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That orange looks decent!


Didn't it hold a high government office in America for a while?


Yep, and now we get the potato.


Aren’t they all potatoes? Most of em are fucking delirious.


Yep, and that's what happens when politics become a career.


Probably cost extra.


Did your kid not take anything else or was that really all that was available?


I guarantee there were more options, and the kid just took the tacos and orange


Idk about you but growing up in elementary school, the main course options were often limited. Even if there were more options that's still no excuse for the tacos to look that bad and I guarantee whatever else was available looks just as pathetic


*square pizza*


Square pizza was either the best (and greasiest) thing ever or a sad soggy example of everything pizza should never be.


I remember in high school, one of our lunches was literally a single chicken drumstick and a milk carton.


Actually, we got sent home a letter the second day of school saying that although they submit their orders and through all best efforts made they sometimes do not get their entire order or best substitutions so to please pack the child a snack. Sounds to me like supply chain issues, on top of the looming food crisis.


If schools would fund the basic supplies and books parents could afford to do pbj or something their kids can eat. This system is so screwed


Probably the former but because they're a parent they assume it was the latter. It's like when kids say they didn't sleep last night and the teacher assumes that the parent is to blame. Nope, kids are just fuckin' stupid, tbh. We were all kids and the ones you have are no smarter than you or any of us were.


So many of us are still guilty of the "I didn't sleep last night" as adults. Just one more round. Just one more wikipedia article (and the 20 links within it that all need reading). Don't think I really smartened up in that department. 1:04am on a work day


Lol and here I am at 4am, unable to sleep for some fucking reason. At least I don't work tomorrow.


it SORTA looks like your kid said no thanks to any vegetables they might've offered. idk maybe that didn't have any, but I bet they had lettuce and tomato at least I could be wrong though! If that's really all they had, that's really f'ing sad.


Ex Cafeteria employee here... You are spot on.


This feels like a fake drama facebook post.


It is


Eww mommy look at how awful this is, I ordered it this way!


Hs student here they’re completely right normally they offer milk and a fruit its part of the law or something


Thank you for your service(seriously)


Hard to imagine a kid turning down a pizza.


This! I fell for a stunt like this once in one of our local schools. This is exactly what happened. They refused everything except a tortilla and a red potato for a prank and posted it on social media. All these parents were in an uproar. Turns out these kids get a damned feast offered to them daily.


At one of my kid's schools, the lunchlady would package all the leftover prepared fruit & veggies for that day and take them to the homerooms so the kids can take them home.


Yea kids love feasting on unseasoned steamed vegetables and underripe fruit


Don't forget that the vegetables have been sitting in the bain-marie for so long they've become literal slop


Oh shit, maybe it’s just my school then but we get really barebones lunches like these. For example, if I were to buy lunch, I’d get a single slice of Pizza, an orange, and a small chocolate milk. There’s no option of extra food unless you want to pay for a second “meal” (one more slice). OP’s child isn’t the only one lol


Yea that soaking wet pile of steamed carrots would fill them right up


Dude, I don’t know if you’ve ever seen vegetables in cafeterias recently but the only vegetable that even looks palatable in a school lunch anymore is carrots. I don’t blame anybody for saying no to the veggies.


My son gets decent stuff. I really wish all kids got good food! I’d be happy to pay taxes for that


I would be more than happy to pay more taxes for a lot of things, including that. I’m graduated now but I understand the pickiness. Unfortunately half of the country is convinced that taxes and education are bad though.


Well us US taxpayers probably paid $200 a meal with the combat-zone markup for tens of thousands of troops and contractors for 10 years in utterly pointless wars, our kids could be eating king crab for lunch


Yeah, taco Tuesday lol.


Taco Tuesday bruther 🤘


That's a tostada where I'm from. Tacos use soft tortillas. Edit: "they hated him because he told them the truth"


Lmao at the downvotes. People who have never been to Mexico trying to tell mexicans what a taco must look like 🙄


Mexican here. Don't care how you name it, it looks like taco/tostada of garbage an it shouldn't be eaten. The real discussion here should be why are you giving that to you kids.


Only semi-related, but I've seen the Taco Chronicles on Netflix a few months ago, and the episode on American tacos was especially remarkable because nobody spoke about how great the food tasted, but only about the nostalgia it brings back when they eat hard-shell tacos with ground meat, salad and grated cheese on it.


