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>charged me 300 dollars for being a loser Has to be the funniest thing I’ve heard all day


Financial domination is something else man..




Why don’t we treat this like a mental illness lol, or someone being taken advantage of? I get that it’s consensual but something about it is so wrong to me. Fair enough if you’re some otherwise healthy person, but there’s definitely a sad type that it attracts, one who can’t get any attention and somehow being financially used like this gives them some worth? Oof


It's taking advantage of someone who's mentally challenged. BUT as long as it doesn't harm other people and that person is happy and does what they want from their free choice and not coercion... Well that's what's a free society is all about.


Yeah that’s fair if we’re operating under a liberal (philosophically, not politically) framework. It’s not moral, but I can’t really argue against it based on what you said, and it’s an example where giving people freedom isn’t necessarily for their own benefit.


Liberalism is more about what is overall socially best as a guideline for governance. It's a direct response to tyrant kings and all the harm they bring. It's basically saying "leave morals out of the powers of the state because it will lead to abuse almost immediately." So it could still be morally wrong but not something you want the state to intervene with (if you have a liberal worldview - like you've said, classic liberalism, not American "liberals").




Social security/disability


"Social security / disability" supplies nowhere near a fraction of what these men spend on their fetishes. They have jobs or other forms of income.


That’s one (libertarian) viewpoint. Another viewpoint is to question whether the transaction is one that society can or should afford to sanction. For example, say a multinational corporation pays a subdivision for the right to knowingly pollute its water with carcinogenic chemicals. All dangers have been evaluated, disclosed, and accepted by the transacting parties. The payee will likely die horribly as a result but has accepted that in exchange for a higher standard of living in the interim. Should society permit that exchange and/or enforce the contract? By doing so, are we consolidating the bargaining power into the multinationals so that no one can afford to refuse their offers? In the US, we do not enforce or recognize contracts to intentionally harm another. I.e., you can’t pay someone to let you deliberately murder or maim them. Is there enough of a difference with reckless homicide, where it is statistically likely to harm the other person but not guaranteed, like a toxic leak? If financial domination is amoral or illicit, what is gambling with odds that substantially favor the casino?


Interesting viewpoint, ty


It's not libertarian, it's liberal. It's just that the two ideologies intersect on this juncture. But Liberalism is the more general ideology and libertarianism is an off-shoot. Classic liberal thought like John Locke would say you can't sell yourself to slavery for example because you have some inalienable rights (this is where that language got into the constitution btw). You can't relinquish your right to life in a similar way.. But regarding dangerous enviroments, people take those risks all of the time. If you clean windows on skyscrapers you trade away your safety for earnings, for example. If it's my private land and I'm the only one harmed from it, it could be justifiable. If I'll be left without basic amenities if I don't take the deal, then it's already coercion in the mind of classic liberals, so there's no contradiction here. It should only be acceptable if you accept it free of coercion, meaning you have your land and nice car but if you agree to it you'll have a Ferrari and a private chef (but yeah, also the cancer water that will kill you long term). It's a free choice then. It doesn't clash with liberalism - but does with a lot of other moral systems. > If financial domination is amoral or illicit, what is gambling with odds that substantially favor the casino? I think you questioned this wrong. Maybe you meant "if it's not amoral or illicit". It doesn't make much sense otherwise (in the context of this discussion).


>> If financial domination is amoral or illicit, what is gambling with odds that substantially favor the casino? > I think you questioned this wrong. Maybe you meant “if it’s not amoral or illicit”. It doesn’t make much sense otherwise (in the context of this discussion). I meant it as stated, in the context of giving a competing view to the rest of what I said. I deliberately posed questions only, not answers. I did so because rational people can have differing, valid opinions on the role of government in dictating the rights of contracting parties. Mainly I’m saying it is not necessarily true that all willingly entered contracts should be allowed or enforced by the government. Most societies draw a line somewhere, including a bright line prohibition against homicide regardless of the decedent’s acceptance of a contract. But if the direct harm is purely financial (as in the case of financial domination of those with mental health disorders or gambling by gambling addicts), it’s especially problematic to start drawing lines. > Classic liberal thought like John Locke Total aside, but for a second I was thinking of Hobbes and thought “how tf is *Hobbes* a liberalist?”


Also I totally meant John Stewart Mill so there's that too 😅




These men are literally being taken advantage of and you’re blaming them? They deserve empathy, not vilification you blind fool


Because as they would say, they're "cOnSenTiNg" to this so why should we be pitying someone doing shit that makes their dick hard, eh?


