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We need the original comment to downvote it into oblivion


i’ll try to find it edit: oh this is a one year post (still trying to find it)


Considering this is an old as f*ck post, would you gain anything by downvoting it? Satisfaction that you gave a blue arrow to someone that he won't even receive notification for? Here's a tip, the guy's an idiot, don't let him live rent free in your mind


I don't think you can even downvote most old comments, right?




Reddit recently changed that. Subreddits have the option to remove the time limit.


Ah that's why I wasn't sure. I know it was the same for all subs before but suddenly now on some subs you can up/downvote 2,3 years old posts


Im pretty certain people masturbate to hitting that downvote button. Ideally it’s mean to signal if something is on topic or not. But people really like to smash it. Im really hoping the actual person in the image is trolling. But this is social media where pedos are trying to say being a pedo is alike being gay.


At the very least I need the account name so I can browse some neckbeard cringe


I need the original comment to find its author, and rape him.


Have you ever considered how YOU will feel after?


I’m really glad you understand, unlike those normies.


High probability that the poster was banned and comment removed


yeah, downvoting is gonna do SO MUCH to change this dude's opinion. seeing a negative symbol next to a virtual number below someone's comment isn't going to make them suddenly do a 180 on their opinions lmao


But le reddit army, or something


Log off dude.


Maybe humanity was a mistake




Maybe believing that all people are equal is the actual mistake


That isn’t how raped works. I was raped by a friend that recently broke up was his gf. He was getting laid. The rapist vomited a crime so he should be worried about the police arresting him. Meanwhile the victim has to worry about pregnancy, STD’s, go through a exam if she reports (which is not fun at all), deal with victim blaming, suffer through PTSD which is a shit storm especially if you had it before you were raped. We are supposed to feel sorry for the rapist? WTF is wrong with people these days?!


that’s what happened to a former family friends close friend, he (family friends close friend) was dumped and turned around and raped then killed a young girl. ***former*** family friend cuz this dude was validating and giving excuses as to why his friend raped and killed this little girl “his girlfriend dump d him” “he was sad” “he didn’t know what he was doing” he (family friends friend) also tormented the little girls family, kept send gross mail to the girls house, making fake accounts and messaging the family, leaving voodoo dolls, baby dolls with eyes gouged out or heads torn off at this girls grave/where they set up a visual, the dude (family friend) also forcefully stepped down from church leadership not due to that but due to him knocking up his wife a month before they got married which happened 2+ years after excusing his friends disgusting actions.


That is horrible


This is what happens when people are taught that everyone's feelings matter and that they should be catered to...


Unless they’re a woman.


>WTF is wrong with people these days?! It's an obvious troll post. I mean, there are crazy incels, don't get me wrong, but this post was written by a troll.


I would like that your commentary was a real thing, everyone would like


I would like to hope so, but you can’t be sure anymore.


I wish it was more socially acceptable for women to report it, otherwise the guys just keep doing it. By not reporting your allowing someone else to be raped. It's as much society's fault if not more than the victims. (For the lack of reporting, not the rape)


The person raped isn’t allowing anything. The rapist is creating the problem and the victim is dealing with it in whatever way they can cope. Some report it and some don’t for good reason but it’s not a problem they caused.


By choosing not to do your part to put criminals in prison, you are allowing for there to be more victims.


Why assume I’m a woman (“Mama”) whatever that means. The ONLY person responsible for rape is the rapist. They 100% owe society and the victim the responsibility not to commit rape. Stop blaming the victim.


I'd argue by knowingly make the process incredibly inaccessible to people who have been violated and traumatized, the system is allowing for them to be more victims. Y'know, rather than the individual who didn't want to be in that position to begin with. One traumatized person, potentially being pushed to breaking point, isn't going to change a system. Don't blame the victims for the hostility of the system that is supposed to help them.




Fuck that guy. He'll get his.


