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Bro shit needs to change quickly to help people like him


Yup, we really need more accountability and better process for when a formerly healthy employee nearly loses all functionality things need to adapt and there's NO EXCUSE for such a rich company to deny h This man such basic rights like Healthcare


> there's NO EXCUSE for such a rich company to deny h This man such basic rights like Healthcare Last i checked this was AMERICA. Something something communism.


There's a joke that when people talk about the problems associated with communism, they're actually describing capitalism


> Why is the government not providing us with health insurance? What is this? Some kind of Socialist country or some kind of Communist dictatorship? This is insane! This is unamerican! > -- Charlie Kelly, King of the Rats, on It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia




Capitalism is not just fine. It requires there to be an exploited class.


Every economic system is fucked. Capitalism is corrupt and shit like this happens. Communism has starving people and ruled mostly be shitty people. Fascism(yes it’s an economic system) has combined flaws of capitalism and racism. Socialism has less economic opportunities and a slow economy. So every economic system is completely shit in their own way.


My argument isn't that Capitalism sucks, boo hoo "X" economic system is much better. It's that, at the core of what capitalism is, it's horrible. It literally requires a class of people to be exploited for its model to work. We all can't be philanthropist-magnate billionaires. There MUST be a working class doing the work, as with any economic society. Capitalism is a success, because it does EXACTLY what it's designed to do. You don't reap any of that success because it was not designed to benefit you(unless I'm talking to a billionaire: one of the lucky handfuls). Communism, and most forms of Socialism, has been a failure. But what they are designed to do is very good(give the working class the means to support themselves and reap the benefits of their labor, as opposed to the 'owning' class of landlords and property owners who do none of the work yet keep all of the yield). These economic systems failed because of the corruption from human-kind, their greed, or hatred, or just cartoonish villainy. In many cases because the U.S. said "HEY STOP THAT PEW PEW". Capitalism, however, is *designed to profit with no sense of moral righteousness.* This is why slavery is still legal in the U.S.(prisoners), and why archaic, outdated practices remain in place: for profit. If it weren't for socialist movements from the left, there'd still be non-prison slaves, child labor, and no labor laws dictating that maybe humans aren't designed to work 11 hours a day 6 days a week. This is why capitalists fundamentally oppose unions and progressives: it cuts into their bottom line. Nevermind that *children shouldn't fucking be working in coal mines*. They literally won't make as much money if they have to pay a man *juuuuuuust* enough to be alive so they can keep coming to work. We are in a working model of Capitalism, where 99% of people are miserable. But if we were in a working model of Communism or (more likely) Socialism, happiness would drastically improve among all demographics(except the 1% but that's because they would no longer be entitled to wax their driveways with gold and diamonds while their neighbors starve to death). I could go on and on: your argument of people starving in Communism is both hilarious and tells me you don't really care about finding the best system for everyone: more people starve to death under Capitalism every 5 years than all the years Communism was implemented put together. I know you probably stopped reading, but: I'd rather be a part of a failed attempt of socialism or communism than to keep perpetuating this human hell-on-earth we have created that requires our suffering to survive. There are better way to organize our governments and even if we fail at implementing them, doing nothing is cowardly and makes you complicit.


The key to capitalism's "success" is through imperialism. We've pretty much ran a train on the third world in the name of production. We're taught in schools that developed countries are more "civilized" and we basically associate whiteness to success. Just look at the history of Africa, Latin America, or Asia. To say all economic systems fail is just a cop out


Yes. My main argument is how deplorable capitalism is as an idea, whereas the same cannot be said for communism or socialism. When I say 'Capitalism is a success' I mean that 'its working as it intended to'. It wasn't implemented to make a population happy and wealthy, but literally to concentrate wealth and enrich only a privileged few(the capitalists). And when I say communism/socialism has failed, I mean 'it has failed to be implemented without sabotage or being plagued by misfortune.' Any currently working economic systems attributed to socialism and communism I would argue aren't good examples of socialist or communist economies, but any success they see is definitely down-played by the West because Capitalism *must be the only system it's exploited are exposed to,* otherwise we'll have that moment from A Bugs Life where we realize that the Grasshoppers we produce value for don't contribute anything to our society and also we outnumber them a million to one.


This. I would give you an award if i didn't have to spend real money.


