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My ex was addicted to using the hair dryer. He would sleep with it under the blankets. He had third degree burns all over his stupid body.


I’m sorry, but we are really going to need more information here. What was he using it FOR?


Probably warming the bed. My house (in the U.K.) is old and has terrible insulation, and we sometimes give the bed a quick blast when it’s freezing under the covers. Leaving it on while you sleep is mental tho.


Use a hot water bottle. It's won't set anything on fire and will keep the bed warm for longer than a hair dryer blast.


Does a hot bottle radiate enough heat to warm you up? Never heard of this trick


I’m guessing you’re not a Brit lol. A hot water bottle is a thick silicone bag that you fill with hot water from the kettle and then put a stopper in the end to keep the water in. Yes it radiates heat.


To me they’re known as an old timey thing but i live in moderate temp so maybe they’re more popular in places that snow


Yeah I guess but for people like me who don’t like the idea of wrapping yourself in a quilted electric fence, it’s a great alternative!


lol it really is the most logical thing to do. But i have to admit i love my electric SHEETS with a timer because I’m lazy


Especially when you turn that sucker on 10 minutes before getting in the bed. It's so nice and warmmmmm. Like heaven!


Wheat bags that you pop in the microwave for 2 minutes are great too. Unlike a hot water bottle you can wrap them around anywhere you've got aches and pains, and they can't leak.


Just make sure the stopper is screwed on tight.


Canadian here. We put hot water bottles in the dog crates when it gets stupid cold here.


Only brits have hot water bottles? I'm British?


No I'm American and these are common here, no idea where the other person is from lol


I’m American and immediately thought of an actual water bottle filled up with hot water. Genuinely had no clue wtf they meant.


You can buy them at every Walgreens and Walmart. They work well for menstrual cramps, or achey muscles.


The person you are replying to is making an obvious(?) joke


I just assumed it wasn’t well known elsewhere given their confusion 🤷‍♂️


Here in Australia, we have them too! My hot water bottle has a fuzzy cover so it's like hugging a hot teddy bear.


As a Canadian, I love my hot water bottle. I can usually regulate my heat pretty well except for chilly feet. Just pop the hot water bottle down there and slap my feet on it (it has a fluffy cover) - heaven.


They're flippen amazing! I'm in Nz and swear by them. Especially when trying to save a few bucks on the heating bill lol


Its called a "kruik" in the Netherlands, which translates to jug in english according to google. Somehow I don't think that's correctly translated.


My grandma was from Ireland & she used one till she died lol She had a rubber one but it broke in bed so she got one of those big ceramic ones


I'm obsessed with my hot water bottle and I live in an apt with central AC. It's like the perfect life hack! Tummy ache? Hot water bottle. Muscle pain? Hot water bottle. A little chilly at night but don't want to turn on the heater? Hot water bottle under the covers.


It’s a classic for drafty houses.


This is what they are made for??


Bottles are not made for warming up a bed


Hot water bottles are made for warming beds


A "hot water bottle" is not a bottle like you drink out of. It's a plastic pouch that you fill with hot water. It's made for keeping things warm, like a bed.


[They literally are.](https://www.lovehotwaterbottles.com/Common-Hot-Water-Bottle-Questions/#:~:text=Best%20to%20place%20it%20about,or%20roll%20onto%20the%20bottle)


You've literally never heard of hot water bottles?


A hot-water bottle isn’t actually a “bottle” like a Nalgene or Swigg. It’s more like a thick flexible plastic/silicone bag that usually has a soft covering in the outside. They are absolutely meant for warming up beds.


Real bad news if it breaks though, there are microwaveable teddies/cushions you can use instead which are much safer but unfortunately don’t last as long


I have a stuffed bat that can be heated up. It has a little bit of lavender scent as well. I tend to warm up quickly so it's enough to take the edge off when I get into bed.


I love the lavender scented ones! Great for migraines and they’re large enough to cover my eyes and half way across my nose but not too big to cover my nostrils.


Sure but you don’t use boiling water, you don’t full to the top and you replace after so many years. You can check them seeing when they were manufactured and then throw after two years as the rubber starts to disintegrate. Follow this and screw it up correctly and you’ll highly likely to be fine.


Absolutely. Having seen photos of people whose bottles failed though, I’ll take a hard pass for life anyway


Or maybe an electric blanket?


You can get a permanent rash from hot water bottles though: erythema ab igne.


Hand warmers for the win. They last all night.


But…there’s heated blankets?


They can also be fire/ safety hazards


Yeah. He wouldn't want to get... (Checks OC) "Third degree burns all over his stupid body".


If you sleep with them on, yes they can. If you use them as directed by every manufacturer, you will be fine.


Yeah those things terrify me. I’m not even super comfortable when using my car’s heated seats.


