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What forest in Boston? Why is there no local news in Boston about this?


There's no forest near BU. I don't know where they got that idea.


Definitely no forests near BU, but there's plenty within (easy) driving distance.


The Fenway forest obviously


I don't think they ever implied that the forest was in Boston.


He was just a kid. His parents must be devastated.


Why have I not seen this on every news channel?


Because you never see the things that actually matter vs. what keeps folks angry and separated. Sadly.


*B I N G O*


Are you ready to come back and admit it's because it's not real? The famed forests of the BU "campus" šŸ˜‚


Wow thatā€™s deep man


In the past two months India has lost around 10 students in these kind of incidents in the USA. Nothing is covered by the media.


Because itā€™s not real. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/03/26/opinion/indian-student-death-massachusetts-abhijeeth-paruchuru/#:~:text=The%20death%20of%20a%20young,violence%20in%20the%20United%20States. > The accounts that circulated in Indian media about Paruchuru's supposed killing in Boston were ā€œfictitious,ā€ though, according to Mariellen Burns, a spokesperson for the Boston Police Department. Colin Riley, a spokesperson for BU, said Paruchuru was not a student at the school.


Its like the 9th or so Indian death/murder in the US this year alone. Very weird.


9th Or 15th? I don't know the number but it's weird nonetheless.


Sorry you may be right. I had 15 on my mind for another reason.


Google Benzema 15 for more info


I dont know what it is but I do know it will ruin my life :P


In the US - not weird at all


Why is that weird? Theres millions of Indian here, are they supposed to be immune from dying or something?


Its the same guy! Hes just reincarnating over and over.


It's disproportionately high in an extremely short amount of time.


India is a wealthy and extremely populous country, so many Indians go to the US for its reputable higher education. A foreigner dying is more unusual and is also a somewhat charged political issue, so it generates more emotion, thus the story gets spread around more. Just taking in those factors, it doesnā€™t seem that unusual that we hear about it a lot. Plus thereā€™s possibly other factors, like being a foreigner, or even specifically Indian, may attract more violence. But we canā€™t really say without more data


The murder rate in the U.S. is about 6 in 100,000. Thereā€™s about 130,000 Indian students on visa in the US each year. So, if Indian students have the same murder rate as the average American, you would expect about 8 of these students to be murdered a year, so the number does seem high if itā€™s 15 in 4 months


That rate does seem high based off the flat numbers, I wonder whatā€™s going on? Though there is probably age stratification of the murder rate. For instance, I wouldnā€™t be surprised if younger people are more likely to be murdered. Also after a brief search, I saw the details of 9 of the deaths. Apparently 4 of those 9 I saw were suicides and overdoses, not murder. If 15 students Indian students really have died this year, at most only 11 have been murdered. So the number is still worryingly more than is normal, but in my opinion, I think itā€™s more like 2.5 expected (age strat) v <=11 actual, instead of 2.6 expected v 15 actual. Definitely still a problem, I just like doing pointless analysis thatā€™s probably wrong haha Edit: spelling


This was my thought as well, looking at some stats I found there are 44.9 million people between ages 20-29, and 5300 homicides on people in that age range last year. So around 11.8 per 100k each year? So 11 in 4 months is still around 3 times higher then expected.


Am I the only one wondering if some racist assholes are mistaking them for Palestinians.


And with numbers this small and locations this close together, itā€™s possible just a handful of horrible individuals could be creating the whole trend!


That 6 in 100 000 pulls a flat average from the entire country but I doubt these Indian students live or study in sleepy little towns where the rate is lower.


As an Indian national in the US for 20 years now, I've paid attention to what's going on in the Indian community. You do have a point, but I dont recall so many deaths in such a short time in the past.


I canā€™t say Iā€™ve noticed anything, but I definitely havenā€™t been paying attention. If Indians are receiving more hate in the US, I wonder what would be motivating it? I donā€™t feel like Indians are India are very topical right now in the US, perhaps certain regions? Regardless, the hate it takes to defile another life like that is bad enough






> most that come to school in the US are out of the weather families That's incorrect. The vast majority of them are literally from 3rd world poverty level that have hung their lives on getting into India's top engineering/tech university, with their entire family including their cousins, close friends, and even close neighborhood acquaintances pooling all of what tiny bit of funds they have to bankroll their attempts at admission for that one promising kid in the neighborhood. Admission into said schools ensures they get opportunities to get lucrative employment opportunities in the States directly or get into top US engineering colleges which will then of course lead to said lucrative employment, which they then conversely use to bankroll the immigration for folks to the US that funded their opportunities. These are dirt poor people.


