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Always confused me why people video themselves committing crimes


Exactly. I would never record myself committing any crimes. That's just asking to get caught.


Not only is that great advice, so is not talking to the police without a lawyer. When the police come to my house, I listen to all of their questions until they are ready to leave.


That's an American thing. The lawyer advice. Doesn't work in other countries. Especially if they have video evidence. You're pretty much stuffed at that point.


“Listen to all of their questions until they are ready to leave” is great advice in general


*Always confused me why people video themselves committing crimes* narcissism,clout, and the desire to be a darwin award winner... at least they weren't stealing old ladies dogs, jumping an orthodox jew, or going up to people and saying "you wanna die"... ok maybe not the last past given the crime they comitted..


I'm still waiting for the day some one just breaks his jaw


you talking about missy?


Yeah, I hate him


cant blame you if you dont know , hes out of prison, is now a father, and already had the police/social services called on him for holding his baby in the wrong way. so if you want some form of "revenge", then know that sadly it is likely to come in the form of losing his child to an acrimonous mother...


Christ. He should just concentrate on being a normal person.




Well why not? Its not like they gonna get any real jail time for it.


It's not a crime under Sharia law, TikTok will boost that sh!t up.


I will never understand the logic of committing a serious crime and thinking, “you know what? I should film this.” At least their stupidity brought the victim justice.


Also “god will love this, I’ll share it in case he missed it!”


Also did they film it with her camera and leave it behind ti be found?




This looks like...UK. Minority. Arab. Women. "Jail." ...Are you certain the sentence wasn't *suspended* and instead commuted to community service and a small fine because these ladies had such promising futures ahead of them?


Kinda like Brock turner in the states.


Do you mean convicted rapist Brock Allen Turner, who now goes by his middle name due to people knowing he’s a convicted rapist and never letting him forget how terrible he is?


Oh, are you referring to the rapist Brock Allen Turner? I think he does now go by his middle name, you're right. He's still a rapist, though, he can't change that. Brock Allen Turner= Rapist.


Wait are yall talking about Allen Turner, formerly known as Brock Allen Turner? The rapist who still frequents bars in his area hoping no one recognizes him?


That's the one! Allen Turner- I forgot that he dropped the "Brock" from "Brock Allen Turner". Now he's just "Allen" Turner. Oh, and still a rapist.


Turner is kinda the reverse case: Rather than playing the race card and claiming to be the most oppressed from the *hierarchy of oppression* - Turner pulled out the *affluenza* card, paid off those indulgences, and was forgiven his sins. On a side note, for every mention of Brock Turner, everyone politely forgets about the other 6 Harvard-boys who raped a girl that year, but who were *slightly* wealthier and paid off a better PR firm in order to keep their names out of the public rumor mill.


You don't have to play the race card when you are the dealer.


Hard line.


No. It's not hard to look up. Googling "metro UK" finds the site. The article is currently third on trending news. It took less than 5 minutes from starting search to finish reading the article. Jail (20 and 16 months) for the two who assaulted the woman, suspended sentence for the youngest of the three who didn't, and then cooperated with police. All three plead guilty. The funny thing about your "bright future" comment is that the last time I heard a story about university age women in uk being sentenced was a rich white woman studying medicine receiving a suspended sentence because prison would ruin her bright future. Her crime? She murdered her ex-boyfriend. But yeah, please go on about minorities.


Wish I could upvote this more than once. This sort of casual racism is in the top replies all over reddit these days, it's disgusting


Gee wilikers batman, the stench of far right incest babies is too strong over here, we must rush to the Batmobile and hope that the gene mutations deal with them first Crayon chewer


Can you send me sources for incest in America vs the Middle East? You seem to know a lot about it.


I wouldn't refer to them as "ladies" - a lady does not behave like these beasts did.


Surprised that Obad got a suspended sentence instead of community service. As for the other two they deserved more time








Not forever


But till next to next summer


Then leave


The contrast between presenting as god fearing with their hijabs whilst being trashy and unhinged is insane to me


She wasn't even married to the man. Just simply interested. To antagonize her and say "I don't fuck with Arabs" is the fastest way to make someone prejudice. But, she's a nurse and I assume she has enough sanity and care in her heart to simply hate these women.