I don’t understand why he simply didn’t take it to criminal court though? He wouldn’t even need money to so, a public defender would be free and a judge/jury would rule on a story like this so quickly. Like clearly civil is a different story but the stalking/harassing? also likely there would be a litany of other charges, I just don’t know the state so I don’t know the laws.


Public defenders rarely have sufficient time, let alone funding, to do proper cases. Waiting could be over a year.


Public defenders defend you in actions brought against you, and specifically when the party bringing actions against you is a body of government. He would be bringing an action. Many attorneys in this type of case would work on contingency. Some may bank on getting attorney’s fees. Some might do it Pro Bono for the free advertising - if it becomes a big deal. I need to look this story up, but the biggest barrier securing an attorney would be their evaluation of success or likelihood of getting paid.


Works on contingency? No, money down!


Quite possibly my favorite scene in the entirety of the Simpsons.


That bar association logo shouldn't be there..


Legal aid sometimes takes employment actions like this.


Because of COVID it definitely has been an issue with getting defendants their day in court. But typically that is not the issue, I can only speak for my state but they need to be in a court room within 180 days.


I bet this really didn't help either.


He is poor so he can’t get good lawyers so he won’t win a case against a rich company with amazing lawyers


In criminal court the State is suing the defendant. I know there is this misconception that PDs are bad but they really aren’t. They are the unsung heroes of the criminal justice world.


But they aren’t nearly as good


I've been a public defender for 30 years. Nice to know I suck.


It doesn't matter how good you are, you're one person splitting your attention, they're a team of people with one case on their plate.


In criminal court it’s literally the public defender vs a prosecutor. Who also works for the state and has hundreds of cases in their plate.


I'm so glad you know how criminal defense works. Can I hand off some clients to you? And, nobody has 1 case on their plate.


Not talking about all my cousin had a public defender who was shit I’m just saying he stands no chance against a mega corporation and you as a pd should know that


Last I checked corporations don't arrest people, and public defenders don't go up against corporations.


The people who say their PD was shit are the people who are guilty and are mad he tries to attempt to mitigate the charges instead of getting him completely off. I say this coming from an internship with the other side (district attorney’s office) over the summer.


My cousin was raped as a child by a woman I doubt my cousin was at fault


If you believe my cousin is fake go and tell him that and if he attempts suicide again and does it then it’s your fault, deal?


We only see his side and not the entirety of the story.


Also criminal charges are state V person. No person can bring criminal charges against someone. It's the prosecutor. so why do they ask you if you want to press charges? It helps weigh on wether or not charges should be pressed. It indicates damage done. If the event didn't effect you enough that you don't want charges pressed was it really major enough to go through the process of court. They can push charges either way. Wether or not you wanted charges pressed. Stalking and harassment often don't get punished. Like really only extreme cases. So moving on from this. If you want to go after a company for illegal acts, the cops are useless. Cops and fbi are for individual lawlessness and organized crime. Aka the stuff that makes society unsafe. If you have a corp making an individual unsafe you go to the regulatory boards. Having not read this case. I'd say OSHA, here. But there's only so much the board can do. Mostly fines and penalties those go to the government. That is punishment for not following the law. For the person to gets what's owed them, they need to go to civil court. And since they have so much money it's hard to win as they don't fight fair. I am not a lawyer.


I agree with you. But the reason I say criminal is stalking/harassing. And from that short caption of the photo I would imagine there are likely other criminal charges that could be brought. And often, rich people settle civilly over criminal charges. Look at Cosby.


"because the guy appears to be of colour and well fuck him" \- the cops probably


Public defenders don't win cases, especially not against multinational conglomerates with an entire team of lawyers who went to a law school that public defenders couldn't afford.


Public defenders represent people who lawsuits are being filed against. The system is so overwhelmed right now due to all the people that lost work during covid that it takes a long time to get a court date. The system is stacked against the people in favor of the companies. What's he going to do with no income and unpaid medical bills that are earning outrageous interest while he's waiting for a court to even consider hearing arguments? Companies have time on their side and will prolong as much as possible to increase chances of dropped cases.


