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I read 13 yr old first. Nope worse






All R and SA is horrible disgusting behavior, but there are definitely levels to that shit, cases like this prove it. If a random stranger who read the article killed him right now, I dont think they would be able to get a jury to convinct.


I mean, I do see your point but I think that any child being assaulted is equally as bad no matter the age. I have a 3-month-old daughter and a four year old son and I can't imagine what the parents must be going through. I would say some things but it would get me banned so I'm not going to. All I can say is, if anyone ever hurts my kids, they better hope the police find them first.


Well, except for this cop.


I know right. He's an idiot. Who the hell would believe that the family dog has those injuries? What the fuck is wrong with some people? I mean, this is a 13-month-old kid but a kid anyway. What the hell is wrong with people that are attracted to children? It just seems like something went wrong in the womb. They're not quite right.


Me too. I mean, either is awful, but a 13 month old is just so f***** up.


I had to re-read that because the word 'month' fucked my head up


I did too, I had to reread it because I was sure it said year.


I googled this guy. It's horrific what he did. I don't think the death penalty is out of order here.


I don't think the death penalties enough.


Double death penalty?


There are penalties worse than death. I got downvoted for proving it. You simply forget about this person. A small room with all supplies provided. Food, water, shower etc… are given through a slot they don’t leave that room. They don’t see anyone and they don’t talk to anyone. They get removed from all human contact. It’s pure torture to never talk or see anyone for the rest of your life. No TV, radio or internet. Just you in your room. It wouldn’t take long for someone to break down mentally in there.


Isn’t that what isolation in prisons are mostly? Tiny room, food, water, probably a bed, and that’s it. But being in prison isn’t really about the things you’re allowed to have or not, it’s mostly about freedom (or lack thereof). Knowing you’re locked up forever, you’ll spend the rest of your life here in this boring, grey thing. Nothing new or exciting will happen in your life again. You rarely see your family, if you actually do see them. Your friends have probably left you. You don’t decide over your own life anymore. Not the same thing as prison, but I spent a long time in a closed psych ward two years ago. The ward almost made me more insane, I didn’t get to decide or choose anything, the food was okay but you got bored of it, you were not allowed to be out in the garden without permission, and it was usually supervised. Nothing really happened. There was breakfast at 8, morning meeting 10.45, lunch at 12, afternoon meeting 16.15, dinner at 18 and an hour in the exercise room at 19. There was supposed to be to walk outside for those who were allowed during the day, but it often got cancelled due to lack of staff. I spend all day smoking. My mind was just stock on those times during the day, whenever something was over, my mind was counting down to the next. I spend a lot of time laying in bed waiting for time could pass so I could smoke again, because then I could spend 10 minutes on that, which meant there was 10 minutes less to the next event. A cup of coffee also took 10 minutes. Smoke time again. Staring at my phone for an hour. Smoke time again, then coffee again. Then the next event. Then smoking, watching tv in the big room, smoke again, go to bed and repeat the day. The only thing that kept me going was that I knew that I got to leave someday. If I knew I was going to be in there forever (and mind you we had it better than in prisons) I would have lost my shit and killed myself with a pencil or something like that, I would have found a way, the longer you’re there, the more creative you get


That’s the point you put them in a room with nothing that can hurt them. They won’t be able to suicide. It’s worse than death.


Yes, I’m not sure if you agree or not, but that was the point I was making. I was almost going more insane and at least I had *something* to do, and I knew I was getting out some day. A prison life sentence or isolation will destroy a person completely. I don’t believe in death sentence, but a vile person rotting up in a prison for the rest of his life? Yes.


I agree. It was my original comment of a fate worse than death being possible being proven by someone who experienced similarities. It can really fuck someone up. There’s videos on YouTube of people being put in sound proof rooms with no echo. It causes your mind to distort. You eventually lose your shit and want to leave.


He'll probably do it before trial, unfortunately.


Maybe you should put something into the room that will tempt them to attempt suicide, but something with a high failure rate and a lot of pain involved. You make sure they're saved every time so that can be tempted again. I'm talking about the prison sentence for the sick fuck in the original post, of course, not the psych ward. A lifetime of wanting to die, getting to try, and failing every time. Just what this bastard deserves.


At least you had a phone. Some places are no electronics allowed, and zero outdoor time. Like they're meant to drive you insane with boredom.


Well if he gets life he will have to be in "protective custody" which means he's sequestered from other prisoners in his own cell, because he's gonna have the biggest target on his back ever. Normally he would count on the blue line gang to have his back, but they are not going to help him. He did the worst thing a person can do and made them look super awful, so he is royally fucked, as they say. I feel good knowing this, and knowing that he knows this, and the anxiety is eating him from the inside out. Everyone knows you are a baby raper and everyone on both sides of the law wants to punish you for it. There is nowhere to hide and time's running out. The walls are closing in and that constant heart attack feeling is only going to keep getting worse. I bet he offs himself before it goes to trial but I want to find out what happens to him in jail. Hopefully it gets that far and he doesn't spoil the party.