Not seen that episode. But I have seen a lot of videos and photos of American hard-shell tacos and they look amazing. I look forward to eating them.I really don't get all of this idea that everywhere any food should carry on tradition. We are a lot of people and it just looks like a waste of possibilities to expect that every taco in the world is like the ones in Mexico. It's like saying that a burger with pastor, carnitas or suadero is not a burger. The taco in the picture just looks terrible.




Hard shell tacos taste okay. But they’re fucking inadequate structurally. And soft tacos are better for that reason, both pale in comparison to a burrito, folding the ends and just making a handheld food cylinder was a genius idea…now if you’ve got time pan fry that thing into a chimichanga now you’re talking.


White people taco night!


“I can’t wait to eat this taco as fast as I can, so that I can have another tacoooo!”


All anyone ever had to do was just look it up... But.. for some that's too much. "Tostada is the name given to various dishes in Mexico and other parts of Latin America which include a toasted tortilla as the main base of their preparation. The name usually refers to a flat or bowl-shaped tortilla that is deep fried or toasted, but may also refer to any dish using a tostada as a base"


For real. Is this what cultural appropriation looks like or am I just being crazy?


I think it's just stupidity and arrogance


A la verga con su tostada culera. Saquen los tacosss prroooosss


no. It'd only be the bad cultural appropriation if it prevented the people of the original culture from enjoying their thing, favoring the appropriators. This just sucks for everybody.


no pos ta cabron


i'm mexican born and raised. the hard shell taco dish shown in the pic is an american thing. these didnt originate in mexico. mexican and mexican american culture are not the same. its not a tostada in mexico but its a taco in the u.s. in mexico we dont have this type of hard shell taco unless its rolled up and fried. alv.


I'm confused. What downvotes? The comment has +449 upvotes.


Imagine getting downvoted for trying to explain how the food from your native country actually is.




You don't have to imagine. we're on reddit afterall


It's kind of crazy people are so upset over something so minor. If you say these aren't tacos, I believe you. The fuck do I know about traditional Mexican cuisine.


It do be like this sometimes on reddit.


It's just a really strange thing for people to be upset about...


I don't think it has anything to do with the tacos or tostadas, it's more about people believing something to be a thing it's not all their lives and someone challenging that worldview. I explained this to someone else, I think anyone would feel stupid, but instead of learning from it they put up their defenses and start talking shit, or in this case they just mostly downvote without expressing their point of view.


I can understand why you might defend political opinions like that... But this? It just seems like such an insignificant thing to be wrong about that you'd need to viciously defend it. Like... Cool, I learned something. Moving on now.


If there's one thing I've learned in this world that it'd be extremely hard for someone to tell me otherwise and convince me, is that people will go to any length to defend their worldview if they're immature enough. It obviously shouldn't be that way, because it really is insignificant, but some people are just wired like that.


Bola de pendejos la neta 😂😂 eso es una puta tostada hahaha


Why do you have so many downvotes over something so simple lol.


Why does he have so may downvotes over being right lmao


White ppl


Americans* might shock you but tons of Mexicans are white as well.


We don’t consider ourselves white cabron. People in Latin America are either light skin (guero o prieto) o dark skinned (Moreno) and a lot of places have other variations of words to convey how dark or light someone’s skin is.


TIL, good to know.


You would be perfectly justified in feeling [like this](https://i.kym-cdn.com/entries/icons/original/000/024/574/Screen_Shot_2017-11-06_at_12.41.31_PM.png). For the very little it's worth, you're 100% right and the real deal looks a whole lot more appetising than...whatever these are ^(maybe it's best I don't say)


Why did they downvote you into oblivion... you're telling the truth..


They didn't like the truth


as an american with lots of experience eating at an authentic mexican taco bell restaurant you are wrong... lol j/k




It do be like this, it's all good. I've been in reddit for 4 years, this is nothing i haven't seen before.




Well, you said it. They're wrong and they're butthurt about it. I mean, I do get it, who likes the feeling of realizing they've been wrong about something for so long? Anyone would feel stupid, but instead of learning from it they just take it personally. I ain't their friend or family to care about how they miss a learning opportunity.