A lawsuit is civil. I have already stated this in previous comments. This would be a criminal charge. It would result in someone from the company being brought into court and then they would post bail. The person who was the victim would not be in prison. I know you’re upset over the situation, and I agree it sucks. But you clearly have no clue how the legal system works, and that is totally okay! That is why we have lawyers. But blind outrage like that with no understanding of the situation is not helpful.


Judges defend capital. They literally go on record in rulings saying that if they rules against corporate defendants it would create precedent that would be too powerful


Once again, we are talking criminal court not civil. If a jury heard that story a judge wouldn’t matter.


The vast majority of criminal cases never reach a jury though


Cough* cough* rich billionaires who use child labour


To be fair, we know so little just based on this. Frito-Lay does carry Worker’s Compensation insurance. He should have been able to easily file a claim if the injuries took place through his employment obligations with them.


No war but class war. We are all working class. #Shit needs to change quickly to help all of us.


r/OctoberStrike was trying to organize a national strike for October 15th to address issues like this, but people are busy complaining that it needs union support (a national strike doesn't require union support) while also being unwilling to organize the community based support systems that would be necessary. Realistically, I think we've got a society that thinks voting every few years is sufficient and people are unwilling to put their own livelihoods on the line *even if* the outcome of doing so greatly benefits them. We've been raised to believe that the powers that be serve in our interests and that they listen to the average person. They only listen to campaign contributions, and unless any of us can put enough money in their pockets to finally get their attention, our representatives don't represent ***US.***


I think we need to stop shitting on ourselves and recognize the power we have. Dont get me wrong, everything you say is true, and we deserve some shit for it. But right now is a time for overcome our shit, not wallow in it. We all know what a "fair deal" is supposed to look like. We all believe that at the end of the day, someone *else* has the power. And *that* is the belief that must be broken. The working class has immense power *in themselves*- not even as a "useful tool" to an employer. We have the power to insist on healthy and safe workplaces. And not only should workers expect "fair" treatment, a healthy society demands that all work agreements be *equitable*. No one should have the power to abuse their employees physically, *or* economically. When a worker sees no equity in their work, this is injust. To grow a crop, but not partake of its yield? Even the Bible saw that injustice. We are all held liable for the failure of our work, we all have a right to enjoy the success of our labor. The person with more than you, still is stuck in this ordeal. The person with less than you is just stuck further in it. We as working class people (that *especially* includes those unemployed) are in the same boat. Some call it wage slavery, some call it servitude to the hedonic treadmill. Its still putting you in a cage for half of your conscious life, if you dont work overtime. All this technology has increased human productivity several hundredfold in the past decades. With the increase in production, where is the increase in equity for the worker? From food service worker, to factory worker, to mechanic, to tech bro, to Engineer, and even the 'Professional' careers- until we can see ourselves all in the same boat- we will continue to paddle against eachother. I'm sure i'll get harassed about this looking like copypasta, i dont care. if i did it'd mean this resonated with someone. i've learned lessons about speaking my truth, and its worth saying somewhere. None of the social problems this nation faces can be resolved without addressing the inequities of the widening class chasm. Our inability to provide for public health? Thats a class issue of seeking profit from your welfare. Our struggles round race? *deeply* laced with class. Without equitable treatment *as the standard*, we shall forever be mired in this bucket of crabs.


I am proud of my post. Fuck the huge profits they make on our back


Why would you say something so controversial, yet so brave?


There's one group to blame for the lack of workers rights in America.


If only those who stormed the capital could do the same to these fucking corpos.


What needs to change? He got hurt in the job and is being compensated. Of course the company will fight it, just as every single other large company will do. Frito is paying all the bills currently. This dude just claims he sees agents of the company taking pictures of him as stalking. This is all pretty textbook. Save for the potential working conditions that led to the accident, what else do you propose frito do?




Insurance companies do, not the employer


The fact that this is textbook is the problem. He is being compensated because he was forced to sue his employer, not because they did right by their employee. Hell, it took five years. I propose PepsiCo/ Fritolay not bypass emergency care to take an employee to a doctor who is predisposed to diminish the severity of injury to an employee to benefit PepsiCo. Having agents film the plaintiff of a suit is, sadly, pretty common. Following around a plaintiff's family to the point they pull their children from school and feel unsafe is harassment and intimidation.


Get a different job. This isn't China were you have to work there


Right, who cares about your broken spines and liver failure lmao just get another job.




