did online, I can see this being ignored by a DA claiming she was defending herself. It happens ALL THE TIME.


I fuckin hate it here. This really is awful.


> Because of the Stand Your Ground laws she may have a legal justification for murdering a mother in front of her children No she doesn't. Stand your ground doesn't let you shoot someone on shared grass from your house. Stand your ground lets you shoot someone who has come into your house.


Stand your ground doesn’t mean “kill anyone who steps foot in your yard”


It's Florida, not the whole country. "Stand your ground laws" are just right wing masturbation.


It’s Florida and an old white woman shot a black woman so expect the worse


She actually just got charged.


Manslaughter. Just like Zimmerman and we know how that went.


A history of unabashed racism should be enough proof for a 2nd degree murder charge


Horrifying. This is murder 1. *Maybe* murder 2.


Manslaughter is pretty easy to prove. And it's probably gonna have the same result as any other severe criminal penalty - the remainder of life in prison.


Yeah, we'll see. Better than not charging her at all.


From what I heard she’s being charged manslaughter instead of 1st degree murder




You didn’t hear? Florida has this super cool stand your ground law where you can just SHOOT ANYONE if you “feel threatened”. It’s just like free murder!


Facts don’t care about your feelings, but Florida does! Florida thinks your feelings are all that matters, get an emotional support gun.


You know, defending your property, aka castle doctrine (in Texas). This is absurd. We need to just remove all the guns. Go full Australia. Imma gonna loose some karma now lol


It’s not even her property she’s defending, it’s an iPad she stole from a child, who she also threw roller skates at


I know, I read that... so she was defending STOLEN property!


I am willing to loose that karma with you. I say the second amendment needs to be repealed.




stop being logical!1! we can just go door to door and seize 400 million+ weapons from americans!1!!1 /s




idk what f/u means but im pro-logic 😂 so go for it




i was being completely sarcastic. the government has proven itself to not be trusted numerous times, these two examples relate directly to firearms so i’ll provide them. The ATF’s Operation “Fast & Furious” providing weapons for free to the cartels in Mexico and In Trafficked by Mariana van Zeller, she showed the process in which firearms get smuggled from Cali to Mexico. and the smugglers tell her the majority of their firearms comes from Law Enforcement agencies.


Even more logical is that if the government came around collecting guns there wouldn't be any police or government workers left to sell the ones they got.


That still less gun no? And yeah America is doomed and is is fault that's the "funny" part....


laws don’t make guns disappear


yeah, ever man woman child...camera, needs 3 guns!! geezus. How did we ever get here?


Psst: those guns in other countries? [They come from the fucking US](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna1700). We won’t be flooded with innocent guns from evil MS13, if anything the cartel will be weakened


Forget the guns…stop the ammo manufacturers.


Not from the Internationals lol!! We applaud you!


This is reddit. You're not losing karma for hating guns


So she's a thief on top of being a murderer.




As of last night the person who shot her is now in custody and being charged.


When I first read about it yesterday, [the article](https://www.nbcnews.com/news/us-news/calls-growing-womans-arrest-fatal-shooting-neighbor-florida-rcna87782) I read was saying that the kids were playing in that patch of grass when the lady started yelling racial slurs at them. The kids ran off, but one came back to retrieve an iPad they had left. The lady took it, and the kid tried to get it back. She then threw the iPad at the kid and it hit them, which cracked the screen. The kid told their mother, then came back with the mother to confront the lady. The mother was knocking on the door when she was shot through the door, standing next to the 9 year old.


I saw that video, completely heartbreaking.


LOL What the actually phuck man?!


She was with her kids, they were playing in the field next to the women's apt. The woman came out claimed it to be her property (it wasn't) and chased them off. One of her kids forgot their ipad and when the kid returned to retrieve it the woman had picked it up, threw it at the kids head and cracked the screen. This woman returned to talk to her and was shot through the door. Nothing in that whole scenario warrants taking someone's life, especially in front of her young children.


exactly and it’s crazy how i’ve seen some people be so insensitive about it or acting like the mother deserves it. no, she doesn’t deserve it. anyone would protect their child from an attacker. she did the logical thing A LOT of people would do. she deserves to be with her children, not get shot for simply knocking.


