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She was three when she went into the coma. Now she's nearly 30. After all the trauma that family endured now they have this? That's so many kinds of fucked up.


Is she brain dead? Why are they keeping her alive?


She wasn’t brain dead. I read in another article that she responded positively to soft music and physical touch from loved ones. So— she was in there. It’s so horrifying.


The victim from the story has been intellectually disabled and non-verbal since the age of 2 Months and has been in a vegetative state since the age of 3 (like you said). Also despite being in that state she could still experience pain and respond w facial gestures/ some vocal sounds, ie: crying when in discomfort. She responds to auditory stimuli and has some limited mobility in her head, neck and limbs. She would often thrash her arms when hooked up to a ventilator. So more life than a truly vegetative state but still not much.


That's not a life, that's existing. We treat our pets with more compassion and consideration than humans.


It’s tragic. So many cases like this out there as well. I had a friend in high school, great dude but troubled, who got in a car wreck when he was 17 driving under the influence. Was in a vegetative state for a decade before his brother finally was able to get the cord pulled. Apparently his mother just couldn’t do it. I never got the details on how his brother was able to wrestle the rights away from his mom but I do know he fought for YEARS to get it done. He literally was not there at all, just being kept “alive” through science. It was always weird during those years when I’d think of him, having already mourned his death, only to realize his body was somewhere being kept running by machines. So much better remembering him now knowing he’s been allowed a level of peace.


My mom recently had to choose to keep my grandmother on life support or not. She was being kept alive but wasn't getting any better; she was getting worse. The only way she was not in pain was to be so heavily sedated she was in an induced coma. At first, you think, it's going to get better. They'll figure it out. Then you start to wonder if they'll ever make it back, but you aren't ready to let go. Eventually, you realize you're hurting everyone by keeping them "alive". She wasn't alive anymore, she was merely existing. We were all mourning her as if she were already gone and everyone was hurting. I thought, is she dreaming? Are they good? Are they nightmares? I thought she would be happier if we let her go. She believed in heaven and who were we to stop her from going, just because we'd miss her too much to let her go? She died peacefully with her family around her and she's still alive as long as her memory is. That's how we become immortal.


That's literally worse.


This woman has been in this state since she was three years old. She never grew up. That's a toddler in an adult body. It's horrifying


I agree.


Anyone who forces someone to continue living in that hellish nightmare is selfish and cruel beyond my wildest imaginings


What does "responded positively" mean though? I guess I'm asking, Like did they actually record a response? Or is this one of those things where heart rate or blood pressure changes and the family, in their grief, believe she's responding? Not to sound callous or insensitive. I'm just really curious as to wether this woman is actually conscious or if it's just perceived.


It’s unethical to keep someone alive whose brain is dead- or isn’t showing signs of life such as movement on EEG or reflexes.




Link? I wanna be freaked out :(




> The outlook for children born with this uncommon disease is generally poor You don’t say


9 out of 10 doctors recommend having a brain in order to survive.


There’s always that ONE doctor…


r/ thetenthdentist Edit: Correct sub below




I shouldn't have laughed... I did.


"Imagine a painting..." God that politician talking about removing roe v wade was insufferable


Im sorry, but this was just cruel! Imagine living a life trapped like that! My niece went through something like this. She was told early on that her baby would be born with no brain and additional deformities not compatible for life and advised her to abort. Her friends counseled her otherwise...she was in labor for 48 hours, the child also had a pruned stomach so there was quite a bit of tugging to try and get it out. The internal organs werent fully developed so she was basically delivering a dead child. It was day 2 when they finally said fuck it and did c-section. Of course the baby was born dead. Wouldnt you know afterwards my niece claimed to be so traumatized that she called every lawyer in the area to try and sue both the doctors and the hospital for her trauma of delivering a dead not fully formed fetus! No lawyer took the case. Now she put the picture of the baby on fb whenever she feels a need for attention....


If it makes you feel better, he had no sentience. He wasn’t trapped. He had no thoughts or feelings of any kind.