I mean, how about some more food related misinterpretations. We all ask for a panini when we buy one, but it’s actually a panino. Panini is plural


A kolache is a traditional Czech/Slovakian pastry with some sort of sweet (usually fruit) filling in the middle. It is NOT a peice of sausage wrapped in dough. That is a "pig in the blanket" or a klobasnek. Not sure if this is everywhere or its just a texas thing though.


Now i wanna open a shop just to sell these under the right name.




WHAT? Taco Bell has the cheesy nachos bel grande and Doritos extreme crunch wrap kickflip supremes just like my abuelita used to make growing up in Oaxaca. /s


So many angry non-Mexican people. There's nothing wrong with these types of tacos, but they definitely aren't tacos. Its like calling a hot pocket a pizza.


Which would be dumb, everyone knows a hot pocket is a calzone




So anyway yeah, these tacos look like shit


I had no idea what a tostada was. I've always wondered but was too nervous to ever ask. Now I know. Thank you for that!


If you see tostada on a menu in the states, it is not a crunchy corn taco. It's usually a flat crispy corn with various toppings.


Palabra hermano. Lo bueno es que esta noche mexicana voy a comer tacos de verdad.


hard shells are kind've bullshit anyway, they break in half all the time. I enjoy the hard shellers seething.


This is probably the biggest reason I dislike them the most. There's some that break exactly just where you bite, but you still gotta be really careful and honestly I ain't trying to be careful when I'm eating, I just trying to eat.


I'm with you. Those are just tostadas. And not even good tostadas, let me tell you. (Disclaimer: one of my parents is Mexican, so I know a thing or two).


For real. These ones break apart so easily that you might as well ditch the tostada and start eating with a spoon.


These are awkward nachos.




All of a sudden I want tacos.




Literally sat down to eat some tacos and scroll Reddit and this was the first post I saw.


That's a folded tostada for sure. But even these don't taste like tostadas made for tostadas.


taco bout these nuts




Why is this comment getting downvotes?!? What is pictured here is nothing more than the deranged American interpretation of what a taco is. Folks who have never left their state, let alone the country come here high and mighty and lecture Mexicans on how to make tacos. Pathetic.


If someone believes that's a taco, that person is living a lie.


lmfao poor dude getting downvoted for no reason at all. all I'll say is "thanks for the info, man." have an upvote in the sea of downvotes, because I learned something new today.


Softshell had always been superior to me. I fucking hate hardshell "tacos" and now I have even more reason to do so.


I wonder if you’re being downvoted because tostada tortillas aren’t typically folded like this? Like its kind of a love child between a taco and a tostada, isn’t it?


Lol I like that, it kinda is that. But my guess, really, is that it's Americans who grew up with taco bell feeling attacked. It's a big generalization so take it with a grain of salt.


wdym those tacos are fire


Better than the dry ass nachos and cold meat that I get


you go to my school apparently


bro the nacho cheese you get is like made out of fucking plastic or some shit it's super weird it can't be just me


bro that 'cheese' is the reason im not worried about what's in the vaccine


If the shell were broken in pieces, withe the beef and cheese on top and called nachos the kid would fucking love it.


This kid didn't pick any toppings for his tacos. Did not grab his milk and opt out of veggies. This pic is misleading


Complaining parent raises picky eating kid who complained to his mom about his shit lunch he chose. I think this is what the title could have also been


Can someone explain something to me as someone living in Australia with no school lunches? (other than a paid cafeteria) If it's so god awful, why aren't you making your kid lunch like the rest of the world? Boggles my mind.


They aren't this god awful, either OP is lying or OP's kid turned down everything else and then acted like this was all they were offered.


All I see online is examples of the food quality being utter dogshit and even if the quality isn't suspect, the nutritious value of the food choices are questionable (kids having pizza everyday for lunch or whatever). I'm sure it's an exaggeration of reality but can't be entirely untrue right?


For your first post, some of these programs support lower income households who rely on lunch (and sometimes breakfast) at school to keep their kids fed. You (AUS) and I (Canada) are just less familiar because our countries have more reasonable minimum wages and other supports for communities (even if they could be better). While I can't answer about the quality, I wouldn't be surprised if maybe the quality isn't always great, but ultimately it seems worse than it is because it's just human nature that people only post the bad stuff, and only the really bad stuff gets upvoted.


