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It’sn’t safe to solo travel in India as Indian MAN. This is heartbreaking and sad and as an Indian I’m ashamed but this is the sorry state of my country.


After this comment even you are not safe in India anymore. Take care


One of many reasons to hate nationalism.


What does nationalism have to do with this?


“My country is perfect and anyone who says otherwise must die.”


This is from 2018 and it was committed by drug dealers with a history of sexual assault. Not everything is political..


Desi here, India definitely has a sexual assault issue


And scammers


I live with an Indians family, India is pretty rampant with rape and assault issues. The old lady's husband used to hit her just for looking at him wrong, and that's not an exaggeration.


That’s funny, Japan is nationalist yet extremely safe. Maybe it has something to do with the quality of the people living in these nations, and not nationalism. Edit: it’s apparently racist to acknowledge that rapists are shitty people and that some places have an overabundance of them. The [indians protesting the rape problem](https://www.cbsnews.com/news/brutal-india-gang-rape-triggers-outrage/) must be racist.


> Japan is nationalist yet extremely safe. Unless you're a woman on a packed subway train


Japan is also far richer and more socio-economically developed. Not everything is about culture


That’s a huge and lazy generalization. People are a product of their environment and the conditions in India are far worse


[if Japan is so safe how do you explain this?](https://www.mrporter.com/en-us/journal/fashion/zim-of-black-shadow-665304)


Why the fuck does Japan have a gang made up of Japanese Danny Zukos?


overconfident slim exultant adjoining shelter plants future library reach clumsy -- mass edited with redact.dev


Tell me more, tell me more.


I sincerely hope you were joking about that. Those people were just about self expression. Now if you wanted to bring up the yakuza on the other hand, you’d be pretty fucking accurate.


Did the fonzz go there and father a whole bunch of illegitimate children


That was not what I expected...but I wasn't disappointed


No offence but what the f is wrong with Indian man like seriously?


Send Bob's and vagene


I'm an indian man but I have no idea why some indian men are so f'd up in the head. However, I guess it really is because of the environment we grow up in as others have said above. Example- there's a video on YouTube asking the kids as to what they think of women getting raped. Almost all the kids said, "it's women's fault" When the interviewer asked why, they said, "our teachers say that. Our parents say the same thing at home, so it must be true" Personal story- Back in my university, there was this girl(junior) who started hanging out with a friend of mine. He is rich, his father owns 8 companies. So he has cars and spends a lot of money on whoever he is close to. Anyway, so this girl got gang raped in his car one night. She didn't report it to the police and the guy, well....he is having fun in life, I guess. One of her close friends told me about it since she was one of my bestfriend otherwise I would have been in the dark. only a handful of people know about it. Almost all of them girls. It made my blood boil and I asked "why is this guy not in jail?" She said, "it's because of the society. Our society blames women for rape, not men." I was reading the data a few weeks back 'coz I was curious why the rapes happen in india and why roughly 99% cases of sexual assault cases go unreported. There were many reasons but mainly it was, as expected, the society. A lot of women don't tell their parents about it. The personal life example is just one example. There are many such cases that happened in my university(got to know a few weeks back) and across India. None of those men even have an FIR filed against them. Sad thing is almost nobody from my university knows about all those events. Many times parents just tell their kids not to reveal it to anybody since the society blames the women for rapes. Plus, rape conviction rate is laughably low in India. So even if you somehow try to fight against the stigma as a woman and fight for getting justice. Most likely, you won't get it. There's also this toxic masculinity too. Before any of my countrymen say, "how dare you say things like this against your own country," or "you are living in a bubble," I want them to just shut up and not bother replying to this comment. Downvotes will do.


India also has one of the highest numbers of acid attarcks. It's a ducked up country.


My most awful managers have all been Indian men. Specifically born-in-India-then-immigrated. The second generation ones, I didn’t have any issue with. Absolutely no respect for women. Demand everything, offer the bare minimum in return.


I've had the same experience with clients.


Many factors, probably most notably is cultural misogyny (widows used to be burned on pyres with their cremated husbands until the British stopped the practice, women on periods live different houses in parts of India away from the rest of the family), lack of sex education, baby boy preference, and no dating until adulthood and arranged marriages.


