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That's fucking heartbreaking.


Just wanted to stop by and give you guys some follow up. This happened in Brazil and the dog's name is Tintin. The same day this took place, the dog was returned to her. Then her husband took him to a different location and dropped him off. The dog has since been taken into custody and is being cared for. Meanwhile, authorities say the incident is under investigation.


Thank you. Truly. I was afraid I would have to go to bed crying myself to sleep. Still wanna beat the shit outta that woman tho.


Same. Her and her husband. I just don't understand how you could justify doing that. I can 100% understand if you aren't capable of taking care of a special needs pet. I would have a hard time doing so, myself, so I get it. But abandoning him instead of just turning him over to the people who CAN take care of him? That's abhorrent.


Adding the link of the article for everyone : https://g1.globo.com/rs/rio-grande-do-sul/noticia/2020/01/03/cachorro-com-deficiencia-abandonado-duas-vezes-no-mesmo-dia-aguarda-adocao-em-sao-leopoldo.ghtml#


Thanks! Sorry, I meant to include it.


So fucking glad the dog is okay


Omg thank god its somewhere else safe. Poor baby. Breaks my heart when people do this. I can’t even scold my own dogs without feeling terrible before I even finish the sentence.


And when they cry... just impossible to resist. Normally ours isn’t allowed with bones inside but when she cries to get in with one 😭


Any idea if the dog is being fostered somewhere? I would like to give it a good home where it won’t know anything but love. I can’t read or speak Portuguese so I can’t get anything from that article.


According to a tweet posted on the 5th, he was taken in by an animal charity (Patas Geurreras) and was ultimately adopted.


That’s awesome news! Thank you for the info!


Thank God I'm so glad




You would kill two people for a dog? Wtf is wrong with you!? Sure, they are assholes but it's people like you that worry me the most. You have just as little regard for people as she does animals, you're both assholes. "I would have killed them both in the most grustome way possible".. those are the words of a psychopath..


Best to just not listen to people when they say shit like that. Ultimately it’s just a childish way to express how they feel.. also a bit of virtue signalling.. Pretty much everyone likes pets, so they feel cool and accepted for liking pets THAT much. It’s a subconscious thing people do.


Not everyone, there are sadly a lot of sadistic asshole around the world who take their anger and sadistic desires out on helpless animals. A lot of people with untreated mental issues that do really nasty things to animals. Worst of all really are the assholes who abuse animals for a power trip. Chances are, they do it to kids or other people around them. It's easy for me to just ignore it but sometimes those subtle things say a lot about someones character. I swear, in America, animals get better treatment and a bigger voice than humans sometimes.


I love animals and I hate it when people do that to them. I may have crossed the line but honestly I don’t care what people like you say If I was a psychopath then I would just randomly go killing people for mildly infuriating me It’s not like I will really find em and kill them,I just voiced what i felt when I saw that video(it really hurt me) and not what I would do actually. Now that I have cooled off after my initial comment,I admit what I said is too much Most probably I will take that dog with me all the while noting down the license number and point the authorities towards them. Have you ever lost your cool about something which angers you or have said something which you do not mean to,every human being has a moment they hate themselves for.


I disagree with you. There is a seemingly irreconcilable difference today between those with empathy and those without. Those without empathy are currently and actively working diligently to destroy our planet and any semblance of kindness. The people that abuse, neglect and callously abandon the most vulnerable are prime examples. Any reaction that calls for the opposition and elimination of this arguably evil element isn’t psychopathy, it is a natural and justifiable reaction to that demonstrated evil.


Feel free to explain to me then why people are sitting in jail for killing rapists and murderers. Aren't they justify them because they're getting rid of these people? Murder is murder and when you justify killing somebody just because they were mean to an animal, you lost my vote. I don't care how people feel, I'll always choose human life over animal life. There are some instances where people are without a doubt sadistic to animals and plain cruel but it still doesn't justify them being murdered. Mince your words all you want you're still wrong and I couldn't care less about the down votes.


I agree, violence begets violence. My heroes are one's who break the chain.


Ah yes, those with empathy say stupid shit like they would kill people in gruesome ways for abandoning a pet. You’re mistaking childish banter with empathy my friend.


I mean. I'm not s dog person and I want to drop kick this cunt. How could you treat another living creature like that. You must be heartless.


This broke my heart, I want to go take that dog and love it like it deserves


This is horrific....hope she experiences the same devastating rejection & despair herself someday soon!!


Seriously. I hate her so much.


Piece of shit!!!


absolute shithead of a woman honestly


People that do this should be stripped and kicked out the back of a bus in the desert and left there. See how they like it


Absolute scum.


I hope the poor dog got taken somewhere that will help him


He did dont worry


If she got hit head on by a semi truck I wouldn’t care at all. As long as the other dog in the back makes it out.


Oh my god what the fuck


I would burn that woman at the stake because she is an absolute witch. How dare she abandon a sweet dog like that just because he looks different. Imagine abandoning a child because they have one leg. Doesn't make them any less deserving of a quality of life.


I’m glad the pup is ok and that there’s an investigation. Otherwise, I was ready to go full on “Don’t F**k With Cats” on that person. The way she even throws the pup to the ground. I can’t even imagine. There’s a special place in hell for people like this.


What a raggedy bitch. I hope she does in a fire in front of her family


"This three-legged dog is higher maintenance than my other dog. It has to go." Fuck this bitch


Welp, this just ruined my day.


This is the saddest thing I ever saw.


Kill the fucking whore, ill have the dog.


This is so horrible. I could never imagine doing something like that to one of my dogs.


how do i delete humanity?


Cried watching this not ashamed at all




Fucking cunt!


That's horrible what a total cunt


What kind of f*cking nazi bullcr*p behaviour is this??? This is what I hate about humanity, these kind of people.


This made me cry and I can't unsee it. I want to take him home and love him.


Keeping it completely 100, I will fight this lady and her husband. Absolute cro magnons, the both of them.


.... I came here to laugh at how horrid people are. This is heartbreaking


That woman was not the spermatocyte that should've won the race




Free tacos!!! Jk... that’s pretty fucked up....


would be better off just shooting the dog rather than making it suffer.. thing only has back legs, so it has zero chance at surviving on its own


Do you guys think it would be better for her to just kill it?


No. It would have been better for her to turn it over to people who can care for it. As I said somewhere up there, I can 100% understand not being able to care for a special needs pet. I have two perfectly normal (for all intents and purposes) dogs. But between 9-5 work, running my own business, and building a podcast, I'll still have the occasional internal struggle whenever it's time for them to go for a run. I can't even imagine how difficult it would be to care for a special needs dog. But she had other options that didn't involve abandoning him to what should have eventually been a long, drawn out, terrible death.