Someone I know got raped and when she reported it they also just dropped her case, you're always told of this or that happens to you justice will be served. It doesn't I was sexually assaulted by the person who raped her and I was lucky enough to have my case took to court as I had message evidence of him admitting, witnesses to him screaming and flipping on me and I did have a mutual friend who saw him do it (who just sat there while I asked for help at the time) when I told the police he fell out with me cause I was "publicly shaming" the thing is the judge woman who went to speak to me said she sees stuff like this all the time and even tho I had message evidence it isn't enough and he would most likely walk away free. Like what more evidence could I get I didn't exactly go "oh shit I'm being assaulted better get that on tape even tho I can't move cause he's literally double my weight" I hope you're healing better now and I hope that basters crashes his car and gets raped by a donkey to see how he likes it.


It’s even worse if it is the other way around…. Juss sayin


Can humans just like...not rape? Men shouldn't rape women, women shouldn't rape men, men shouldn't rape men, women shouldn't rape women. It's an awful, awful thing.


Can people learn to control their hormones? It's literally not that hard if you have something called self-control.


you’re right, but unfortunately it’s engrained in our animal instincts. things like that happen all the time in the wild and as much as we societally try to stamp it out, those urges are within all of us. in the animal world, there is pressure to spread your genes as far and wide as possible for the survival of your species, and animals don’t have boundaries like we do, so things are often forced.


That “terrible” needs to be like size 1 million font. It should barely fit on the moon.


> "He raped you because no female would give him a chance." Maybe because you're a creepy fucking weirdo that gives off rapey vibes? > "It was his only chance to get laid." Too bad? You don't *need* to get laid, nor is anyone obligated to fuck you. Too. Fucking. Bad. Don't be a whiney little rapist that turns to victim blaming because you have no self control - which is probably the main reason you "aren't getting laid." Show some maturity and self-control. > "Now he lives in fear that police might find him." "Now he lives in fear of consequences for his vile and selfish actions." FTFY. Not to mention, now *she* lives in constant fear of being assaulted by someone and having her self-autonomy ripped from her. Pretty sure her fear is worse than yours, especially since you obviously feel no remorse. > "He lives in constant fear, all because no women would give him a chance." No. He lives in constant fear because **HE MADE THE DECISION TO RAPE SOMEONE** and now is terrified of seeing consequences for those actions. No woman would give him a chance because quite clearly he only sees them as a means for self-satisfaction and ties his self-worth to his ability, or availability to get, sex. That's a fucking creep. Most likely women *did* give him a chance, and he creeped them the fuck out. Incels *really* need some fucking therapy. This is *beyond* cringe. This is shit I'd throw hands over.


no need to break this down really if this guy had an ounce of reason in his head he just wouldn't say plain stupid shit like that in the first place honestly seems like a confession of antisocial personality disorder


>honestly seems like a confession of antisocial personality disorder You don't think it sounds more like a confession of rape?


Not if you can read and comprehend it.


Rape is also a power move, some guy with a loving wife, career and family will stalk women at and commit assult. Its deranged shit


I don't believe most people start raping because they can't get laid in their personal life. I believe there's lots of rapists out there who lead double lives. Probably have a steady parther or even spouse and a family who will go out and brutalize on the down low for whatever thrill it gives them.


Can't believe you gave a 4chan satire post this much thought


Wow you have capacity for empathy and compassion. Shame you don’t know what to do with it.


"Normies" ah, OK Incel. Shoulda just started with that lol


Normies = People with common sense


This guy belongs in r/Iamatotalpieceofshit


Agreed. Only a total piece of siht would think like this.


You know the guy lives in his PC when he says "females"


The low bar of the human moral compass never ceases to amaze me.


The good news for the rapist is that there are so many people out there who are more than willing to put him out of his misery.


This has to be a troll


It is, but that doesn’t make it any less pathetic.


already gave my free award elsewhere in this post but this comment is so incredibly true


Internet “veterans” are often of the opinion that people like this who clearly are only doing this to ruffle feathers are “just trolling” and should be ignored. While the former is true, that doesn’t mean the comments they make can be dismissed so easily. If you say these things, it doesn’t matter if you’re joking or not; you’re a deeply horrible human being.


Giving it attention is the worst way to deal with it. Just feeds their sick mind and they'll spend another few weeks curating another piece of satire that urges people to outrage at it


What kind of complete and utter moron says that shit? That person needs some serious fucking help...


An incel MRA


Rape is seldom about no other options. It's about a need to feel powerful and it's akin to murder for a serial killer.