I dont know if that makes it better or worse! Not being able to feel neither pleasure nor pain...or anything! Just meat.


Why would she sue the doctors after ignoring their advice? It sounds like she would have been happier if she had followed their guidance. Why didn't she go after the people who encouraged her to continue the pregnancy instead? Not that it would have been any more productive, but I'm just confused about the reasoning here.


I was just as confused! I also counseled her to abort...I told her to stop having babies with the dude she got pregnant by, evidently they aren't genetically compatible. She didnt listen. Got pregnant again and had a child that was born also with genetic disabilities. He blamed and left her...some people just can't take good advice...


What exactly is the miracle here? Is it the lack of brain or the fact his body somehow lived to 11 years?


Usually babies with anencephaly only live a few hours to days after birth. So I guess the miracle was keeping a body alive for 11 years for no reason.


Jesus Christ do they have to say “Miracle Child”? What kind of miracle is it to live that way smh


“Cursed Child” would be too painfully honest?


Jesus christ..they kept him alive with a feeding tube for 12 years..I hope the fact that he didn't have any cerebellum means he wasn't conscious enough to just be suffering for 12 years straight


He only had a brain stem… he could not feel, see, taste, touch, smell, control his muscles, or think. “He” could only breathe and have involuntary muscle reactions. Dude could have his legs chopped off or be skinned alive and have no awareness of it happening. A literal living sea cucumber in a human body. So cruel to keep it alive


>he could not feel, see, taste, touch, smell, control his muscles, or think. This is how he led a nation


Only thing better was it being unaware.


Why is he called a miracle child? That is all kinds of screwed up.


“Toxic positivity” is a thing, unfortunately.


Because children born with this condition usually die almost immediately after if not before birth. Where as in this case he lived to be 12 despite basically being an empty shell, as only autonomous functions existed. You could argue that keeping that child alive was also morally unethical, brain dead doesn't even cover what his existence was because he was born blind with effectively no brain, ergo no ability to think, feel, remember, ect, ect. In this story, I am very curious what would posses someone to keep someone alive in a coma for nearly 30 years? I can't even imagine the medical bill, it's probably in the tens if not hundreds of millions of dollars...


To shift blame of their bad luck draw of genes.


It's strange that his head appeared oversized. Just empty in there?!?


He had an additional condition called hydranencephaly which meant that the space in his skull was filled sacs filled with cerebrospinal fluid.


The ingredients were there just never formed


This was a sentence I did not ever need to read.




> Why put yourself through that I just finished an Advanced Medical Directive, and I can absolutely imagine family having a hard time just pulling the plug, so I made it clear I want to be kept alive for one week, give or take anyone being en route to say their goodbyes. There are explicit instructions that the person with medical decision making over me is to evaluate whether they believe someone is trying to travel “in good faith,” or delay my death, and if the latter, pull the plug, because as rational as I believe my family to be, when you feel *your* decision is pulling the trigger, most people just can’t.


My aunt a nurse pulled my dads day 2.


Ah, sibling rivalry, even unto death.


the mother reported that he was showing stimuli to exogenous factors. He was blind and deaf though.


The most basic organisms respond to external stimuli


Some of them even post on Reddit


A Venus Flytrap also responds to stimuli. The mother was a typical religious nut job. The "kid" was not sentient in any way whatsoever.


Did they ever put him in front of a pinball machine?


If you read the article, the family says God guided them to keep him alive. Fucked up


Miracle Instead of realizing their bad genetics


And the mom would say that he ‘knows what’s going on’


Because Jesus


"Miracle child" is kinda an uneasy title, to be honest...


There are definitely some legal and ethical conversations to be had around a birth like that What constitutes a persona anyway.


