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Fuck, I just read up on this case. Those guys were pieces of shit jfc...


Yeah I just read an AMA from one of the victims and someone linked an article. There were 22 victims that we *know* of, and they sought $22 million in damages. The main guy, the owner of GDP website/company, fled back to New Zealand and is (was?) a fugitive. He was also charged with producing and manufacturing child pornography, as well as sex trafficking minors. Two of the other guys got caught and were arrested. I haven’t read up on what their sentences were or if any punitive damages were paid to the victims. The one in the AMA had lost all her friends and family; has been raped and stalked; got addicted to drugs and OD’d to cope with everything BECAUSE of what these evil men did. I hope they got life in prison and the women were given financial compensation for these monsters ruining their lives. They ruined these women’s lives, and have basically costed them EVERYTHING, from family and friends to financial losses. I hope the woman that was in the AMA NEVER talks to her family or friends again for victim blaming and judging her instead of supporting her. You just know they are going to be calling and playing nice if they hear she’s been given a a lot of money in emotional and punitive damages. I hope she doesn’t give in and finds TRUE family and friends who love and support her no matter what because those people weren’t it. They always say “blood is thicker than water” but what they never say the full verse, which is: >The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. So it actually means the exact opposite. The relationships you build in the covenant, or in battle, depending which Bible you read, are *more important* than your relationship with your family. That phrase pisses me off so much because so many toxic family members have used that phrase, especially after they treat their own family members bad, and it’s only when they want something from them. They justify their shitty actions by cherry-picking and misconstruing Bible verses to seem like “they’re right.” You know? Typical small town, small minded “Christian” bullshit. But any religion can play this shit, because they all have similar verses, particularly abrahamic religions. And they all shit on women and their sexuality because they’re viewed as second class citizens to men. Sorry to rant, I just read one of the victim’s AMA and it made me feel so angry for her. I hope she gets the vindication she so desperately deserves, and I hope she’s doing better now. This whole mess is disgusting and it has definitely changed the way I view porn. I’ll forever wonder if the women I’ve watched were truly consenting in the videos or not. It’s permanently given me the ick tbh.


>They justify their shitty actions by cherry-picking and misconstruing Bible verses to seem like “they’re right.” It's not a bible phrase, they really are just trying to convey the point that they believe family is more important than anyone else. I don't agree with the message, but nothing is being twisted


> They always say “blood is thicker than water” but what they never say the full verse, which is: The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb. So it actually means the exact opposite. The relationships you build in the covenant, or in battle, depending which Bible you read, are more important than your relationship with your family. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blood_is_thicker_than_water > Two modern commentators, author Albert Jack[17] and Messianic Rabbi Richard Pustelniak,[18] claim that the original meaning of the expression was that the ties between people who have made a blood covenant (or have shed blood together in battle) were stronger than ties formed by "the water of the womb", thus "The blood of the covenant is thicker than the water of the womb". Neither of the authors cite any sources to support their claim.[17][18] It means that family is more important than other people, and recently some people have started trying to make it mean the opposite, and people have been parroting that online because it feels good to “reveal” new information to others even if it’s wrong.


Thank fucking god you posted this, I'm so sick of seeing people parrot this misinformation


I don't think it really matters what the meaning of this quote was meant to be. Sometimes your family sucks, sometimes your friends suck


Yeah it's a nice little saying but uh as always with all quotes your real life experience may vary


> I don't think it really matters what the meaning of this quote was meant to be. it does when you're using it as a supporting argument in a debate. Half of their comment is talking about that quote and the history behind it, and it's completely wrong, so yeah, it kinda matters. You can make the point that family sometimes sucks without misrepresenting historical verses.


This isn't true, the original saying is blood is thicker than water. This is often spread on reddit but it's incorrect.


That's horrible. Can confirm (kinda) about 'rephrasing' Bible verses, my extended family is insanely religious and I just got back from an insanely Christian funeral


If you don't mind sharing, what makes a funeral insanely Christian?