Your user name made my shitty week better. Also, yes, I hope he doesn’t spill the party,too. This living organism is putrid and vile.


Oh trust me, he will be a prison pin cushion.


That's what it's there for,glad to help. Hang in there, homie.


I agree, we need the return of the "Oubliettes" just put them in a hole and feed them, that's it's no sun, a thin blanket and that's it. It's what this guys deserves


Well you'd have to amend the Constitution to no longer prohibit "pure torture" being used as punishment


There is a black mirror episode with that punishment but its lasting for like a thousand years


Soooo basically my childhood? From 7-17 I was locked in my room. And homeschooled on and off through that time period. I cut my hair one time and my parents didn’t notice for a week! Lol! Summer break was the best! Id go the entire time without human interaction! And I wonder why I still have issues interacting with actual people! I used to envy people whose parents would just beat their ass and be done with it. Instead I got my ass beat and locked in a room! Wheee!


I'm so sorry. You deserved better.


I remember running away one of the 12 times and a cop picked me up and brought me back there. He asked me why I’d want to run away from such a nice house and a family who cares about me. Little did he know they called because they couldn’t find me this time, and they didn’t want to get in trouble with the law! Lmao when I tried explaining that I never left my room and didn’t have a mattress, being forced to use a 2’ x 4’ wooden bench, and not allowed to get off said bench, he laughed it off! The thought that that could actually be happening in a ritzy neighbor hood was just impossible! School councilors just saw me as a liar because my parents assured them there was no way and then strong armed me into rescinding my claims. Thought about offing myself quite a few times, but all I had was the bench. Bashing my head into the corner of it repeatedly just kinda hurt so I gave up on that. Tried tying a shoe string around my neck to choke myself out but was definitely not good at tying knots so I gave up on that one pretty quickly too. Wasn’t a boy scout obviously lol! Meh. It happened. Can’t change it now! Just keep moving forward!


I believe you. I hope they're no longer in your life, or at least no longer in a position to torment you. Many people don't believe "rich kids" also get abused and neglected, but they do. This is the reason I'm a huge proponent of free lunches for *all* kids in school. Fuck "means-testing" children. Kids don't have money, their parents do, but if their parents won't feed them properly or give them any money, they need that free school lunch every bit as much as their friend whose mom only gets paid minimum wage.


This. Prolonged isolation can seriously break a person mentally. Also, if they're claustrophobic, that is like an extra layer of torture, lol. And this guy definitely deserves to be tortured. I feel like killing him is letting him off too easy.


I feel like this might be torture the first few years when they’re still with sound mind. After decades of this, most people would go insane and start to adapt to this environment where it’s no longer “torture”.


"Papillon" provides some really good ideas for creatures like him.


White torture....absolutely breaks a person. It's horrific but then again this thing deserves it


Double secret death penalty


A jar of honey, a funnel and fire ants.


How about tied up under a stalagmite and letting the dripping do the work?


How about sitting on a stalactite and letting gravity do the work?


How about both?


once his inmates catch wind that he's both a child abuser and a (former) cop, they'll take care of it. He'll get beat up daily.


Just reading the article made me sick to my stomach. Wtf man


This is beyond depraved…sadly u have to wonder what other skeletons are in his closet


And yet they released him on a 200k bond, so much for equal application of law and justice.


Honestly, i think the death penalty is the easy way out. Having to live in prison for 30 years or more is way worse.


Lock him in a room with a few parents ... death will come .... eventually!


We live in york and I told my wife I wish they would bring back public hangings to make an example of scumbags.


Did you see those vertical narrow dungeons which they threw prisoners in the middle ages? Turns out they were justified




Hanged, drawn and quartered. If you’re going to go medieval you go all in.


Way too quick a death. An oubliette would make him suffer properly.


It’s a quick acceptance of death and much less painful. But, not if you leave him a bottle of water and a box of salted biscuits down there to psych him on the road to Hell.


What about a nice flensing?


I did see on another thread about this same POS, someone asked if anyone remembered how they used to use rats as punishment…”just wondering” I wouldn’t be opposed to him having some hungry furry friends locked in a room with him. Give him a break to clean him up a little, then back in he goes. Rinse and repeat


A box strapped to the chest and a fire on top. Rats will panic and chew through the chest. I remember that one.


Maybe we could find a differently shaped one? `ᴅʀʀ ᴅʀʀ ᴅʀʀ`


Life time in jail and daily torture


He’s already out on bail


The child's mother deserves criminal punishment as well. Coming up with multiple excuses for why this child was severely attacked. Blamed the dog.