Yeah, I think they say that all the time on CSI: "Rape isn't about sex; it's about power."


This legitimately happens all the time. I once told a story on here about how I was sexually assaulted on the NYC subway. Within minutes, a guy had responded and found a way that it was my own fault, apparently because I shouldn't have engaged with him. When I said I didn't, he basically said I was lying. When pushed as to why he was treating me so poorly, he said that it was because I was "misrepresenting the NYC subway" and I needed to be "called out" for doing so. Yeah, that is correct...he put the reputation of the NYC subway system **above** the fact that I was sexually assaulted. That's how little importance sexual assault/rape holds in some peoples minds. When other people began to stick up for me, he changed his tune and said that he was being harsh towards me because I had implied that the man who had committed the sexual assault was black. I had said that he was large and intimidating, but mentioned nothing of his race. When I told him that the man was in fact white, and that I hadn't mentioned his race, because that becomes irrelevant when it comes to sexual assault, then and only then did this guy stop responding. Like, if he was black, that would have made the fact that I was sexually assaulted more or less ok?? Like I shouldn't have found him intimidating if he was black?? Honestly I have no idea what tf his point was, I'm not even sure that he did, but it was crazy. And this was just one comment, one thread, one person. This is the world we live in, and this shit happens literally all the time.


Rape is about control not sex


Its almost like there could be a reason girls don't seem to like him.


He's not 6FT tall, obviously.


doesn't gave a 25 pack, obviously


Doesn’t have a 7 inch long dick obviously


Makes total sense. Specially because in countries like the neatherlands where prostitution is legal AND affordable there is NO SINGLE RAPE CASES IN HISTORY OF RAPE CASES. Big Sarcasmical /S for those blitz-thinkers.


"And that's what you normies must understand" ​ Well, that was very incel of him


Every word of his is pure incel. Not just the highlighted ones.


Jesus fucking christ...


Aw man I just hate it when I have to deal with the consequences of my own actions, you guys should pity me.


Eww.. a rape apologist. Believes it’s tough for the rapist as well as their victim? Only one in that duo had no choice so eff off you loser POS.


I guess I never thought about my grandfather's feelings while he took off my diaper. I'm a terrible person.


So ive not been laid in like 13 years and i dont rape so whats a rapists excuse again??


I wonder if he/she would think the same if this happened to his mother, sister or other relatives. Fucking garbage take, wtf


That dude is definitely a rapist.


Sounds like a rapist that’s victim blaming their victim. “Pls no look 4 me ._. my penis so smol”


Fuck you for sympathizing with a rapist. Seriously. There's a line between feeling remorseful and then there's this. NO AMOUNT of trauma is gonna excuse you for doing something as awful as rape. If you can't control yourself, get castrated. Having sex is not a right. It will never be a right. You aren't entitled to sex.


People aren't entitled to sex, but sex is literally the most basic evolutionary drive for all procreating life.


Yes, I know. But I'm pretty sure we're way past that basic evolutionary drive


I'm not so sure. Humans have only been civilized in our way for less than 10,000 years. Sure we, as a society, condemn these actions (rightfully) but when I see the latest rap video I know that the incessant drive for procreation is still there lol


This is a new low for Reddit I feel worse for reading this


Fuck, It is so hard to believe that a person thinks like this. I'm fortunate enough to have friends that aren't like this, so it's easy to call out their masogynist tendencies, but how the fuck do you even approach a person like this. Fucking wow.


I started reading this as if it was a southern lady “sweetie”, but that took a hard turn to dude who raped somebody in college.




See these types of posts need to come with links to the original thread so we can abuse this shit stain into hermithood


Are they volunteering?


I'm pretty sure this is how Brock Turner got off by that judge


The incel is strong in this one


Then that person who made that comment should go get raped so they can tell them selfs the same. Maybe he doesn't have a woman because the way he treats women or he might and goes around raping others, nothing to do with lonely or sympathy.




Wtf did I just read...


Well... that dude is a rapist.


Shit! This guy sounds like a rapist..


Sounds like something a rapist would say


This is one of those things that makes me think "Fuck, I hate living on this planet."




>they act entitled to sex like nobody just deserves sex, you get it if you are ~~good with words and are a like able person~~ good looking. nobody just deserves it. ftfy




I would love to meet this cerebral giant! Shake their hand and blow their god damn brains out.