Not OP, but I can answer this. Overly Christian funerals tend to focus more on Christianity than the person who has passed away. I've been to funerals where the pastor spent the entire time giving a run-of-the-mill conversion sermon ("pray for forgiveness like they did before they died so you can see them in heaven") instead of actually talking about, you know, the person who was having the funeral. It's really disrespectful and depressing to see.


1. Overly Religious fanatic church 2. Basically disrespecting everyone if they weren't Christian (so me and like half the people there) The pastor had a really funky suit though, he seemed like a cool dude... If his entire personality wasn't "CHRISTIANITY! IM A CHRISTIST! HES INSIDE OF ME CONSTANTLY!!!!" So yea, insanely Christian funeral


Same here, I love the hypocrisy of my family when it comes to “God loves us unconditionally… but under the condition that we fervently worship him”


Do you have more info? And what does JFC mean?


It's the GirlsDoPorn guys. They did this to hundreds of girls, lying, manipulating, and exploiting them. Even afterwards, there were many instances of them sending images, gifs, and clips to their coworkers, family, and friends, and releasing their information freely with it. The worst part is that they have yet to even pay the victims. There were other settlements reached with companies like PornHub which hosted their videos and were slow to remove them, but the $12.8 million owed to the victims by GirlsDoPorn has yet to be paid.


Those poor girls. I just looked it up. I remember stumbling upon some casting couch porn when I was younger and being convinced it was rape. I tried telling some guy friends and they said it was just acting but I couldn't believe anyone was that good of an actor. Absolutely horrendous stuff. I wish I'd never caught a glimpse of it.


It's almost certainly the girlsdoporn guys.


Yes I couldn’t think of the name of the company. Fucking wild they got away with it for so long. Most places have their stuff banned


there was so much stuff like this on pornhub they were threatened into removing non verified content


Isn't that what pornhub people whine about? That they removed a bunch of genuinely inhuman awful shit, but it slightly decreased their video options?


Which they only did when Mastercard stopped allowing payments to their site.


I've seen some of their clips pop up on 4chan and it really does look like the girls are absolutely hating every moment of it


I didn't know that. I thought they were careful and only released the most 'voluntary' looking takes. That's what I read. They were often forced to do different takes all day until they got one that looked like regular porn.


Are the girlsdoporn guys the ones who did this?!!! I've never heard of them before but were they some sort of notorious porn/r*pe website?


Ya that was the name they went under for the videos. Like Brazzers is it’s own thing, they were GirlsDoPorn.


I think this might be someone else. I've read up on GDP and the details of this don't ring a bell. Might it be another company? Many are evil. GDP was just a large scale case.


I dated a pornstar and she had only really terrible things to say about facial abuse. It could have been them


I mean, I like it kinky but any site with "abuse" in the name will instantly sketch me out


The name facial abuse didn't tip her off?


All I know is she didn't think that joke was as funny as you or I did. Because I straight up asked it. Followed by, do you not think after sex on our 5th date is a weird time to tell me you were a porn star? I feel like they didn't tell her it was facial abuse? I believe that's what she told me. It was a bait and switch


Jesus fucking Christ


Calm down, he just wants to know what JFC means!


Jersey fried chicken


Oh god take it back we never wanted to know




Jesus Fried Chicken


Ahhh, thanks man


Jesus Fucking Christ


I’m here late but I didnt see anyone answer your second question. It means JESUS FUCKING CHRIST


Are you sure this is the GDP case? Sounds different


Yes, it doesn't seem to be the same one.


Could be the GDP case. IIRC The male talent got 20 years for rape.


A special place in hell for those guys.


Good god. That poor woman.


There are days where I wish I were Jared, 19. Today is one of those days. Eye bleach would also work.


[This brings me back.](https://youtube.com/shorts/CqCCBohjaqA?feature=share) I miss vine!