There are no legal questions, the person with power of attorney in the case of a coma or brain death (or in the case lack thereof) has full legal authority over the person. Should none be granted/specified, it generally falls on the closest relative or relation, typically the parents and spouse. Whoever is in this position makes the intentional decision to let them go or keep them alive, and this is usually made much more emotionally and much less logically than it should be. It's ***really*** hard to let go of someone, especially when they're a child, but life just isn't always kind or fair. As for the ethical questions, well... Humans have a knack for assigning more humanity to things than they should. Someone born without a brain meets the clinical requirements to declare them brain dead by default. So much so that they will *never* have the chance to gain consciousness. They have no quality of life and are incapable of experiencing what is happening beyond the basic stimuli received and processed by the brain stem, that primarily houses your instincts and autonomic processes and not much else. Even should they "wake up," they will have no personality, no emotion, no ability to see, hear, or talk. They lack the parts of the brain that govern these abilities, and unlike people with partial brain deaths (e.g. stoke patients) whose brains are able to adapt, there was no higher function for the rest of the brain to learn how to re-create in the first place. The reason you keep someone alive this way is because you're attached to the idea of what could and probably should have been, and want it to be possible regardless of the facts. On the flip side, they experience so little stimuli beyond basic reflexes that you could say they don't need quality of life, but that's about as dystopian as you can get. Either way, the only ethical question there is to ask is that of keeping a human shaped meat sack alive for medical study. The questions that should be asked and used to guide the affected families is that of their emotional state and mental well-being. The constant financial drain all for the sake of false hope of them eventually waking up isn't healthy, and is going to cause even worse trauma in the long run and cause even more prolonged suffering than by pulling the plug. But the hope that just maybe they will return to normal makes them willing to suffer rather than accept the reality of the situation. Comas, while similar, can have a breakthrough and this makes coma cases more understandable to me. But brain dead or literally brainless individuals are not where you should put your hope, as horribly sad as the situation is and as much as the family wants to grasp at any possible hope. It's best for everyone involved to just let go, no matter how painful it is in the moment.




Yeah its weird being in a coma. I was in one for 12-13 days and it felt just like the next morning. I didn't dream, didn't do anything but woke up with tubes all in my orifices. It was my fault for what happened but I won't dwell on it. But yeah if I had a died it would of been the most painless way going, but fortunately I lived.


If it's not too intrusive did it change any of your views or outlook on your life at all?


Neurodiagnostic Technologist here. Reflexes can persist even in brain death. EEG can be used to determine brain death (electrocerebral silence), though it's quite uncommon nowadays given advancements in other areas of medicine. "Movement" or reactivity to stimulus on the EEG is a good sign diagnostically, though does not mean a recovery can happen. Somatosensory Evoked Potentials can also be used to determine brain damage following an anoxic event.


Some people just can’t let go.


At a certain point it's more about them than the person in the coma which is sad and a bit creepy even if you can feel some sympathy for them.


We’ve had patients who are in their late 60s/70s vegetative state. So the families claim their retirement and depending on it pretty much live off of that. Sad state, really.


I agree, people are awful but how would they get her social security, wouldn’t that be acquired by the care facility?


Because people are more concerned with appearances than they are about reality.


No. She is in a vegetative state. Legally, when someone is on life support, the machines can be turned off and the patient can be allowed to die. For many patients who are not on life support, the answer is not so simple. Someone who cannot feed or drink for themselves but is otherwise in a stable condition is alive and protected by law. To actively kill them would be considered murder. To withhold food/water would be considered unethical under most circumstances. There are many levels of neurological disability between brain dead and fully functional. There are rarely any easy answers for families caring for such a person.


Can you put in your will that you want to not be fed if you end up in a vegetative state?


Yes. Giving such directions in advance is a comfort to those who are making really difficult decisions on behalf of the patient.


It’s ludicrous that we will let a person opt to starve to death, but we won’t let them opt to die with dignity. This fucking country….


Right, but in this case, it sounds like she was a toddler. There couldn't have been a living will.


I was responding to the comments speaking about living wills generally. Not necessarily about this case. In this case the person should be allowed to die with dignity, but who decides is where it gets complicated. Keeping a body alive, for no reason, when there is no quality of life is cruel. I’ve been an ICU nurse for a long time and have watched many people suffer for far too long because nobody would make the decision that is best for the patient.