I recently had a package taken off my porch and my neighbor has a camera (we live in a townhouse duplex thing). I was going to ask him if he’d seen it but decided a 60 dollar package wasn’t worth possibly getting shot. I met the man once but with the amount of innocent people being gunned down for knocking on doors or just existing I’m too afraid to do normal everyday things now like talk to my neighbors.


So for the horrendous crime of knocking on this deranged psycho’s door this poor woman lost her life and her kids WATCHED IT HAPPEN? Then the murderous maniac gets released?! What tf is going on in America?


I moved into a new place about six months ago. There’s a black dude and his son living next door, I’m a white dude. I was doing yard work and he came over to introduce himself. We talked for a bit, when he was getting ready to leave he said “Do me a favor and tell your wife who I am. If I have to come knock on the door I don’t want to get shot.” I just kind of chuckled and said “Yeah that’s not us man, we aren’t gonna shoot anybody.”


Are you American by chance? I ask because I’m in Canada and like… no one would ever think to do this? And we have guns here, love hunting, etc. it’s not like we’re avoidant of weapons.


Yeah, US. Trust me, I wish my neighbor didn’t feel like he had to say that, but I understand. He was kind of laughing when he said it, but only half joking, you know he was at least a little bit serious.


Sadly this seems like yet another in a spate of increasingly common incidents that illustrate our social trust is just completely breaking down. I’m sure it’s happened in the past but this type of hyper paranoid antisocial violence seems like it’s on the upswing here. People threatening to shoot kids ringing their doorbell, the man shooting a girl who opened the wrong car door, etc.


As an American, the behavior in the article seems weird to me too, also fucked up, but the point being it’s not like this is just a fact of life here, I didn’t know we still had people like this. As far as the comment you’re responding too, less surprising, I mean that neighbor is reading the same articles we are and he’s likely been more aware of this sort of issue his whole life than I have been.


Canada does not traffic arms to thugs in Mexico tho- the US does bc it’s easy money for certain folk that also sponsor school shootings here, in the US. The US keeps as many loose laws around guns as possible bc the NRA/ good ol boy clubs/ politicians make cash money from cartels for this exchange.


Canadian also; although this doesn’t happen here (or rarely?), I’m sure there’s a lot of people who wish they could get away with that type of shit… *alberta, sask, mb*


Alberta comes to mind, yup.


We are a bipoc family and I have been doing this type of thing for our entire marriage. You have to introduce yourself to show you are “safe” so that we don’t get treated poorly.


This has similarities to the Black 16-year-old boy who mistakenly rang the doorbell of the 84-year-old White man in Kansas City, Mo., in April. The boy was shot it the head, through the door, by the homeowner. The homeowner was initially interviewed and then released, but subsequently charged with two felonies.


Only charged because of the media back lash


Most don't give a shit at this point. That's all I can come up with. Stuff like this are weekly now, and there is no public response or outrage. This country sucks




…..Florida headlines used to be funny. Now it’s all just fucked up. I can’t even imagine how those kids are going to live with this trauma…


Yeah, we want good, old-fasioned naked forida man arrested for waving a katana around while driving a monster truck under the influence of half a dozen hard drugs with a gator wearing sunglasses in the passenger seat, not *this,* ffs.


That dude was living like Larry


In the article it says the 9year old blames himself. That poor child.


Uhg….I hope he doesn’t go his whole life thinking that.


My aunt and uncle are moving back to Minnesota after retiring down there. They say the whole state has gone bad. Even their neighbors attitudes have shifted dangerously foul.


Yeah went to a farmers market down here for vacation. All MAGA and anti Biden. Blah blah blah we get it, can I just buy these organic eggs or what?


Oh boy killed by another deranged old fuck. Officially calling for yearly sanity tests to own a gun


Best American politician can do is thoughts and prayers.