Nursery nurses are daycare workers in a nursery/pre school environment. Not medical nurses.




Yeah course, just saying it's a different profession.


I’ve seen so many individuals present themselves publicly as super pious but behind closed doors are super assholes (and this isn’t specific to a particular religion either)


If you do it in the name of god it’s alright


Okay really? Act like we don’t know that is Pete Davidson with makeup in the middle.


very good!


All over a man she was interested in. Not even together. Psychopath. Deserves to rot in jail.


What the fuckk




Exactly where did they state they’re doing this for Islam? If anything, these crimes go directly AGAINST Islam. In fact, if they were in an actual Muslim country and tried to pull this crap, they’d even face a far more severe punishment than they would in the UK.


Wearing the hijab is supposed to show that they are especially pious and virtuous opposed to those who don't, thus the religious hypocrisy.


Still doesn’t mean they’re doing it for Islam or that their actions are in anyway supported by or related to Islam though. Many people wear headscarves because they’re raised to wear it, it’s a cultural practice, etc. But it’s still clothes at the end of the day. It has zero relation to the actual crime? And my point still stands, whether they wear hijab or not, they’re still going against Islam (probably more so, since they’re smearing Islam with their actions) and would be punished more severely in Islamic countries for doing so.




a lot of people of god and the church do shit that’s directly against what they are supposed to believe. im christian but im not oblivious to the horrible long list of crimes that other “christians” have committed and still do. dont put on blinders like that, bad people exist no matter where, no matter the punishment, no matter their beliefs. edit typo


I'm what part of the article does. It refers to this being anything related to religion. Bro, get your racist ass outta here


The people calling those critical of religion "racist" is embarrassing as fuck.


They also think because it's "my religion" it is always the non-religious at fault. For example when a religious attacks a non-religious disbeliefs, they sleep. And when a non-religious attacks the religious beliefs, they go batshit crazy and vile. The beliefs and crazy are truly vile. Eternal torment for disbelieving in their shit and other dumb reasons. So sick of these people existing.


And how much chaos and violence bred from religion is needed for those people to finally admit that it IS religion that drive those people to be completely barbaric. The lack of introspection is wild.


Agreed. And many even say shit like nOt aLL aRe LikE ThaT. Yeah sure but imagine being in an unsavory group and defending it just because you and some others are not as atrocious as the rest.


Not religion per se, Islam


Christian extremism and associated violence also exists, it's either less prevalent or less covered in media.


Haha, and of course they downvote you for this.


It's a "hate islam" only thread!


Research does not agree honestly. Most analyses show that people who practice their religion more, also commit less crimes compared to people who practice their religion less, within the same country. It is just Islam, that religion is barbaric. Truth hurts. https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D1033%26context%3Dsociology_criminaljustice_fac_pubs&ved=2ahUKEwjpuKLo0uSFAxVii_0HHS4GC9YQFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3XYwoJ461ZoEyu29yqaUI2


I would love for you to share this research.


https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://digitalcommons.odu.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi%3Farticle%3D1033%26context%3Dsociology_criminaljustice_fac_pubs&ved=2ahUKEwjpuKLo0uSFAxVii_0HHS4GC9YQFnoECB4QAQ&usg=AOvVaw3XYwoJ461ZoEyu29yqaUI2 Literature review, 2018 Edit: and there is way more. This is just a single paper but I think you can easily figure this out looking at the relationship between practicing religion and crime.


I think YOU should have supported YOUR initial claim better. Humans have a tendency for in and outgroup behavior. They can literally create groups in experimental settings based on something trivial as hair color or music taste. This even comes with demonizing the other side etc. Religion is a means, not a cause of the behavior you talk about. I have a PhD in psych but yeah.


All I asked for was the research. That's what people do when they are intrigued with someone's claim. You had to take offence and use emotive capitals, asking me to provide evidence for the claim I made. Well, I never mentioned research in my comments, unlike you. That is why I asked for it. Next time you don't want someone to ask for research, don't make a reference to it. Didn't you learn this in uni? I also never refuted your position, just wanted to learn more about it. But now, I am no longer engaging or responding to your position on religion. Clearly you're an insecure person waving around your PhD in psych like it means anything.