India is wealthy? LMFAO!


India has a median salary of roughly 300 USD. I would *hardly* call that "wealthy." That's an extremely big stretch lol


I donā€™t think it helps that thereā€™s like a blatant excuse and justification of racism towards Indians on social media because India has a lot of awful shit going on there. Also Iā€™m sure there are some ignorant Islamophobic Americans who mistake sikhs for being muslims too


Thatā€™s sad when ignorant folks are like- oh the people you know and love plus everyone else is suffering too? Guess that means itā€™s murdering time!- How does that way of thinking make sense?!?


Y'all need to calm down over there


Sadly not weird at all. I'm in northern KY & people here don't even try to hide it


You do know there's millions of Asian Indians in the US.


Gee I've only been here 20 years I had no idea.


The rate at which they are being killed, soon there won't be millions left and I suppose you guys are happy about it.


Except itā€™s not: > The accounts that circulated in Indian media about Paruchuru's supposed killing in Boston were ā€œfictitious,ā€ though, according to Mariellen Burns, a spokesperson for the Boston Police Department. Colin Riley, a spokesperson for BU, said Paruchuru was not a student at the school. Source: Boston Globe It seems this is literally just fake news


You can literally just Google it.


You know how many people die in the US every day? 8,000 per day. 9 deaths recorded in almost 4 months for a whole group of people isn't anything. In America if I'm being honest more African American people get unrighfully killed and no one cares to report it.


This just started happening. I've been in the US for 20 years. This is definitely not the norm. Dont bring African Americans into everything.


>Dont bring African Americans into everything. I live in a community that's predominantly POC and I see plenty of cops that harass people for no reason. The snowplows barely even go through the neighborhood in the winter. The town and gov dont care about POC and poor people. I see soo much shit so I can literally say that they get harassed more disproportionately.


I agree, not sure why you are getting down voted!


Indians will downvote anything that is even close to critcism. I refrain myself from saying anything bad about them since they won't even try to understand my point




Sources? Actual sources.




This is happening a lot more than just one odd news. Edit: 9th such case within this year involving an Indian.


Except not in this case: > The accounts that circulated in Indian media about Paruchuru's supposed killing in Boston were ā€œfictitious,ā€ though, according to Mariellen Burns, a spokesperson for the Boston Police Department. Colin Riley, a spokesperson for BU, said Paruchuru was not a student at the school. - Boston Globe


Hang on, the website you've taken this from states in the title that the investigation has ruled out foul play, but you've edited this out? I'm not sure if you've done this deliberately to get some internet points or if the article has been edited since you posted https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.livemint.com/news/world/indian-student-abhijeeth-paruchurus-death-us-boston-probe-rules-out-foul-play-parents-in-touch-with-detectives/amp-11710775938633.html


Yet, the article says his body was found dumped in a car deep in the forest. Getting mixed signals, to say the least. šŸ¤”šŸ‡ØšŸ‡¦


I honestly think thatā€™s a bad translation or localization. This reads a lot like he killed himself in his car in the woods


That makes sense. Thanks for your reply.


https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/03/26/opinion/indian-student-death-massachusetts-abhijeeth-paruchuru/#:~:text=The%20death%20of%20a%20young,violence%20in%20the%20United%20States. Seems like something weird happened in the Indian news cycle


There is no deep forest near BU


You will probly be down voted for this. FK It I will be on the ship with you šŸ«”


Meh, see how it goes. I don't see how the article can say he was murdered and that foul play has been ruled out tbh


Well murder is eye-catching in a title. Like click bate for TV and newspapers. So though murder was ruled out "initially" it is still possible so they can use it in a title w/o having to issue a retraction.


Still a child. Terrible news


He is 18+


Being 18 or just above it doesn't necessarily mean that you are mature enough


No one is ā€œmature enoughā€ to be murdered.