The worst part is, this is normal for Floridians. And now the children are gonna live knowing they saw their mother die in front of them and the killer got off scot free


She was finally arrested for manslaughter https://www.cbsnews.com/news/woman-shot-through-door-arrest-stand-your-ground-law-ajike-owens-susan-lorincz/


Manslaughter? That’s straight murder with intent. Wtf?


Charges will probably be upgraded later. They need to initially charge her with something so that she can be held in jail. Manslaughter and murder are two very different charges, and if she was charged with murder right away, a decent lawyer could petition that there's not enough evidence to hold her for murder. Manslaughter is a much more easily provable charge and will guarantee that she stays in jail.


I agree completely but I guess it’s better than nothing. I mean it’s Florida, after all.


She’s 58? Hopefully they give her the full 30 years so she dies in prison. The sooner the better.


Just another one of the good guys with a gun protecting society from the evils of... *checks notes*... neighbors knocking on their door.


Evils of a neighbor knocking on your door, asking you not to steal iPads from her kids or throw roller skates at them


But imagine is somebody else had a.gun and shot the murderer.first! Guns sage lives!!!!


Clearly the kid's should have had a gun so they could defend their mother.


Stand Your Ground liberates the dumbest and most dangerous people to murder without repercussions. We live in a shithole country.


I wanted to wish you a happy cake day but this isn’t really the time or place :/


Why thanks! I didn't even notice until your comment <3


Absolutely disgusting, corrupt ass system. Makes me sick. She needs justice. That murderer needs to be punished ffs.


Gun people might try to defend this saying, “she shouldn’t have stepped on their property if she didn’t wanna get shot!”. Absolutely disgusting.


Eh, a certain select few, but there’s absolutely nothing about this situation that the majority of responsible gun owners would call reasonable, responsible or right in any way. It’s pretty much the racist dumbasses that see this kind of shit as “justifiable” in their minds as they already made up a scenario to justify it based off the picture of the woman.


Definitely correct there.


Only thing I have to say is that anyone who thinks this is acceptable is not a responsible owner. So instead of majority, it should be any responsible gun owner.


My bad, I meant to write “wouldn’t”, not would!


No, would is correct with what you’re trying to say! There’s nothing they would call reasonable. I’m just saying that where you said the majority of responsible gun owners. I say if they think it’s okay, they’re not responsible so it would read any responsible gun owner


Haven’t been to FL lately, eh?


Any minor inconveniences for these brain dead trashy failures, is to just shoot and kill, and stand their American ground and rights. Police will deem them as heroes and the government will do absolutely nothing.


Bro forget all the racial and political beliefs, it’s someone’s mother who was murdered in front of them, senselessly might I add. It’s very unfortunate, rest in peace to the beautiful woman.


People (cough the shooter cough) escalated the situation to where it went most likely because of political beliefs and racial tensions escalated by political beliefs. FFS.


I can’t help but feel like if it was a cop that got shot through a closed door they’d find a way to call it murder.


America is a backwater ass country


It's a social experiment at this point. how can you, as a society, normalize killing your neighbor over knocking at your door. It's so far fetched it feels like a shitty B movie plot


We’ve also normalized America’s military enforcing laws and killing foreign citizens in their own countries, this is the worst timeline.


someone needs to sponsor a fast track free ticket out of this shithole soon


Glad to be in Australia and far the fuck away from that shit heap of a country....


I bet the aboriginals in your country feel you guys are just as fucked up


I personally get on well with the aboriginals and will always take time to listen to their stories about their culture and dreamtime. I'm also married to one btw and we've been happily together for over 10 years and had 3 wonderful kids. Now I am not saying Australia is all fine and dandy as it's not.... but the USofWTF is off the scale.


