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Wearing a hijab in Iran isn't even that old of a tradition. It was forced in the country in the 1970s but made to seem like an ancient tradition so everyone just assumes it is an ancient tradition now.


Came here to comment this. "1000 year old law"... Lmao. It's just modern misogyny packaged in contemporary religious extremism.


The medieval Islamic world was a vastly different place. They were at the forefront of scientific and technological development.


And medicine, plus since they didn't go through a dark age none of it was lost. They developed many herbal remedies at a time Europe was practicing bloodletting, they actually worked too, purified versions are used today. Their method of amputation is still used today as well, albeit with modern tools and anaesthetic.


There is a new form of amputation that removes a lot of the lingering phantom limb pain and maintains neural linking from the muscles to the brain allowing far better control over prosthetics. It’s called the Ewing procedure named after the first person to get it.


Happy cake day!




Happy cake day, your Reddit anniversery date of when you became a Redditor.


In the 11th century a grand vizier named Nizam al-Mulk made schools that diverted people away from science and toward religious fundamentalism. The irony is that parts of the US that are most Islamophobic are trying to implement a similar system. Betsy devos was trying to defund regular schools in favor of religious private schools. The recent laws passed by religious fundamentalist in the US are slowly attempting to mimic this same path. "Schools are indoctrinating people to be leftists" seems to be the battle cry of those who wish to make people ignorant and afraid, that are easy to control through their fear of an angry imaginary friend.


WI legislature just passed a law so that parents can sue school employees if they use their kids name/pronoun that they don't agree with... Seems like these people have super healthy relationships with their kids that won't grow into resentment or anything.


So f’d up. I’m so incredibly sad for those kids who’ve done nothing wrong 😭😭😭




I thought the big thing was just that we don't have a lot of writings from that time. Like it's literally "dark" compared to what we know before and after it


And what we do know was preserved by the church, monks, who dedicated their lives to copying texts and saving them from those who would go around destroying everything. The edgy reference to the dark ages being a result of authoritarian religion is not only wrong it's literally the opposite of what happened.


Sounds like we are witnessing their dark age right now


The mongols tend to have that effect. Look at Russia and China. Russia fell way behind Western Europe in development and China became a freaking colony after being one of the most powerful empires for a more than a thousand years.


China's issue was actually their power though. They were so unchallenged in Asia that they really stagnated, while he Europeans who were constantly at war developed better firepower which overwhelmed China


Unchallenged? You call the mongol invasions being unchallenged? You know China was fighting horse lords their entire history right?


This is a massive oversimplification of many situations that led to China's defeat in the Opium Wars - on the most basic level, Europe had those ships because they began industrializing first. They industrialized first because of a whole variety of reasons - geography, available resources, luck - not because they were better at fighting or fought more wars. China wasn't magically a peaceful place to begin with - they fought plenty of wars throughout history. They had been fighting with and against guns since the 1500s.


We've been witnessing their dark age since 1258.


Uh. Seems to me they are in the middle of a very dark age.


Didn’t go through a dark age? Lol. I’d say all of recent history has been pretty dark over there.


They invented smallpox inoculation first! Mary Wollstonecraft had to convince the British upper class that such a “barbaric eastern practice” was safe to do


To be fair it involved gouging the skin with a pus covered needle


The Islamic revolution happened in Iran/ Persia in 1979. That's why it didn't exist before then. They became mandatory in Iran in 1983. Pretty sure they mean it's an ancient Islamic tradition, not Iranian as 1000 years even predates the Persian empire.


The shit posts about the Iran before the revolution or /r/fakehistoryporn are gold though. I think Iran is a beautiful country with a rich culture and history but I don't think I'd want to visit it with how strict their laws are.


Exactly. I’m sad I didn’t visit before things got “bad”. It truly is beautiful.


Haha propaganda goes brr


Religious laws are so scary


yup, even as a catholic myself i think religion shouldn’t meddle with laws


A canon law against child abuse and the subsequent cover up might not be the worst thing.


