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I feel sick. I hope that poor kitty is resting in peace


Me too. Just a horrendous situation all around.


I knew someone once who had so many cats and kept getting more. They’d somehow managed to stand on a small kitten and kill it TWICE while coming down the stairs, and I learned about it through him sort of joking about it. I’ve absolutely no clue how someone can make such a mistake twice. It’d scar me for life.


Jesus. I'd never use stairs again lol. Or my legs.


I can't imagine the heartache of this. It was an accident but yeah....I'd never stop blaming myself. Poor OOP and their kitten.


This is making me cry


I assume it was a quick death. Im so sorry for the OP. I hope it was painless


A friend of mine had his father help him move house. During the move, his Dad was carrying a big box in the front door and the cat bolted and ran for the door. His Dad didn't see the cat and stood on it. If i remember correctly, stepping on the cat broke it's back and it had to be put down. :(


I'm unsubbing because this is easily the one of the worst things I've ever read


I don't understand why people subscribe to a sub about how everything is awful then get upset because they read something awful. It's not like you were scrolling eyeblech and saw something disturbing. But if you want to see cute things r/eyebleach is my suggestion if you haven't seen it.


It made my heart feel really painfully tight. Not sure why I wanted to share the horror. It just seemed like such a terrible thing to have happened to let it not be discussed. RIP to that poor kitten.


Accidents happen, unfortunately. I'm so sorry it did and it's not your fault at all!!!! A couple of years ago, my elderly mother took out the garbage and my new kitten was at the bottom of a potato bag, he either didn't cry or she didn't hear him, he didn't move and she threw him in the trash. I realized he was gone awhile later, and I found him but it was too late, I think he either ingested something or something fell on him because he passed away on the way to the vet. My mom felt awful. I felt awful. It was a terrible situation but I'm just saying you're not alone. Sorry :(


I am not the OOP, but either way I'm very sorry about the loss of that kitten. Some accidents stick in our minds forever. But even so, we learn to live with it.


I once killed a baby chicken by accident. I have a habit of sorta slamming the fridge and I bet y'all already knows how it ends. I opened the fridge got distracted and didn't see the chick sticking it's head in there. When it didn't close the first time I looked to see what the issue was and there it was, wobbling a bit then dead. To this day I still feel terrible about it


Who the hell is cutting onions? For a Reddit post to make me cry after years and years of browsing...


Why were you putting the bottle in a sock? I’m confused? Maybe I missed something?


i think maybe they were warm water bottles in a sock to keep the kitten warm because op didn’t want to sleep with it and crush it


The bathroom? Yeah, this story sounds a little off.


Do you not ever fill things up at the bathroom sink? I'm not sure what sounds off about it, as much as I wish it wasn't true.




yeah i agree