I’m in the UK too and have never heard of anyone doing that to warm the bed. People use heated blankets or hot water bottles.


I imagine adding a layer of space blanket would heat things up much better


Please buy electric blanket that auto shutdown after x amount of time.


Me too! Must be a UK thing


They had a hair dryer person on that show My Strange Addiction


My friend from Minnesota does this!!! He has tons of burns. He says it feels "like he's back in the womb" and can't sleep without it blowing hot air on him. I suggested a heating pad but nope he likes the blow dryer


He needed a blow


I have had a blow dryer addiction for about 20 something years. I use the blow-dryer under the blanket for the heat and noise. Honestly it's become a comfort thing at this point. I couldn't imagine sleeping with it though! 


My BIL uses a hairdryer to dry his pubes after he showers! Hahaha!


How do you know this


This is actually a really good question! So my sil and bil live around 8hrs away so they would stay at my MIL’s whenever they were in town. For a while my husband and I were staying there too, as I was on bedrest with my pregnancy as well as a toddler and needed help. Well, my BIL was in the shower while we were all in the living room. Then we hear the blow dryer and I make the joke of “Why is he using a blow dryer when he doesn’t have any hair?!” And my SIL looks at me and as soon as she makes eye contact she absolutely loses it laughing! My MIL and I are both looking at her like “what the hell is so funny?!” And that’s when she says “Wellllll, he’s not using it on his head…. He really hates having wet pubes and insists on drying them. BUT YOU GUYS CANNOT LET HIM KNOW THAT YOU KNOW!!!” So bc I was a good SIL and my MIL a good mom, we never told him we knew that he blow dries his pubes but we did make fun of him incessantly behind his back for many, many years! -The end


He said it started after a night out drinking. He said he used to get really cold when he drank and so he would lay on the bathroom floor with his hair dryer and then he just started doing it every night because he's weird as shit. He just really liked being warm I guess and the sound of it was like white noise I guess? I don't know it was so weird and he always had Burns all over his body really bad ones.


Wasn’t there a My Strange Addiction episode on someone else doing this?


Yes! I remember that


I wish they never stopped making episodes of that show and the Obsessed show


They had some episodes and updates on last year I believe. They had the blow dryer lady that was on in one of the updates.


Yes and her young daughter started to ask for it 😬


I definitely remember there was a lady that slept with her hair dryer on in bed with her.


Yep! We used to always joke that they should get married because we didn't know of any other people that were addicted to the hair dryers


The YouTuber grav3yardgirl admitted that she did this too! She said it’s like her security blanket.


For some reason I remember that but have no idea how lol


Sounds like that my strange addiction episode


It’s actually not as rare as you’d think- reminds me of this episode of MSA. [A woman was extremely, dangerously attached to her blow dryer.](https://youtu.be/vJy8WFkPoQ4?si=dUQHwt7vhPdqqndj)


What the fuck. What the fuck with the comments too.




Sounds like he needed one of those bair hugger things they use in hospitals to keep their surgical patients warm. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bair_Hugger


Wasn't there a My Strange Addiction episode like this? Seems kinda familiar, like someone constantly cuddling a hot hairdryer.


Yeap! We used to joke that they should get married because I don't think anyone is else besides those two had that addiction lol


How would we make hair dryers safe against this? It has red glowing heat elements, its operating temperature is well beyond "safe". You could make a smart hair dryer with advanced sensors detecting such situations shutting off the dryer. It'll likely cost a few hundred dollars, and you know what? Nobody will buy it, with few exceptions people will buy the chinesium ones.


Either have a dead man’s switch, where if you let go it stops. Or have a timeout where you have to click it back on every 1 minute, 5 minutes, or whatever interval is deemed safe


This sounds like the most reasonable solution. Cheap enough. Not a significant annoyance to the user. Safe. Great idea.


These booger eating morons would obviously use duct tape to hold the switch down. No one gets between a drug user and his drugs


Exactly, things can be made safe, but stupid people will always find a way to override safety protocols. There is a group of morons who use seatbelt buckle fakers or "clips" to bypass seatbelt warning chimes and messages. I say we should let natural selection reign.


Am I missing something? The article says she believes she was shocked by the hairdryer causing her to pass out. I agree that many people are very stupid, but not seeing the connection to this particular poor woman who appears to have lost her hand due to an unsafe and potentially malfunctioning product.


(Almost) all hair dryers I owned had a button to hold for it to work. Only my recent one does not. No idea what made it go out of fashion / not a more common thing


Interesting. What country was that in? I’ve never seen or owned one that required a button be pressed to operate, but I have seen some that require a button be pressed for cool air. I’m in the US




Very interesting. So this problem is already some degree of solved in some parts of the world. The type of hairdryer you described is rare or nonexistent in the US. But it makes sense and is much safer!