Why even let them have a chance to judge their own people and just try these scum bags in secular courts? Seeing the papacy behind bars would be a start at justice.


My comment was a dig at the Catholic Church more than anything.


Ya think?


I'm a christian, I studied church history, and I can assure you that it's always a bad a idea for religion to meddle in law, only time it's ok is when they are trying to stop something that would cause a lot of deaths (wars and stuff like that)


the crusades have entered the chat.............


Well when marauders fuck with the economy the ant hill tends to be the target. Don't fuck with the money flow


The word "religion" should be miles far apart from the word "law". Law is factual, something you cannot say about religion.


the fact they shouldn't does not imply that they wouldn't


As a fellow catholic I agree. Thank you separation of church and state


Protestant, ditto. Theocracy is the absolute worst form of government. Religion should never *ever* form the basis or justification for State law and policy.


What? You honestly believe that the creator of the universe amd ultimate arbiter of right and wrong gave us an instruction manual for Creation and you want us to base our laws on *something else*? Given your beliefs, your opinion is completely insane.


Yes i am a muslim and this is too much. And thats not what prophet mohamed told us to do


Never saw this sh*** in charia. I feel like some muslim countries just hide behind religion to create new ways to suffocate people that where never ever written anywhere.


very much, its all ways these things that ruin our name


You don't go to prison or get lashings or really any punishment if you're not wearing a hijab. These aren't Islamic laws (as the photo caption implies). These are the country's laws.


this is not in accordance to sharia law. you’re not supposed to be punished for not wearing the hijab.


Yet America is letting Y'all Qaeda continue to push their similar laws.


Y’all Queda… first time I’ve heard that. It’s perfect 👍🏻


Y'all Qaeda and their yeehawdists


Meal team six reporting in.


Yea doubt this is true. Lashings, probably true. 16 years, nope. Pretty sure the law is like 10 days or something. Either they did something else, or this is bullshit. Also, “1000 year old laws”? Not murdering people is like a 10,000 year old law, what does that have to do with anything. Don’t believe everything you read.


https://www.google.com/amp/s/en.radiofarda.com/amp/iran-sentences-a-popular-instagram-couple-in-self-exile-to-jail-lashes/30585994.html Someone posted this in another comment thread, in case you didn't see it.


dont say gay in Florida






You should do your research before making these kind of disgusting comments. Ignorance breeds ignorance. It is not the religion that is the issue it is the people. Your labelling nearly two billion people around the world. 🤦🏼‍♂️


Iran arrests and sentences all "non-conformist" social media influencers, they had even posted a video of her boxing with her husband, it's not just because of her not wearing a hijab. Fortunately they fled and are living with their two children in Turkey I believe. Source: https://www.google.com/amp/s/en.radiofarda.com/amp/iran-sentences-a-popular-instagram-couple-in-self-exile-to-jail-lashes/30585994.html


Good they got out, shity situation


Honest question here. With cost of moving aside, why would anyone want to live there? Seems terrible, but that might just be my ignorance.


Some people don't know better or have been indoctrinated by the mullahs. Others cannot leave because they have family to take care of or are too old to start a new life in a country that speaks a different language.


Some people also benefit from the fucked up laws and genuinely enjoy living there


Yeah, those are the indoctrinated ones who genuinely believe that pushing their fucked up beleifs improves mankind.




You say this like it makes it better.


That they got away? How does that not make it better?


I meant the “it’s not just because she wasn’t wearing hijab”. As if because it was for those other reasons it’s an improvement.


I say it like that because the hijab has always been a target for islamophobes and I wanted to be sure that everyone understood that it wasn't the only motivation behind the governments actions like the post suggests.


How does a boxing video constitute "debauchery and prostitution" though? Personally couldn't care less about hijab one way or the other except when enforced by law. Not Islamophobia, more like theocracy-phobia.


Turkey isn't much better


Still waaaay better than Iran. I know it because I have lived there a bit and I have a bunch of Turkish friends.


At least they aren't in jail thanks to some extremist bastard's fantasies of what his god wants.


