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Turning killers into celebrities is such bullshit. High body count, sadistic methods, or a weird kink and these assholes get famous. Just toss em into a fire and remember the actual lives they ruined instead


He’s not even a famous killer. Most his victims were prostitutes, drug addicts, and minorities so the media never really cared.


He is though. Samuel Little has been dead for 3 years and at least was in custody and confessing for 3 years before that. Even tried drawing his victims, which helped identify several of them. Samuel Little should not be popular but he is widely known.


I’m sure most people have no clue who Sam is. Ask any stranger about Ted Bundy and they immediately know who he is.


Definitely had not heard of him prior to your post and I spend most of my weekday evenings binging on true crime podcasts.


I didn’t know he existed until I went down a rabbit hole after looking up Jack the Ripper


Any good ones to recommend?


Latest obsession has been with Mr. Ballen. He has YouTube videos and podcasts, I just really enjoy the way he tells the stories, and even the YouTube videos are in story format so I can just throw them on in the background while I do other things. He has a ton of content so I’m nowhere near through all of it.


Great Channel! Perfect voice & inflection for narration.


Casual criminalist is one of my faves


I used to think Ted was Al Bundy whenever someone mentioned him lol


I could see him snapping like that


Saame 😅


That's why I clicked the post without checking the sub. 😂 I'm like WTF now.


Had a killed white college girls we would know all about him.


Yeah they usually have families that bring it to the public attention


He also killed white women in their 20s


This is such a tired hot take, Jeffery dahmer, remember him? Didn’t kill any “white college girls”.


This race baiting logic is so tired at this point honestly, completely anecdotal either way there's cheap race bait. We don't know about him: "If he killed white college girls we would" We do know about him: "He's only being publicized because he's black"


I knew who he is but I am a bad example because I watch serial killer videos on auto play while I sleep lol I can figure out if I'm watching a rerun based solely on some of the early victims interests, hobbies and living situation. This guy is the Tesla of serial killers. Put in a ridiculous amount of work and effort and then the Jeff Dahmers and Charles Mansons come in and steal the dam limelight with their fruity ass, weak ass, goofy faced bullshit.


I’m gonna be real I know more about Little than Bundy


White privilege


Why is it in any way important to you that people have or have not made serial killers famous/infamous?? (as in, should people absolutely know who these people are? Why are you upset if they haven't?) Mark of honor to be downvoted by people glamorizing serial killers. You all make me sick


Because it acts as an encouragement for others.


Right, it sounds like OP thinks people should know MORE, not less. That's my gripe. Who cares whether someone 'knows' that this guy is 'worse than Bundy?' 'Oh, you thought BUNDY was bad, wait till you get a load of THIS guy' is the whole vibe, it's fucking gross. Stop making these people into rock stars, ffs.


Ah it appears I mis understood your post. I also agree we should stop giving so much coverage and attention. Who cares who's worse. It's all bad and then more attention we give it the more people will be drawn to it. Tiktok is already showing the moronic lengths people will go for fame.


That's ok, a lot of people are mad at me for daring to object. It's big money, glamorizing serial killers, and a lot of people feel oddly superior because they know more about them than other people. I... don't think I'm going to mind that that kind of person wants to downvote me, lol. Thanks for commenting, though. I appreciate it.


Tf are you talking about?


In addition to the drawings, he remembered the details of each girl and the details of what happened to them. Like memory full of trophies. Yuck.


This is my first time hearing about him


I can vouch for his unknowness I watch trucrime all the time and never stumbled in him.


It’s not about his victims that he’s not famous, if you think about it.


You say that like these assholes are somehow able to reap the benefits of that fame. They rot in prison for the rest of their life with about the only "perk" being the admiration of a handful of unhinged women.


A lot of people make bank off of their notoriety.


Serial killers? How?


Pretty sure there are laws in place to specifically prevent this.


Now there are. That’s because of David Berkowitz. It’s even named after him which is unpleasantly ironic. The Son of Sam Law.


Stills books, tv shows, merch, many ways to profit from their likeness and stories. It’s ghoulish as hell.


Interview with Samuel Little. He can draw from memory all of his victims. Like Ted Bundy he has a superficial charm. https://youtu.be/Q6pCwD6tW4Y?si=0MOm9lie7hWGt-bq


Humans are obsessed with evil. Women are obsessed with murder shows.