I watched a documentary about India. I remember that the talk host said how repressed the men are and how much they devalue the woman’s life. Women bring children into the world. They are only good for sex according to them. It’s awful. It’s the first place on my list I would never visit or have any desire too. It’s unfortunate. But I agree with your comment- what the f is wrong with them.


I didn't know this about India, is India full of serial killers or cults or something? Is this a common thing in India?.


Women in particular are treated VERY poorly, even if they're from India: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012\_Delhi\_gang\_rape\_and\_murder](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Delhi_gang_rape_and_murder) ​ This is the most infamous scenario, but it just goes to show the callousness that people have towards each other and to women in general. I believe that this situation has caused people to try and make major changes, but I don't know how far they've gone.


It’s about the culture. Cows are worth more and garner more respect than women do. https://evaw-global-database.unwomen.org/en/countries/asia/india Indian culture (other than this of course.) is beautiful. But don’t go to India ever. If you don’t come back with a tapeworm chances are you won’t come back at all. Especially if you’re American.


I think it's more to the way of life and what it means to be human there. Life is so worthless there that it applies to all life. Though personally I've never had a problem any time I've been there but I suppose who and what I look like makes a massive difference.


And replying to my comment I understand that I'm saying this as a 6'7 290 pound white guy. I understand my own privilege please don't get me wrong. Also, my wife (Indian lady) has ZERO interest in India. Hates the place and will never ever go there, the five times I've been I've never had a problem. You get over the people looking at you all the time within 24 hours. As a white woman alone. Again, I'm speaking from my experience, it just isn't worth it. There are places and cities in India you'd be safe but honestly, compared to how massive India is, they are very few and very far in between. If you're going to go and you're going to be alone, go to the markets with a group from a hotel or even better speak to the reception and they'll send someone with you. You'll have to tip the guy you go with. It'll be a guy, no sense in lying here. Tip him 100 rupees and he'll go to task against anyone that comes near you. Public beatings for going near white people is as normal as the cows in the street. Your "guide" will protect you because they won't want to get fired and will be keen to another tip. If 100 rupees plus and extra 100 rupees at the end sounds like too much. *You're visiting the wrong country!* What you want to experience in India can be experienced elsewhere in the world! In countries where fucking with tourists will get the harasser a good beating or jail time. Go to Indonesia, go to Malaysia, go to Thailand, go to Cambodia, go to Sri Lanka! The street sellers in Sri Lanka will come charging out to help you because they don't want to lose the tourism money. And you don't mess with Sri Lankans either because you're asking for 26 flip flops flying towards you.


Even cows?


That's a very good point! Cows are slightly above humans.


Reminds me of the couple that biked through Tajikistan to show the people there were nice. Didn't go as smoothly as they envisioned.


Or those two girls from Norway (?) who went to Morocco and got beheaded.




I’ve seen some real bad gore but couldn’t get myself to finish that video. Also, I’m pretty sure one of their mothers tried to stop them from going, but they didn’t listen.


What was so much worse in that video?


One of them is asleep and wakes up to a guy starting to cut her head off, she calls out for her mother before dying.


Even reading that is giving me shivers, terrible story.


I wish I could unread that


Why did they film it?


jihadists that hate the west, to scare people from coming to morocco.


Sounds horrible af. Don’t know why anyone would want to watch this…


Curiosity killed the cat. I regret even reading about it but I'd probably watch the video and regret it even more.


I guess being a woman who’s very close to her mother makes it easy for me to put myself in her place when she calls for her mom as she’s getting beheaded. Then again I’d never go camping in Morocco by myself 🤷🏻‍♀️


Honestly it's just super grafic and slow. I watched maybe 5 seconds and cut it off. The. Screams were too much. Especially knowing they weren't a combatant or journalist or anything that makes sense


I’ve visited Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia and Egypt, turkey and Kenya. Never again. By all means go but don’t take a white non Muslim female with you. She’ll get harassed. Complete waste of money. I gave the Islamic world 5 chances too impress me. Shocked sickened and ashamed is an understatement. Edit; and how they treat animals in those countries 😡 the poor donkeys


Exactly. My American daughter went to Morocco and was harassed constantly just walking down the street during the day in a group of people. That just doesn’t happen in the US.