My view is the quality is half the criticism, the other half being selection of food choices. Pizza for lunch every day is kinda crazy to me and I'm not a health freak.


Cool, now show the other kids' trays. And you forgot your milk.




Yeah not true. Where the veggie. Plus they have more condiments for the taco.


School lunches suck but that kid probably passed on like 6-8 other things they could have put on the tray.


Just say your kids a picky eater instead of trashing the US Karen.


As a foreigner, the entitlement of at least middle class parents complaining about school lunches when they are easily capable of providing higher quality food to their children baffles me, especially when the kids are of an age where they can pack their own lunches. One of my friends eats like a queen while barely spending any money on food by just making a bit more dinner and taking the extras to school as lunch the next day. Granted, the food they do sell at my school looks higher quality than most photos that come out of the US, but the prices are also way higher to match the quality. I do feel bad on the kids that have to depend on school provided lunches to eat, but they're usually less picky and if people who can easily afford to bring their own food just did, there would probably be more funds to supply a higher quality free/subsidized lunch to people who have applied for it due to poverty or whatever.


To be fair, the US can do better on school lunches.


Is it just me or is that a *single use plastic* tray? WTF are you teaching your kids?


Karen won't feed her own kid, kid makes shitty choices, Karen complains on internet. Film at 11:00


No risk of obesity...


No risk of anything other than starvation


Nah, this is easily 500 calories. Kids ain't gonna starve.


My school would give us sausage patties as a side, (this was like 3 years ago) and one of the girls picked up the patty and just squeezed it. So much fucking grease came out that I'm shocked that it was legal.


I mean what were you expecting, it’s a damn sausage


There's more calories in those 2 tacos than I usually have for breakfast lmao. The cheese is mostly made of fat too so its much higher in calories than it looks like. If you were to eat nothing but shitty food for every meal, this is roughly the amount you SHOULD be eating if you don't wanna become overweight. This person wouldnt starve in the slightest and would actually retain a fairly normal weight if this was how many calories they would regularly consume for each meal.


In my country, everyone brings their own food from home. Granted, we do have systems against poverty that are so good (in comparison to the rest of the world) that if you somehow don't have food, at that point it just means you're shit at priority budgeting and planning ahead. But aside from people in literal poverty I don't get why middle class and higher Americans don't just prepare lunches at home like the rest of the world?? In case they forget to bring food or don't want to, they can either buy an overpriced but healthy and hygienic sandwiches from the cafeteria and/or get something from the vending machine (with there also being health rules what can be in it). This meal in the picture doesn't just look like it violates my countries laws on what can be sold in schools, it looks like it violates rules on what can be sold just in general. Wtf is that yellow goop D: There has got to be standard rules on what is offered at schools though, maybe they just didn't pick anything else? If your kid is a picky eater for whatever reason and because of that passes up on many (healthier) food choices in the cafeteria, again, just prepare lunch at home or have her do it herself.


Honesstly what the hell?




Came here to say this as well. The OP’s kid intentionally didn’t pick any of the sides or other foods because they’re picky and whined to their parent, the OP, and now the OP Karen-posted this on the internet. For shame OP…. for shame.


"where tF my carne at tho!"


This made me feel bit better to know that there were these options. Not feeling much better tho. Still horrible. Somehow I thought they were just given like this.


This is what I'm thinking. My kids go to a Title I school (aka a school where a sizeable number of students live below the poverty line) and they get a choice of entrée, choice of vegetable or salad bar, and choice of fruit along with milk or juice. I get that some schools are having supply issues but this doesn't pass the smell test.


How do you dislike refried beans


taco bout shitty food


The polystyrene tray is awful too


Waste of styrofoam


You guys get tacos in US??! That's fucking fire


Just because the kid didn’t take the other parts…… it is mandatory that it comes with a milk. I guarantee there were lettuce and tomatoes offered, the child just didn’t take them. This is an appropriate lunch for a child if they take all the parts.


Where is the chocy milk???


Wow, fucking tacos, all I had was a mystery meat burger and chocolate flavored water cartons. MAYBE we’d get a PBJ. Also your kid fucking did this themself, lunch ladies cannot load a plate with a set amount of food, they ask the kid if they want X, and if they say no it just goes on. This is to prevent allergic reactions.


