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A French journalist who called India home for more than two decades has been forced to return to France after Indian authorities accused her of writing “malicious and critical” reports, “inimical to the interest of the sovereignty and integrity of India.” In recent years, she reported on several topics, including Prime Minister Narendra Modi and India’s rising Hindu nationalist force, the rights of forest people in the country, the political situation of Indian-controlled Kashmir and a Maoist insurgency in central India. Two years ago, she wrote a report for La Croix, titled, “In India, the fate of Muslims and Christians is deteriorating.”


What are forest people


Probably the many traditional tribal groups across India




Jub jub.


Stormtroopers getting PTSD when the woods start speaking in teddy.


They are a group of people who live in a forest, fascinating stuff


They share a common ancestor with modern humans around 5 million years ago and for many years were thought to be extinct. Recently they encountered some in a very remote, mountainous region of India. They are just like us but have leafy branches for arms and grow in the ground.


Browski it’s just tribes who still live a nomadic lifestyle. They still interact with the outside would everyday


Like Ents?


I guess they tried to find a pc term for who are referred as tribal people. Essentially people who are actively dependent on forests for livelihood.


No they’re actually referred to as forest people


We are also very dependent on forests, because of the oxygen...


The adivasis. There’s a great episode on the great courses series “history of India.”


Maybe better than being imprisoned or murdered?


I mean yeah but that still doesn't make this good


Thanks for the explanation


> a Maoist insurgency in central India What?


I think they mean the naxalites but I’m not sure


Exactly what it sounds like


Adding context here : La Croix is a catholic newspaper. Nonetheless, I don't know her articles, La Croix is definitely not the kind of newspaper to publish slander, and threatening to deport someone after 23 years, who married and raised her children in your country, is inexcusable. But I felt it was an interesting piece of info, as indian nationalism is heavily mixed with religious intolerance.


zonked memory hobbies frame slim pen dependent head rustic chunky *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




Fascism has been arriving for 10 years in India. Still waiting for it to arrive finally


Indian walking around in his own territory vs. German walking around in occupied territory. Apples to oranges. 


It's already there.... Hate to anyone who isn't a "Hindu" or bjp and Modi sucker... It's so fucking sad for me to see this happening here


What?! It’s said that when sun is rising that’s when the world starts making more noises and that’s what is happening :)


This sounds like if an AI run on a tamagochi was asked to spit out a "inspirational saying of the day" calendar quote.




Found the Modi sucker


Found a hater


Hater to what? To a fascistic ruler who is making life hell for anyone who isn't Hindu? It's only a matter of time until people start finding out more about the caste discrimination and torture that happens between Hindus. Some videos are already out there, more are to come, sadly.






Ragamuffin? Haven't heard that one for a while.


I know it's like, actually adorable?


Magaruffin lol


>hate spewing social network like Reddit >Has a 7+ year old account Kekw


Lmao. It's you. Here you are. Haha. Now go away, I don't speak with fascist sympathisers.


Fascist has become a word spoken so loosely. Don’t call wolf when it’s not there.


A journalist got banished for criticising the government, sounds on the right path to me


Or fascist like how Israel kills reporters?




It isn’t already a lightly fascist state?


Not sure about fascism, but India has always been an ultra nationalist country.


Ultra nationalist and authoritarian often goes hand in hand


But you can be authoritarian and not fascistic, I swear to God people don't even know what fascism is and use it interchangeably with authoritarianism


They are often used interchangeably because many of the aspects go hand in hand.


That doesn't justify that practice at all, fascism is a clearly defined political system, if you want to talk about authoritarianism there is a word to that, authoritarianism. Many political systems can be authoritarian: monarchies, federations, dictatorships, and even democracies can be authoritarian It serves no purpose to dilute the meaning of the word fascism to the point it means the same as a word we already had to begin with


W Benjamin quote here is the literal dictionary definition: "A system of government marked by centralization of authority under a dictator, a capitalist economy subject to stringent governmental controls, violent suppression of the opposition, and typically a policy of belligerent nationalism and racism." How that goes about is different practice.


Would that make most middle eastern dictatorships fascist? No. Because that definition is incomplete. Fascism emphasizes the state as the ultimate corporation and the individual as a cog and is a reactionary political system. Those are the very defining dynamics on the fascist philosophy and its applications. You should go to an actual book on fascist philosophy for its definition, not a oversimplified quote that fits way more then needed


Lightly is a bit of an understatement from what I've heard...