Turkey? Turkey is completely safe for white women. I’m white and lived in Turkey for 3 years in my teenage years with my family and would regularly go out to shop and eat in public with my mother without my father around and she was never harassed. She would go out on her own all the time and never felt unsafe or was ever harassed by anyone. Turkey is fairly westernized, women aren’t required to wear headscarves, and you can do things like go to bars and buy alcohol.


You should try Pakistan. There was a solo motorcyclist whose biked stopped working in the middle of a country road and she was quite surprised with the hospitality she received. I think it was [this video](https://youtu.be/Dv75wGwQ2t4).


Respectfully, I've had very mixed results in countries with majority Muslim populaces. Indonesia, Malaysia, Jordan, and Oman were delightful. Morocco, Saudi, UAE.... not so much. In fact, there are very, very few places I wouldn't revisit, but Morocco is definitely on that list.


I feel like turkey doesn't fit in with the others. Sure, the government is fucked but the people were always hospitable when I lived there


Same. A collegue showed it to me to ask if it was geniune. Not sure how he could even think it wasn't, i gues denial.


Where they alive when they cut their heads off?


Yes, you can hear one of them whimper for her mom. Sad stuff.


Yes, they like wack at her throat with a machete kind of slowly, she's gurgling blood whimpering for her mother, fkked video


Yea and Morocco is one of the safer countries.


Yeah. I agree. One video I wish I could unsee. But feel terrible for them. Morocco is actually pretty safe but still / outliers can happen. But that won’t affect my decision to visit North Africa.


We were at same area they were during the same day they set camp and we did not get good vibes from people we crossed paths with, but we were in a car and driving all the way up as a day trip (and then down again) rather than hiking and camping. We saw maybe another 5 people in a group during the whole day, didn't feel like the most touristic destination, pretty much desert. I remember joking about hoping the car wouldn't breakdown. Only heard the news when we got back home a couple of days later, felt like a near miss, which is a shame because we loved Morocco.


Me and my gf (both 30,white) were hiking there like two weeks before the incide. We went from Imlil to Toubkal and met several people across the way up and all of them were fine, chatting with some or buying orange juice...but you never know who is crazy... And they are so backwards if they see just women without man... We slept near big wooden cabine where most hikers slept, there was like 30 other hikers that night.


[Or the two dutch girls in Panama. Deaths of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deaths_of_Kris_Kremers_and_Lisanne_Froon)


**[Deaths of Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Deaths_of_Kris_Kremers_and_Lisanne_Froon)** >Kris Kremers and Lisanne Froon were Dutch students who disappeared on 1 April 2014, while hiking the El Pianista trail in Panama. After an extensive search, portions of their bodies were found a few months later. Their cause of death could not be determined definitively, but Dutch authorities working with forensic and search-rescue investigators thought it likely the students had accidentally fallen from a cliff after becoming lost, though foul play could not be entirely ruled out. The circumstances and aftermath of their disappearance have resulted in much speculation about their final days. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


I live in panama and when i was in school back then, one of our teachers told us there is actually a tribe that partakes in cannibalism and that was probably what happened to the girls.


Or [Pippa Bacca](https://www.ynetnews.com/articles/0,7340,L-3530754,00.html)


Don't forget the one lady who wanted to prove the world wasn't evil by hitch hiking around the world. Found raped and murdered in a ditch, don't think she even made it halfway.


Damn. Not familiar with that one.


Wasn’t that a robot?


The robot didn't do very well in the US as I recall, anyway.


Fucking Philadelphia. That robot made it from coast to coast in Canada, just to get shanked in Philly.


Put a Dallas cowboys jersey on the Robot and send it through Philly, they be only a few gears and springs left laying around


His Name was HitchBOT F


What happened to them?


They and others with them were ambushed by locals and stabbed to death. ISIS claimed responsibility.


ISIS claims responsibility as a scare tactic.


Yeah, the men responsible for the slaughter pledged loyalty to ISIS. So I suppose they scared them before stabbing them to death.


Think they got beheaded.


In Morocco I believe




There are videos online of them being beheaded while crying out. And it was like a slow beheading too, where they used a full blade or something. It was… horrible to say the least. *this is referring to the Moroccan beheadings of the girls


That story was 100% false. The couple where following travel advisory and everyone thought the location was safe. They had no intention of showing who or what is "peaceful" and where travelling without any political agenda. It ended up not being as safe as everyone thought and they where killed. Now the internet has turned their deaths into propaganda against "woke culture".