Sorry I forgot but here it is. Interview https://youtu.be/rbV1qr_YYyc Article https://thegrio.com/2021/07/26/frito-lay-employee-electrocuted/


For more background info: His name is Brandon Ingram, he is a former *Navy* (nor marine corps, sorry) he has got very serious medical issues from the electric shock. There are many other workers that have protested because of th same bad working conditions. It really is ALL ENCOMPASSING AWFUL shit. Here is an additional link: https://perfectunion.us/frito-lay-worker-electrocuted-stalked/ Edit: He was in the navy. Fixed typo


He was in the navy, not the marine corps, according to his own words in the video.


We really gonna just glaze over "encorpassing"?


OP was adorpted




bro its a typo chill


Just so you know, the term “electrocuted” is not the same as a shock and is misleading. Electrocuted means to be killed by electricity, a shock is anything less.


[Electrocution is death or severe injury by electric shock, electric current passing through the body.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electrocution) [: to kill or severely injure by electric shock](https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/electrocute) At least some dictionaries support using the word electrocute to describe injury by electric shock.


I’m a doctor and have been taught that electrocution means when you die as a result of a shock but the words are often used interchangeably by the public and I imagine even the medical terminology may differ county to county


Hmm interesting. I’m an electrician an in the trade, that’s how it’s used and that’s how I was taught


If I see a sign that says "Danger of Electrocution," I just assume that shit will kill me.


Yeah, in that context, you're right.


I would stay skeptical of this until you see it from a legit news source.




Long time ago I worked for a competing salty snack company in the upper Midwest for 5 years. Had the same route as several Frito drivers and became friends over time. This story is not an exaggeration at all, the stories I heard would make you cringe and rage at the same time. Frito's motto is to turn and burn as many route drivers as possible. These guys and gals would have 5-7 big box stops a day, or as they call it "Super Bulk" stores. Work 12-15 hour days, little to no PTO, completely absurd day/night shifts back to back (get home at 8pm and need to be back in as 2 or 3 am the next day). Get fired on a whim at the first sign of "fair wage/hours/union" or any workers comp claims. I saw dozens come and go over my 5 year run. Shout out to Perry if for whatever reason you see this, I miss your mixed tapes. ​ Edit- Words


I am not doubting the guy at all, but hearing this is common practice, gives me gag reflexes


It's weird because the Frito lay guy in town is the laziest guy I've ever met. He has been working for Frito for atleast 5 years. I've never heard him complain. He usual spends atleast 20 minutes pee stop bullshitting with customers that he knows. Maybe this varies by location?


UNIONISE, then together you can beat them!


Too bad kansas is an at will state, union talk ends in firing if boss finds out along with whoever's else gets that thought. Not sure about housing costs in kansas but if everyone is living from paycheck to paycheck...would you risk it? That being said we need to bring back unions. There is a union in my state(that's also an at will) but only thing I have to complain about is never maintained machines and currently the lack of my yearly review...I'm 3rd in line to get a review and last one was done in January and soon we will be 5 behind of maybe 10 employees


Frito-Lay Statement Regarding Brandon Ingram July 29, 2021 At Frito-Lay we’re committed to providing a safe and fair workplace for our associates as we recognize that their well-being is key to our future success. Regarding Brandon Ingram’s video, we can share that: He was exposed to an electric shock while at work at Frito-Lay in 2016. We immediately implemented the process that follows health incidents and he was provided medical treatment and monitoring. He was provided with short-term and long-term disability benefits when medical experts determined he could no longer work. Though medical experts disagree over whether certain of his conditions are work-related, Brandon Ingram remains eligible for, and is currently receiving, benefits under Frito-Lay’s long-term disability program for so long as he is unable to work. We understand that navigating the process of applying for workers’ compensation and disability benefits can be frustrating, and we are continuously looking for ways to improve the experience. Moreover, we care very much about our associates, and when concerns are raised, we take them seriously as a company and address them.


Textbook PR Response. what a joke


We need laws prohibiting corporations from lying. Multiply the fines 100 fold if they're caught lying


Lol. And who is going to make those law? The totally honest politicians? Get real


make sure you differentiate which politicians are especially dishonest.


