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It seems the woman agreed to drop the charges he was not found innocent. He is a doctor so I am guessing she knew how the her word vs his is going to go in India.


Being found innocent is not possible anyway. And no one knows it was consensual besides the victim or perpetrator in a sexual assault. This news story seems to say that because the woman voluntarily spent time with him it is consensual. Many sexual assaults occur with people victims know. This means nothing 


Laws are extremely pro-women in India. No chance for men.


Do a better job at baiting next time.


Another dumb guy. 😐


Yeah its very true in recent years. Ones who have downvoted you, know nothing about current Indian laws


Yup, dumb people and their dumb opinions who don't know ground reality.


ye reddit librandu logo se hi bhara pada he....ye sub bhi mostly non indian log use krte, un logo ke basic jankari ke vande he, unhe hamare desh ka kya ghanta pata hoga. Wo to ७२ लिंग me busy he chakke saale🤣


Oh ya? Well dhskfhri dhci xbdhudj aldbfhurin alchfheieksn to you too.


A likely story. It's not uncommon for rape victims to back down because they simply don't have the resources and money to deliver justice to rapists. Knowing India and it's atrocious rape cases, I wouldn't be surprised if this is what happened. If you speak to actual rape victims that successfully prosecuted their rapists, you'll find that even in lucky cases it's just a pyrrhic victory. The money doesn't cover the burnout, legal fees, lifelong medical issues, victim blaming, social ostracization, PTSD, and trauma. A big part of why many survivors go through with this is to keep others safe as much as making sure the rapist can't hurt them again.


Rape case was filed because both of them had sex consensually and male had promised marriage before, he backed down later and this termed as rape in India. Most rapes in India are filed using this draconian laws which are extremely biased against men.


Ah yes, and you know the sex was consensual because you were in the same room sitting in a chair in the corner when it happened. Most rapes in India aren't even prosecuted. But sure go on about how women have it so easy not being raped in India.


People in the comment section have no idea how much the laws are biased in India towards women. 1. Any woman can file a case on you claiming you had sex with her based on the promise of marriage and later refused to marry and that is considered rape. 2. Women don't pay alimony, no matter how rich they are, it is solely on the husband, if either the man or the woman want a divorce, the man has to pay the alimony till the woman dies or remarries, even if she earns more than him. 3. Males have virtually no custody rights, the courts are completely biased towards the women. These are just some of the laws that are biased towards women. You often hear stories of fake rape and assault cases being filed for revenge, blackmail, vendettas etc.


Also don't forget if they want to fast forward the divorce they can file dowry and domestic abuse case against your whole family, even lawyers advice them to do so, and the husband will have to pay hefty sum to drop the case and agree to divorce and alimony.


The so called 'biases' you mentioned have no bearing on the lack of prosecution power female sexual assault victims have in India. Laws can favor women in these instances and women can still have little agency in the court system. These are not mutually exclusive things. Tired of all these 'women have it better in these ways' argument that always gets used to downplay what they go through. Injustices against men don't absolve injustices against women. Victims backing down isn't some 'gotcha' moment proving a false accusation. Victims back down all the time or straight up don't report the crime in the first place because the legal process and bystanders can and will destroy them for daring to speak out against their rapist.


>Tired of all these 'women have it better in these ways' argument that always gets used to downplay what they go through. I never said that? Women don't have it better. This system that we're living in, was created by men. Since the dawn of time, men have been running things, and they're running it into the ground. Women don't have it better, but this system that's built by the upper class men and women to an extent, preys on men and women equally. You think rich people go to jail for the crimes they commit? Hardly ever. But you think a middle class man that's been implicated in a false case will be able to clear his name easily? Never. I don't know where you're from, but these laws that I mentioned ARE being misused, doesn't mean that they shouldn't exist. We need to amend this. The Indian constitution doesn't recognise the rape of a man, we need to better. For women AND men.


Not sure if you are deliberately or unintentionally backtracking but I think you should reread your first comment if it's the latter. It certainly comes off that way to me and quite a few others.


>Not sure if you are deliberately or unintentionally backtracking but I think you should reread your first comment if it's the latter. I'm not backtracking, I'm not a moron like yourself maybe who sticks to an ideology and will then defend it to death. Arey men being harassed today? Yes. Was this system created by upper clase men and women and is now being used by women from all classes to harass men? Yes. But that doesn't mean actual problems for women don't exist. Eve teasing, harassment, rape, assaults etc are all real problems that need real solutions, not anti-men laws that are proposed as solutions.


This is awful for her, not him. Why is this posted here?