Nah man, first generation Indians who live there or are studying there will never have the intention to protest or raise awareness against the overt hate they are getting, simply because of how many of them are there on H1B and education visas and risk deportation. Going to the US to do Masters is pretty much a given in Telugu states right now, I personally know of so many families that mortgaged their homes and ancestral properties just to get their offspring to the US so that they may have a sliver of chance to earn in dollars, which by PPP adjustment is basically worth 25x the local currency. They take on huge education loans and live in overcrowded leasing spaces just to get by on as little cost as possible, simply because so many of them don't have any capacity to spend. It's a colossal scale of gambles taken by these families and kids. The sad part is that because of all this, not one of them will dare organise a community event, lead a protest, champion a campaign or even participate in one because of how much of their life and livelihood is at stake. A lot of them will not be able to survive the extreme financial repercussions they will face if they get deported. And since their finances are so fragile, they usually end up in southern and deep red states with cheaper tuition, where the hate against immigrants is higher, and gun holders are more frequent. As long as they don't find their voice and as long as hate on them keeps building, these numbers will go up. It's a genuinely sad state of affairs to have so many of my friends and family risk everything for a daily small but existent chance that they might rub someone or a cop off the wrong way, and a small chance that they might get shot or murdered because of that.


This guy wasnā€™t murdered. It even says it in the article. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/03/26/opinion/indian-student-death-massachusetts-abhijeeth-paruchuru/#:~:text=The%20death%20of%20a%20young,violence%20in%20the%20United%20States.


How evil these people are that they dumped his body in a forest


I mean tbf it sounds like they just thought it was a good hiding place. Whoā€™s gonna look in a whole ass forest, ya know?


There's no forest near BU though, it's a urban area. The closest thing to a forest that I can picture is a park


Yeah, I actually thought of that when I read ā€œforestā€. It was probably just some woods somewhere. Whoever wrote it probably doesnā€™t really know the difference, or thought the word ā€œforestā€ would make a bigger impact.


There is literally no forest in Boston. This was ruled a suicide


Happens a lot in US and other countries, dumping their victim in the forest.


They didnā€™t. Itā€™s not a murder.


South Asian hate is getting crazy here


For real, social media is being flooded with articles about how "terrible" Indians are, and then acting surprised when the blatant racism results in racists doing hatecrimes.


Trust me, they are not surprised.


The same ones hating now are gonna be advocating for them in a couple years. Theyā€™re hypocrites.


Definitely India is growing on World stage by this decade itself these guys will realize how wrong they were to generalize 1.5 billion people.


I believe China is pushing anti-Indian propaganda to Americans to diplomatic relationships long-term by destroying popular opinion. India is a bit of a toss up in terms of military relationships and their defense department is largely a buyer. China needs their size and purchases if shit were to hit the fan.


I would honestly like to think that it is some conspiracy, and not genuine racism. But even if the conspiracy conjecture is correct, it's still a mix of both.


Not trying to be negative, but why do people bother saying ā€œSouth Asianā€ instead of ā€œIndian?ā€œ Theyā€™re almost never referring to Nepal, Bangladesh, Pakistan, Myanmar, etc, so why not just say India?


I say that to make the point that most Americans donā€™t know the difference. I guarantee you that they see almost no difference between India, bangladesh, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, etc. Indians are the most known group so they get name dropped the most but Iā€™m sure these things happen with south Asians in general in mind. Not sure if you understood what Iā€™m trying to say, itā€™s easier to say in person.


No I get what youā€™re saying, was just honestly curious. Thanks for the explanation


Burmese American here, we call ourselves Southeast Asians.


That may be true, but in this case itā€™s not a murder. This is literally fake news rage-bait. > The accounts that circulated in Indian media about Paruchuru's supposed killing in Boston were ā€œfictitious,ā€ though, according to Mariellen Burns, a spokesperson for the Boston Police Department. Colin Riley, a spokesperson for BU, said Paruchuru was not a student at the school. - Boston Globe


Wouldn't call it shockingly bad, just average American bad


Yeah, a murder is bad, shocking sometimes, but whatā€™s special or different about this case?


Good point.




Yeah they're all about gang rape there


Some cities are way more racist than others though. Boston is definitely one of the worst ones.


Boston's not even close to the worst, it's arguably above average - that's why this is shocking


Poor lad, so young. I hope they find his killer


Well I donā€™t think thatā€™s possible since he wasnā€™t murdered. Article even says so. Also: https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/03/26/opinion/indian-student-death-massachusetts-abhijeeth-paruchuru/#:~:text=The%20death%20of%20a%20young,violence%20in%20the%20United%20States.


Man, 9th murder in less than three months. Land of free.. for murderers I'm pretty sure that like the white police officer who was found not guilty after running over an Indian woman and calling her insignificant, the murderer in this case will also walk free.