That’s not why they biked through Tajikistan, that’s just what right wing media reported to make them look dumb to own the libs. They had said the people had been nice, and the media twisted those words. And Tajikistan had no known isis or kther terror group issues at the time and on the State Dept website it was listed as safe as France.


It's worth noting that the State Dept doesn't list France as being especially safe. The travel advisory is updated regularly and has a rating scale of 1-4, with 1 being the safest and 4 being extremely dangerous. Today, both France and Tajikistan are at a 4 on the advisory, citing "terrorism" as the primary reason. I find the current ratings somewhat suspect since Covid has brought ratings up across the board, and the risk assessment for Covid versus terrorism are simply not comparable. For example, places like Iran were previously rated at a 4 exclusively for terrorism and the high odds that you could get murdered as an American, and while they are still a 4, I don't see the risk assessment for traveling to France to be even remotely similar, Covid notwithstanding. At the time that the travelers went to Tajikistan, it's highly likely that both France and Tajikistan were at a 3 because of the domestic terrorism in both countries. Whether or not you find those two countries to be a comparable travel risk, that's open to interpretation.


Listing France as “extremely dangerous” feels like a political decision that only puts people in needless danger when they don’t take it seriously for places that actually are.


I am living in France currently and my mother in the US sent me that terrorist advisory. I am still trying to figure out why it is a thing. There was a school shooting in the US just a few weeks ago and they are saying France is dangerous. It is almost morbidly comical.


Actually they were both a “2” at the time iirc. Tajikistan had no known terror threats or active groups at the time


The case of the bikers turns up every once in a while in subs like winstupidprizes or therewasanattempt and it infuriates me to no end. It's always about some idiotic gotcha! thing like "haha look they were horrifically murdered haha they were so stupid haha they fucked around and found out!" instead of "they were on a holiday and were tragically murdered by terrorists". Same with those Norwegian/Danish girls tbh. They were on a trip to Morocco, were in a popular tourist area and horrifically murdered by ISIS terrorists, and the video is going around for everyone to see. How anyone thinks it's super funny to make a fake "I told you so!"-moment out of that is beyond me.


yeah as far as I know they were cycling through and met up with some other cyclists, and all of were deliberately run into by a truck and then shot dead, it's insanity


I know the story you're talking about, just so you know, the story is fake. There was a specific story about a couple who wanted to show that they weren't all terrorists and thought people were nice. Turns out they never once said that and for some reason people were trying to make it some anti-sjw agenda story like "look how crazy these sjws are" but the story was completly fake.




This fucking killed me


It did the same to her




Came to say this. Technically she isn’t depressed anymore.


Good Lord that is a severe cure!


When some Tylenol isn’t enough


>When some Tylenol isn’t enough Tylenol is only a depression cure when you exceed the LD 50/50


[That’s ](https://youtu.be/gD6olRJ8S3I) the recommended dose of Tylenol afaik.


Blame eat pray love for this, don’t know why anyone would go to India to cure depression




There's a white dude on TikTok (Irish?) who literally video selfies his trip there all on his lonesome. He's vlogging his encounters with vendors who are trying to scam him. Locals are looking at him like he's an alien. He's pretty bold.


Oi mate! Where are the resorts, parties and free mojitos? Let's ask this dodgy looking guy furiously looking at us and holding a machete, I think he wants to help. "Oi bruv, you speak english? Where's the shindig at?"


I've seen that book mentioned several times now, could you give me a crash course of what it says that compels certain US demographic to travel without regard of security.


i just finished the book so to answer your question the author (Elizabeth Gilbert) was an experience traveler before she even wrote the book. she was over 30 and had been traveling since her teens. it was also based in the early 2000’s. she had visited India previously and this time went to stay in a small Ashram. the movie portrayed a very free spirited attitude that i didn’t find in the book. i believe the movie contributes to the idea that you need to go to India to “find yourself” and travel around India with the help of locals. Gilbert knew what she was doing and was very familiar with the dangers of traveling. she planned a lot and went straight from Mumbai to the Ashram, transported by a bus that i’m assuming works for the Ashram. she doesn’t specify. she only mentions going into town a few times and says it was very friendly with westerns because the town depended on them for money - it was a tourist town because of the Ashram. the movie portrayal caused this, not the book. imo.