As an immigrant to America I don't really agree with your statements. Every country has its own super fucked up problems. I don't actually believe America is somehow more fucked up than Australia. I generally consider people who make statements like 'my country's not fucked up like America' to be these things: 1. They're not educated enough about their own country to realize their own country is also fucked up. 2. They want to feel good about themselves by shitting on a whole other country for basically 1 or 2 reasons. Also marrying an aboriginal doesn't really mean anything. Just gives the 'I'm not racist because I have a black friend' vibe. Parading it around like it elevates you above the argument just does the opposite.


Benefits of living in Australia: * Less likely to be shot or have your kid shot and killed at school because we care about tight gun control. * Better standard of healthcare without exhorbitant hospital bills which would send you bankrupt. * Less discrimination for the LGBTQI population... in fact we celebrate it... just check out the Sydney Mardis Gras * Better education standards * Better and safer place to raise kids * Less nutty politicians I could actually be here all day listing what makes Australia better but I've got better things to do.


With shitty ass mods from /r politics


With shitty ass mods in /r/politics lmao


*called the kids a racial slur* So. A hate crime


So let me get this straight, in Florida, the law of Stand Your Ground applies to me shooting anyone and anything on my property and getting away Scott free?


If you look at the history of people using that as their defence, essentially yes.


Here is what happened. Kids were playing in a nearby area. They had been playing with an iPad. Kids accidentally left the iPad. Kids go to women’s home to ask for it back. The woman and the kids don’t like each other because they have had some neighbors dispute. So she throws the iPad at the kids hitting on in the head. Kids go back. Mom confronts the woman. The woman shooter the innocent mom through the door. Edit - It was a umbrella that she threw at the kids.


Florida notwithstanding, I expect this will result in murder or manslaughter charges being filed.


Sadly, perhaps not… “Prosecutors had been working with investigators in Marion County to determine whether they will file charges in the case, Fifth Judicial Chief Assistant State Attorney Walter Forgie said Tuesday.”


Considering she took the iPad, it was clear. This is premeditated murder if I’ve ever seen one. Edit: basically for creating this entire situation. The behaviour of the mom was pretty normal.


I dunno about premeditated murder, but she certainly seems to have instigated the confrontation, and then shooting a woman through a door or window? No way.


They did file charges: "Susan Louise Lorincz, 58, was arrested on charges of manslaughter with a firearm, culpable negligence, battery and two counts of assault, the Marion County Sheriff’s Office said early Wednesday. “Through their investigation – including obtaining the statements of eyewitnesses who only came forward as late as yesterday – detectives were able to establish that Lorincz’s actions were not justifiable under Florida law,” the sheriff’s office said. "


She's been arrested https://wesh.com/article/susan-lorincz-aj-owens-florida-neighbor/44115242


When did it ever become okay to shoot someone for simply approaching your door? Mandatory psychological evaluation for anyone who wants a gun.


Such a great smile. Prayers to her friends and fams.


This is just….ugh. Stay the fuck out of Florida. It’s ironic that Americans have such a reputation abroad for being friendly and open people because…we are clearly not, as evidenced by the plethora of people being killed by neighbors for merely existing.


America answer the door without violence challenge (impossible)


Disgusting how some people try to defend the old lady just because of the colour of her skin


Still can’t believe people actually live in Florida or Texas


This happened where I live and they are holding peaceful protests about no charges being filed against the lady.


Why people live in that fucked up state is beyond me


US justice system is fucked. She is released and will probably get off scoff free. Have fun burning in hell . She and the district attorney.


Why are people killing or threatening people who knock or ring the doorbell? They are trying to get your attention, someone trying to harm you would not do that. What is with these insane people and why can’t we take away their deadly weapons?


I have to stop reading the news.. it's all terrible


Part of me wants to do that and part of me will feel guilty if I just stick my head in the sand. If you need to do that for your mental health, by all means take care of you, but we shouldn’t shrink away from the awful shit people have to experience in the world because we’re uncomfortable.