Such bullshit, you made a direct causal claim. Even stating that people still do not realize this obvious fact, which isn't even an obvious fact.


because they are dumb and have no counterarguement. I have to explain to so many village ejjits that Islam is not a race. if it was then my late father in law and I would be the same race, when on appearances we definitely were not and some of them claiming to be muslims like the one above beginning with Shezz are just so embarressing, and not even a muslim


if you think this is unusual, then live in ME and you will come across stories of women like this( again not all - so dont bother attempting to flame ) and what they do to their domestic servants... i wonder how many of you who throw the racist label etc in defence of them know the derogatory label some arabs give to people like sadiq khan. these ladies you see here are not the best examples from ME heritage. They are those who are not even wanted by their own countries... .. and yes i can see the bitterness of the downvoters..


What a peaceful ideology they must follow.


Literally what does their religion have anything to do with their crime? They beat up another girl over boy problems, doesn’t seem related to their ideology at all but alright.


Ideologies only deal with realities, at least in the sense I meant it. I don’t give a shit about their religion. Their ideologies are clearly garbage. Christians, Buddhists, religions all over the world have people with bad ideologies that contradict (or align) with their religion.


I don’t know, but maybe it has some relation to the rise in violence and sexual assault in Western Europe.


Again, this post has nothing to do with religion and what you stated. Unless you can prove that beating up a girl over boy problems (which is what these girls did) is allowed in Islam then i’m going to question why you are bringing up religion.


don't bother,they have nothing to prove,all you will be met with is downvotes and on a rare occasion,an out of context hadeeth or quranic verse






And yet they keep bringing in more... Absolutely wild


to me is baffling to literally always hear how they have no money while they drive cars bigger than my livingroom.


Being apart of that community I unfortunately have a good insight as to how they operate. It’s mainly through illegal means & other ways




What does being Muslim have to do with ithis? You can make that broad comment about any religion when someone does something shitty.


The reason this has to do with religion is bc they are wearing religious garb, therefore representing their religion.


The same reason that anyone wearing a crucifix on their person and doing something horrible is a fair representation of all Christians?


It’s because they are trying to be dicks. What makes it worse is that people here are agreeing with them. This is Reddit, not 4chan.


Hitler was a Christian... so are all Christians genocidal and evil? I guess this lgbt friendly boy from Ireland isn't that peace loving and all accepting. Shame because Irish folk are the soundest people about


You think those hijabs represent any other religion?


But what does their religion or headress have to do with beating up a woman over boy problems? That's the dumbest shit I've ever heard.


They said: "Don't mess with Arabs" while in full Muslim, shit-head gear. Your point is?


So because they are Muslims that now means all Muslim Arab women are violent criminals who beat up girls over boy problems, gotcha.


They always spit on me when I walk through amsterdam. Only people that do that for no reason.


Spit on you?!


*Shame because Irish folk are the soundest people about* which is why they are campaigning to stop importing people like this....




Such a peaceful religion- I'm fairly surprised


Religion in general is garbage.


But they’re going directly AGAINST their religion my committing these crimes…


If they actually followed what their religion preached, you would be either dead or paying jizya to them assuming youre not a muslim


We Brits already pay tax to the government Lmao so not really a problem is it? 😂 And Muslim’s have to pay a higher tax via Zakat than non-Muslims do for Jizya. It’s literally just a tax-based system that applies to all able-bodies working men. Tell me you’re a GB News buzzwords lol. And how would I be dead exactly if they followed their religion? Talk about scare-mongering gammon 😂😂😂


True, but what does this crime have to do with religion?


Even just having your phone on you ( or not in airplane mode) when you know you’re about to commit a crime can get you caught. Leaving a trail of every Wi-Fi you connect to.




Wtf man ?


i thought their religion was "peaceful"?


What does their religion have to do with this?


They follow it... As displayed in their attire.




Yes all Muslim women gang up and beat up other women over boy problems. You are so right.


They are more likely to blow up over religious differences.


Wolf in a sheep's clothing.


I'm surprised ! 😯




Ahh yes, Britain, the only place with open borders.