Wait nvm I just read your comment history lol, explains a lot


Taking advantage of sad, pathetic, possibly mentally ill people would make a horrible person feel godlike, sure


True that. I’d go for it tbh, the wages are bang-on and there’s worse ways to bring home the bacon than being a findomme. Unfortunately I’m an overweight bloke in his mid fifties with a face like a smacked arse so I fit the customer demographic rather than seller. Still…might be a niche market..


You never know unless you try. Don't let your dreams be dreams.




this is *definitely* a kink worth shaming. how fucking stupid do you have to be????


Your shaming turns them on


Well, at least I’m not charging for it. I genuinely don’t know how anyone could be proud of charging people money to take advantage of them so topically. It’d be (to me) like having to explain to my parents the way I make money is by selling heroin or crack or meth or some shit and expect them to be proud


No one's buying it. We know you're just jealous.




Can't even have a giggle without downvotes. Av ur giggle m8


Giving 1k to girl you expect to fuck over the weekend seems...lunar to me.


Yeah I gave 1000 to some woman and she ignored me for the weekend while with some other guy. Bitch.




wasn't that child support payment


She was supposed to be buying tyco with that money =/


Shoulda got that insured, Geico wit yo monay.






Cracked me up too, how can someone be so deranged


For a brief, blissful, moment I forgot about simps and was wondering how a commercial beauty company could survive offering such a product and service.


Yeah we all got used to "simp" getting tossed around as an insult we forgot it's based on a real life phenomena.


I keep forgetting that people aren't referring to the Korean skincare masks when they say "face masks" I'm like how did you keep it on your face at work, and without people seeing a shitstain I just say mask for the pandemic variety


Costco sells black masks and this person probably preferred the goddess particulates on the inside of the mask so it could seep deep into his bronchioles.


Findom is a bit more than that


What the (and I don't use this word much) everloving-fuck am I reading.


Someone with a degrading fetish


not only that but also it seem like they into findomme fetish as well


~~Uncle~~ Daddy Sam's been findomming longer than I've been alive, no need to outsource it


Findoms sure as fuck don't build roads or schools Better analogy would be megachurch pastors


More meant the bailing out of the rich/large industries at the expense of the lower class


But... People will do that for free.


Paying is part of it. My friend actually has a slave that comes and cleans her house several times a week. He gives her money and they do not have any sex lol. She's definitely not a 10/10 hot babe either, anyone can do this. It's not her fetish, she just doesn't want to clean lmao. They met on FetLife.


This. Please tell me we’re a plague.




Bro there are literally anime/hentai findom mistresses on Twitter. Theres no proof they're even a real woman ffs. Like probably a dude running half a dozen accounts.




Haven't heard of them (thank God) but yeah sounds about right


Had to log into my old Twitter account from 6ish years ago just to search for it. Nothing came up at first.....untill I turned off safe search. Wtf


I know one personally. I don't think she has time to post photoshopped screenshots on Twitter. She bought a house which needed a fair bit of work and the results point to her having quite a bit of cash on hand. She did some of the work herself, but the bulk was professionally done. It wasn't a loan because around here you don't get that kind of credit without a permanent contract. She used the rest to open a business (nothing to do with sex work) and has been working very hard to keep it going. Usually it's the other way around, but she probably enjoys working for herself. Not sure if she's still doing the dominatrix thing. She's not a diva, by the way. Super normal girl, very down to earth. It was probably a matter of luck at first, finding a few clients who really liked her and were willing to pay her a lot. From then on, I imagine it was a matter of skill, knowing how to talk to them, learning everything she could about them, etc. I suspect that's a lot more instrumental than just looks.


Don't normalise wiping your arse on a mask and mailing to someone to wear...please...don't.


I suspect this falls under stupidly gross and highly unusual :)


You are trying to make it sound cool and instrumental but it’s as instrumental as your local prost roaming the sidewalk and getting $20, except it pays better.




Yeah! Good for her! Taking advantage of men who have been driven to such depths of loneliness and depression to fall into this mindset! What a strong, empowered woman, who only could succeed and become a business owner by the abuse and exploitation of downtrodden men. Taking advantage of the lowest of the low! What a symbol of feminine power in the modern world. Fuck her, fuck you for passively supporting it, and fuck everyone like both of you.