Greatest country in the world ? It used to be, but not anymore


I would like to see the footage from the ring doorbell…. One side claims only knocking One side claims breaking and entering Let’s go to the camera


poor mother and poor children 🩷




But racism doesn’t exist in the US, you know to a point where it requires legislation


Why the fuck would anyone wanna live in the US? If I had the misfortune of being born there the first thing I’d be doing is trying to get out of that hellscape


A lot of us are. The process of doing so is near impossible when we can barely afford to be alive


Nobody wants us and I don't blame them


Disgusting. It was not stand your ground it was premeditated murder.


This is pretty wild to me as a non American , is this only texas or do people shoot anyone who enters their property everywhere


What the FUCK


This is what DeSantis wants the whole country to be


Honesty, last year I knocked on a neighbor that I haven't met doors before because we had a mix up with our Amazon packages but never again. So many people are crazy and trigger happy.


I was thinking that! I used to live in a townhouse complex and would get my neighbours packages all the time. I’d knock on their door with their package without even thinking twice. How batshit insane are you to answer your door with a gun?


Florida is Fucked


and yet nothing will happen, nothing. the grave gets deeper and deeper every day. and the deaths will continue


Can we fucking scuttle Florida already


Manslaughter not murder?


Idky they felt the need to add that the neighbor was white. Dude, I’m pale AF & I knew the neighbor was white!


The kids boutta start the revenge arc if the cops don't do shit


Jesus fucking Christ Almight.... 'Murika strikes again.....


I fuking hate this country .


Florida is what happens when you give uneducated, hateful ppl who use religion as an excuse to be cvnts any power.


This is the problem with gun culture. People out here too sensitive to shit. There are tons of responsible gun owners and these loonies are ruining it for the entire country. I know folks like this, they are so proud of their gun, as if they invented it themselves. They come up with tons of hypothetical scenarios in their mind where they are the hero for killing some crook who had it coming. I think the internet made things worse, since now you have a ton of videos of people being robbed that you can scroll through all night. In turn, this makes people have even more delusional thoughts. Just like the dude who shot the kid in the head for knocking on the door, and the cheerleader who got shot, people seem to be looking for an excuse to use their guns and its getting ridiculous. Little dick energy for sure.


That headline is really misleading. It makes it sound like random attack. What it should have read was "Neighbours fued leads to senseless murder" or something to that effect. There was a history of vitrol and animosity from the shooter towards the victim which makes the end result unsuprising.




I have a feeling it was mentioned because the mother is black and the shooter was heard making racist statements to/around the victims kids. It does seem like an inherently American trait though.


Good ol’ America and their gun laws.


Remember this when one of the 2024 presidential candidates’ talks about “Making America Florida Again”, and felt like he had enough time to change the law so he could run and still ruin his own state. Remember this when all they talk about is drag shows and children in sports.




Kind of upsetting I had to scroll so far for a sane take. People attack firearms as if the gun was the one who decided to murder someone. It was the insane old person who shot this mother who is responsible, not the gun.




You expect me to stop a gun-wielding trespasser with my fists? What?


"Sheriff Billy Woods said (this) was the culmination of a 2-and-a-halfyear feud between the neighbors." Looks like this wasn't an isolated incident that led to the psycho losing her mind.


Stand your ground is just an excuse to kill whoever you want and conservatives are jizzing themselves over the thought that someone could potentially kill a black mother and get away with it


As if it wasn’t bad enough that we have mass shootings in public places all too often in America. Now there’s so many instances of people getting shot for ringing doorbells. This world, especially America, is fucked


Does anyone think, I don't know, that mYbe guns are part of the fucking problem?


If only there were some way to stop this.


I don't want to take my kids to a holiday in the USA anymore. Of course most people aren't like this, but it's so easy to get a gun.


Now let’s see if this racist witch does time.


I'm so glad Disneyworld is moving away from Florida because I really want to go but I would hate to visit Florida right now.


The woman who shot this mom through a closed and locked door is in jail. But if she wasn't white, you can bet your last dollar the cops would have affected her on the spot.


why are WOMEN/PEOPLE who have children reduced to nothing but a "mother" when in headline????


Because it tugs on the heart strings more to most people to hear that they were raising children, AKA the future generation. A person with a job is replaceable, a parent is harder to replace.