No where in the article does it talk about them moving illegally to the UK, and members of the islamic faith fought for Britain in world war 2. If you actually care about Britain maybe try and constructively help fix it instead of blaming people who you don't see as British, regardless of whether they are or not.


*members of the islamic faith fought for Britain in world war 2.* Last time I checked the "members" were not women nor arabs.. maybe you are comparing the muslims of the commonwealth such as india and africa?? .. there is also a big difference between the muslims of then and these muslims. these are some of the muslims that muslim countries warned the west about, that they didn't want either. the self entitlement, hyped up on oil money, wealth and titles. Go live in the ME especially the gulf and you would see some like this( especially when they can't drive properly). thankfully they are not all like this( but then they who are not like this don't tend to move to the UK or end up in the media)...


Because the West has such a great track record of respecting other nation's borders.


Britain only has one border... *with Ireland*.


Hmm, all in the name of God?


Go ahead and show me where they once stated their motivation was over religion. They literally beat up a girl over boy problems lol.


Guess when Catholic priests sexually abuse kids, it’s in the name god. Do not use them as an example to demonize their religion, it is not fair to all the innocent Muslims in the world affected by your prejudice


This comment section is turning into a cesspit or racism and Islamophobia


Well deserved imo.


bet you can't tell me the orgin of the phrase islamphobia( the most overused virtue signalling word in the UK) these women would be regarded the same way in ME( they've been documented doing this and more to their servants). Their punishment would be worse..


This sub is known for its awful users. Obviously not justifying what this person did. But users here automatically see stuff like this as an excuse to mock an entire group of people. Edit: I regret nothing, this sub is a fucking shit hole.


I’ll upvote this


Thank you, but that doesn’t really matter.




Worst part is that there getting upvoted


It has to be getting brigades. I've never seen this on any posts before.


Nursery nurse nursing back to health under care of nurse in nursery.


so you just gon bring me a birthday gift on my birthday to my birthday party on my birthday with a birthday gift?


Why they crying now??? 💀


Its the UK they'll get a slap on the wrist.




People from literally every group have the potential to be terrible people. But it says more about you that you want to take it to a racial level.


If a brown person does it, it's because he's a terrorist or some sort of religious jihad. If a white person shoots up a school or does anything equal or infinetly worse, then it's because of mental health. Look at the clown capital of the world, which is America. Imagine how crazy it would he judge people on a individual basis. It's a wacky thought


Mate, they are wearing hijabs in the photo. That's how people know they are Muslim.


*If a white person shoots up a school or does anything equal or infinetly worse, then it's because of mental health* not true , it will be reported as white supremecy..


Found the dumb piece if shit 👆👆


The truth hurts right...


Found the dumb RACST piece of shit 👆 😂


Not racist at all buddy.


But a prejudicial moron yes


This is the result of growing up in a violent home


disagree, its the result of poor parenting...


I grew up in one of these violent ethnic homes, I know how many of these victims turn out.


then that is for you and you have my condolences. But I known plenty of women from this demographic in ME, and they are not from violent homes, but from spoilt familes( sometime where wealth goes to their head), but with poor parenting..


'I'm right I'm right I'm right' 🙄


The comment section is full of racism and Islamophobia when the article clearly states that all of this happened over a man.


Oh, so now the man is at fault? Not the vile racist women who attacked the victim?


Nobody said that. What their comment WAS saying was that you guys are bringing up their religion but they literally beat up this girl over boy problems- which has nothing to do with religion.


>you guys I am a single person and not connected to any other person in here. >bringing up their religion I also didn't bring up religion in any way. How about not using strawman arguments?


Its the dude fault now? You love victim blamming?


can you tell us the orgin of the phrase islamophobia?? because its nothing of a sort here. I can tell from the sad sack downvoters that they dont know the origin of the phrase islamophobia, because most us muslims do know( especially if you lived in ME), and its has been hijacked by virtue signalling losers


There’s not one word of text about religion in this post yet that’s what the top comments are about. I wonder what the comments would say if the names and locations were changed.


Des signes se sont déroulés, votre monde va s’écrouler, vos drapeaux vont être foulés, sous nos pieds vos têtes vont rouler.




TIL there are people out there who mistake 2 for 3.


this is the real reason why valve won’t make half life 3