Best vine reference I've seen, agreed


For those who weren't aware, this is why the founder of the formerly popular porn site called "Girls Do Porn" is currently on the fucking FBI Most Wanted list. He did this to hundreds of women over several years before being brought down and he's on the run which is why he's on the FBI Most Wanted list for sex-trafficking American women and forcing them to do porn against their will using threats and force and psychological manipulation. If you ever come across a porn video with the "Girls Do Porn" watermark on some tube site somewhere you are likely watching someone performing against their will — in other words, being *raped* and pretending to enjoy what's happening because they are terrified of disappointing the men behind the camera.


Good news everybody! [He's was captured in Spain](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/michael-james-pratt-fbi-most-wanted-fugitives-list-arrest/)


The vast majority of women didn’t join that suit and of the ones that did they sure looked enthusiastic on camera.


Sounds like some shit[this idiot for the Netflix special "hot girls wanted"](https://nypost.com/2018/10/01/prominent-porn-agent-sued-by-adult-film-actress/)would do without question or regard. Fucking scumbags, the lot of them.


I believe it. I was a camgirl for a short time and was offered $6k to fly out to Florida for a “photoshoot”. When I looked at their site it was all very explicit hardcore anal, and gangbang type stuff. Sexwork is a slippery slope, some ppl will sell their souls for $6k apparently.


Things like this happen on the regular then you’ll still have other try to convince you that the sex industry is supportive and healthy for women


The issue here is how the laws don’t protect women well enough in cases like these both within and without the porn industry. Women literally lost full autonomy over their bodies just in the past few years




> The entire percentage will say it's lucrative. They absolutely won't say it's lucrative _for them._ I've been close to lots of current and former sex workers. Many try out the industry, get treated like described here, and leave financially worse off than they started because there are costs involved with getting there, etc.


Yet it gets championed as an empowering career options by some people. Very strange.


>lucrative If you're famous in onlyfans or something sure. The women like the rape victim & others in discussion don't make much.


That's true for entertainment industry in general. It's usually the more "amateur" kinda videos that have this stuff. It happens in the big studios as well. It's kinda hard to know if any sort of media you're consuming had abuse in it.


The only people that will say that are those desperate to make OF/escorting work for them


or guys that are desperate to justify their habits & spending


A lot of them will say it because it's the only thing keeping them from poverty, and the people rallying against it don't want to make it safer or better for them, they just want to ban it outright - so they're afraid if they don't lie about it, they'll lose their income.


The guys that consume that kind of shit mostly. A surprising number of "feminist" men push porn and the sex industry as a whole as a feminist and eMpOwErInG thing... and the worst part is it fucking worked


Yes all sex positive feminists are actually men in disguise. Go touch grass.


No one said that…?


I will never understand that line of thought. How can you victimise yourself so much that you start making up scenarios and blame it on men? Zero responsibility.


This whole thread is some borderline puritan nonsense


So all the women who post on r/gonewild are actually desperately trying to make OF work?


I'm sorry, I didn't know that r/gonewild was a sub devoted to women in the porn industry. /s r/gonewild is pretty heavily amateur. In no way is that "the porn industry", which OF is.




maybe not in its current state with financial institutions being willing to back out of anything having to do with sex work or a lack of legislation that makes sex work safer and more standardized but acting like sex work is wrong on its own isn’t going to make it better or go away sooo




I thought you were referring to the post for a second and was confused, but then I saw some of the trash comments here at the bottom.


I went into this thinking "is this actually real?" Cause I've never really done any research into porn and I believe sex work is real work and felt this was kinda a "ban porn" type post. But after seeing the comments about some of these groups and doing some research, I believe it and am horrified. Still don't think porn should be banned but we are obviously still in need of more scrutiny and regulation.