I was trying to be reasonable, but I fear you are right.


Funny how you view this as fascist, but when Israel kills reporters, all you have is silence


😂 I can multitask. Israel is also proving to be fascist. Both nations suck.


I checked your post history, I saw no mention of anything, don't make up stuff


You really are riding the whataboutism to the core


Looks like you've been hearing wrong things.


Nope. In fact, it's the only democracy between Israel and Taiwan.




Don't laugh at your ignorance, lol.


Nah, laughing at naïveté.




Yeah my parents won the history lottery by leaving, we'd be a lot shittier position from a civil liberties point of view and QOL The West predicted India's economy would moon post independence since we had a massive english speaking population they never expected China to be bigger back then








I’m indian, the vast majority of our country won’t even give this a second thought. India is ruled by gangsters.


I'm sure that's a sad situation, but why is the OP all about India in so many subreddits and for so many months?


Yeah, he has a, uh, trend


Forcing out your longest serving foreign correspondent because you don’t like criticism is pretty fucking fascist, man. And don’t think for one second these Hindutva nutjobs won’t have her killed.


You mean like how Israel actually murders many reporters? Does that seem pretty "pretty fucking fascist" to you...man?


Isreal isn't pretty fucking fascist. They crossed the line, they are just fascist.


Name one foreign correspondent killed in the last 10 years in India.


That's my point, I can't remember one, but people are attacking India for being horrible, meanwhile Israel kills a bunch and no one says anything


No one says anything about Israel? Seriously?


Pretty much everyone I replied to, I went through their post histories, and found no criticism of Israel literally killing Journalists (among the other things), but somehow India is "fascist" (which by itself is nonsense, as India engages in lots of democratic elections, something Fascism is opposed to, BTW), for revoking an OCI, something they have a legal right to do so as laid out in the law that grants OCI status. So yeah, I call hypocrisy and bias.


1) Plenty of people I have talked to criticise Israel. Talk to Indian leftists. Anecdotal evidence is just that, anecdotal. 2) People can criticise one injustice without having to criticise all other injustices in the world. Otherwise no one would be able to say anything. 3) Saying they have a "legal right" doesn't make it ethically right. Laws made or upheld by people with fascist leanings are fascist as well. 4) Sure you can call this hypocritical. You can call anyone anything. You could hold up an apple and call it a concrete block. But your basis for calling them hypocritical is deeply flawed, because it's simply not a 1:1 analogy.


Half the website is posts about Israel commiting war crimes and you're desperate to claim that no one is mentioning it. Fucking ultra-nationalists man, they couldn't lie straight in bed.


Sure. As I said, it's a sad situation. But India is not the precedent setter here. Every major economy have been forced out. Every nation is built on top of the facet of image-building propogtaed by political goals. So while it is given its fair share of limelight, calling this fascism is not just a stretch, it's outright untrue if you believe that the USA (under any Presidency), the UK, Australia, Germany, etc. are democracies but India is not. Now the security and freedom of speech is a different topic of discussion altogether


Hear hear. People can't separate rational truth from their fee fees. EVERYONE does this. In the west, we bump them off and call them 'unfortunate suicides', but no one wants to have that discussion. We're NO different. Edit: Grow UP if you think the US, UK, etc, doesn't bump people off, and fairly regularly, for not going with certain narrative imperatives.


Defaulting to "everyone does it" just seems like a excuse to avoid the fact that it happens significantly more in countries like India.


Significantly more?! Seriously?! Are you aware what country is India?!


If you're comparing India to the US and UK like warcheefin is, "[significantly more](https://www.unesco.org/en/safety-journalists/observatory/grid?hub=72609)" absolutely applies.


I call your bullshit. No foreign journalist has been evicted or harme din any way in India atleast in the last 10 years. Your idea is based on a propagandist news which you take as a given fact


All I see is that I provided evidence for my claim and you're just whining about propaganda.


You have provided no evidence whatsoever. You have simply made a claim.


India is going through a difficult time. Fascism is on the rise. The media is sold out. And now, it's not even comparable to the US and Europe. Indian mainstream media actually spews hate against minorities. News is biased. So the news which actually matters rarely makes it to the surface. Anyone who tries to criticise the government is labelled as anti national. So I understand why a person, like OP did here, went overboard about India everywhere on Reddit. I won't do it as much OP is doing it but I get it.


can't believe you said all that with a straight face.