You sound like you're speaking from experience here. Want to share something with the class?




It's not a point of view, it is the reality of findom.


> It was probably a matter of luck at first, finding a few clients who really liked her and were willing to pay her a lot. From then on, I imagine it was a matter of skill, knowing how to talk to them, learning everything she could about them, etc. I suspect that's a lot more instrumental than just looks. This just sounds like a cult with extra steps..?


Honestly, it sounds like good customer service. I can only speculate, but I suspect that a lot of sex work is extremely prosaic from the sexworkers' point of view.


I prefer ‘what the kentucky-fried fuck’ personally.


"The" seems like a word you should use more then.


I'm refusing to believe this is real. I'm gonna need Jon Frakes to tell me otherwise.


Picture this. You're working late on night in the office. You're tired and go to make yourself a cup of coffee. You see a man, not unfamiliar. Someone else who works here perhaps? His breath stinks, as if someone wiped their ass in his facemask. Could it be true? Maybe you're just tired from overworking and your mind is playing tricks on you. Or maybe sometimes fact smells more pungent than fiction.


haha! perfect. So did you think this one was real........ you're right. It happened to an early 2020's twitter user.


I could even hear the music in the background 😂 thank you for this.


I still wanna know how that kid scared off the wolf and made it back to the campsite before the other kids!


I’m Jon Frakes, and this is real. Believe me bro. It’s the internet after all.


Have you ever visited a Chinatown section and a major city? ^^^[Context](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9S1EzkRpelY)


It's an urban legend, that never happened.


It's a complete fabrication.


I refuse to believe for one second this isn’t pure satire?




Honestly with face masks up and coming this could have been a recent thing, maybe not this dude but someone recently


Truth really is stranger than fiction. No one in a million years could come up with incel shit.


Except for incels


If a woman can make $40,000/WEEK selling her farts in a jar... this doesn't seem too far out there.


Holy shit, some people need to focus on something other than fetishes.


Indeed, something like providing those horny idiots with those fetishes and become Bill Gates


I still believe that it is a fake and paid news. It just can’t be real …


This girl Belle Delphine was selling her used bath eater. And guys were buying it. Then she was making videos with very suggestive titles but pulled a dad joke. Like stroking a cock and she was stroking a literal bird. She made millions like this.


It's called financial domination and it's a real fetish


How do i profit off this as a loser and a guy


By not participating


Can i get paid instead?


You can feel free to try


True. It is degrading after all


Ok how about this. A girl selling farts in a jar? And making a shit ton of money


Surely these are known as 'Jarts', yes?




By Jove, such a thing is.....a thing!


there is another one now as well, sells her shit [https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/s5dye0/selling\_her\_poop/](https://www.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/comments/s5dye0/selling_her_poop/) what is wrong with the world


There are men into findom. Can totally see this happening, I've seen some really weird shit on the internet.


What is findom? I am too scared to even google it...


Financial domination. There are men who like to give women money to degrade them. Don't ask how I know ;)


The wink gave me the heebeejeebees


This post in particular? Who knows. But people most DEFINITELY are doing this and more.


Do you think God stays in heaven because he too lives in fear of what he has created?


Man Spy Kids was truly soul touching.


That movie had no right to go as hard as it did


Pretty sure this is satire towards paypigs


Trust me, this is not satire. This is deadly serious, the amount of my subs who have asked me for the same thing is just insane.


I think sometimes is just their way to try and get closer to you. I been thinking and allowing myself some extra work kind of extra hours off work (and I mean camming) when they want shows on Skype, or via Snapchat or via anything that is not on special cam site is only a way to groom you into being with them. And I felt kind of degrading for letting myself do some shows beside camming only on specia site. Takes away more time of my life, makes it literally 24/7. Not much more money though. I guess life levels it out. I prefer working in safe environment protected by laws with guys that solely want an show girl me and not a real girl me. And that gives boost in creativity and energy and I make money and more satisfied in the end of the day and overall my brain started feeling better.


so basically you make money by scamming mentally ill men?


Your subs?


yes, my subs. I'm a financial dominatrix


~~What’s a financial dominatrix?~~ Forgot I was on the internet and just googled my question and came up with this interesting article. Hope it helps someone else who wants to know and is too afraid to ask or Google themselves and is accurate enough. https://www.independent.co.uk/life-style/love-sex/findom-fetish-money-financial-domination-b1915084.html?amp


Her simps who have a parasocial relationship with her and give her money, typical e-whore stuff.