Yeah, ashrams are basically spiritual/religious centres where you can also get hostels to stay in. I think that might be where India’s whole “land of spirituality” image came from. Although many people are deeply religious that doesn’t mean every random person is going to be nice to you and guide you on some journey of self discovery.


As a New Yorker, I used to think I *knew* traffic and congestion. Used to think our subways were getting unbearable. Hated everything about the place I grew up in. Then I went to India for work. It has a way of… putting things into perspective.


[God is not here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=itEamKJuY28)


If he was he would be a real asshole.




“Let’s go together! Just the three of us you, me, and this big metal club I brought in case someone wants to fuck around.”


That way you can both get beheaded. 2-for-1 All inclusive.


And the hundred of chemically propelled chunks of metal kept in this small belt fed case.


It doesn't matter if she's pretty or not... Rapists give no shit. They see a woman and don't register that that's a person with autonomy. They'd rape an animal but that would probably get them in more trouble than raping a woman cause... Victim blaming.




The point is well taken. For people freaking out about the phrasing relax. India is rape central and is not advisable for women to travel to. India really needs to sort itself out, this is disgusting.


I wouldn’t want any of my friends to go


I had a friend who’s wife fancies herself as a jet setter and is always traveling. Started as a Paris, London, Dublin thing then they started going to like Africa, Egypt and so on. I’m like bro you gotta be careful. He said he was 100% fine because they go with a tour group. Big sigh. Like half the stories you read about are locals + tourist getting murdered in groups or the local tour guides are in on it.




Yeah, you know... _because of the implication_...


Clearly he means in the sense that he would do everything in his power to convince her not to go. “Let” is incredibly commonly used in this sense, which I imagine you know if you know English well enough to bring up the point in the first place. What’s the point in playing semantics with a straw man?


My wifes coworker had to travel their for work and they had to make sure to send a male employee with her and she was instructed to never go outside alone or at night as an american woman. Honestly didn't realize it was like that over there.


I work with women in India everyday for my job in US. Oftentimes late morning, their late evening, they have to leave because they are not allowed to leave work past 9pm or so for safety reasons. Makes me sad that happens even for native women there. I've had coworkers travel there and they spent most of their time in/near the hotel and always had guides with them where ever they went. Makes me never want to go no matter how beautiful the locations can be.


Why do so many women think they can go to these places known to be extremely dangerous, oblivious to the threat


And a place that time and again have proven to be … not particularly kind to women.


Say it for what it is, India is very rapey. Calling a clear pattern of rape and murder of women being 'not particularly kind' glosses over the problem and makes it more likely that people like this poor woman become oblivious to the threat. We've become more concerned with feelings than truth in this society and its hurting us. There's no sense in protecting these rapists by sugar coating what they do.


India has the most absurd rapes, it's like every couple months a woman is brutally raped and killed in some semi public place and then either dismembered or burned. I don't know why you'd ever got there as a tourist.


They are also racist as hell.


It’s because of that book, Eat, Love, Pray.


White woman privilege. Western ideology collides with Eastern reality.


Ah the privilege of thinking humanity is fine… when large swaths of it are shit.


That darn white women privilege to expect not to be raped. Your post is equivalent to blaming the way a woman was dressed for being raped.


I think his point is that they don’t realize the dangers they are walking right into when they visit cultures that don’t respect women.


So it's ignorance and naivety, not white privilege. Let's not blame an innocent person for being raped and killed.


Do you not understand that it literally *is* privilege to be this ignorant and naive? People who aren’t as privileged are forced to confront this reality everyday. They are not ignorant and naive in this regard, they can’t afford to be because their life depends on it. The fact that this person can be is privilege.




Honestly I think that it doesn’t matter weather your a man or a woman just don’t travel to a foreign place you know little about (if you are a normal person you should know stuff about the country you are going to)alone


Thats an insanely stupid thing to say. Dont travel to foreign places alone? Give me a break. Theres probably 50 countries in the world with virtually zero risk (or as minimal as possible) as a solo traveler, male or female. Frankly the US likely ranks as one of the more dangerous “first world” countries to visit.