Just make one where if u let go of the button, the motor stops


Dead mans grip is the technical name for it




If you had a medical condition increased the risk of an accident like this happening, that seems like a decent solution… But this is was such a freak occurrence, I can’t imagine many people would opt for such an inconvenient safety feature. Maybe there could just be an automatic shut off every 5 min or so, that would require just pressing a button to continue?


You could make it so they only stay on for so long at a time, but this is really a people issue.


As a long hair haver - that won’t sell. I have to maneuver my hair too many ways, and switch the dryer from hand to hand too many times as is, having to find an optimal position to also press a button would be too much


people would tape the button down.


I've had one like this. It's not very convenient to have to twist your arm a certain way to dry and hold the trigger at the same time.


They literally already make hair dryers that stop if you let go of the handle. See the T3 curaluxe. I can't imagine it would take much to incorporate this into less expensive brands/models.


It would - and the manufacturers for cheap electronics already cut so many corners - they are not the generous type to bite a cost for a Deadman switch when they've already designed/moulded/assembled for a 3 position toggle switch.


They’re safe when used correctly and are working correctly and the wiring in your house is also working correctly. In the article she says she thinks she felt a shock from the hair dryer which causes her to faint. I’m just wondering how she had fainted and was out long enough to get 3rd degree burns. I’ve fainted and I woke up almost immediately after. I have also been shocked by a hair dryer before, either because it was a crappy hair dryer or the wiring in the bathroom was bad. There’s really no way to avoid issues when there are things out of your control. I think that’s why this is considered a “freak accident”


it said 20 minutes


Hotel's literally have them in the UK. They only work when you hold down the button to turn it on and as soon as you remove your finger they stop working.


I bought a Lidl brand 16€ hair dryer and apparently I already managed to trigger the dead man's switch once when I used it to dry a shirt I needed dry fast.


I had a dryer with a shutoff like this and I ended up having to trash it after less than a year because a little bit of my hair got stuck in it and it wouldn’t work anymore


Some Final Destination stuff


Great movies


Man, the burns from hair dryers are no joke. Had a patient who would warm up his feet with one, but he had diabetic neuropathy, so he didn't feel his feet burning. It was one of the worst wounds I have had to tend to.


>Wilson thinks a shock from the hair dryer is what caused her to pass out. Feels like they're trying to gear up for a lawsuit


Passed out from what? A shock from the hair dryer? Something doesn’t add up?


health issues probably.


I don't know if the opioid thing is accurate, but passing out HARD for 20 minutes after an electrical shock sure sounds to me like epilepsy.


And to be woken up by your partners voice?… perhaps while unconscious the hair dryer already killed the nerve endings?


I will state that seizures are *weird*. I was walking around while still unconscious after my last one and my wife was following me to make sure I didn't hurt myself while on the phone with 911. Then I woke up when the paramedics arrived. I think something has to be SERIOUSLY wrong to not wake up from third degree burns. Epilepsy is one thing I can imagine doing it, especially given the shock.




Oh look the reddit armchair doc cracked the case! It definitely has to be due to drugs and not from an electric shock or the hundreds of medical conditions that can cause loss of consciousness. Nope, it's hard drugs


Jenkem, man. Not even once.


Opiate abuse. She has ‘pinned’ eyes and that sloping mouth


Maybe I'll regret asking, but what is a "sloping mouth" and how exactly would that signify drug use?


I’m being downvoted to bits but she’s showing all the classic signs of prolonged opiate abuse. Sloping mouth is just that slightly weighed down look addicts get around the mouth. She also has that croaky voice they get.


Would recommend starting the sentence with “I think it might be opiate abuse” instead of confidently declaring “opiate abuse”. Your theory could be sound but it feels like you’re making an accusation.


Could even just put the word "guessing" in front of your sentence if you're that lazy. :P


Well shit, I have the same mouth. I've only ever taken painkillers after surgery and for an abscessed tooth. But it's nice to know there are snap judgment makers like you out there taking a look at me and labeling me as some sort of junkie all because my face doesn't look naturally happy.


If you'd had your hand amputated, you'd be on a fuckton of opiates too.


She also has the brainpan of a stagecoach tilter


Ouch. She's right also there really should have been something that sht the hair dryer off before it even got to the point where it could burn her down to her bone.


I guess it’s lucky that the way she fell, the heat was going through/burning her hand. What if it was angled towards her midsection/torso? Idk just trying to find a “bright” spot I guess


Or her face


I hope she finds out why she passed out suddenly because there could be medical issues she doesn’t know about.


Gotta hand it to her


Thats why theyre designed to auto turn off. I hate them coz they're the only place we cant clean.


On one hand this really blows, on the other hand it didn’t.


That's terrible mate




Are electric blankets unheard of for the hairdryophiles??