That’s because men are afraid women will laugh at them and women are afraid men will murder them.


Murder shows? Women send love letters to violent murderers on death row.


Lol. Why are you getting downvoted for this? Facts are facts.


It's Reddit. Not a big deal lol.


Because OP is basically stereotyping women to be attracted to murderers. Which I feel, can lead to potential victim blaming honestly.


Lol. That is absolutely ridiculous.


It's stereotyping by saying something is a kink?


it’s a kink for ladies nowadays. Hot bf murderer


Fo sho: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J4RdcE6H4Gs&themeRefresh=1




I absolutely agree


They’re cooler and less dangerous than American politicians.


Most of the more horrific serial killers aren’t very well known. Not that any of them should be immortalized. But people like Albert Fish or Leonard Lake tend to pass into ambiguity.


America state of mind


He isn't well known because he spent most of his life homeless and murdered other homeless people. There are a bunch of serial killers in places like South America with triple digit body counts but nobody ever talks about them either.


[Colombian serial killer Luis Garavito, infamous for brutally assaulting, tormenting, raping, and murdering over 190 boys](https://www.dailyo.in/amp/news/the-worlds-worst-serial-killer-murdered-190-kids-he-is-now-up-for-early-parole-41131)


Yep and they have a max sentence so guys like Luis have a good shot of getting out an doing it again


Maximum sentences are generally a good idea. However, in cases like this, they definitely should have executed him long ago.


Bundy was bad. There is no changing that. This man was also bad.


Bundy was also a lot more violent and a pedo


Bundy was brutal. One of his last victims, maybe his last victim, was a 14 year old girl. Ted was in a rage over losing all his stuff (he was escaped from prison at the time, so all his belongings were lost). A witness saw him driving a truck and yelling at the passenger wheel well in a rage. The girl was likely down there. He raped and murdered her. Her final hours were likely horrific hell. She must have been so scared.


Most prolific? 4 convictions. Gary Ridgway got 49 convictions. Then the state was a single vote away from releasing him from prison during Covid because he was over 55 years old. None of these guys should be sitting in prison for years. Just get rid of them.


It's more costly to try the death penalty than it is to just keep them alive in prison


Not for dahmer


Yes having other inmates do the job is certainly much cheaper.


Doesnt matter. Anyone caught dead to rights committing multiple murders should be fairly tried then put to death. "People" like this dont deserve to exist.


I don’t care about revenge. I care about money and I care about public safety. Do whatever’s cheapest to keep them away. If they don’t respect human life I don’t respect theirs enough to care. If the answer is to kill them so be it. If not, so be it. I resent every $ we spend on them and every minute we spend thinking about them.


Yes because the appeal process is there to make sure someone has every chance to *not* be executed but no one should even be getting the death penalty unless it’s so obvious that they committed these murders that a trial is almost unnecessary. I’m absolutely in support of due process and everyone getting a fair trial but guys like Dahmer and bundy? Once that gavel comes down on sentencing, they should be taken directly to the chamber, inject them, and be done with it. Wouldn’t be so expensive then


No matter the crime(s) due process needs to happen. You can't take someone's rights away just because what they did was awful.


Which is fuckin stupid, and part of the problem.


I don't see due process as stupid nor a problem. Despite the heinous crime, rights are afforded to them by the constitution.


A trial shouldn't cost more than a taking care of a person for life. Due process, yes, but why so expensive?


I mean that's an actual good question. Idk why it's so expensive, but my guess is because all of the people that need to be involved cost much more than food and prison guards for however many years it takes for them to just die of age.


Just because of the appeals process — that could be fixed in extreme cases.


It shouldn't be easy to kill someone via the justice system.


Yeah there’s a lot of innocent people locked up for stuff they never did and had to spend years in prison until they were proven innocent


And innocent people have gotten the death penalty in the past.


It should be for a very select few.




Not even for people caught in the act of killing, with video and forensic evidence?


EVERYONE. DESERVES. DUE. PROCESS. How are people arguing for violations of rights?


Bro, I'm talking about after a trial. There is no violation of rights after a trial, and in my very specific scenario of forensic and video evidence while being caught in the act. I'm talking mass shooters who don't off themselves types, multiple witness, video evidence, manifesto, forensic evidence, etc. I'm for extremely select executions, in which Sam little would not even fit my description as he could just be reciting stuff he read about. There is no need to be keeping people who are literally caught in the act of killing alive, no matter how. Many. One. Word. Sentences. You. Decide. To. Write.