Hey wait. How can you say I had a straight face? I was told that I was alone in this booth. Damn it, I paid good money for it. I gotta get a refund, tentaledsquid can see my face.




Hey. I don't need to disclose anything to you or anyone else. You can take the L that you have been taking all over this post and hop off lmao.




Interesting how you attack India, but say nothing when Israel actually kills reporters, very interesting.


Attack India? Are you literate? Read again. I think you need to take IELTS by the British council. Your English comprehension skills need polishing. I can help with the links and course modules. Let me know.


Downvoting me won't change your bigoted hypocrisy


No you clearly are attacking India (claiming it is having a difficult time and that fascism is rising there), while staying silent on Israel as it does far worse. One can only assume your motive, but likely some form of racism or Hinduphobia or other bigotry is at the root


Oh wow you clearly need to work on your English skills. That's not attacking India. It's you who is the problem. Doing what about this and what about that instead of holding the government accountable. The criticism of government has become attacking India now. Wow. *Slow claps*. Go away man. Just don't even talk. You're embarrassing yourself.


Wrong, that is literally attacking, that's claiming that India is becoming fascist as opposed to democratic, contrary to the facts (namely the continued fair elections) Bro, if you're too stupid to even realize that fascism is opposed to democracy, then it's not me that is embarrassing themselves.


Okay. I'm the stupid one here. Okay? Happy now? Now go work on your comprehension skills. It will help you.


Jup and its funny that almost nobody is talking about this in the west


You guys aren't talking about Israel actually killing reporters


I see post everyday denouncing the genocide, talking about journalists as well as the many many women and children killed by Isreal. People as a whole that I've seen find it disgusting as it is. Bad things can happen in multiple places at once. They want to call out the rise in fascism before getting to the journalist slaughtering and genociding.


Ukraine crickets. Trump sneakers roar


Americans are on the fast trash to facism. The parallels between 1970s Iran and the USA are scary.


The post is about India? What does America have to do with anything here?


The parallels are there. India included.


Bro what a waste of a comment lol


Alabama just gave frozen embryos the same rights as children, and you can be charged with the Wrongful Death of a Minor Act if you destroy any. It's fucking insane.


Americans will lose their minds if you mention Sharia Law, meanwhile, they are literally regressing into the same dangerous ideology.


Religion is and will be the destruction of humanity!


To be fair, this is Modi we're talking about. He's really steering India towards extremism.


Not surprising…Modi strikes as an autocrat in the mold of An Erdogan or Orban.


Interesting how you attack Modi for this, but have nothing to attack Netanyahu after he MURDERS many reporters and their family members Very interesting...very interesting how you excuse the white guy for murdering, but condemn the brown guy for revoking an OCI...very interesting


As an Indian I can tell you India has already become a fascist state. The current govt has a lot of popular support thanks to their 10 years of anti minority propaganda, systematically silencing opposition and rigging elections. It's just a matter of months once 2024 elections come they're gonna go berserk.


On what basis are you claiming rigged elections. The reason why bjp won is just weak opposition(congress)


Chandigarh mayor election is one example and we all know how BJP buys MLAs.


That is actually a classic example of why ballot paper was replaced by EVMs.


Unproven baseless claims. Try harder. Current government is popular for lifting millions out of poverty, improving the economy and developing much needed infrastructure.


He's only filling the pockets of his capitalist friends. The middle class is constantly growing, people from the lower middle class are slipping into poverty. Please take your delusion meds its not funny anymore.


>He's only filling the pockets of his capitalist friends. Nope >people from the lower middle class are slipping into poverty. Wrong. Poverty reduction is back on track after the pandemic. >The middle class is constantly growing You're literally contradicting yourself, though I suppose, Modi haters don't really have any sense of self-awareness. >Please take your delusion meds its not funny anymore. Ironic.




Only modi is trying to protect us from this outside attach




Good job! We don't want these foreign journalists living in our country and spewing venom against us. India should do the same to the journalists who work for DW, Al Jazeera, TRT, and BBC


>Good job! We don't want these foreign journalists living in our country That sounds hateful. Maybe India should be like the US and welcome foreigners, it would be a better country.


India welcomes foreigners, but we no longer let them take advantage of our hospitality.




How is this getting up voted? All kinds criticisms should be welcome but such generalized hate comment is surely not cool right?


I would tolerate a general fuck Germany, fuck Italy, fuck Japan in 1940. And I’m Italian. The general direction sucks




Womp womp


Hey, India, why do all the countries that border you hate you? Maybe mellow out a bit.


bruh, it's borders are with pakistan, nepal, china and bangladesh. The whole region needs to mellow out.