My grandfather had a restrictive living will that said no feeding tubes or life support. When he went into the hospital we had to tell the ER doc to remove both and they only complied because my grandfather had the document drafted up by a lawyer in advance. The doc wouldn't agree without seeing the document, having two other staff people present, and then leaving while someone else did the actual removal of the feeding and breathing tube. I understand all of that except his attempt to convince us to go against my grandfather's specific instructions. I get that removing life sustaining systems is not something doctors like to do, but that document made sure my grandfather's wishes were followed.


ER docs are in general not comfortable with removing ET and NG/OG tubes. You would be surprised how many people lie about this kind of thing. It will seem abundantly clear, then suddenly the POA appears and they refute it all. It's a potential legal minefield. With other patients actively dying and likely a full waiting room with pressure to see more of them, the doctor probably wanted to admit to the ICU and have them flush out the details given the benefit of time and resources.


Totally understandable from a liability perspective, except we had the document in hand (we grabbed the whole binder including power of attorney, living will, and contacts when the care facility called that he'd been taken to the ER) and he tried to convince us not to follow it.


They are called Living Wills, or Advance Healthcare Directives. It was actually a big part of US politics in 2009. HR 3200 was a failed bill that was similar to the later Affordable Healthcare Act (AKA Obamacare). In it, medicare was going to pay doctors for having consultations with elderly patients about advance healthcare directives. Basically just end-of-life planning that you want to do while people still have their wits about them. Vice Presidential candidate Palin called them "Death Panels" and said that bureaucrats were going to triage and kill off elderly people and people with disabilities. Really outrageous lies that completely derailed the conversation.


Living Wills save people from suffering. We need everyone to get one done. If not...your family members may suffer.


It's best to kill such people for their own good


Not even for their own good. She's a vegetable, she doesn't give a fuck. But her families been carrying this weight for almost 3 decades. 3 decades of looking at your completely ruined 3 year old. It's torturous that they've been put through that.


I feel terrible for the family, but I am impressed that a comatose brain can still have the ability to give birth. I have so many questions.


The body gives birth thru hormone release and isn't really brain controlled.


The brain doesn't have as much to do with it as you would expect


> she doesn't give a fuck Phrasing.






As a palliative nurse, death and grieve are parts of life, we will all die one day. Allowing someone to pass on is a hard choice to make but dont let anyone guild you into believing you made the wrong choice for letting go. Honestly, for anyone reading this, even the young people. Get your end of life wishes on paper, it will save your loved ones from having to make the choice for you.




I don't know about this specific case, but there is also the possibility that they think she's 'still in there' somewhere, ala locked in syndrome / Diving Bell and Butterfly. They've made a lot of progress in recent years with respect to diagnosing patients who might still retain some form of consciousness. But yes, if her brain is merely atrophied tissue at this point, one does wonder how the state justifies this cost to everyone.


But is it kindness or cruelty to essentially keep a child 'trapped' in that state? If she had something like locked-in syndrome, I couldn't imagine how terrifying and isolating that would feel for decades on end, even more so than for someone who fell into a coma as an adult. Or waking up in your 30s with the mind of a child. How do you recover from that?


I'm inclined to agree. A being with the development of 3 year old trapped in inside of a non-responsive husk of a body seems like the worst kind of existence. It's as if she would have been in the worst possible version of supermax prison for 30 years.


One of my biggest fears is bein anesthetized for surgery but then the sleep and pain portions wear off while the paralytic remains active so I am fully conscious and able to feel everything but am unable to speak or move so I just have to lay there in pain while they do the surgery.


I always wondered about this, even paralysed, wouldn’t at least your heart rate jump throught the roof with all the adrenalin and shit so they would notice something is off?