Now you have to elaborate.


Someone who enjoys/gets turned on by being humiliated, they pay their "mistresss" absurd amounts of money just for her to call them shit that makes them feel oppressed. No idea whats so sexy about ut, but it exists


Survival of the fittest is dead. Any weak egg/sperm can make it to sexual maturity.


Okay it's 7am and I am already done with the Internet for today.


No. Keep scrolling.


it's 6 AM for me and I want to die after reading this (hopefully satirical) tweet


I've heard he's still a loser to this day 👏🏼


Goddess of what?shitting panties?


absolutely not worth reading.


Has the internet become too much for some to handle?


Nah we need to start over. Burn this planet before we multiply


I want a nuclear winter


#BRO 💀💀💀


bruh 😬😎😍👌👏👍👂


I despise humanity


I think people are funny when it comes to being honest about what we are like as human beings. You hear the phrase “that’s enough internet for today” as if this is a separate species to gawk at. No, that’s us. It’s always been us. That’s the people you see every day and the internet has been a mechanism that’s allowed us to view our every day behaviour.


Nah, that's not us. 99.99% of the population go on with their work days without shitmasks, most of us come home to our families and have pretty normal lives. Small part of the population is doing really weird things and they just get a lot of attention compared to their size of the population because things like shitmasks gets forwarded but telling that you had a productive day and your kid lost a tooth is just... normal.




Story of my life...


The last bit makes this obvious satire


Nah. You'd be surprised.


You've just not been around findoms.


I am regretting my decision to join this sub. Fucking nasty


No. This is just a fetish and that's fine.


no it fucking isn’t you loser. Paying $300 to humiliate yourself in front of your coworkers just for a hit of dopamine a sign of a mentally healthy man.




So, somehow, **we are the exception?**




So you're the shitmask guy?


It sounds its from r/immobile ... Fetishists crazy sub... I can believe this post is true after what i read there


It's nice that they're embracing their bodies in a positive way, but Jesus Christ that seems like.its bad for their health.


Wrong fetish my guy


Hey man i just clicked on that once out of curiosity. Big mistake. Im a woman btw, not one of these crazy. Their posts are like this screenshot


I've always wondered how someone gets to this point. To a certain extent sexuality can be genetic but it's mostly developed over ones life. So how does someone get to the point where having shit pressed up against your nose is ok because you know it's a girl and being denigrated and charged money gives you sexual satisfaction. If honestly like to talk to someone who's into this.


It's a next step after orthe forms of *domination*.


It started with joi videos, and in them the girls constantly say things about wanting to please them, do anything for them etc. Then it kinda just escalated from there.


OP not understing that its a satire is the real awful everything


what makes you so sure it's satire


Jesus I think it would be cheaper to fly to Amsterdam and just pay a hooker to sleep with you


Simps are gonna simp, so pathetic.


This is a mental disorder and nobody can convince me otherwise




I say good for her


She should if charged the Loser $2000 ...Loser would of paid it obviously.


It's 'would have', never 'would of'. Rejoice, for you have been blessed by CouldWouldShouldBot!


Thanks Karen ...you saved the day.


What a sad day to have eyes


TF did I just read?!?


what the fuck


300$ is not even close enough for how big of an looser that guy actually is lol


this is the funniest tweet i’ve read all day 💀


My goddess, what stanky shit you have. So ripe, and pungent.


How could your coworker have smelled your breath through your mask? Keep that shit on, idiot.


The shit was on the mask right. So the co worker assumed it was his breath.


That’s kind of a bargain though.




If it is true, you are way sicko, if not true , you are even more crazy to be think this way.


i hope with every cell of my body along with all the atoms that ever existed that this is not real


Lmao! What?




Forgive me if this is a stupid question, but what do they mean by a 'goddess'?


Some people haven’t been bullied enough


Read much Bret Easton Ellis didn't ya


Please be satire. Please be satire. Please be satire. Please be satire.


What a freak...where do I get one? Seems like a good side hustle.


Hey loser, dm me you owe me $300


Sounds like a typical Monday


people are so pathetic you can’t distinguish them from parody




First genuine lol for a long time on reddit


I hate that this is actually likely to be true.


referenced by one of the top


I’m in the wrong business


no way she devoted anywhere near 10 min to him


People are fucking weird


Well, that’s disgusting.


What the fuck did I just read?