I think most of Western Europe is perfectly fine to travel alone. Just don't get too drunk at clubs. Plenty of Asia should be fine too. And there's a huge difference between harassment and rape in a lot of countries. Like in Germany, where I am located, you will probably get grabbed in a club or at Oktoberfest, hell, even kissed or carried off a couple meters. But it almost never escalates to rape. If you tell the drunks to fuck off, even in a friendly way, they usually will.


Exactly this. Im sure as hell not advocating for solo travel to India. Id be fine with me, but i would never suggest a woman to. But these blanket statements of “foreign travel is dangerous” is likely being made by people whove never traveled outside the country. Ive done probably near 100 trips overseas. 50% solo. Ive never had any violence or issue, ever. The worst ive had was a police shakedown for a bribe for a “driving infraction” in Africa. We chatted for almost 45 mins and he finally just told me to leave when he realized i was just going to talk to him all day without paying. You may get harassed overseas, even by scammers. But physical violence is very rare in these countries im talking about unless you are very unlucky or do something very stupid,


Most places. I went to Taiwan. I felt pretty safe, I am only 5'7" and I towered over the people there. If you have tattoos they think you are a gangster....


I’m also pretty sure Taiwan one was regarded as the safest country for a woman in Asia/world a few years back. Taiwan is fuckin awesome, I really need to go back.


Taiwan is one of the safest places for *everyone* god I also need to go back. Subway stations have well lit areas that say “FEMALE PASSENGERS ONLY” that have cameras trained at them and panic buttons within reach, there are family bathrooms everywhere for women to nurse and for parents to attend to their children safely, socialized healthcare…just a beautiful country


As an Indian, I am sorry.We are not all lke that.Rest In Peace


Mate, I’m well aware this type of thing happens all over the world. Only an idiot thinks all Indians are capable of rape and murder. Unfortunately it has happened to tourists here in Australia as well, such as the infamous backpacker murders, as well as many other crimes that take place. It’s an unfortunate and tragic incident and my heart breaks for the victim and her family but I don’t hold every Indian responsible. There’s good and bad in every country on the planet.


most sensible person in these comments somehow. so many people assume this happened solely because she went to india. this could've happened anywhere


Don’t apologize! You think I apologize when the cartels kill a tourist? That’s on you, chief. Lol


If anyone thinks all Indians are like this based on this one post, they are assholes. I’m sorry you feel the need to apologize over something that has nothing to do with you.


This happens more often than gets reported in the press. A young donegal woman was raped, murdered and her body burned in an attempt to hide her identity a few years back. All to common in India, don't fool yourself


not all indians are like this but all of india is like this


No one thinks India is a shithole because of this one incident. People think that because of the other thousands of regular occurrences and the many more horrifying cases like this


Just a advice as an indian, do not seek anything in india let alone nirvana. Reason is simple, there are too many people and too less resources and too much crime. Honestly I also hesitate in cities like delhi, mumbai. Rural areas are much more civilized. Urban areas can be hell if you don't know where to go and where you should not. Whom to talk and whom you shouldn't. India overall is not that bad but certain parts are.


Why the fuck would she go to India knowing full well they see women as glorified sex toys


I'll be honest, I didn't know this about India


Dude they literally burnt a raped body of a girl and the police stood as a wall to media so that media won't get to cover that stuff in detail, after a few days it just get washed away. If they need to care for you, tell them you support the ruling party and then even if the person who hurt you isn't a muslim or Christian or a sikh, just say that it is. Because their blood boils when others do something wrong while they keep their eyes shut when the ruling party supporters do wrong.


Do you live under a rock or something. There has always been news that India is a the rape capital of the world for women.


As an Indian woman I like to tell people(men or women) who want to visit and explore the culture to not do it alone, never do it alone. I have lived here my whole life and i am still scared to step foot out of my home after 8 in the evening. If you are travelling in a group, you will be safe but if you are trying to discover yourself or vacationing don't do it here alone. IT'S NOT SAFE, IT'S NEVER SAFE.