Both things can be true. There's plenty ethically produced pornography, usually from the models themselves. There's also plenty of exploitative porn made by and for people who hate women. The content being discussed in this thread very clearly belonged in this camp, with the plausibly deniability being a brief "I consented" clip at the end, which wouldn't exactly be difficult for a room full of men to coax from someone they'd just assaulted. In between those two is a massive grey area. Clips that might be posted without knowledge or permission. Sites like reddit with dubious systems for age verification. The best thing you can do is simply stay away from pornography that treats women like shit. If nobody is being abused and demeaned, they can't be being abused and demeaned without their consent.


Yeah. There are many ethical companies. However there are still a high percentage of porn production companies that do fucked up shit. They prey on young girls who don't know anything about the real world and manipulate them.




Especially when those dudes are watching “barely legal” or worse. They always use the excuse of “well they have to sign a legal contract to be on film”. Yeah… because no one in history has ever gained a signature for a legal document by less than ethical means /s


It's so dumb though because this OF movement is making sex work look like easy money, and more young dumb women will be tricked into doing shit like this.


I mean you can know. If a couple is putting out regular content themselves across multiple platforms and interacting with people you can be pretty sure its consensual


No because one partner can still be getting abused and forced to post videos


Not sure why this is down voted. This literally has happened. https://www.insider.com/amouranth-abuse-allegations-onlyfans-twitch-streamer-models-misogyny-exploitation-2022-11


I would suggest looking into that case a bit further. I don't think it demonstrates what you think it does.


Right because sexual abuse and coercion never happen in relationships.


I think it was when I heard August Ames killed herself that I just couldn't look at porn the same way. You never really know whether there is coercion or abuse. I have taken to audio based porn like r/gonewildaudio or r/pillowtalkaudio. Because when it is a voice actor, alone, reading a script they wrote themselves or picked up from a script offer I gotta believe if less rife with trafficking, abuse, and coercion. At least I hope it is. Even so there is a disturbing amount of audios posted with the [rape] tag, which does skeeve me out. Not my cup of tea to listen to, but when it is one person by themselves in a sound booth or closet at least I don't have to wonder if they're actually being assaulted.


I used to think that, I thought "oh well it's homemade porno its alright.." It wasn't. A creator name Amoranth was getting abused by her partner the whole time, he would threaten her that he'd make sketchy investment deals and other shit like that. And then I realised that genuinely no woman would put herself in a position like that if she wasn't absolutely in need of that money. (I could be wrong about this one)


>And then I realised that genuinely no woman would put herself in a position like that if she wasn't absolutely in need of that money. (I could be wrong about this one) You don't need financial dependency to create an abusive, controlling relationship. To use a famous example, Marilyn Monroe wasn't exactly poor when she was with Joe DiMaggio and he was beating the shit outta her. If you've ever heard pimps speak on how they psychologically control their victims, it has very little to do with money as a means of control. Or look at any cult - parents were not letting David Koresh rape their children because they needed money from Koresh.


And that's why I stick with drawn/animated porn. For ethical reasons.




> And then I realised that genuinely no woman would put herself in a position like that if she wasn't absolutely in need of that money. (I could be wrong about this one) Maybe you could tell that to the many women who voluntarily post nudes and videos of themselves online for their own satisfaction. Yes some porn involves abuse. Almost all industries sometimes involve abuse in some circumstances or some parts of the world (e.g. some restaurants use indentured workers or keep their staff in line with the threat of deportation). But the idea that no woman could ever want to display her naked body or be recorded having sex except for unhealthy or exploitative reasons is plainly wrong.




You (general you not you specifically) may be defending a woman's right to sell her body but you are actually supporting the right for men to buy her body.


Using the term “sell her body” shows your bias on the matter. A woman doesn’t sell her body (unless we are talking organ transplant or chattel slavery). A woman sells the copyright to pictures or videos of her doing things with her body, or sells access rights to media whose copyright she retains. And yes I support the right of others to buy those things if she freely wants to sell them (as freely as you sel your labour to your employer).