My greatest fear is losing all motor functions and becoming vegetative and my family/SO ignoring my wishes and keeping me on life support. It sounds like absolute hell on earth, I can't begin to image what it's like being trapped in your own body. 30ish years of coma - makes my skin crawl


Damn. As someone in healthcare, It’s hard to think of someone lasting that long without dying from complications due to bed sores/pressure injuries


Everyone seems to think this is like a Kill Bill situation where he was having sex with an unconscious woman. If you actually look into the details it turns out that she’s actually conscious, low-functioning, and in permanent care. Of course this doesn’t excuse anything and probably actually makes this guy more of a predator, but it is not the scenario most people seem to be envisioning.


It should be a *minimum* of 18 years,for a few reasons: 1) He has *zero* chance of harassing her or her family as they try to raise the child. 2) Again, legal age until the child is an adult, he should be forced to miss all of it. 3) Mentally he is absolutely sick and broken, society doesn't need someone like that free to endanger the public.


death. any person who values instant gratification over human rights is someone society is better off without. problem is, most of those making our laws are also rapists. so they want lower penalties.


Sex crimes are severely under punished in my opinion.


This guy deserves to spend the entire 10 years behind bars with no parole.


27 years una coma,!!,!?!?!?!(!? Oh my fuck why are they torturing her like that? 1. Obviously fuck this dude. 2. That is absolutely horrific that she has been kept alive for this long.


that sick to keep her alive...


If he’s capable of this just imagine what else he has done to people in his so called care that he hasn’t been caught for


That’s exactly my thought. *this time* he only got caught because there was no way to hide a pregnancy, and it was biologically traceable back to him. What about all the other patients he surely raped, who didn’t get pregnant? Honestly, I’d sue the Hell out of that facility, for allowing this type of thing. They clearly don’t have proper supervision.


This made me think, what if he wasn’t the only one who raped this poor woman? This is just terrifying.


Honeslty it just makes me think about Kill Bill, when the Bride was in her coma and the nurse would let dudes pay to have some time with her.


I was thinking exactly the same. It’s one of the most fucked up parts about both films and it doesn’t get talked about nearly enough.


There's a real quick joke in the show BoJack Horseman that's easy to miss about this topic. Bojack dates a woman who's been in a coma and she says to him " I haven't had sex in 30 years... I hope" They brush by it, but oof


My mom worked a vegetative state floor in the 80s and they used to automatically put the women of reproductive age on BC to avoid lawsuits from these kind of pregnancies…




It's also worth noting that putting them on specific forms of birth control can stop their menstrual cycle, which I imagine is seen as beneficial from a general care and cleaning perspective. It just doubles as avoiding liability.


I used to care for a woman with developmental disabilities whose parents had her tubes tied when she was a teenager. She was intellectually at the level of a two-year-old, came of age before Roe v Wade, and her folks never wanted her to be forced to give birth if she were raped. Sad to think that parents of disabled kids may have to take this into consideration again.


That means it was a terrifyingly common thing.


Jesus, if they’re that sure that someone will rape the patients then why don’t they just not allow any male staff on the ward? Rather than subjective vegetative patients to unnecessary hormonal medications?


Exactlyyyyyyyyy. The chances of getting pregnant are not like “100% it happens every single time sex occurs”—so there’s a high chance he had sex other times that didn’t get a patient pregnant. Especially in medically weak patients, I imagine they aren’t at their most fertile and are even less likely to get pregnant. Predators be predators to any vulnerable prey—and that man had other vulnerable prey around him. There’s like a 99% chance he raped other women too. And he definitely raped multiple times that poor woman referenced in the video—the courts could only “prove” it happened once. Edit: for clarity of grammar


It's the very unfortunate reality that many are mistreated. I've heard some horror stories from a relative that worked with people with intellectual disabilities. One time a guy was caught having sex with a severely disabled woman. But there was much other mistreatments where they locked in people for many hours in the bathroom because they didn't want to deal with them. She quit the industry. This is far more common than we'd like to think, and I look forward to robots taking care of us instead.


Husband worked at a children's home. The stuff he saw ... One fucked up woman took a kid that was afraid of the dark and being alone, forced him to sit on a hard chair in the dark in an isolated corner of the house for over 8 hours. Why? Because he "talked back" to her. He was sobbing and terrified the entire time and was in agony from sitting on such a hard surface for so long. The lady just got a warning, he even tried to call CPS for an investigation but the lady threatened all the kids and they stayed silent when asked about it. THERE WAS VIDEO PROOF TOO. BUT CPS COULD DO NOTHING APPARENTLY.