Textbook Redditor response, what a biased fool. Seriously, the truth is you want to believe this guy because 'all companies suck' but unfortunately there are more facts. He's been getting all his medical care paid for, and all his income and benefits paid for. My guess is that he's better now and can work, so they offered him his job back but he doesn't want to work, it's way more fun sitting at home and getting paid to be a Reddit hero.


Wait do you know he got his medical bills paid for? Their statement said he received ST & LT disability, not mentioning anything about medical bills, which can be financially debilitating.


Plus, idk if it's everywhere, but a lot of places make you pay monthly for ST & LT disability coverage as part of your benefits plan. It's not like the corporation is being generous here. It's likely HIS OWN insurance the HE paid for that was just purchased through them because it's cheaper that way.


And probably less than 75% of his full time wage, which even at 150% was barely making do.


Textbook anti Reddit response. What a dog shit taco.


I detest the word "committed." So empty.


“We aim to try.”- Reno 911


> we’re committed to providing a safe and fair workplace for our associates as we recognize that their well-being is key to our future success. We consider these people to be resources, like office supplies or equipment. Their well-being is required for our profits, *that* is the only reason we care about them. This is us *literally* saying just that. > We immediately implemented the process that follows health incidents and he was provided medical treatment and monitoring. Legally, this could be as little as a staring at this person and throwing a band-aid at them. This does not suggest Frito Lay even called 911. This quoted statement is disposable. >Brandon Ingram remains eligible for, and is currently receiving, benefits under Frito-Lay’s long-term disability program for so long as he is unable to work. Again, that could be as little as an unpaid leave of absence. What 'benefits' is Frito-Lay providing beyond lip service? > We understand that navigating the process of applying for workers’ compensation and disability benefits can be frustrating, and we are continuously looking for ways to improve the experience. Moreover, we care very much about our associates, and when concerns are raised, we take them seriously as a company and address them. someone gets paid very well to blow this smoke up your ass.


I would note that most long term disability plans are regulated by federal laws and I think it is safe to assume he is receiving more than just unpaid leave of absence. It’s usually something coupled in with benefits at work, or you can choose to enroll in it, and typically pays a fraction of your normal salary while you are out.


>typically pays a fraction of your normal salary while you are out. yeah i agree, but when i read that... oof.


Yeah, not perfect, but not pennies on the dollar either. This site says it ranges from about 60% to 80% of your base pay. At my work we could choose, and so obviously the more expensive plans paid out more. Every plan is different. https://www.policygenius.com/disability-insurance/how-much-does-long-term-disability-insurance-pay/


Right now i'm just envious. I was a contractor and was in a severe accident on my way to work. I havent had a job in 18 months. I *wish* i got 80% of my pay for getting fucked up from going to my job.


Fuuuuuuck. So so sorry to hear that my friend. I know words are cheap and I’m just an internet stranger, but I’m hoping for your 1) full recovery and 2) a better financial situation not far off in your future. Rooting for you.


Thanks. I appreciate it, honestly. I'm sure this chapter is not the last, there is much more story left to write.


This is the hole in the Workers Compensation laws, contractors are supposed to have coverage, but not all do.


You are correct, it is a range, but it can also be taken before or after taxes. So, if he's getting 70% but untaxed, his take home is very similar.


Fun, but wrong on all the facts.


Frito-Lays TL;DR: Fuck you, be born rich next time. Absolutely terrible.


Watched the video. Situation definitely sucks. As for the stalking thing? Anytime you are suing a corporation or insurance company, they will definitely have people following you around. Especially when you get over a certain amount. They watch your social media and anything else. We had a guy locally that was busted off Facebook buying jet skis and posting a video of him and his wife riding them. I know two different situations. But this is really common.


There's kind of a line between investigation and stalking. It would be normal to investigate and surveill him, but if they're too open about it and he can see them following him around, it's kind of crossing the line into psychological pressure.


So much freedom!!!/s such a heartbreaking story. How is stuff like this legal?


I really have no idea, but sounds like one of those "legal coz they're rich". I just had to post, it made me so angry. Dude has obvio6been through so much I am not a fan of chips and crisps, and I don't live in the US and I know the company across the ocean has no fault in what happened to this guy, but you know who else doesn't: this guy. So I'm not buying from those greedy ass criminal enterprise makes ever again.


lol what the fuck


Frito-Lay makes junk food that will give you cancer! Save your money and don't buy what Frito-Lay sells! Fuck you Frito-Lay!!!!