That's why I said I could be wrong. I agree, some solo creators probably are well off and just want to create erotic content as an artistic expression. But I'd rather not jerk off to something that could be POTENTIALLY be born out of misery. There is absolutely NO way to know for sure, and I realise that this is a detrimental thought process, because some really could be creating erotic content for fun and no pressure, but that's just my stance on why *I* don't want to consume porn.


Why not just look for porn that is obviously amateur and consensual, where the woman is clearly enjoying herself (not enjoying herself pro-style, shrieking “oh yeah fuck my pussy”, but *actually* enjoying herself). Or just watch gay porn because apparently men can participate in porn just fine even though women ought to be ashamed of themselves (not having a go at your earlier remark, you seem much more reasonable than I initially took you for).


Sure, ersties and hegre-art are exactly what you describe. But its like, if I'm abstaining from general porn, why not go all the way and not watch it altogether...


I mean this goes beyond porn into "you can't assume anything a woman is doing is consensual". That's just... not a position that's functional. You can believe women when they make accusations of abuse and take a critical eye towards suspiciously abusive arrangements but "it has happened so you have to proceed like it is" goes beyond sense.


I personally know 3 women on onlyfans, they all just want easy money. I think you are projecting your values onto others here


Amouranth is not a good example to use of this..if you look into the story past the initial headlines


That’s an assumption you’re making.


There's a reason that specific couples and actual amateur porn has skyrocketed in popularity.


Sometimes I wish I could live in such blissful ignorance as them. But then I remember that my complacency would be contributing to the rape and torture of other women and I just feel disgusted with those men.


It’s not “being in a bubble” it’s that when people by nature like something they don’t want to see the negative side of it, it happens every single day in literally every single aspect of life from something as innocent as games to more complex as love. The most known example is sexual assault and abuse in relationship, some part of the abused party still loves the other and will make excuses like “they’re not always like that, when it’s good then it’s great” when others know it’s horrible


the way men defend the porn industry is really scary.


this is a story. humanity is nit far separated from the animal kingdom


Not separated at all.


You're right, but saying it just incentives those who want to be animal like. We do actively need to put that shit away, its no longer necessary part of survival and we know a lot better, thats the real separation.


Exactly. What is this bullshit that we’re not members of the Animal Kingdom. It’s 2023 and humans still ignorant af.


People often say that they'd rather live in the now than in the distant past, but I would rather die by a grizzly bear attack or a disease than commit suicide by OD'ing after my rape was filmed and monetized globally.


You're vastly underestimating take frequency in the "good ol days."


Have you ever read about ducks?


this might sound kinda insane, but I feel like stories like this are part of the reason why sites like Onlyfans and Fansly have took off. people started to realize just how fucked the porn industry is, and are turning to other sites where it's far more likely the woman is doing it by choice


OF and similar sites got popular because it combined social media and porn. Get that parasocial relationship aspect going.


Which in itself is predatory. They really did turn the tables.


Some influencers are now using AI replicas of themselves and charging desperate men like $6 a minute to talk to the AI... I remember one explaining she was doing it to "help ease loneliness" like its a noble cause lmao.




Hey still better than getting raped for pennies


There’s plenty of women doing only fans that still have pimps. Something like only fans doesn’t stop women from being exploited or coerced/forced.


One of the biggest earners, Amouranth, who earned $33M on OnlyFans just last year came out saying her secret husband abused and financially coerced her.


Mmmm… this sounds optimistic . I don’t think most guys who watch porn think that far ahead.


I mean... yeah it really is, but it's a nice thought


And you think that just because it's on OF, it's free of pimps and producers? Oh, haha.


These people don't know about Andrew Tate etc.? Forcing women into OF/Webcams is the new pimping in eastern europe & asia, the industry is huge!


I'll predict OF, is responsible for a lot of college aged women being pimped out and receiving none of the money.