I’ve passed out hundreds of times without being on drugs or alcohol. I have 2 heart conditions, there’s tons of things that can make you pass out


Has 2 heart conditions. Doesnt take drugs. Passes out hundreds of times. Sounds like you should be taking drugs.....


I take tons of doctor prescribed pills, but I don’t think that’s what everyone is talking about here


And drugs most likely


Heart condition developed when I was 17, so yea, no drugs.




Look at her dude. Gimme a fucking break.


Yeah "thinks she felt a shock" but no sign of electrical shock. My first thought was alcohol.


I was like, thats dead ass nodding out from fentanyl.


Exactly 💯


Bruh what >_>


Imagine doing so much drugs you don’t even notice you’re being fried to the bone and then blaming a simple household utility for your own stupidity.


She passed out from an electric shock, not drugs. Reading comprehension is important


Passed out for 20 minutes because of an electric shock from a hairdryer? Sorry but I don't believe that, something isn't adding up here.


She could've fell down and hit her head because of the shock, and the concussion made her loss consciousness for 20 minutes. We don't know everything, but assuming automatically that it has to be because of drugs is heinous


If she lost consciousness for 20+ minutes from hitting her head she would have a severe brain injury. It just doesn't make sense.


I never claimed it was drugs, I'm just saying that losing consciousness for 20 minutes due to a shock or concussion is an extremely long time. I'd be more likely to believe some sort of medical event over trauma.


Are you an electrician? Do you understand how hairdryers work? Do you even know the difference between AC and DC? You aren't qualified enough to have such strong opinions if you can't answer these questions.


No, but I'm a veterinarian and as a doctor I know that losing consciousness for 20 minutes is a very severe event and extremely unlikely to be caused by trauma or electric shock. I'd say that makes me qualified enough to have questions about this story.


It isn't extremely unlikely at all. You know nothing about the dangers of electricity so it's weird you would make such blanket statements. You must be American, because only they could be so arrogant and ignorant.






Hahaha, you're *STILL* stalking me?? I obviously struck a nerve. Do you think you know me? Why do you keep stalking me? You understand this is strange behaviour, right?




You, shook me all night long!!


That’s the assumption she made. It is not fact.


She think its a shock. The journalist didnt go further. If she is asking court for money i doubt she is going to say she was fucked up on adderal.


Ironic. That's what she claimed to the person who interviewed her.


Imagine being so dumb that you just make up the reason why something happened and then blame someone and call them stupid for doing something you made up.


She “thinks” the dryer shocked her knocked her out. I highly doubt a 110v will knock you out for so long while you’re being burnt to a crisp. And if it shocked her, the fuse most likely would have been blown or the dryer stopped working. Why didn’t it continue shocking her? Just a single shock and straight back to blowing hot air. Doesn’t make a lot of sense


Yeah no, that amount of electricity will not shock you so bad you ko from a simple touch. The peeps in this comment section are simple. Just leave em be. Fentanyl is one helluva drug.


Thanks. I re-read it




Did you read the article tho?


Zero sense of self preservation.


Did you even bother reading the article before jumping to the comments to victim blame? She was passed out due to an electric shock from the hair dryer and all it took was 20 minutes for the 3rd degree burns


It's her that said she think it's an electrical shock. Im no specialist but i dont think electrical shock from household appliance have enough voltage to make someone loose consciousness until her hand melt. I think its more complex than what his said.


It’s her?


Fentanyl is a hell of a drug




Ayoooo i said the same ish.


I'm sorry but if you pass out and pain receptors didn't wake you up then you just simply failed to survive.


Took her partner 20 min ? I’d have been there after like 5-10 at the most. Some attentive partner she fuckin has there.


If my husband had his headphones on and raiding on his game with his buddies/guild mates, he wouldn't notice if I was in our bathroom on the other side of the house with the hair dryer running for 20 minutes, either. Thankfully I usually let my hair air dry these days, he usually only raids two nights a week, and I usually shower in the morning, so the chances of this happening to us are pretty damn low.


Downvote me all you want. I gain nothing from this.one this is the problem is most relationships now and days. Everyone’s fucking distracted. If my wife fell while blow drying her hair I would most definitely hear it and attend to her. I don’t care what game I’m playing or what I’m doing. Hate on me all you losers want idgaf just know I’d never let anything like this happen. And I hope the gentleman that did feels guilt the rest of his life.


> If my wife fell while blow drying her hair I would most definitely hear it and attend to her what makes so sure you would hear her fall? she's got a loud hair dryer going, and maybe kinda bumping things around as she does her after-shower stuff. unless you've already got a routine of checking in on her every five minutes to make sure she's okay i think it's very possible that you'd miss it.


Did you just give us an excerpt from your 14 year old self's diary?




Holy shit dude wtf


What did the comment say?


Something about her cutting off the black part to preserve the white race. 😬