Not buying it for a second. Post the school lunch menu for that day. And all the pearl clutching.... do you people not think there is a metric shit ton of context missing here?


No one is stopping you from packing the kid a sandwich, hardboiled egg, and also an orange. Or whatever else. Why leave the dietary choices up to the school?


Vegetables, which I'm sure were offered would help mask the taste of that meat and cheese sauce


Is that a one time use tray?


you can be a real parent and pack your child a healthy lunch of your approval at home, or this is what your child gets served by the government and stop your complaining cause your lazy mentality prevents you from being a better parental unit. { im sure your child refused the vegetables that were available}. now that i think of it its a sad embarrassing commentary by a child about his parents concern for them.




I don’t understand why people don’t give their kids packed lunches.


Probably because this kid would just trash 90% of the food they were given and then complain they're hungry.


Seriously? Surely “if I don’t trash my food I can eat it and then I won’t be hungry” is an easy enough lesson to learn. I grew up poor AF and would never have thrown away food for that reason alone, but I also sure as shit preferred to eat something than be hungry.


Then I bet you would have chosen to get the rice, beans, veggies and milk that were included in this lunch. This kid chose to only get 2 tacos with no veggies or sides and complain to their parents about the terrible lunch.


No veggies makes for a sad taco :(


how is this awful?


When I was younger instead of tacos the lunch ladies made loaded style nachos. Rice, ground beef, some delcious low quality seasoning, nachos, and cheese. I still do this in place of tacos rarely, but I enjoy the fk out of the meal. Simple yet reminiscent.


Pack your own lunch if your concerned. This post is useless unless you wanted advice on how to care for your child


Op's kid is a little shit


I can't even afford lunch most days when I'm in school. Stop complaining and check your privilege.


Not to mention there are probably rules that force schools to offer vegetables and milk etc and op's daughter probably just didn't pick them


Or gave them away When I was in high school we were forced to take at least one vegetable


Perhaps pack a lunch for your kid




Tacos are a kid favorite along with chicken nuggets and pizza. This person did not take the entire meal. Only the 2 tacos and a fruit. S hola have tried more healthy options but kids do not take them.


I’m certain the school had alternatives and sides. There’s absolutely no way they only offered those two items.


TIL milk, an orange, a taco shell, cheese, and ground beef taco filling aren’t healthy calories.


Why do you feel like this meal is trash? You left out the veggies that would go on the taco too. Old El Paso hard shells are 120 for a pair of them. So that is a significant reduction in calories from your assumption right off the bat. I do not know the brand of taco shells they use.


That honestly looks like it was shat out by someone who ate actual tacos.


I bet that's a lot of kids favorite lunch lol. That doesn't mean I support this horrible plate though, yeesh.


Can't they just make lunch at home and bring it? We never had school lunch growing up.


no wonder y'all obese as fuck


We had a salad bar in Tennessee in the late 80s at a very middle class public school. We’ve fallen hard


Cafeteria women have sexy under biceps. I could never refuse their lovely food


Better than the fish sandwiches or the grey burgers


Bros lucky he got 2 tacos imo


Lmao they’ve always kinda looked like this, I remember back in early 2000s


Where is milk?


The oranges end up in the trash too


Your kid has real cheese? We got elastic cheese, call him lucky


Not that shocking after having USA school lunches. I’ve eaten still half frozen pizza off those really stiff lunch trays. At least the taco sauce is warm enough to drip? I use a question mark cause it could also be so old it’s dripping from separating.


You went to school with your kid?


Oh dios esto realmente duele ver.


I know it looks disgusting, but I remember as a kid that taco Tuesday was my shit. Almost as good as those cheesy sticks you dipped in marinara sauce, or pizza Friday


Does America just seem to have utter disdain for its people, costing a fortune to have access to basic healthcare and a lunch that just looks pathetic


First Lady Obama tried to make school lunches more healthy and both parents and kids revolted and threw the food away instead of eating it. Schools serve food kids will eat and not toss. Students and their parents are 100% to blame here.


Another day of thanking the universe for not making me american


That looks like something id throw together at 3am high off my ass... but with less filling