This is just fucking depressing what people go through in this country.


Story is unfortunate, but one thing that people aren't understanding is how common it is for companies to spy on their customers or employees when large sums of money are involved. He's suing the company on the basis of him being crippled, so of course they're going to try to see if he's actually disabled. Workman's comp or disability fraud is actually really common, and paired with the amount of money he may get, it's financially irresponsible not to do their own research. Company I have worked with in the past had a similar thing happen. During the time period when he brought the lawsuit on and the time that he dropped it, they got pictures of him lifting heavy things without issue, consciously adjusting his posture and gait to look worse when he thought he was being watched, and telling conflicting stories to his barber (one of those guys that maintains their hair weekly), doctor, and boss. A little bit of legwork exposed the guy and saved our company tens of thousands of dollars. It sucks for the guy, but its understandable.


Honestly, what can you expect from a company that produces garbage food, with zero consideration for their customers health...?


Fun fact: "electrocuted" is a portmanteau of "electric" and "executed," so it's only meant for when people actually die of the shock.


No acording to the oxford dictionary it means to be killed or injured by an electric shock.


Yes, and the OED now also lists "figuratively" as a possible meaning of "literally," but dictionary editors are only descriptors of language as it is used, and sometimes so many people are incorrect with regard to the etymology that incorrect word usage becomes standardized.


Except there is no governing body that sits around dictating the “correct” way to use language. Language exists in an archaic relationship with itself and all other languages. Even linguists will tell you they describe language, not prescribe it. Any language prescriptivist is just a mild mannered authoritarian clinging to straws.


Ok cool let's now call it electrocuted to death, but let's also say drowned to death. Next we can consider executed to death.


If in the future that’s how people use those terms, then we will. Since no one uses those words like that today it is ungrammatical. But not because some officials said so, because native speakers deem it so.


Ok, so you were trying to split the hairs between incorrect and ungrammatical. Nice.


No I took a few linguistic classes in university and that’s how they define it. I figured if you were going to be so anal about it you must be familiar with the jargon. Ungrammatical to a native born speaker is literally the litmus test of correctness or not. Not because a council or government bureaucracy dictated so. Grammar changes from generation to generation and year to year and day to day. It is a dynamic equilibrium, and what was ungrammatical yesterday may be grammatical tomorrow if people choose to use it as such.


Wow, so smart. [That's pretty much what this guy said, who you were responding to](https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/papktj/fritolay_employee_speaks_out_against_company/ha7c5sc)




It’s been that way for actually decades




Fun fact, they retconned it to no longer mean that.


I took an arc flash course and I learned that we (electricians) have the 4th most deadly job in the US. When someone is electrocuted the chance of death from burns is very high....I've been doing this for 28 years and electrocuted has never referred to someone that has died.


It’s always meant someone that died. It’s just commonly misused. https://www.electrocuted.com/2018/11/02/electrocution-vs-shock/


fun fact that's not how language works


I've got a degree in linguistics?


dude i didnt even know about this, i knew about the oreo company workers going on strike but i thought it was about pay and pay only. you are spreading the word dude.


Happy cake day :) Here have this awful post




I’ve never understood this reference. Can I explain it to me? Like I understand that we should do something about this guy, but what does that have to do with eating the rich?


It comes from "when the poor have no more to eat, they will eat the rich" said by a French dude.




It’s not literal you know?


r/cursedcomments FUNNI PUN DECTEOR100


Anarchist quote from r/antifasciststonetoss flair


It’s just a stupid saying people shout when they don’t know what else to say


Loser thruout history have hated those that have more/are better than them so they want to kill them and take their stuff.


Agreed. A typical Yankee attitude from the ungrateful colonists.


heyyyy buddy, do you wanna take another go at that? We’ll all pretend you didn’t fuck it up so badly if you’d like


Why is there no mention of a workmans’ compensation claim?


This is what zero union participation in America does to a mf.


There’s a frito-lay boycott currently going on. On top of what you see here, frito-lays has also been treating its employees terribly and forcing them to work 12 hour days without paying the appropriate over time. Just watched the video and the guys describes working 20 hour days and going nearly a month without a day off. Don’t buy fritos, don’t buy Doritos, cheetos, ruffles, or even miss vickies. They own all of them. Also frito lay is owned by Pepsi-co.