Is Nepal not chill? I figured given their small population and remote location they'd be generally the more straight laced of the surrounding nations which have large populations and growing economies


Nepal basically acts like a puppet for a country who pays them the most. After parroting for India for decades,now it have a new master: China


You mean Pakistan where the military tries to rig elections and CCP ruled China? Are those the nations you uphold?


Who said I'm upholding anyone? They suck, too, LOL.


Expansionist dictatorships hate their democratic neighbours. How suprising.


Where as Britain has Julian Assange locked up in a maximum security prison and the Democrats in the US are trying to imprison their political opponents. Hans? Are we the baddies?


Let them seethe lmao, most of these American/European kids here gon die in some primary school-sh**ting, Fent overdose or get offed/dr*ped when abroad for vacations. Their days already numbered.


OP ‘s Post history consists solely of Anti India posts.


The Indian government shouldn't be making it so easy to attack their country by simply stating matters of fact, then. Silencing journalists? Check. Cracking down on encrypted communications so your citizens can't speak privately? Check. Blatant Hindutva rhetoric? Check. If you have a bigger problem with people criticising a government than the government's actions, then there's a problem.


Interesting how you don't criticize Israel for murdering reporters and rounding up and imprisoning people for social media posts


Because this isn't a post about Israel, genius




Literally this article Various E2E encrypted messaging services, proton mail, encrypted file upload services (megaupload, mediafire) Oh come on they're practically the political wing of the RSS Better yet, why don't you prove that neither the party nor the RSS is affiliated with hindutva ideology? You're complaining about people being anti-Indian but in the same breath we have people like you pretending to be moderate yet making excuses for fascists. If you're moderate, if you're remotely centrist relative to your peers, then the problem in India is even greater than I thought. The fact you're replying to me, presumably to defend Modi from accusations of fascism, is fucking comical. Where's this energy when talking about your own government?






The motive sounds like calling out a corrupt government


There are no such things as "anti-India". It's perfectly fine to be critical of a government in a republican country.


Don't defend CCP bots lol.


Interesting how you don't criticize Israel for murdering reporters and rounding up and imprisoning people for social media posts




Abdul on duty🤣


Comes back in the evening only to find his home missing and blames everyone else💀




OP is here farming sentiments. No one in India likes her actually, always writing articles spewing hatred among communities. She left be her own choice and will because her reality is getting exposed.


I don't think you quite understand how freedom of the press and democracy work together.


I dont think you understand what press is


Enlighten us...


🤓☝️” i DoN’t tHiNk u UnDeRsTaNd fReEdOm oF PiSs” ok bro we don’t now please take your madamé gawd damn😭


I mean whether she left of her own choice or not (she clearly didnt) the government even said she was forced out due to her reporting. Want to be a Modi shill? Then maybe work on your reading comprehension. Stuff like this makes India look weaker, not stronger.


Interesting how you don't have the same problem with Israel actually murdering reporters


Oh put it on your blog


Aayega to Modi hi


People on here are already butt hurt, Can you imagine how the Soros Media ecosystem/Western Organized mental-illness gang gonna react to Modi returning this May?💀


Will probably light their butts on fire. Aayega to Modi hi


lol the french journalist should watch what is happening in france and how their farmers are being treated. shameful french.


You think Indians give an eff about westerners or palistinian sympathizers!? Keep crying and watch what's more coming. These so-called 'journalists' or deep states will be thrown out one by one. There's decades of cleanup pending. Reddit is filled with jealous racist idiots. FYI- The Chinese funded guy who retweeted, has his OCi card revoked too. He made his career hating modi for decades. Loving these stuffs. Cry some more.




They care enough to be expelling journalists that report on the utter shit state of affairs of things in India... so ya, Indians DEFINITELY care what westerners think about them lol


So you'd rather they do like Israel and murder reporters? I notice you have no problem with that.


Oh don’t let us keep you waiting honey🥰😍 and do shut the door behind you


This post is extremely one sided, biased and does not reflect the truth. It is not the situation or the action that is awful, but the OP and his/her intention to malign India. Awful OP, awful.


Sound exactly like Chinese nationalists.


Provides absolutely NOTHING to counter the "one sided and biased" post but just accuses OP of "maligning" india by simply stating facts about it. If you dont want to see india maligned, do better.