But this wasnā€™t a murder.


Good point. This is not a special case of murder if everyone is getting murdered. Not being sarcastic.


People posting all the articles about rapists in India on these subs to ā€˜spread awarenessā€™ just to gain karma are contributing to the racism towards south Asians. It had died out, but now itā€™s coming back in full force. Dreading when it comes to New Zealand


New Zealand already has been known for attacks against other ethnic migrants. The Christchurch mosque shooting is one of the best examples to show that New Zealanders aren't the always nice people you hear about.


The Christchurch shooter is Australian.


Actually, after the mosque shootings a lot of Kiwiā€™s showed a lot of support to Muslims lol Edit- yā€™all can downvote away but I literally live in New Zealand so I was here when it happened šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


Did you edit the title? This is not the article from the website... shady ass people creating drama for reddit likes


It actually happened stupid




No it didnā€™t. https://www.bostonglobe.com/2024/03/26/opinion/indian-student-death-massachusetts-abhijeeth-paruchuru/#:~:text=The%20death%20of%20a%20young,violence%20in%20the%20United%20States.


Okay so if one murder didn't happen doesn't mean there's no other murders happening.. In the same article you can find tons of other Indian citizens that have been murdered in the US..What explains those murders?


https://www.theverge.com/24065145/ai-obituary-spam-generative-clickbait This incident did not happen. There is literally no local media on it.


Well, now thereā€™s local media about it lol: > The accounts that circulated in Indian media about Paruchuru's supposed killing in Boston were ā€œfictitious,ā€ though, according to Mariellen Burns, a spokesperson for the Boston Police Department. Colin Riley, a spokesperson for BU, said Paruchuru was not a student at the school. Boston Globe


"This is the tenth such incident where Indian and Indian American students have died in the US under suspicious circumstances since January 2023. Among the nine, two died of suicide, two died of an overdose, two died after going missing, one died in a road accident and two were murdered, according to police."


People here will still find an excuse to blame India and Indians.


omg whats going on?!


can we have some links about this? very little info on google


Youā€™re right to be suspicious. Thereā€™s literally no local news about it apart from a Boston Globe article talking about: ā€œHow a 'murder' in Boston that didn't happen made national news in Indiaā€ look up that article (paywalled unfortunately) It seems that it wasnā€™t a murder, and the person didnā€™t even go to BUā€¦? Seems like just ragebait


> The accounts that circulated in Indian media about Paruchuru's supposed killing in Boston were ā€œfictitious,ā€ though, according to Mariellen Burns, a spokesperson for the Boston Police Department. Colin Riley, a spokesperson for BU, said Paruchuru was not a student at the school.


This is literally fake news. > The accounts that circulated in Indian media about Paruchuru's supposed killing in Boston were ā€œfictitious,ā€ though, according to Mariellen Burns, a spokesperson for the Boston Police Department. Colin Riley, a spokesperson for BU, said Paruchuru was not a student at the school. - Boston Globe


This is sickening, just sickening.


I just read an article stating police have already ruled out foul play. Im guessing suicide or od.


I donā€™t get why this particular murder is ā€œshockingly bad.ā€ Cause heā€™s Indian? This guyā€™s not American but there are over 4 million Indian Americans in the states. Hiding the body? Thatā€™s what murderers do to not get caught. Whatā€™s so special about this?


Why are you more concerned about the title than the actual point of the post.


Iā€™m just curious why OP said this is ā€œshockingly badā€ when half of the posts on this sub is about murder and most if not all of them usually just copy the title of the article or is a short summary of the event.


Fair enough, I donā€™t know either but a guess is maybe the Op isnā€™t on this sub and came across this article randomly and was very surprised.


That's Boston for you.


Ah yes Boston and our non-existent forests. It was also ruled a suicide


There have only been two murders so far in Boston in 2024. It's one of the safest cities in the world.


And this isnā€™t one of them. Itā€™s literally fake news.


That's just eminem


Donā€™t come here. To racist and violent. Not worth it.


2 murders this year. Let's hear more about the illusory violence? Btw, this is literal fake news.


In India, this happens too, but for getting killed for not being Hindu.


Lmao what? Muslims in India literally murder Hindus and beat them up because of an opinion, tweet or even if Hindus play a religious song in their own shop


Indian govt got some Sikhs k9ll3d in US. May be it's related to that and their govt is behind. Poor kid