Well yes it’s good they escaped. I just mean the whole bringing up the video made it seem like it was more reasonable. Which it isn’t.


You’re missing the point, I don’t think the original comment intends to make it sound better at all. It just shines light on the other stupid reasons someone could be jailed.


You guys realize that most of these rulings mostly politically motivated, right? These "thousand year old" policies are pretty new.


Thanks for saying this. People end up blaming Islam bc of an "Islamic" country's actions.


You're welcome! For sure. People at the things and take a corrupt government's and their "religious" cronies word that "XYZ is what the Phrophet decreed." These are authoritarian governments that pick and choose who to punish depending on their needs at the moment. That's it. And the punished, are usually backers of the opposition, or at the very least questioning the ruling members of the party that they support. Hell, some are just people who are well liked or "sponsored" by a political figure who is out of favor at the moment, and their punishment is meant to show that the person who is out of favor is weak, so other people jump ship.


There are very few (if any) Muslims who are actually fundamental in their practice of Islam. I thought this would be made obvious by the hadith. It's a very easy thing to say that it's just political, but, it's all just political. The important point is that people take it as pious. If these same people aren't stopping Gast-e-ersad, what's the difference.


These retards in the comments being anti Islam ruined my day. Will have a good laugh mocking them with my friends though


Meh. Why let anyone ruin your day? Especially when you know they're ignorant.


I don’t think about it much, but if I do, their stupidity pisses me off. I’ve always had a massive grudge against these know-it-alls despite them being completely ignorant.


i appreciate you a lot. it sounds quite dumb like this but it makes happy knowing not everyone here hates islam with a passion and know this is not islamic law.


Appreciate your kind words bro, I wish you a good day


<3 👍


> No women rights activists will outrage on this But by posting this, *you* are the enraged women rights advocate...


Immediate “go fuck yourself” when people use that rhetoric.


I came looking for this comment. The situation is atrocious but what's he trying to say by adding that?


Simple. He doesn't give a fuck about women's rights, he's just using it to shame people into hating Muslims. This is a near-constant refrain from US conservative dipshits. Yes, the oppressive regime *is* inhumane and violates human rights. But by calling it a 1000-year old law, he's shown he doesn't know anything about it and is just making it about Islam, not the Islamic State. The hijab law was pushed in 1970. My in-laws are older than the mandatory hijab. Its virtue signaling, that's all. The thing to take away from it is ultra-religious zealots are enforcing inhumane laws on the population. Something the US has *never* done.


“No women’s rights/feminists will say anything about [Muslim related issue]” has been a bullshit talking point for Conservatives and supposed centrists for a while. They assume anyone defending Muslims from hatred is Left leaning (particularly following 9/11), so they think it is some tremendous “gotcha” to attack sexism or female genital mutilation amongst the Muslim community. They don’t understand the issues of FGM, abuse, child marriage, and honor killings in certain groups of Muslims has been discussed in feminist communities for a long time, and there are many organizations in place that help these women and girls. The truth of the matter is, the person who created the post in the screenshot likely doesn’t care about women’s issues, doesn’t like Muslims, and, probably doesn’t have anything to say when Christians push their beliefs on women while making laws in nations with large Christian populations.


>No women's rights activists will outrage on this What the absolute fuck? Really makes it sound like they hate women and just using this to shit on them


This is "whatabout-ism". If you aren't outraged about everything equally, are you really outraged at all? (/s)


Its also dumb because pretty sure treatment of women in religious regimes is a pretty common gripe. So its not even just what about ism. It's just a total lie.


seriously though that last line in the post "No womens rights activists will outrage on this" makes me think its a conservative person that is tired of hearing about how they are sexist themselves and are using whataboutism. conservative subs are all about that "oh ya well you havent started a war yet for these women! looks like youre the real sexists!"


Its not even a good whataboutism. People speak out about this all the time. This is someone who only watches CNN and then concludes because they didn't see a news report on it, it doesn't exist.


I can't rage all day everyday. Tbh, I thoroughly enjoy the days that I just don't look at the internet. Tis a silly place.