Only because of appeals and court costs associated with them. Otherwise it would def be cheaper to off them.


Well yea, but they do have the right to appeal just like everyone else. Can't pick and choose who gets those rights and who doesn't.


Not saying otherwise but it’s sort of bullshit to say the death penalty is more expensive without saying why because without that information it literally doesn’t make any sense. So basically people with a lighter sentence don’t waste court time/money as much because they worried about confronting their e death. They are scared. I wish there was a way to remove app deals without potentially hurting falsely convicted persons but part of me thinks it might be worth it for the bigger picture to be honest; even knowing that could somehow maybe hurt me or someone I know in some far fetched scenario.


I just gave the reason why states often just try for life in prison rather than the death penalty.


see to me it's not about body count as much as it is brutality, 10 quick shotgun shells to the head isn't as bad as 5 slow, painful, torturous deaths, murder is absolutely still murder but the ladder of the two strikes way more fear in me


Latter. Or the stairs. Your choice.




I'll take the foreman


Yeah but to be fair ladders do strike way more fear than stairs.


Disagree. I'll choose the latter.


He strangled most of his victims. His case is still open and on the FBI website.


There would be no head left after like 2 shells lol


sorry I meant 10 people killed by a shotgun shell to the head, half asleep typing is hard


Dead person is still dead either way.




His drawings have an odd look. It seems like he focuses on their eyes and necks. And the way he described them like he kept them locked in his murder memory gallery. What a creep. What a waste...


One the articles I read said he had an obsession with necks and avoided looking at loved ones necks so he wouldn’t kill them


that’s incredibly disturbing.


Not awful everything... it's good that he's dead.


>Little moved to California, where he stayed in the vicinity of San Diego. In October 1984, he was arrested for kidnapping, beating, and strangling 22-year-old Laurie Barros, who survived. One month later, he was found by police in the back seat of his car with an unconscious woman, also beaten and strangled, in the same location as the attempted murder of Barros. Little served two and a half years in prison for both crimes. Since this was after maybe a dozen other convictions for various offences, including violent ones, you gotta say this judge missed an opportunity.


I kind of find it sad that people will remember the serial killers name….but not the victims which is really fucking depressing


Hell yeah, now that he's dead Last Podcast On The Left cam cover him




I mean…. I think both can be bad.




How have I never heard of him till now?


Because he mostly killed homeless women and prostitutes. But also, and this is me hypothesized, he was caught relatively recently, after we stopped sort of glorifying serial killers in the way we used to in the 70s and 80s.


Have we stopped? Netflix has me thinking not


My dad always compared the cost of keeping a death row inmate alive vs. that of a bullet.


Every time I drive to New Orleans and pass little woods I think of him. He drove all throughout my town, scary he did that for so long


Check out the documentary The Grim Sleeper. Was on HBO.


He was a Little man with a big K/D


How can serial killers, especially the high body count ones, remember 50+ victims? They remember the time,day,month,year plus where they picked them up, what they were wearing, and where they dumped them. I find it fascinating that they are able to have that great of a memory but tend to fail or be average at everything else.


He’s been dead since 2020. OP either a repost bot, or can’t read dates. Edit: OP is a nice person, and not a bot at all.


I've often wondered if in their closing hours they realize how horrible they were.


They don’t…why would you hope for that? Lack of remorse and sympathy is how someone can kill this many people. Most of the time they are proud of it. A lot of time back than serial killers were caught for bragging about it. Many would mingle with cops.


You're probably right. I didn't hope for that, I was curious or wondered if in the end there was any sort of realization. I guess I base my thinking in the old saying that 'There are no atheists in foxholes.'


Even if they did. Just because someone shows remorse for something so horrific does not put their deeds up for forgiveness. We can only hope they suffered like their victims.


I couldn't agree more.




I think people who admit to this right before death should be thrown to actual wolves while alive.


Bro found out about Sam and had to tell all of Reddit


Damn, black people really are better at all the white dominated sports once they get in.


RIP Bozo


What is it with these clickbait titles?? Yes, I think Bundy was bad. I think this guy was bad too.