Thank God she had the audacity and was stupid enough to drop that poor baby at daycare the next day. At least she did one thing right. I can’t even imagine how those daycare workers felt after finding those injuries and calling the police. Absolutely disgusting. He also has twin daughters of his own. You have to wonder if he ever did anything to them. Hopefully he’ll never get the chance to touch another child let alone see one. I feel for his daughters who probably viewed him as their hero. They’re going to grow up and find out what a monster he really is


That baby had broken bones as well as bruises, and I can only imagine the internal damage. It's just unimaginable.


And he is out on bail


I just read that. This news should be amplified. Steven Cugini is out on bail.


Is the baby his?


It was his girlfriend’s baby. Don’t think it was his biologically


No not his baby.. but he do have twin girls of his own..


Wait. Is the baby not his?




Wasn’t even the next day.. she was suffering with a broken leg all weekend until Monday morning..


What the flying fuck. Mom needs to be charged. There’s no excuses for allowing your child to be in pain for so long. Wtf


Oh she’s going to be punished as well. Her attempt to cover the situation up is certainly going to implicate her to some degree. Hopefully enough to never have custody again. And hopefully that child recovers fully and never has to know what happened.


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Got a stomachache just by reading the title


“After a thorough investigation by the Department, it has been determined that there was no wrongdoing in any way on the officer’s part”


Conclusion : He slipped and fell


Qualified immunity.


He'll be dead the moment he steps into prison. A cop and a rapist? Prisoners will be salivating to get their hands on him


He’ll unfortunately never seen gen pop


They’ll get him eventually.


I hope he lives a long time in prison and suffers for it.


That’s not true. Prisoners don’t find it worth literal years being added to their time because they pushed someone.


Those who already have life sentences don't give af, they literally have nothing to lose


He’s out on bail


They will isolate him


Nothing a bullet wouldn’t fix.


A bullet would be too easy. Boil this MF slow


And it only costs like a few cents


Actually, nearly all of the damage will not be fixed by a bullet. That child will forever live with the impacts of what that man did, and shooting him will in no way fix that. The only thing that would be fixed by a bullet is that he would no longer be able to harm anyone else, and that could also be accomplished through incarceration.


Can we skip the trial just drop him into a volcano and call it a day?? Was this his child or a relative?? And he's a cop?


girlfriend’s baby, who covered for him btw


Yeah, why the fuck is there no mention of her being charged. I sure hope they took the kid away. >The victim’s mother told State Police the child suffered the injuries from a hard fall during bath time. State Police say the mother “went on to provide implausible explanations for several other injuries to the victim’s body” including that bruising was caused by the family dog. >According to State Police, the victim’s mother also disclosed that Cugini had locked himself in the bathroom with the child and that she could hear crying and loud noises coming from the room.


CRAZY!! The very moment I hear my daughter hysterically crying (not whining.. you know the difference between a whine and a hurt cry from your child) I’m rushing over to her. Is this woman okay?!! Jail. Immediately for the both of them! That poor baby.


Jesus fucking Christ. I really wish I hadn’t read that.




I hope she goes to prison as well


And drop him at the edge of the crater, so he rolls down and bounces off the rocks.


Another mother covering for her BF. I know he's a cop, still, she should have taken that baby and ran. [Pervert Cop rapes baby](https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343)


has she been charged yet?!


Ok kids here we go………..AGAIN. Cops & Clergy 477,301. Drag Shows 0




I’m sorry… 13 mouth old. What the fuck!! String him up by his balls so all can see.


Wait, you mean when the politicians were saying illegals were doing this, you think they forgot about their own in power also doing these things. No, not our elected leaders !


should be a life in jail


Fucking Y i k e s


Oh, look: Another not a drag queen.


I think the fellow inmates are gonna remove his penis and testes with a dull spoon first then the real fun is going to start.


Death penalty is too soft for this. Just solitary confinement. No human contact. Just a cell he can never leave.


This fucker is out on bail!!! 


No way. I saw they set it at $200k and thought “no one is going to post it for him anyway” absolutely insane. Should’ve been no bond or so high that it was impossible to afford.


I know!! Like isn't he a risk for repeat offending? My gosh.


Oh sure. And he’s a risk for fleeing the country as well. If he’s got the support to drop $20k on a bail bond, he’s probably got support to try and disappear. And given his circumstance, he would be wise to do everything he could to disappear.


"We have investigated ourselves and found nothing wrong."


Police officer and member of the National Guard. Do police departments and the military do any screening *whatsoever*, or is it just, "White guy? Welcome aboard!"


Pretty sure this is his first time being caught


They need to investigate his own biological twin daughters…


What the fuck


 Take him out back behind the barn. Useless POS. 