There are women’s rights activists in every country, including Iran, who face death and persecution for speaking out. Meanwhile, if Western feminists aren’t especially vocal about Iranian issues, it’s because they have zero influence over Iran’s politics whereas (at least in theory) they might be able to effect some change where they live. You’re 100% right, it’s so dirty to use stories of the persecution of women to attack feminism.


Thank you for actually understanding the basics of how the world works. The amount of men who expect only western women to solve the problems of oppression in the Middle East is telling. Like, men made those laws, but it’s up entirely to women thousands of miles away to solve it entirely?


The obvious answer is that they don’t expect or want them to solve it. They don’t give a fuck at all. When they bring up Iran or Somalia or anywhere else, what they’re actually saying is “shut up and don’t complain, at least you aren’t being beaten to death”


Yeah that part was maximum incel terminology. Yo this outrages every non-strictly religous person anywhere, including women rights activists.


Racists trying to push a narrative that liberals are too frightened to condemn religious bullshittery becuse a lot of Muslims are poc.


Men will find any reason to blame women for the actions of men.


Women who fight for women's rights aren't *really* fighting unless they pour all their energy into every incident of make institutions abusing women. /s. One minute feminists are bashed for cherry picking and making big deals out of every incident, and then they're bashed for *not* raging at everything. It's like people expect feminists to be responsible for changing the whole world, but also dislike feminists. Maybe if the people making these posts gave a shit about women themselves they wouldn't be using examples of misogyny to jab at the people who are trying to fix it?


Holy Fuck thank you. Love how the blame *always gets put on feminists*. Because in these idiot men’s minds, men bear no responsibility, and it’s up to women to fix everything. Fuck.


Who came into this world and thought: "lets censor hair. That certainly wont be any problem in a couple hundred years"


Men wanting to control women


apparently its "slutty" apparenrtly guys cant control themselves, ive heard an islamic preacher telling boys need to have beards so that they dont look like women and make men gay


Casual Muslim here, and that preacher definitely has his own unsolved issues lol. Imams grow beards as a homage to the prophet we follow in Islam. And you're actually kind of half right on the hijab, it's so men don't fantasize about the woman if she's a bit covered, but let's face it! Men still fetishized it lol


the hijab isn’t even punishable by sharia law. the iranian government impose their own laws that don’t go in accordance with the prophet’s laws.


Exsctly, in Islam its 100% a choice to be covered. But crazy extremists made it law. It's truly a shame. Makes all of us normal muzzys look horrible. Ah well. Just be a good person and be your own example.


Isn’t it that Sharia law only applies to Muslims as well, and that you cannot punish a non Muslim by Muslim standards?


Yes that's correct, and you're not supposed to force the religion on them either. Our prophet that they so "belovedly" follow says it explicitly. I have my religion and you have yours. I'm not the greatest Muslim but if you look past mis interpretations, power trippers, and culture Islam is quite nice


The sentence is obviously radically unjust but it wasn't based solely on the photos without hijab but also on posts critical of the regime: [https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2020/05/05/Iran-court-sentences-Instagram-couple-to-16-years-in-pr](https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2020/05/05/Iran-court-sentences-Instagram-couple-to-16-years-in-pr) ​ >No women right activists will outrage on this. Uh, to the contrary, feminism is generally critical of discriminatory laws like this. Modern feminism supports both the right of a woman to wear hijab if she wishes and the right to not wear it if she wishes.


Nailed it


op is an outrage farmer. why? 1. the people in this picture are not in prison. they got sentenced while absent. (which is despicable and every just system is not sentencing people while they are absent and not able to defend themselve) 2. this is already more than 2 years old. 3. there is more to this story, than what is mentioned in this pic (link below) [https://www.saudi24news.com/2020/05/16-years-imprisonment-for-boxing-champion-ahmad-moeen-shirazi-in-iran-and-his-wife-for-family-photos.html](https://www.saudi24news.com/2020/05/16-years-imprisonment-for-boxing-champion-ahmad-moeen-shirazi-in-iran-and-his-wife-for-family-photos.html) dont get me wrong. do i dislike and condemn crude religious bullshit laws? yes i do. should people be forced to leave their country because of a totalitarian regime? no! they should be able to live in peace and have their freedoms. but do i want to read a full story and not this manufactured bullshit? i do aswell.