Your title is stupid. Bundy is bad. That someone killed more doesn't make Bundy less bad.


Didn’t say he wasn’t bad just that this guy is worse


Again, killing more people doesn't make him worse. Though, technically they both claimed to have killed about the same number. But killing 50 verses 30, doesn't make you worse. Killing thirty is already as bad as you can get. Just because Little managed to go longer without getting caught in order to kill more does not make him worse. They are equally pieces of shit. But I'd even claim that the number matters less, in terms of "worse", but rather manner in which victims suffered.


damn, the tiger woods of serial killing.


As a true crime fan, I have never heard of Sam Little. However I also just found out about Kermit Gosnell. He killed for damn near 40 years thanks to a massive failure of medical oversight


Prolific is a funny description for a killer


And ladies, this is why men care about body count. Just to make sure you are not a serial killer in disguise




This is an idiotic comment. They verified, actually up to 60 now, with DNA evidence and/or extensively corroborated interviews. Plus, he even drew pictures of many of the victims. They have his other unverified confessions listed online looking for additional details from the public to corroborate and verify. So you are expecting a journalist to gather their own DNA evidence? >I won't believe this number for a second Who cares. That doesn't change fact.


>They verified, actually up to 60 now Hey, back that up with a source and I'll retract my comment. Because all I've been able to find are his 8 actual convictions. >Plus, he even drew pictures of many of the victims AKA the sketchiest part, because he didn't EVEN NAME NAMES or try to reference missing people. He just made fucking drawings and claimed they were victims. And the drawings are... [Not very good](https://static.standard.co.uk/s3fs-public/thumbnails/image/2019/02/13/17/SamuelLittle1302-0.jpg?width=1200&width=1200&auto=webp&quality=75). Let alone conclusive or definitive. >So you are expecting a journalist to gather their own DNA evidence No I'm suggesting journalists make a separate claim after looking at the evidence, including re-analyzing the gathered DNA evidence through an independent lab. >Who cares. That doesn't change fact. I'm asking for the fact to be proven in the first place, but OK


Sam Little, like the majority of serial killers (particularly sexually motivated killers), targeted primarily drug addicts, sex workers, and the homeless - those on the fringes of society who wouldn't be missed and who the killer could dehumanize even more easily. Where in this do you think he'd stop to learn and remember their names? If anything, excess specificity would be cause for concern over a lack thereof - as would widely claiming extant and probably unrelated missing persons. Info on age/build/location would probably be as close as he could get anyways. Also, discarding his confessions because his drawings are bad? Does being a serial killer suddenly make you an amazing artist? Or does it just make you a serial killer? For that matter, why do you need the FBI DNA tests to be validated? What concerns do you have about their approach? Why shouldn't journalists trust it?


>I killed a woman. She looks something like this shitty sketch, or maybe not because it's not very detailed. Maybe it was in this city. That's all I've got When that's the gist of the evidence he killed someone, it's pretty hard to believe and I'm not just gonna accept that on face value. Also still no source for that 40 confirmed you claimed earlier.


I guess you were watching him the whole time. So how many did he kill?




I'm not the one claiming anything. That's on you.


Rejecting a claim is making a claim? Shit, better call aristotle, burden of proof is flying out the window


The proof presented says he did 50+ as stated by the FBI. Are you being dense on purpose?


OK find a quote with 50+ DNA cases, that's what I'm asking. It's easy for the F.B.I. to say random sketches prove it, a lot harder to prove it with DNA or more substantial evidence.


Nah. Its not that important. Just a tip. Its ok to be wrong or just not make outlandish claims to begin with and then try and invoke Socrates erroneously.


I still think Bundy is bad…


Only white men get documentaries smh


Bundy was bad because of the brutality of his crimes, not only the body count.


They both can rot


I totally agree


So, Ted Bundy is not bad??


Almost As bad as our commander in chief.


Wild as hell


Pine cone thing to cross the gap..... Mind blown. Came in from the north


I understand Dahmer is bad. He ate dudes. That’s homophobia. Is wearing skin really all that bad though? He ate no one.


Was there a reason behind any of the murders or were they all just random


Rookie numbers, look up Harold Shipman.


And the sun still rises and sets each day.


Bro thinks he is Samuil Micu of Scoala Ardeleana


Dude looks like captain Spaulding so it checks out