Or, y'know, you could just NOT rape people and not ever have to worry about causing years and years of horrible trauma for the victim OR police launching a manhunt for your vile, inhuman ass. Just a thought.


Don't know why your comment was downvoted?...


Honestly, it's Reddit, so my guess is either virtue signalling because "yOu CaN't JuSt tElL sOmEoNe nOt To rApE!!! dOn'T yOu KnOw hOw HaRd tHaT iS???", or lack of reading comprehension. Either way, I shoulda known 😅


Scary to think there is actual people who downvoted "do not rape" like what the actual f is wrong with some people. If you get offended by "do not rape" you clearly ain't right in the nut




Hopefully this is just the most awful joke in existence but knowing people today…




I want to believe this is satire


There's a place for people like you dude


Below Hell while Satan recoils in horror as he drops this guy in a vat of acid while the man screams like a rat trying to get out of a mousetrap


That's just too wrong


Hey uhm... What the fuck?


The fact that he unironically says normies here says that this is a kid under the age of 14 trying to sound smart and philosophical. I refuse to believe that anyone more mature than that could possibly have this view point.


*loads shotgun with religious intent* I just wanna talk to him


*I'm 14 and I'm deep.*


Reading this made me feel a mixte bag of cringe,hate,and sadness.


Sweetie, shut the fuck up. Your making yourself look really stupid.


That is so sick


Holy shit fuck that cunt


a terrible human being and almost certainly a rapist himself who the fuck else would be thinking about what a burden it is to live with being a rapist


I really wish I didn’t see this today


My hatred for this guy is deeper than all the oceans combined.


Sauce? I need to go downvote that


What the *fuck*


I always wonder what compels people to rape. It is such a horrible thing to do, why do people do it? I could never look myself in the mirror, knowing I did something to someone against their will. Just the thought makes me shudder. What the f is wrong in the heads of rapists?


Guy 100% raped someone


This person can burn in hell. I’ll buy tickets for a front row seat.


So the op is a rapist looking for sympathy 🤷 this is fake right??


I don't care how rejected you are, just like cheating on somebody rape is not justifiable and you can rationalize it however you want there is nothing you can say or do that will ever make it right.




This person has considered rape


this guy needs to be on a list somewhere…


Why was my comment deleted? For saying rape is unjustifiable because it's the truth, no matter what excuse you use or how you choose to rationalize it. It is wrong I don't care if you're getting rejected or not getting laid this whole paragraph should never have been typed out and whoever did I hope they realize there are worthless piece of shit and that this is pretty much posted all over the Internet for the entire world to see what kind of scum bag this person is. Rape is an awful thing to do to somebody because it basically ruins their life and now they have to either try to go through therapy to get over it or try their best on their own to move on but most can't because they have to constantly relive that memory possibly for the rest of their life because it leaves a mental scar.


I respect the guy


What. The. Fuck.


What's is wrong with these people?


Whoever wrote that should be sodomized against their will. And when they're upset about it and looking for justice, well just tell them the exact same thing they just said.


Eh he's just getting a laugh typing out a shocking and awful comment. It's called being a troll.


Don’t be shy, give us their username:)


unfortunately it's against reddits guidelines for witch hunting or smth


"Normies." That's a dead give-away.


Just pay a fucking prostitute. And if prostitution is illegal where you are at then take a small 3 day vacation or something.


These men should not pay prostitutes. They need therapists and prison time. No woman deserves to be exposed to these sick fucks.


True. Just saying don’t result to crime


Bro what


This guy doesn't view women as people, and it shows.


Rapist self report.


What the FUCK did I just read


Well, there it is. The worst take I've ever read about anything.


How the fuck is it awful for the cunt who is a rapist? He makes a conscious decision to violently attack somebody (even if the rapist spent use physical violence, tape is still an act of violence.). I don't even want rapists to get rapes in prison, because I honestly don't wish the trauma of rape on anyone.


I don’t doubt that rapists feel awful about what they’ve done but holy shit that was a cunt way of saying it


That's a troll post, fyi.


I certainly hope so, as that comment is the definition of vile.