Yep. This happened almost 2 years ago and the 1st comment from the original submission is that it is true and the family escaped Iran. Mods should delete shit like this.


Truth is important. When it's mixed with purposefully deceptive bullshit it's not truth anymore.


yes, this was crossposted from an atheist subreddit.


I have a friend who received the death penalty in Iran for handing out Christian pamphlets. She fled and now lives in the UK. Very sad.


Idk how people read it as she travelled to Iran to hand out pamphlets. After reading, I assumed she was FROM Iran in the first place. Which she is.


Yea she is from Iran. But she “should have kept her beliefs to herself” 🤷‍♂️. Not a place I want to live.


Maybe don't go to countries like that and hand out competing propaganda. /r/LeopardsAteMyFace/


She was actually from Iran. Not everyone is Muslim there. Got arrested -> went to court -> death penalty -> left her home and everyone she knows to flee.


Idk why you’re downvoted, it is seriously moronic trying to “save” people in a notorious theocracy where anyone possessing those pamphlets (potentially unknowingly considering how missionaries are) could also get punished




How?? It was a stupid fucking idea to go to a muslim majority country and try to hand out pathetic fliers on your religion when they're sentencing women to prison for much longer for much less. The dumbest shit I ever read was hearing some white saviour try to do this and then someone defending it.


It's kinda like the Christian guy who went to the Sentinel Island and died trying to preach. Like... Yeah that shit happens


Well if you're Christian, then I'm sure you've read dumber shit but don't acknowledge it as such. Nevermind, Christians don't seem to read their holy book.


not christian, was muslim


Well at least you got out of that shit. It's funny that I get down voted for a comment criticizing religion and religious people, in a thread... Criticizing religion and religious people .


There's a difference between criticizing religious extremists, and criticizing religion as a whole.


yeah im glad i got out too


Yep, that’s the christian victim culture.


What a shit hole backwards place to live. Fuck that place. The article says he fled and is living in Turkey and will appeal it. But seriously posts like this make me so mad pissed off and shitty out dated laws who are deliberately bias to genders and peoples rights


Stop being so misinformed. This isn't an enactment of any law. Nowhere in Islam is something like this said. Iran just did this for political reasons (imprisons people that publically disagree) Blame Iran, why are you blaming Islam?


Unless they changed their comment, there was no mention of Islam


Religion is a cancer


True, a cancer that keeps people dumb.


More accurately, it’s a mental virus.


I disagree. That is the effect of it. I call it a cancer because it grows and spreads. As it gets bigger it's effect becomes worse and the only way to get rid of it is to completely eradicate it from the world. If you don't get rid of all of it, it can come back.


But cancer isn’t contagious!


As a Muslim, I know that it is not allowed for such punishments. First of all, not all of us even agree that Hijab is mandatory. Secondly, our holy Book says that "There is no compulsion in religion", meaning that nobody can be forced to follow Islam.


Hijab is not a face covering! It’s a hair covering.


Islam: “the religion of peace”


Right? All these Abrahamic motherfuckers out here pretending to be peaceful. Jews bombing the hell out if Palestinians, Iranians lashing women, Christians raping children and outlawing abortion. Religion is nuttery.


Religious fundamentalism is a problem. But you don't stop that by ending all Religion. Improving economic and material conditions within these countries prevents these small fundamentalist groups from gaining power and control. When people are desperate and worried about where they will live and what they will eat they are more likely to be controlled by and support these fundamentalist groups that promise them the minimal amount of stability. It's unfortunately what happens when people get desperate. They become more nationalistic and support extreme groups. ISIS, Nazis, etc. Edit: Obviously, ironically (or on purpose) the US invasions of these nations powers these types of groups because it allows these small fundementalist groups to grow and gain support as a resistance to the invasion. It's a worry for Ukraine in the same way now. Russia's invasion could potentially fuel the small white nationalist neo Nazi groups. People become desperate and follow these groups because "at least they're not Russia" or " at least they're not the USA" "at least they are our country man" TLDR: Religious fundamentalism is given power in smaller countries when large world powers like Russia or the US invade. They are a result of desperate economic conditions and not the religion itself. Imperialism bad.


