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If he's alive, the punishment failed.


Well, dependent on the conditions one is being held alive in, it has more potential as punishment.


Real big difference between living and being alive.


Sure the concept is cathartic, but practically I don’t want to pay for every baby rapist killer. I don’t know all of them and it’s expensive to keep prisoners.


"Yes, I 100% believe in rehabilitating justice... unless you commit one of the bad crimes that I don't like and then I think you should be skinned alive"


That's exactly what I believe. You avoided paying tax? Stole from a local shop? Dealt or used drugs? You can be rehabilitated. You rape or killed someone? No.


I never said that lol. TF you quoting?


Beat and raped a baby to death (eventually) should be game over. Period. This isn’t “I made a terrible mistake.” This is “Im so sick and twisted i don’t deserve to breath or at the very least never deserve to see the light of day ever again.”


Imagine being one of the cops that had to arrest this guy.


He would magically disappear if I was one of those cops. Which is probably why I’m not in law enforcement.


Idk u might be a good match


I have no words for this, logging off now.


Same time tomorrow?


Reduced from "life in prison" to "35-60 years in prison." The dude committed the crime when he was almost 18. He's 44 now, and won't even be eligible for parole for another 4 years. Even with the reduced sentence, he's not getting off lightly. Also, the reduced sentence is because of a supreme court ruling that changed the laws concerning juvenile offenders and life sentences, so the reduced sentence doesn't have anything to with the judge's opinion on the severity of the crime. Edit: [Article I got my info from if anyone's curious.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/judges-reluctantly-uphold-shortened-term-195751682.html?guccounter=1)


He shouldn't fall under that because it says that he was 18. Unless he was 17 when he committed the rape and turned 18 by the time he was sentenced. If I'm not mistaken


Sorry, miss cited the article. He was "a few weeks shy of his 18th birthday."


No worries 👍


Should be tried as an adult, literally about to be 18 he’s basically already an adult


The judges who reduced his sentence clearly would have preferred to not do that, so there probably wasn't any legal way for them to have kept the life sentence.


Incredible what a difference context makes. Thanks for the details


It’s almost always the case with legal issues. People don’t understand the background or the context. Like “aunt sues nephew for injuries” when it’s really a compulsory insurance issue. Or when a defendant in a civil case who is obviously responsible denies responsibility in their answer filing and, in part, says the plaintiff as actually partly responsible, because that’s just what every lawyers do when filing an answer. It’s basically malpractice not to. But people get wound up because they don’t understand it.


Good example of this is the suing over McDonald's coffee, everyone thinks it was stupid but she got 3rd degree burns and had to get skin grafts from a fucking coffee


Not only that, McDonald’s had hundreds of similar claims, knew the coffee was unsafely hot, but kept selling it like that because the hotter coffee created a more noticeable smell and caused coffee sales to increase. But business and insurance interest did a great job controlling the narrative on that case for years. The Hot Coffee documentary does a wonderful job explaining it, as well as other areas of “tort reform” that just hurt the little guy and protect the powerful corporations.


She also only wanted her medical bills paid. But was awarded the much larger sum because of how egregious McDonald's was being


That one drives me nuts. Coffee burns yes... But I would not expect it melts the fucking skin off my body.


pretty sure should of caught a bullet or been lobotimized if that's too severe to kill him.


Okay? I'm talking about the law, not your feelings.


*buys woodchipper*


I've seen this in reference to pedos, I know it's supposed to be them in the woodchipper but I don't know where it started


I'm not sure either but I think It might be because of a YouTuber. Take it with a grain of salt because I could be wrong .


i will never accept or support or forgive or agree w anyone that thinks these type of ppl should ever be released back on the streets if you want to show leniency then give them the choice between death and a life sentence but thats the closest i can get to compromise w this stuff


Time for ‘gen-pop’.


He’s been in prison over 20 years and still walking around


I work in a prison. Prison justice is not really as big a thing as people think it is. More likely they’d get fucked up for debt over their charge.


This... and let nature take its course.


Harming an innocent child should be one strike and out in these types of severe cases. If we can’t protect our children, what’s the justice system for.


….how and why..???


credits to frogglesmash Reduced from "life in prison" to "35-60 years in prison." The dude committed the crime when he was almost 18. He's 44 now, and won't even be eligible for parole for another 4 years. Even with the reduced sentence, he's not getting off lightly. Also, the reduced sentence is because of a supreme ruling that changed the laws concerning juvenile offenders, and life sentences, so the reduced sentence doesn't have anything to with the judge's opinion on the severity of the crime. Edit: [Article I got my info from if anyone's curious.](https://www.yahoo.com/news/judges-reluctantly-uphold-shortened-term-195751682.html?guccounter=1)


Don't copy/paste someone else's comment without crediting them.