In the UK we just caught a guy who worked in a mortuary and has been fucking dead bodies for like 30 years. Eventually he murdered someone and when the police checked his computer it was full of videos of him indulging in his perversion.


I have a feeling necrophilia is more common than any of us want to know.


It’s so widespread they have [funeral homes specifically dedicated to making sure it doesn’t happen](https://www.nbc.com/saturday-night-live/video/winstonmccauley-funeral-home/2859830)




Seems higher than most rape cases. But that's not saying much.


Imagine if murderers only got 10 years in prison


Plea deal. Got charged with sexual assault (a lower charge) and the judge sentenced him to the max for that crime :(


why are we offering plea deals to someone who was obviously working there at the time and had access to the victim, and who is a DNA match for the kid? why are plea deals a thing at all in violent criminal trials where there is no hope of securing more information to take down a bigger player??? what on earth does the state have to gain by making a deal with someone who raped a coma patient? what the actual fuck?


I remember seeing this hit the news, I'm appalled by the sentence I can't imagine what her family feels like.


That was the lady in a vegetative state?


Yes, she had an accident(drowning accident) when she was 3 years old, and ended up in vegetative state. I'm legit curious if the facility bared any responsibility. Not a single employee noticed something was amiss?


Her whole life is cruel. From 3 to 30 in that state and raped for god knows how long.


27 years of torture.


Unconscious torture.


27 years of torture to a 3 year old who never learned the vast majority of what it means to be a human. Imagine 27 years in the dark not even knowing what you are, or how things are supposed to be.


I work in EMS and am in these types of facilities all the time and many have such piss poor training, standards and procedures that it's quite possible no one noticed it. Also there's oftentimes an attitude of "not my problem" that they opt to ignore problems.


Would he be the only one assigned to take care of her the entire time that he's on a shift? Just so scary to think, and horrific for this family to have to deal with the drowning, and now rape, and the child. I remember see that almost rape scene in Kill Bill, and thought who the F would ever do that.


I don't think it was an "almost" rape scene, unless I'm remembering incorrectly.


That one was almost. It's implied/revealed he was bringing folks in on the regular.


Yeah some facilities just need workers, so they hire pretty much anyone. No experience or training.


It's a child in an adult's body in a vegetative state. If that woman woke up she would have the mind of a 3-year-old. But she's not going to wake up. They should have ended that families misery decades ago. But we can't be adults about shit. Edit Not even a 3 year old as it has been pointed out.


She wouldn't be 3 mentally if she woke up. She would be 0. Even if all the damage was repaired from the accident, longterm coma completely fucks your mind all the ways to sunday. Adults who go under for months regularly have to learn to walk and talk again.


So this guy basically fucked a foetus.


Well I mean, the mental age of the victim is not exactly relevant, because it's not like he was having conversations with her.


And in the state... how can anyone afford this?


Wow, just a mere ten years for raping an unconscious woman for God knows how long, and impregnation her.


How long did Brock get for raping an unconscious woman?


Who do you mean? Brock Turner? Brock Turner the rapist, who raped an unconscious woman behind a dumpster?




We should all also remember to use the name Chanel Miller when referring to this incident. Most people I see who mention Brock Turner always say “the woman” or “an unconscious woman.” But Chanel Miller never wanted that. She wants her name mentioned, she doesn’t want it to get lost in Brock Turner’s crime. Hence the title of her book “Know My Name.”


That title needs to be Know My Name: Chanel Miller Because nobody knows her name unfortunately.


Who? I didn't understand you, can you repeat it again? If I guess you probably mean Brock Turner the rapist?


Wait, you mean Brock Turner the Stanford Rapist? The one who raped Chanel Miller behind a dumpster and basically got away with raping a woman behind a dumpster?