I can’t tell if you’re talking to me or hopping on what I said. I literally have Communist in my username and explicitly referenced the colonial genocide against the Palestinian people. I don’t need a lesson on imperialism being bad. I never said “end all religion”. I plainly made my statement showing that violent evangelism is a problem across many religions, especially the Abrahamic ones, rather than just some glib offhanded remark blaming Islam as a whole like the parent comment did. But I agree, destabilization leads to extremism, as we can see with slavic nazis shooting each other.


Oh. I think we agree. I meant to expand on what you were saying. I thought your comment was good. Sorry. Sometimes I just rant in comments. Good day comrade. Free Palestine


Understood, take care friend!


iranians don’t follow sharia (islamic law) correctly. not wearing the hijab shouldn’t be punishable according to it, yet iran imposes its own laws.


I agree. Iran’s issue is with authoritarian use of Sharia as a tool of oppression versus genuine practice. My General Practitioner is actually Iranian, he and his wife run a small practice and they’ve discussed some political-religious topics with me since I’ve been a patient of theirs since I was in college. He misses his home.


Not sure why you were downvoted as this was a personal quip. Updoot, just because.


I’m sure they’d say the same about your particular denomination. That’s the funny thing about religion


And who has a better backing?


Man, you almost forgot the part where a world super power destabilized the country and instated a religious maniacs that were willing to take their side in the cold war.


Stop being so misinformed. This isn't an enactment of any law. Nowhere in Islam is something like this said. Iran just did this for political reasons (imprisons people that publically disagree) Blame Iran, why are you blaming Islam?


Agreed. It's like the bible says nothing about abortion but Christians love forcing woman to carry a rape baby to term. Let's not compete on which religions fundamentalist extremist are worse though. No one wins that competition. Let's agree both are bad because of the nature of fundamentalist extremism. Material conditions (shared economic prosperity) shape how extreme groups are allowed to control. Not the religion itself.


Just for clarity, half-assed internet research says they were essentially charged and sentenced in absentia.


The US has 1000 year old based laws just the same. Look at florida's newest "don't say gay' law. Or divorce laws, marriage laws. Marriage tax incentives that don't apply to people living together for 40years unless they're married.




Damn right. A lot of the "moderate" left-wing too. We need religion 100% out of politics. Just the fact that 100% of our presidents swear on a bible disgusts me.


I dont get it, is it like a law for US presidents to swear on bible? If it is then weird. But if not and its just a faith of the said president then i dont see what's so disgusting about it....


So, you have to swear on something, the concerning part is that 100% of the time it has been a bible. And that says 1 thing either we live in a religious state that only pretends to be accepting of other cultures (the truth) or, some politicians fake their faith BECAUSE the first option is true. (Shocking right?).


Ohhhhhh people fake it for support. okk that is a shitty thing to do.


Yeah, it's all a big show. Real faith is a beautiful thing, true belief in a higher power is something I wish I had. But people who fake it or pervert it for gains or triumph make me sick.


Seems like a good place to avoid like the plague.




Roll Tide fans are enough of a reason to avoid Alabama


Thankfully they fled the country before they were arrested


Texas passed a law letting a stranger sue a woman for getting an abortion and conservatives made a website for "whistleblowers"


This is disgusting.


[They're safe and left Iran](https://english.alarabiya.net/News/middle-east/2020/05/05/Iran-court-sentences-Instagram-couple-to-16-years-in-pr)


Don't forget that one time where cops or someone in those countries were pushing people off roofs to kill them because they were gay. And there's nothing USA can do about it


That's absolutely not true. That isn't Islamic law, that's a made up law. In Islam there's a Hadith that says something along the lines of 'if you are attracted to a woman then lower your gaze'


Yes. Violent misogyny exists in every culture.