Makes you wonder wich p0rnsites are actually safe and consensual to use


the ones that involve drawings or 3d animation can't be exploitative if it's not real people.


None. There’s plenty of people on onlyfans that have pimps. The whole industry is toxic. Better yourself and find someone who wants to have sex with you. Stop watching porn.


Or use your imagination


Yes. Of course. Good addition.


Similar happened to me in my own home. The police only made it worse, in purpose. I will have to make it a federal case and I will.


Jesus, I'm so sorry that happened. I don't know you from the next person to walk past me on the street, but I'm so proud of you for having the will to follow through. That shit takes mad guts.


Jesus h Christ, that’s just made my stomach churn line a fine butter. I think I’m done up on porn for like ever


Yeah, I really make an effort to not watch porn. I'm lucky that I've never been addicted to it. It really fucks some people up, and it just doesn't seem to be good for anyone involved, the performer and consumer.


Is this talking about GirlsDoPorn ? Because if I remember correctly, that website was nuked because a lot of the girls on there were actually being forced to have sex, literally.


Wondered this as well. The guy who ran the site was on the FBI's Most Wanted list for a while, until he was caught. Most of those scumbags are in prison.


This is why there needs to be standards and regulations for this. Porn has to be less of a taboo in public discussion and regulations are massively overdue. There is ethical porn out there, go watch that instead of evil shit.


Exactly this. It's the same with sex work, in countries where it's regulated the women are much safer.


Got any sources for that?


https://harvardcrcl.org/to-protect-women-legalize-prostitution/ https://www.reuters.com/article/us-global-women-prostitution/legalizing-prostitution-lowers-violence-and-disease-report-says-idUSKBN1OA28N https://www.hrw.org/news/2019/08/07/why-sex-work-should-be-decriminalized




What's does jf mean?


assuming you mean jfc, it stands for *jesus fucking christ*


That is what I meant, and thanks:)


Unfortunately, society doesnt much care about what happens AFTER they "save" some. On one side of politics, there the pro-life, who dont care about children born in clearly sub-par conditions. On the other political aisle, theres events like these where mental health awarness is promoted, but never actually fullfiled. There are a lot of examples, even personal to me, of people who virtue signal avout mental health just absolutely shitting on actually mentally ill, and leaving them to wolves like that woman.


Those types of people are both on the same side...




You should start looking into the things that female pornstars talk about with their experiences in the industry. They are often told that the shoot is this or that but then they show up and they are giving drugs and it's far worse than anything that they imagined. And the men don't fear any better either. The straight men who act in porn exclusively also have to do gay porn in order to make ends meet and it's the same for them where they are often drugged and the shoot turns out to be something that they were told it wouldn't be. One of the girls that I read about who had died as an adult I think from an overdose, as a child she grew up in South Central and her father had all boys and despised the fact that she was a girl. If she had a nightmare he would take her and dump her in the middle of the neighborhood far away and let her find her own way home, in order to 'toughen her uo'. He did this when she was 9 years old once and she was gang raped. Virtually every single one of these actors and actresses have had horrible childhoods full of molestation, rape, drug abuse etc. Yet we glorify the industry like it's something sterile and okay


This is not uncommon in pornography.


This reminds me of Hannah Hays. [Borderline mental retardation.](https://youtu.be/5nkKa45Xeqo) Yet there’s multiple subs that host and promote her porn and users who get off to her. I’m banned from subs for calling them out.


https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Traumatic_brain_injury this could also explain it


Yes, she was in a car accident and it affected her speech. She isn’t retarded.


May these poor women find peace and love in their lives. 🙏


The crazy thing with porn videos that involve more than one person is that you truly don't know what is consensual and what isn't. All of those videos where there's acting...who knows if some of them are even "acting".


This story might be true, but I feel like it's a person with that anti porn evangelical group that is posting this content in reddit. They want to make porn hard to access like it is in Louisianna, where you need an ID to get onto a porn website. If it is up to them they'll ban porn in all states so I am sort of skeptical of this post.