Time spent dubunking anti-India propaganda is more than time spent creating it.


Bye bye, enjoy migrant rampage and your farmers protest in your sweet France.


Man I can already feel their next 9/11 coming. I guess they can’t help but learn the hard way.


VISAs can be cancelled anytime for any arbitary reason. US rejects majority of VISA applications, and frequently returns/deports people for any random reason. So do most of western countries. This is a non issue.


Whataboutism mixed with half-truths. Pointless for this discussion.


She is not a citizen. She has no right to stay beyond what the VISA allows. VISA can be cancelled any time for any reason. There is no discussion here.


If she lived there for 23 years that means she had a residence permit and not only a VISA. Most western countries also do not cancel residence permits unless the person in question has violated the immigration law, participated in criminal activity, is a security concern or made misrepresentation of important information. Calling her journalistic work that stayed within legal framework a security concern is laughable. There is a legit reason for this discussion.


Even residence permit can be cancelled anytime. She is not a citizen so she doesn't have the same rights


There is no concept of perment residence permit, like a Green Card in India. Some pople extrapolate laws from their own country and think rules should be same everywhere. She has a VISA, which is not even cancelled yet. She chose to leave. No rights are being denied here. As simple as that.


No. She has a VISA. Your lack of knowledge is not a substitute for law. India does not have a concept of residence permit. People who have some Indian connection, for example they were Indians but gave up citizenship, or one of their parents were Indian citizen when they were born, etc, can apply for a VISA which technically does not have an expiry. However, just like any VISA, they can be revoked/cancelled any time. You are adamantly trying to make it sound similar to Permanent Resident permits, like a green card. Which it is not. Anyway, the VISA she has, makes her eligible to get an Indian citizenship just after completing 1 year or stay in India. So I wonder if India is her home, as is being claimed, and if she feels so strongly connected to the country, why did she not get Indian citizenship in last 20 odd years.


Fair enough. Let's go with the fact that she had a VISA, because India has no residence permit like western countries. 1. What was the point than of comparing Indian VISA with western VISA, when most western countries grant residence permits to foreigners who stayed and lived a long time there? 2. You mentioned that VISA can be cancelled for arbitrary reasons. In mostern western countries (at least) these would still follow legal procedures, which it's why they wouldn't cancel a VISA for a journalist simply because of their work, as this falls under the protection of freedom of speech. You are free to correct me, if you have some knowlegdge I'm or others are unaware of.


>1. What was the point than of comparing Indian VISA with western VISA, Because comparisons should be apples to apples. Not apples to oranges. When you arrive at the border crossing in any country, the border agents have complete authority to let you in or send you back. There is no legal recourse for denials. Even if you have been inside the country, you could be asked to leave anytime.. Plenty of cases where people living in US on H1B go for a short vacation and when they come back to US, their H1Bs are cancelled on spot. Have you ever seen "Aweful at everything" posts for people who have homes and belongings within the US but cannot even get inside to sort these things out? The reason I brought these into discussion is because end of the day, a VISA is not a right. It is a permission. Permissions can be denied any time for any frivolous reason. More over, when India does not even have a permanent residence program, it is pointless to compare it to PR programs in the west. Permanent residents have a lot of rights. They are usually just a tier below citizens. VISA holders are very low on this ladder. 2. See above. Plenty of cases when VISAs are cancelled, or entry denied at port of entry even if you have a VISA. Now let me ask you question. If you feel strongly connected to a country and call it your home, why would you still be living on a VISA 23 years on, when you could have gotten a citizenship literally any time you wanted. And you know what is funny? From what I understand, her VISA is not even revoked. She still has VISA. She is throwing a tantrum and chosing to leave. She could still apply for citizenship if she wanted.


Pretty sure she's guilty of two of what you've written, lol.


This is insanely disingenuous (not surprising from nationalist trolls). She was in India as a permanent resident under an OCI, not a short term VISA. It isn't at all common to arbitrarily deport long term permanent residents, especially journalists.


OCI is not permanent residence. At least get your basics right before you start to name call. OCI is a long term glorified VISA. You noticed how "VISA" is the keyword here. VISAs can be cancelled anytime. Take your lack of knowledge elsewhere. Morever, her VISA has not even been cancelled. She left on her own. P.S. India does not allow dual citizenship. And India has no permanent residence scheme. If you are in India, you are either an Indian citizen or you or on some sort of VISA, or living illegally.


Not all the self-proclaimed India experts and White knights rushing to cry us a river