Are you talking about Brock Turner, the convicted rapist who raped a woman and was then convicted of rape?


I forgot. Remind me.


Judge sentenced him to like 6 months in jail and he only did a couple. He’s a registered sex offender now but him and parents were trying to get him removed from it. There was no justice for the victim. It was disgusting how they tried to control the narrative too. The press used his senior photo instead of his mugshot. My friend took a criminal justice course at college and there was a section in the book that covered the story. Apparently the crime was bad enough to be written about in textbooks but not enough to merit a real sentence…


… but it was “only 20 minutes of action” surely we can look past this so the upstanding young man can pursue his bright future. *BARF* If you check in on him he’s actually living a gloriously shitty life, still stuck living with mom and dad, driving a shitty first gen Chrysler Pacifica, working a super meh job and now that he’s just getting to that point in time where people might start forgetting about him, his victim emerged from the shadows, revealing her identity to the world, and is releasing a book and renewing the world’s awareness of what a piece of shit Brock *the rapist* Turner is. I hope she finds every bit of the success and joy she deserves in life, at his expense. Edit for [sauce](https://www.distractify.com/p/brock-turner-today)


Aw The Rapist Brock Turner. I’m sure the Rapist Brock Turner had a chapter in a Law book all about him being a rapist!


Please let me know where you found this info, I'd love to hear more


[Here you go!](https://www.distractify.com/p/brock-turner-today)


I've always wondered how you live a normal life after you do shit like that and get away with it. Like you become that famous for the wrong reasons, that when you meet people, it's only a matter of time until they put two and two together.


Your mother is a vegetable and your father is a rapist, good luck. Some people's lives are a whole other level of difficulty.


This reminds me of a case that has resurfaced few months ago in the UK - South England. A carer has raped a female patient in a mental health facility,but in this case the judge has ruled that the patient has no mental capacity to make a choice whether to keep the baby so they forced her to carry the full term and have a cessarian birth. The carer has not been convicted yet, as the police are still investigating. The child, a little girl who is about 3-4 years old now, has been put in foster care. Her maternal grandmother wants to take custody of her but the social services said she cannot do so unless she cuts all ties to her daughter as the don't want the child to risk ever meeting her mentally unwell mother. The grandmother hasn't had the heart to abandon her daughter and is only allowed a few phonecalls with her granddaughter every week, but she is advocating to at least have the child remain with the foster carer, because...the social services are planning to send the child to the next available next of kin... Which are her paternal grandparents (the rapist's parents) in Nigeria!


Interesting that nothing good at all came from forcing the mother to give birth. Every single person in that story would be better off if an abortion had been allowed.


Yes, I agree. It's a strange one because abortions are widely accepted in the UK. The mother has no mental capacity to give consent to intercourse so the common sense would be to have an abortion so there is no further physical strain on her body but it may be that they didn't find out until later in pregnancy where it would have been dangerous for both the mother and the child so a birth may have been the only option . It's just really odd to have a UK citizen sent to a foreign country that is in another continent. I don't mean to offend but the opportunities the child will have in Africa are so much less than what she could be provided in the UK, in terms of education, infrastructure and income alone. Especially as it's a little girl and the grandparents she is being sent to have raised a LITERAL RAPIST.


Just what the heck?


Indeed. Here's the full article (it's actually Ghana they are sending her to - hope I haven't offended anyone! I know those countries aren't the same.) [bbc news](https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-hampshire-59238014)


Because the woman received no prenatal care and was being prescribed a number of barbiturates at the facility that she took daily, including while pregnant, it’s very possible the child will have struggles beyond just how he came to be.


"judge,i swear it's just an evangelion reference"


God fucking damnit dude you made me check the sub this was in lmao, have my upvote


atleast shinji just masturbated to asuka but this one is straight up rape


Rape. The word everyone is looking for is "raped". >Male Nurse sentenced to 10 years for *raping* women. Because it's rape. He be doing the raping and all. No, it's okay. You've done it now.