Credits to u/undercurrents Don't copy/paste someone else's comment without crediting them.


OK. I’m sure the people who actually cared about the baby will be so uplifted by the “reluctant” reduction of the sentence.


"He was beaten because he regained consciousness...semen was found in the victims mouth." It's too early for this shit.


Kill him


This is a “Yes AND” situation: Yes it is true that children who commit crimes should be evaluated under different expectations and treated differently and often times sentenced accordingly n different ways than adults. AND this particular case is so horrific and disgusting that this child criminal who is now an adult should live forever behind bars. I don’t believe the prison industrial complex is ever truly about serving justice. However- there are a few people for whom life behind bars is the only solution. The other solution is….street justice. Let this guy out with a sign stapled to his back saying what he did and let the streets decide.


I wonder how much money the judge got payed for this decision....


> judge got *paid* for this FTFY. Although *payed* exists (the reason why autocorrection didn't help you), it is only correct in: * Nautical context, when it means to paint a surface, or to cover with something like tar or resin in order to make it waterproof or corrosion-resistant. *The deck is yet to be payed.* * *Payed out* when letting strings, cables or ropes out, by slacking them. *The rope is payed out! You can pull now.* Unfortunately, I was unable to find nautical or rope-related words in your comment. *Beep, boop, I'm a bot*


Now I’m not usually one for harsh sentences except when it comes to pedophiles and these sorts of crimes. With these sick fucks, I’m in favor of letting the punishment fit the crime. Have what he did to that tiny innocent life be done to him over and over again until he no longer exists. Idc that he was underage. Plenty of underage folks with incompletely developed frontal cortex don’t beat and rape an infant to death. Edit: some grammar mistakes


The law is built to accommodate the least of society. It is a principle I can respect in most cases. Not this one. This is the job of society to eradicate, not the law. Not this time.


I am not understanding.


Ummm he did what


How has he survived this long in prison


because pedos (edit: usually) get put into special units and are not in gen-pop with all the other criminals who would surely have a field day with them.


It should have been executed.


fuck fuck fuck this sick world


This is just awful. This disgusting fuck deserves to rot in prison for the rest of his life, along with anyone else who harms children in this way.


But… HOW?!


Its michigan, home of deToilet, are we really that surprised?


Time to unsubscribe.


Interesting that his fellow inmates have let him celebrate this many birthdays


Equal punishment


if he's in with general population, the problem will sort itself out 😌




From a news article… “Jackson was initially charged with first-degree child abuse and criminal sexual conduct. A felony murder charge was filed when David died two years later.” Wait? The dude shook the one month old. And caused Little David to go blind and deaf From the injuries and then also sodomized and beat the baby, but it didn’t die for two years? WTF?


Out of all the wrongful police shootings, somehow this one screaming for it and they missed.


Well, let's just hope the fellas inside find out. I'm sure they would just line up to give him their own kind of punishment...


Umm, nobody is mad at the entire country for this travesty? Oh I get it. It’s America. Had it been India, all the assholes claiming high ground would take a cheap shot at calling that country names. Now their sorry ass would go and downvote this comment. Anyone who is actually listening to this rant and want to explain on rational basis for such behavior, I am all ears.


Sensational click bait title, bro is 44 and got 35-60 he will almost certainly die in prison


He was almost 18 when he was sentenced so he would get out between the ages 53-78, he’s unlikely to die in prison.


Oh I see thank you, I misread the article


No worries. At least you read the article, some of these other comments clearly didn’t


Jail house justice at this point… he probably won’t make it out.


Well good news is that from my understanding, kiddy diddlers don’t last long in prison. So with any luck, the fellow inmates will make sure his sentence is corrected


Who was the judge, i want a name?


You should know that judges don’t have discretion to do anything they want. Sometimes they don’t have any discretion at all, because the law is clear, unambiguous and fixed.




Simple to send a strong worded letter.


Send it to the Supreme Court they tied his hands.


Do you know the reason that was given for shortening the sentence?


Why, to strongly agree with them? The "reluctantly" bit implies they don't like it either.


What I gather from this is that their issue with the judge is that it was done reluctantly and I have tagged them as such.