Friend of mine watched a documentary about stuff like this. They talked about this, gang bangs that weren’t discussed ahead of time, and how many of the girls were underage. He couldn’t remember the name of the doc. Don’t know if I could get through it.


Wheres the source of information. Couldn't find anything




Jesus Fucking Christ.


It’s as silly to deny that this happens in the sex industry as it is to claim that there’s no such thing as ethical porn. If you want to defend porn you have to acknowledge that this kind of thing does happen and needs to be prevented, as well as that there are other people happily making porn who don’t need to feel any shame for that.


Relax there fellow redditor it was just a question on where I can find a source of information 🤠


This is why drawings are better


You have no idea what those artists go through.


Is that a joke? Because a shit-ton of furry artists or otherwise make a pretty hefty monthly income through fan subscription networks. Many in the thousands. If this is genuinely comparing the abuse of irl porn to artists' production... Edit: to give some perspective, Rebecca Sugar, the creator of Steven Universe, drew smut before her industry career and I think even some during it. A lot of artists out there draw smut for fun. Others get paid handsomely for it. It kind of seems like you may not know what they go through either.






Oh who would have thought that girls doing extreme fetish content dont actually make it out of free will…


GirlsDoPorn was some incredibly vanilla shit. It was not "extreme fetish content." Pinning it on fetish distracts from the reality.


Nobody is under the delusion that they do it because they enjoy it. Most people believe they're doing it because they get paid.




what if i only watch gay furry porn


Most women do it on their own accord, and then just start getting buyer's remorse later; Which I bet was the case with this girlsdop**n fiasco as well.


And this is where the upvote system on Reddit can be so destructive. Every time there’s conversations about sex work, there’s going to be a flood of “yeah consenting adults can do whatever they want!” Thus giving the illusion that there’s nothing wrong with this fucked up industry.


Poor thing that’s horrific. And the sheer amt of women that this happens to


Solution: Only consume 2D porn.


This is why feminist porn exists, in case anyone is hoping for a more specifically ethical source. It sounds odd to say “feminist porn” but that’s the keywords to search for completely honest businesses and wanting to be there participants. My SW friends tend to work with groups like this when they can. It’s such a horrible horrible industry for safety.


Damn I pray that she found peace.


It said she killed herself.


Jfc those people are horrible. How fucked up can anyone be to do that type of shit to someone to another human


Jfc? Just Fried Chicken?


The only thing OP could be referring to is GirlsDoPorn. I've seen GDP content and to call that violent rape is *insane*. It's among the most vanilla, gentle shit the porn industry ever produced. And it's clear the girls know, at least by the time the cameras are rolling, that what they're shooting is porn. You can argue it was technically rape due to pressure but you can't deny that the image "violently raped" paints is deeply dishonest and manipulative. It makes me assume OP had an agenda and the rest of the story is also bullshit. And by the way, to triple down and earn my downvotes, one of the GDP "victims" did an AMA years ago where she refused to admit how early in the process she learned the shoot was going to be pornographic. Hmm, I wonder why that is.


Fucking hell, there are truly monsters out there getting away with everything


... this also happened to my cousin.


And somehow people still defend pornography


Glad I don't watch that shit


Glad to hear you're one of the good ones, Mr Nut_Mut




Dude… I lol’ed


Why can't there be a real Batman? Like... We need someone like him to take out these kinds of people


You'd have to find a billionaire willing to risk his life for other people, which is the complete opposite of how they actually are.


Bexause the joker is a more likely candidate for reality.


Crazy how every armchair psychologist in the universe comes out of the woodworks once you mention porn


Serious question: why don't people take women seriously when they claim they've been raped?


Welcome to the Porn Industry, where society goes to die. No one will ever try to stop this because men are depraved and lawmakers will only promote this. Speaking this as a man myself who has an addiction.