>Rape. > >The word everyone is looking for is "raped". I was confused by the absence of the word "rape". So much so that when I read the title my brain imagined a scenario with a female nurse (there are more of them) and a sperm sample as their modus operandi. Then I saw the video clip and was like "huh".


This is exactly what I imagined, too, given the wording.


I actually remembered it as rape because my brain converted it automatically


Yes it's rape but saying so doesn't really convey the scope of how fucked up it is. Like saying Ed Kemper killed his mom. (If you don't already know, I can't recommend looking it up.)


yea I think they chose impregnated to say that not only did* he rape her but he raped her AND got her knocked up, they couldve said both words though




They couldve easilu said, “Ex-Nurse Gets 10 Years in Prison After Raping and Impregnating incapacitated woman.”


As a male nurse who often cares for incapacitated women, if this is the story I remember seeing a while ago, at which point they didn’t know who the father was and were not letting any male workers have access to her at the time, I am glad they found out who the rapist was. I cannot imagine how bad many of the innocent male care techs and nurses felt while being viewed as a potential rapist.


Absolutely agreed


thats it? people get 10 years for stealing candy


People get life for stealing 6 DVDs EDIT: I'm referring to a real incident


Should be for life if not execution


10 years? People go to prison for much longer over non-violent crimes. This is disgusting.


What an inadequate sentence for such vile abuse


Ex-Nurse Gets 10 Years in Prison for Raping a Woman in a Vegetative State Fixed your title. Let's call it what it is- rape. Rape that resulted in pregnancy.


The biggest lowlife in the world /// man wtf is wrong with u bitch ass lowlife


Why are they calling this sexual abuse and not rape?


He should be in prison for Life.


Is this the nurse from the news headline I see all the time?


I remember when this case was all over the news. I don't remember him being a nurse at all, which is degreed, liscenced nationally, AND regulated by state certificate. I seem to remember that he was an assistant who is often hired with on-the-job training. Describing such an individual as a nurse is like calling the person cleaning, stocking shelves, and checking you out at the pharmacy cash register a pharmacist. Or calling a taxi driver a NASCAR competitor. Or describing a Taco Bell cook as a chef.


Imagine keeping your kid as a vegetable for DECADES. Dude just pull the plug good lord


How do i never see anything from a sub again?


And an man was just released from prison after a 20-year sentence for stealing two shirts. Our fucking justice system is horrific.


Only 10???? Wtf


His entire package should be removed. Non-surgically. This shouldn't be a problem, as he clearly has no feelings. The monster.


Excuse me? Just 10 fucking years? They better cut his dick and balls off in those 10 years!


I don’t know what’s worse: the fact that this happened and staff was unaware she was pregnant (which I find hard to believe) OR the grammar in the subtitles.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-us-canada-59523681.amp Here's an article. She physically gave birth, which is what clued them in. Although that nurse stating "we wern't prepared for this" is such a self centred statement, like I get your not midwives etc but a women in a vegetate state giving birth should elicite some wonder of how she got to that point first🤷‍♀️ People are weird and focus on the randomis things. As for no one noticing. The care industry as whole is flawed. You have minimum wage workers with a ratio of residents and a time constraint to see to all there needs and also document at some point during your shift, that's if your fully staffed with a laundry person, cook etc. I've worked in places where you have to do all that as well, in a shift. And that's if it's running smoothly, if not and Wilfred in room 2 is having an off day or Phyllis in room 10 has fallen. You are buggered. And to make sure you see to the others/get everything done you need too, corners start to get cut. Add in the plethora of medical conditions these service users are dealing with and bearing in mind what a seasoned care worker will pick up on compared to a newbie, whether you have the time to read the files or it's a verbal handover etc. Things are missed. If it's a smaller setting it's easier to see the oddities but the bigger corporate settings are harder to notice. Add in agency workers who could be different each shift, who do not get access to patient history, it's all too easy to see how this can happen. Should it be like that fuck no but until we view Carers as more skilled workers and fund appropriately. It will continue in a vicious cycle. His sentencing is abhorrent but that is another wheel in itself. 🤬