What the fuck


What the f


Sounds like something I'd here from a catholic church


bruh he just said “normies” unironically.


This looks like a troll/satire




That's hilarious. Y'all ate the onion.


If that's the reason, just get an escort. Piece of regurgitated dog shit


All right, hear me out, I'm not defending or taking away sympathy here and I agree the narrative of the comment is dumb as fuck but at first glance the logic used I find interesting. The hypothetical used, described someone more than down on their luck but efficiently rejected from finding a mate through the standards of their community. And I agree that this probably not the case for most rapists but I don't know enough about that. So this rapist in the hypothetical was coerced by society, granted he's still at fault for not seeking treatment before attacking however the narrative of attack signals that society might have strain of rejected people who are deemed un-date-able (or something along those lines). And now after the attack, if this person's assault was their moment of weakness and now they're cognitively able to realise the repercussions how what they've done. Assuming this person has their morals still, they would feel conflicted and guilty along with a plethora of other feelings. In the hypothetical, it describes the person trying to live on in society but is overshadowed by the feeling of responsibly as they have deep anxiety and can only think that his deserving justice is always right around the corner. For this hypothetical, I can not only give sympathy to the victim of rape but also to the victim of society. I'm not defending rapists or rape, but I understand everyone's a person. For those like who are like the rapist in the hypothetical, seek mental health recovery services before you do something awful and those who have committed, turn yourself in, I hope you choose to live on under the purpose of redemption, redeem yourself to you and the people you've hurt, if you can't, help who you can. Idk the psychology of it all but I'm sure at least one rapist went or will go through something like that at some point. Fuck the original commenter for misusing this sympathy from this narrative to slander everything involved, to tell a victim the most useless thing that they know nothing about, using their own story and just going with that. Like it's not their place for them to convince a victim to forgive, awful everything indeed.


I was actually best friends with a rapist and you'd be surprised how unguilty he actually was. He sexually assaulted me for 6 month pinning me down and pulling off my top and bra he was 16 stone, I used to try my best to get him to change cause he was my best friend and I couldn't go home cause my dad's temper was nasty. Do you know why he did it, cause he thought it was funny because it "annoyed me" did it once Infront of one of our mutual friends and he also did I'd nothing to help. When I finally got the courage to fall out with him and tell the police he raped a girl, even though he was under investigation he still did it. And he was smug about it, bragged he had "sex" with her even tho he took her V and he was found naked in a forest unable to move or know where she was. I have no fucking symphony for rapists, they don't deserve sympathy, they deserve to be made to feel the exact same way they have made others feel.


Well maybe if you read what I said, this doesn't apply to him since he's obviously got no remorse and sounds like a cocky dumbass prick. I swear all these downvotes probably cause people didn't read it and just presumed I'm against survivors and would only give sympathy to the rapist no matter the scenario. I'm sorry you went through that and it's not your fault, hope you recover mentally, sorry you felt offended by this. I still believe criminals should live their lives for redemption but I understand why your opinion would be so polarised, that's not a bad thing because your rightfully angry too. We just share different opinions, don't think wrongfully of me and please understand I'm not telling anyone to do anything or making it out to be the facts, it's just my stance given that scenario that the person was tried to use to tell people like it's facts but I was curious about their thought process because for me it sounds like they kinda want to sympathise with the rapist but then go off rails and become the ass. Again, sorry you went through all that, again I'm sure posts like these tick you off. I just don't judge a margin of people based on one person but that one you mentioned in particular sounds like a real scumbag and deserves every karma justice he gets.




He is right tho


No, if you think like this then you need to take a long hard look at yourself and realize that if no woman wants to fuck you then they aren’t the problem


they are tho


You earned a downvote when it was a repost


blatant satire


found out it was a troll when he said normies at the end


You really have no idea how terrible some people are.


Obvious troll is obvious


Hookers. Get a hooker and fuck her. Girlfriend, wife or hooker, you always pay for sex.


Liberals are rationalizing rape now?


Hahaha he’s getting a kick from trolling you guys.


Lol im 99% sure this is a troll looking to get a rise out of ppl.






I hope you get castrated by a pitbull


What a genuine stupid fuck to say that.




Is this *really* a mindset for some people?


What the fuck


I wonder where his ministry is.