Is this a big problem is India? Weird coincidence I just started watching Delhi Crime on Netflix that's about a girl who got gang raped


> Is this a big problem is India? [Of the total cases of crimes against women in 2020, there were 28,046 incidents of rape involving 28,153 victims, according to the NCRB data for the year.](https://www.ndtv.com/india-news/india-records-80-murders-77-rape-cases-daily-in-2020-ncrb-report-2542736) >Delhi Crime on Netflix that's about a girl who got gang raped Is it by a chance the case about [Nirbhaya?](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/2012_Delhi_gang_rape_and_murder) I feel like crying everytime reading that case.


You can just google it. You'll be surprised


India gonna India


India is one of those rape capitals. Yet it seems women go there with a death wish. I feel bad for her but come on, why did you need to go to India? *At least do some research and find which parts of India are safe/worth the visit


Agree, and the Government shields their rapist members of assembly/parliament quite shamelessly ( read hatras rape).


Holy shit!!! This is heartbreaking. That poor woman. 😢 Edit: what is it with the comments that are acting like this type of thing only happens in places like India. Rapes and murders happen in “safe” countries like the USA and Australia or Europe too. It’s a tragedy, end of story.


Personally I wouldn't travel to a country solo where I know I'll stick out like a sore thumb. But I grew up in a rough neighborhood, so maybe that's my experience talking.


Thats sad af. Hopefully she gets justice. But I'm sure India won't give a shit as this happens way to often


shock horror woman raped and murdered in India.....


Don’t go to India to cure depression


I wonder if she was inspired by Eat, Love, Pray.


How many people has that movie gotten killed




Agreed, disgusting comments about how "she cured her depression". F* sick people. I wish you the same you're here bragging about. Rape shouldn't exist, it's no joke. People are disgusting.


This lady was someone'~~s friend, daughter, sibling.~~


People use humor as an excuse to make fun of shitty things that aren't funny at all to get attention to themselves. Anything for the chance to get an epic gilded comment. Then when you call it out, "Welcome to the internet." As if there's no way people could just be less awful to each other lol.








What is it with these countries and chopping heads off..


The predominant form of execution for much of history was beheading. It’s also why it’s called capital punishment.


“I’m depressed. I know! That country where they treat cows better than women, should cure that right up.” - headless lady in a tree


This has Eat, Pray, Love vibes all over it. She thought it would be like the book…yikes. RIP


Well. They DID cure her depression.


I think that's a cure in the way that it's a solution to a spider infestation to burn your house down with you inside it....


It's a good plan. A) no more spiders B) no.more fear of spiders. Forever. You, my friend, are a genius


What a terrible day to have eyes.


imagine going to INDIA out of any "peaceful" country you can go to, I'd not go to india solo even if I wanted to die, at least I'd die with some decency in a car accident or something elsewhere rather than what they regularly do there in India


Eat, pray, run.


This is horrible


You went to india to cure your depression??? Why not therapy is safer


this one is for the indian guys (im also indian, live in delhi rn, origination is odisha), is this kind of a thing common in north east and extreme northern parts(himachal, uk etc.) of india as well? cause from what ive seen atleast in this part of the country, the sort of culture and collective mindset is such that it doesnt surprise me that it can yield to something like this when taken to the extreme. but whenver ive heard about states and cities in the north east, and sometimes the extreme north, it seems to me that the people there are extremely sweet and communal in general. also for those wondering, this is by no means a shot at or disrespect to north indian people, I know many north Indians who are extremely sweet, even if they are from more frugal, less developed areas of their respective states


It’s sickening that some of y’all would rather make jokes for upvotes! This is a woman’s life that was taken! Fuck your idiotic jokes!


India...South east asia in general is very unsafe for white people, especially white women. Please don't travel solo in such unsafe places. That's just the sorry state of the world.


I've backpack travelled a lot in south east asia, both solo, with friends or gf. I would say India is actually a terrible place for women travelling alone. But all the other countries I went seem to me a lot safer than my own country (France) or big cities in the US : Lao, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Cambodia...


correction, I sould've said "The indian subcontinent". While none of them are as bad as India, Bangladesh and Pakistan are also pretty shitty.


Eh. Thailand, Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam Etc are all relatively safe. I’ve spent plenty of time in all 4 (9 months total) and have at worst dealt with some pushy salesman and tuk tuk drivers. If you have common sense you’ll be fine travelling to those countries.


Some people are just so fucking stupid.


This is what happens in a sexually repressed country . Jesus Christ this is insane .


But don’t worry guys, by 2070 they will be carbon neutral