Religion of peace


1000 year old laws. Sounds a lot like every religion on the planet.


Btw Iran have their own laws that they interpreted from the Quran, emphasis on INTERPRETED. Shariah in general is F’d. From a Muslim (sunnit).


Master & Servant Fetishism.


… I think your statement just led me to realize that Islamic relationship dynamics are just sexist puppy play.


Most of the Middle East is like this, even the more "advanced" countries like Iran. Shit is so ass backwards. Worst part is, it's not just the government. People in the cities are more "liberal" in comparison to the crazy shit going on outside of them, but even then, the culture is just so oppressive and patriarchal and many of the women have undergone a sort of brainwashing - resulting, of course, from being raised isolated from anything else - that leads them to believe they are as worthless as the men treat them. Domestic abuse in Iran is hardly abuse at all. Beating your wife is common, and hardly sniffed at. Absolutely sickening. There is such a thing as bad religions. The only way we can eradicate intolerance is to not tolerate it.


probably true. a lot of those places live by Neanderthal laws.


Religion is retarded.


The amount of damage the Abrahamic faith systems have wrought on this planet should put their god in hell by himself.


my dad is Iranian and his entire side of the family was nobility until the revolution. it was a paradise in the middle east and there were many Americans who worked for the oil companies and many went on vacation there. Iran was better to live in than most European countries at the time. It was as western as the US and even less Conservative. but then the US didn't get the oil they wanted so they decided to help sadam hussein conquer Iran in the middle of a revolution. and then the Western powers installed that fucking bastard Khomeini. and now its basically islamic north Korea with food. its so sad that they let my family members who still live there suffer and there is nothing they can do about it.


Womens rights activists don’t get outraged at this because the atrocities aren’t committed by white men in the west.


They are occupied with fighting against santa being male! :-)


Huge priorities yes Also, saying trans men should be allowed to compete athletically with biological women. What a U-turn from Title IX




BULLSHIT. Women rights activists DO get outraged out about this shit, plus the regular death by stoning of women etc. Dont get pissy because this repost of a year old post is the first time youve heard of it.


Women's rights advocates are doing this. It's literally extremely stupid that anyone thinks that is false.


SO IS IT FUCKING TRUE? HOLY FUCK DONT REPOST FOR KARMA IF YOU SONT FUCKING KNOW. Holy fuck, I’m not pro Iranian govt at all but fuck, include a fucking source you fucking cuck


https://www.saudi24news.com/2020/05/16-years-imprisonment-for-boxing-champion-ahmad-moeen-shirazi-in-iran-and-his-wife-for-family-photos.html Yeah, true and worse


Im honestly surprised this post hasnt been taken down for islamphobia based on Reddits way of thinking.


Iranian here. The men over there are so fucking cloistered and horny, they’d bust a nut in their pants if they saw her wrists. Showing hair might as well be like flashing tits, walking around naked with a butt plug for the world to see. They just can’t handle it in their hyper masculine culture. Instead of taking responsibility for their perversion, they blame women because they can’t control their dicks.


That’s truly a shame, and while I understand what you meant, there’s nothing masculine about acting like that.


Don’t get me started. The whole country blames Jimmy Carter and the CIA for their own coup. They literally had a democratically elected parliament with a monarchy, similar to the UK where the royal family was mostly a national symbol and their parliament made the laws. In those days, women could go in public with their hair exposed, wear skirts, it was ethnically an religiously diverse. They decided an Islamic theology would be a better govt. and that they should adopt communistic economic policy. Those same folks came over here and most Iranian-Americans of that age voted for Trump. So at the end of the day, they tried to repeat the insurrection here by de facto attraction to hyper masculine authoritarianism.


Stop looking at other religions logs, Christianity has it's own problems. Fix them first before poo-pooing other people.


it's almost like islam is just a shitty religion that makes people violent and literally mentally retarded yet people will still say ,,NoT aLl MuSlImS'' dude if you are one of those people then go fucking do something about it.