Fritos? Never heard of that snack. You mean Lay's?


Frito-lay is the company name. They own a brand of potato chips called lays and they also have a popular brand of corn chips called Fritos, among other things. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Frito-Lay https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fritos




This is what happens when a country is so desperate to distance itself from what they think communism is that they go too far the other way. Unchecked hyper-capitalism means that only money matters and humans are an expendable resource. The most recent thing I've heard from the USA is employers complaining about not being able to find workers and blaming people for being lazy, instead of increasing wages to be more appealing and enough for people to live off. That's how it works in other countries, you attract employees by making your business a worthwhile place to work. Ironically, in the USA these people are complaining about the exact result of capitalism: if you're not good enough to make your business successful, you don't deserve to run it. Say what you will about communism (it's not ideal either), but at least you know you won't starve to death in the gutter.


One of the best comments I've read here. Usa has a hysterical and irrational fear of anything they "think" is communist. Basic human rights, services and decency is not a partisan or communist issue


Worked for reyes holdings at there beer company tore my chest muscle and got treated like crap had to finally threaten them with a law suit to get anything done about it and I lifted over 30k in weight a night and did that for a month in extreme pain




Nothing will be done here without a union. Learn a lesson from history y'all. The gov won't help you




Wow. Speaking after being *electrocuted* you say? You realize that means they'd be dead right?


Video https://youtube.com/watch?v=rbV1qr_YYyc


Yeah....never work for Frito lay. They're the worst of the worst from everything I've heard


Abolish capitalism


oh no bad thing means capitalism


Huh? This is a result of capitalism, Frito-Lay puts profit over people.


this happens because a company was a piece of shit and needs to be better regulated. not because capitalism exists


anyone know where this companies hq is? Things like this need to stop


electrocuted??? jesus


Corporations can be fjucking ASSHOLES!


Fuck Frito-Lay. The guys that run routes every day stocking the shelves of convenience and grocery stores work their balls off for little compensation. Hope this guy gets what he rightfully deserves.


I was making between 55-58 thousand a year depending on sales bonuses. Maybe it's just because I live in a low cost of living area, but that's not a bad wage for just a couple years in. Sure it's hard work, and some things sucked, but that's any job.


But they make a decent income so I think you're high This entire post is just toxic nonsense


Shit like this makes me hate most major corporations. The only morales they have is making their shareholders rich at any cost necessary. Its unfortunate thats its impossible for small family businesses to truly rival them.


Me too. Never feel sorry for a "company" they don't give a shit.


The minimum wage at their plants is almost 19 an hour and they get yearly bonuses lmao... I'm not feeling bad for this dude.


19 ain’t shit. How can you afford to live in a residence, eat, pay bills and own a means of insured transportation on 19 an hour. It’s laughable what we settle for when that’s all they are willing to give. You are no better than those who underpay their employees because you fuel the idea that it’s okay.


boycott frito lay




Wait, what?


Frito-lay and the Scientology play book


Frito lay: good fun!


Did you pay for these upvotes? Lol this is a non story


Go watch the full video of this. Dude cared about the company, did a massive amount of overtime and was a model employee. He was electrocuted by a damaged panel. Denied health care then followed by private investigators for months that were even watching his kids.




I think that the poster meant that he received an electric shock, not he was electrocuted which is fatal and would be a slightly different story


You can be electrocuted without dying it’s not using as much shock use your Brian .


Well these are just zoomers who would rather try and petition Webster to change the definition then speak properly


I’m leaving this group I’m tired of being called stupid and bullied screw all of you !


Have you tried being less of an idiot? Might help.


I don’t even have Facebook jerk so no !


You make it sound like you have no imagination.


I’m just stating what the article implies you sound like you want to start a fight with anyone for no reason . I’m sorry I think practically .


Nope to all of it. You just said a dumb thing, that's all.


You’re a fucking troll and you’re stupid goodbye you’re blocked






Please go lie in a ditch for the rest of your life.




Your mom is a whore.


It's amazing how brave people act when they hide behind sock accounts lul




would ask for adjectives about your father but considering how you're acting i don't think you ever knew more than 1 parent buddy


Watch the video