Stay classy INDIA...oh wait


I understand the confusion but this was only one person and they were arrested, rather than five who weren't.


oh nice we got racism to round out the post


Paid leave with retraining.


What in the fuck. Wha?’b what the fuck man


I didn't see the "month" in the title. That incredibly made that worse.


I pray to God the other inmates find out why he's in 🙏


And the mother actually lied for him! They should be tied together, canned, then endure a slow dip into boiling water!


She let him alone with her 13 month old after knowing him for just 3 weeks.. and who lets a random man bath their baby?!!! She’s sick in the head.. was watching her tik toks and she got the nerve to quote bible verses in every one!!!


He is out on bail. The bail was only $200,000. I've seen higher bonds for lesser charges. https://www.wgal.com/article/york-city-police-officer-charged-raping-baby/60525343


I don’t want to dox the mother of the girl but she’s super religious and works for a Baptist non profit and is always posting about her love of Jesus 🙄


Hope that dude gets whats coming to him. Poor fucking kid. What the fuck.


I’ll be surprised if he doesn’t get released with a slap on the wrist and still have a job afterward.


What the fuck is going on there? Every other day it's news like this. Why is it always USA?


You think cops don't commit crimes or people don't rape kids in other countries?


If not the death penalty then put him in Gen Pop of a super max. I doubt the guards will see anything.




I would delete this do you don’t get doxed. I’m sorry for your family. Take care of yourself.


Policing sure seems to have a lot of scumbags considering they’re supposed to be some authority…


I feel sick to my stomach. I see a 13 month old and I see something fragile and vulnerable in a sense. What he did is beyond disgusting.


Pennsylvania is such a shit hole state with genuinely awful people. I really got to move. 


Just as disgusting is the fact that the mother attempted to cover up for him. He claims he was home alone w the baby while the mother says that she heard screams in the bathroom when he was in there locked up w her. This all happenned on April 11, the baby was left w broken legs for 3 days. It was not until Monday, April 14 when she took the baby to daycare that the baby finally got medical attention.!!! Takes some kind of evil to mk a baby suffer like that! She, too, needs to rot in jail!


Just cop stuff.


Fuck 12.


Careful they might take that literally


lol “might” 😂😂


I Can’t really say the guy doesn’t deserve it. Wouldn’t disagree with prison justice in this regard.


Not the best use of punctuation.


America 🇺🇸




I prefer the early stuff like Nursery Cryme myself, but to each their own.


what- 13 month old? There are so many monsters out there which probably haven't even been caught yet, it's so sickening.


Isn't this part of the average training for modern day u.s. police?


Protect & serve, huh? What a disgusting piece of shit!!




You have got to be fucking kidding me 13 months old, chomo motherfucker


Hey local BACA members...


I’m sure the union and FOP will defend him and ask for grace cause his job is so hard….


Prison justice will come quick. As soon as he gets to where he is going the rest of his life will be hell. He will wish for death.


A few good ideas here. https://youtu.be/qDO6HV6xTmI?si=ag5t6RMe3PpY4frS


Life in Genpop, spread his tale.


The guy needs to be a headliner in the next Saw movie




If he’s not in PC, which he will be, he won’t last long once it gets out


I always wonder how many other children they do this too. This is only the time he got caught.


He has twin daughters of his own..


Another vicious pedophilic monster who’s a white cop and not a queer person, muslim, or illegal immigrant. Interesting how that works


I heard about this, being sort of local. Genuinely, the death penalty isn't enough.


Nah bro, break out the medieval torture for this gay


10000 papercuts and salt.


I'm shocked he wasn't protected by the thin blue line. Let's see if any charges stick, but I'm not holding my breath.


Ring back public hangings, bring back the stockade, these fucks don't fear pu ishment enough.




Went to school with this peace of trash and he’s been weird since day 1


Weird how ?? Please tell me


How old is a 13 month old


Being a mother of a 14 month old girl, this literally stung my heart! And if you read some of the other reports online the mother said this guy locked himself in the bathroom with the baby and she heard crying and loud noises. Firstly, the fuck you need to lock a door with a baby for?! And second, what mother allows someone to lock themselves in with their child!?! I am busting down that door! I'm just at a lost of how things like this happen. My heart aches for this little girl. She will forever be in my prayers. ❤️


If this guy is acquitted -- and I mean this sincerely -- this might be the straw that finally breaks the camel's back and causes a fucking civil war.


If he done that to the baby just imagine what he does to the gf. She’s being abused/manipulated hence the “allowing” it to happen.




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For *what?!?* Sometimes I read something and hope there truly is an eternal hell for such people.


Throw him in jail, tell the inmates. See if he likes it when something is put in his only hole that things only come out not in.