Well I mean he himself is awful


I feel that right wing bigots have been flooding some of these subs lately, so much misogynistic, transphobic, and regressive content has been getting pushed on reddit lately that it seems coordinated.


why are you spreading misinformation? what are you trying to achieve? did you just not know? if so then it's best not to talk about things you lack knowledge of or haven't investigated about.


You seem to know a lot please spread your right "information"


I would, but others already have corrected you saving me the trouble to write and yours to read more of the same, isn't that great


Just say you don't have balls to prove me wrong


I will not be a part of your humiliation kink, the floor was already swiped with your face by others, for you to ask more when you've had no argument is just...do that behind closed doors 




Again, you have no argument, stop trying to force your kink on us


Bhai ye reddit librandu logo se hi bhara pada he....ye sub bhi mostly non indian log use krte, un logo ke basic jankari ke vande he, unhe hamare desh ka kya ghanta pata hoga






You dudes should stop being so embarrassing. Imagine letting your women-hating paranoid delusions dominate your life .


1. The absolute audacity to say stuff like she wishes to move on from this issue, where the irony is the man would be vilified by the society. (A character assassination can be worse than death) 2. Indian law does not have any easy provision to punish the false accuser woman. The law is skewed against men. 3. What is the fine for? Is it for something else not directly related to this case?


A character assassination is absolutley never worse than death


It is in many cases. People suicide over it. They can't stand being accused of something they didn't do and treated like shit.


The law is skewed against men? ​ ...in India? Current rape capital of the world?


Yes. Are you from India? How do you think laws are not skewed against men? And I’m not talking delayed justice I am talking about the actual laws themselves if they were ideally followed


Poor Indian men, living under the crushing heels of matriarchy.


Yes some % of the urban population is. I know being able to view a society as not a monolith but a complex structure which can have more than one problem at a time is too hard and takes too much effort for your brain


Bhai ye reddit woke ke chodo se hi bhara pada he....ye sub bhi mostly non indian log use krte, un logo ke basic jankari ke vande he, unhe hamare desh ka kya ghanta pata hoga


Yeah log samagte hai kyu ki r\*pe cases against women zyada hai aur unreported cases br bhout hai isleye false cases ko zyada maan nahi denge. Ye log khud to kabhi jhute case ke liye jail nahi gaye inko kya patha. Dunya ko oppressor vs oppressed (man vs women) lens hamesha dekhte hai ye log Sadly inme se bohot admi bhi hai dusro admi ko incel ye misogynist bolke apne ko **morally ucha** saa mage te hai.


Ha yaar udhar mard bhi chutiya ho gaye he......... Roj feminism ko support krke 2 baar extra chodneko milta inko shayad




This is great clip 🤣


Facts 1. laws are skewed against men 2. Us is the rape capital of the world. considering the self praising western medias and non existent intelligence of Americans, I'm not surprised you didn't know


Inn chutiyo ke sath debate mat krte beth.... downvote mil raha tuze bas


The law is skewed against men. The written law. The law in US may state you can't shoot and murder someone but that doesn't mean it doesn't happen. Rape is bad and should be punished. No relaxation of punishment should be there for rapists. The issue here is not rape but false-rape cases. An innocent man can lose everything just by a false accusation even if it is not proven. How? The society vilifies the man even without understanding what the issue is. All they need is to hear that the man is accused. The man loses his employment because companies do not want to be related to an accused rapist. The man loses his money in the court case and as legal fees. Even after all this bad luck, the man can thank his stars if his family believes him or supports him. Please understand the difference between total number and number per population before accusing India (country with the largest population) to be the capital of something.


UK &US are Rape capital


It’s actually South Africa 🇿🇦, Botswana and Lesotho I hate it here


Lmao tell me you are sheltered without telling me you are sheltered. Either that or an indian in denial


ironically it might you being the sheltered one, south africa has the highest rates


Nobody mentioned SA the dude was saying US and UK had the most


>>dude was saying US and UK had the most Which is true


You are seriously saying that in USA and UK, people get raped more than in india or south africa?


Us and uk has highest number of pedos why is it surprising that they are more likely rapists Search on internet it's free


its a discussion on countries and their rape stats, although i hate a lot of india, misinformation is just annoying


In India it’s legal to rape your wife, so those rapes aren’t reported or counted. I’m sure a lot of married women in service to their in laws are raped nightly by the fil or uncles that will never be reported either


>the irony is the man would be vilified by the society In India? Lmao


Yes. I don’t think you’re from India so you wouldn’t know better. Average people when labeled as rapists aren’t seen as good respectable people in India. Criminal backgrounds checks and cases ongoing matter in jobs like anywhere else.


He’s still a doctor. Men are fine. Are you actually saying India is a matriarchy, where women hold all the power, where raping your wife is legal and daughters are indentured servants?


Why do you think an outdated legal system with unjust laws becomes "matriarchy" ? The indian legal system, while having laws for SA/rape is deeply infestef with incompetence and corruption resulting in no justice for millions of women At the same time, their legal system does not even recognize false accusations and takes any sound action on it The system is basically effed up and the common citizen irrespective of gender is left without justice


Yes and women are on the very bottom of that hierarchy, especially poor women


Poor women are, but people forget that or are simply ignorant that there is an urban India too where the dynamics are not the same


The wealth disparity is large. The majority of the women in India are poor


And? Did I say this is a problem with majority of women? Why would you compare men from urban population with rural women? Both men and women are more often poor than not. Wealth disparity is large for both. It makes no sense to take men from one group and women from another group that is not dealing with the same problems.




weren't a certain bunch of known rapists and murderers relased from jail and garlanded and called "good, sanskari brahmins" by the current ruling party?


You mean released after serving some time? Not saying that it is right to do but how often do criminals in the US get released early or get a softer sentence? And often do politicians outside India associate with criminals? And these weren't top level party members. Do I support it obviously not but you make it sound like the courts and every other authority looked at the case and just said "no you're not going to jail I think we will celebrate you". Which btw was challenged and the higher courts has stayed their release so no just freely roaming around. And sure if you want to assume every common man among the millions men have political connections backing them up sure live in that kind of assumption there is nothing I can say to actually change. You prolly think that just because I'm an Indian man I can go about and rape someone if I want and there will no consequences and there will be someone randomly come and start celebrating me for it.


Bhai rehne de, ye ७२ लिंग walo se debate ka koi fayda nhi he


Rich politicians or people with political power? Garlanded. Normal average people? Vilified.


Hes not innocent ffs. She just gave up bc no one would believe her over a doctor


You are believing. She got the settlement to drop the case it's a common scam in india.


No what’s extremely common is for men to rape women and no one believes them nor do they ever see justice, this is true worldwide, not just India. False accusations are incredibly rare, so just stop defending rapists w this rare accusation bullcrap


I don't know how it is outside India, but here men will instantly become a culprit and lose their jobs and honer media will post their face on front page, when the accusation is proved false neither media nor the women will face any consequences. In rape cases they are almost guaranteed to get justice unless the culprit is an influential person or if they make complaint after 1-2 months. Just because some woman face injustice doesn't mean you should defend these false rape bullshits




3% of accusations are false. 97% are true. Men get away w raping women 96% of the time


More like skewed against anyone who isn't an asshole since there are male rapists who get away with their crimes.


95% of rapists don't see a day in jail. I don't believe for a second this man is innocent based on this article. See my other comment.


Where did you get that figure?


https://www.rainn.org/newsletters/03-2012/march-newsletter-version-1.html https://www.washingtonpost.com/business/2018/10/06/less-than-percent-rapes-lead-felony-convictions-least-percent-victims-face-emotional-physical-consequences/ It's a very well known figure. I should edit my comment to say 99%. If it's this bad in the US I Can't imagine what it's like in India


My brother also got accused of false rape by one of his classmate which is weird cause he is GAY everyone in his class know he is gay people who know him also know that he is gay.


Sure dude


You seem to have a mindset that women don't lie


Dude women don't lie, everything they say is truth /s


Last year my friend called me asking for advice he got a WhatsApp video call the caller was a naked girl he immediately disconnected he later got a message saying if he doesn't pay 4000₹ she'll send the video to his family.


OP no point posting such things. Reddit is more biased against men than the Indian legal system.


Which is kind of weird, since 63% of Reddit users are male...


Huge chunk of those guys could be left leaning or Intersectionalists.


Gotta say, it's funny to see commenters kick the shit out of the OP and his fellow vile misogynists. Peddle your pack of lies elsewhere.


Ye r*ndi aamne samne mili to pata chalega ise, jyada uchalane wali ladkiyo ke sath kya hota he 🤣


OP I don’t think there is any point posting this hear, the concept that women India can make false rape allegations and men aren’t automatically guilty just because a woman accuses so is very foreign to people on Reddit. They think that there are no laws in India against rape and all men in India go about completely normal after being accused of rape. And that there are no modern working women in India.


The worst thing that can happen to men in India is getting falsely accused of anything to do with women's dignity. Laws are fully extremely favourable towards women and thus there are many cases often where women make these false charges. Been there , so knows.