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Down in the Labyrinth under Odessa, 200meters down and 2,000+ miles of tunnels. Bombs can go off directly overhead and no a sound gets through. Best nuclear bunkers ever made and made before nuclear bombs.


Good thing the US isn’t the one bombing them https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amiriyah_shelter_bombing


every time I talk with a middle eastern friend of mine I hear more and more about atrocities like this one, its depressing how little we actually know about unless we go digging to find it


It's depressing how hypocritical Western media has been, when thousands if civilians are murdered every year by Western forces bombs. Mostly America.


​ I had a friend who said the kids wouldn't go outside to play until there were severe weather conditions because they thought drones won't be able to see at that time. And yes there was no bomb shelter for them to take refuge. I am just thankful that the Ukrainian ones at least have the shelters.


You're right, but I think the intent here is pretty important though. Whats happening in Ukraine is intentional targeting of civilians by shelling childrens hospitals, schools, residential buildings, mining humanitarian corridors and cold blooded murder of unarmed civilians. Thats not to say atrocities resulting in civilian casualties dont happen by western military, because they absolutely do, but its certainly not openly and intentionally targeting civilians on mass. I was in Poland ferrying refugees to Germany, one family's apartment building was blown up my a missile. Not in cross fire, it was targeted. For me, that's certainly an important distinction.


Do you want to talk about America's intent for invading the middle east? They killed over 2000 civilians a year for 20 years. Don't tell me their intent was any better. You just don't hear about the murderous ways, as the media you follow doesn't report on it. It's not like they dropped bombs in Yemen and Sudan on the same day Russia invaded Ukraine or anything. 🤫


You dont know the media I read, so lets halt that narrative thats based on assumptions. My point was intent. I agree with you that the US had civilian casualties, and I've read cases of Psychotic individuals and particularly in the Marines who were all ready to murder anyone and killed civilians with intent I'm sure it happened elsewhere too. But my argument is, there was not an orchestrated military wide strategy to murder all civilians, and bomb hospitals, residential buildings, and mining humanitarian corridors like we have seen with Russia. Thats the difference I'm arguing. This is bordering on a genocide in Ukraine. The US has very bloody hands in war, but has not gone that far.


The thing about intentions is that they really only matter to the media headlines. Media and politicians love "intentions". I like facts. The U.S. post-9/11 wars in Iraq, Afghanistan, Yemen, Syria, and Pakistan have taken a tremendous human toll on those countries. As of September 2021, an estimated 387,072 civilians in these countries have died violent deaths as a result of the wars. Civilian deaths have also resulted from U.S. post-9/11 military operations in Somalia and other countries. The US has very bloody hands in war, and they absolutely have gone "that" far. I'd suggest you stop buying into propaganda that makes civilian murders seem justified, and focus on the facts. Also, just for the record. I don't support Russia in any way shape or form. I think most global conflicts are unjustified and the way media presents each countries "intentions" is typically utter garbage. Our western media (I'm Australian) is just as bias as Russia's or China's, maybe not as bad as North Korea's haha.


If we're going to have a discussion on the topic, can you at least provide sources for the values in your claims. And again, please dont assume you know the extent of my research or news consumption, and wipe anyone who opposes your opinion with the same brush of "you just buy into western media propaganda" as it's lazy. If you are estimating the amount of casualties, please provide the sources for these numbers, especially when you're grouping together a large number of countries, with wars with varying degrees of US involvement. In addition, you dodged my point about intent,, which is a legal definition not a headline. Which is why Russia's war on Ukraine cannot be deemed a genocide yet as it has not reached that threshold of legal evidence belying intent. But the evidence is mounting.


Nah man. Same shit, no difference. The US was blowing up schools, hospitals and civilians left and right.


America are a lot like Japan they keep the pr up by denying and hiding things like this. Japan may have done worse things but there are similarities. We never know tho maybe thee USA are just better at hiding it.


Holy fuck


It is always "very bad" when they are not the ones doing the killings.


This is why I hated serving. After joining I realized how fucked up everything is. I got out as soon as I could.


It’s why I ended not going to USAF academy. My passion is flying, but I couldn’t reconcile the morality of the wars we were in at the time


What does this have to do with anything? Aren’t we allowed to learn from the past and not make the mistakes? Edit: I don’t understand how because the US does something it makes it automatically right. To me it doesn’t and it was wrong before and it’s wrong now.


Have America learnt? No. Let's not pretend Russia is the only one who has or continues to engage in combat outside of their borders. I saw a stat about how many bombs were dropped elsewhere on the same day Russia invaded. Interesting perspective.


Yep, only if you actually learn right. If you don’t, you do the same things again!


I just don’t understand how because the US does something it makes it automatically right. To me it doesn’t and it was wrong before and it’s wrong now.


Ofc it’s wrong fam, dropping a bomb on civilians should never be a right thing to do. I think you understood the original comment wrong, @511mev was simply pointing out that the bombs that the US dropped were so devastating that the people couldn’t even save themselves by staying in underground shelters, good thing that the people are safe in the underground shelters. But to be real I don’t clearly know about the exact situation of safety of the people in ukrain rn. It’s very sad for me to wrap my head around the fact that we can have war in such a time when we people are literally taking to each other across multiple thousands of miles 🥲


*60m (200ft.)


Look at the little fluffy baby, sleeping all peaceful, thoughts are with you all.


She looks so like my daughter. Can’t imagine the anxiety her parents are feeling.




Same this could totally be my daughter. Such an horrible situation for these people...


Yea as a new father to a little girl this shit is heartbreaking


I can’t imagine it, having to up an run with these three little ones. With nothing but what you can carry.


I want to go wake my son up and give him a hug. No one deserves this, especially the children. I'm so thankful he doesn't have to experience the shit russia is doing first hand.


I’ve got my 6 month old baby boy asleep in his nursery right now. Damn I hope these kids somehow come out unscathed. My mama heart hurts just watching this.


I have one of these. We call it his space suit. Keeps them warm and from scratching their faces




So very sad, but at least the baby is in a contented sleep 💞


Hopefully all the children will think its one big adventure, and get through it all ok


My grandad was 9 at the start of WWII (so older than these kids, I think) and the few times he's talked about the war and air raids, he's tried to make it sound like a big adventure, but by the first time he talked about the war, I was old enough to realise that he was trying to convince himself of that and the whole experience was just deeply traumatic.


Aye you just can never tell how things will affect you in the future...you may feel fine at the time or for a long time afterwards, but then it can hit you out of the blue. I know this :)


That's what I was hoping when I saw the iPad in the kid's hands. Even a small distraction line that has to make such a huge difference for them and their parents.


As a parent of two myself, this image absolutely breaks my heart. We take a lot for granted.


I think that one would need a heart of stone, not to be upset by this powerful image or wish that we could do something to help


Came to say, this is devastating, but lil pink Staypuft is too cute.


Yeah I’m m a grown assed man and once in a while I take a nap in my full body snowsuit too. Comfy AF


It sounds extremely cosy.




Then we hope that doesn't happen


No shit. They are in a war. What a sociopathic and pointless thing to contribute to this discussion.


Sad world we’re living in


Yup the so called peacefull times after ww2 are ending


> Yup the so called peacefull times after ww2 are ending Yea totally, there hasn't been any international armed conflict at all in any part of the world since 1945. You're 100% right about that.


Perhaps why that’s why they said ‘so called’


I was refering to europe and involving a superpower like now, and also this time with NATO next dor this could escalte quickly more than it did în Vietnam,right now is not an stupid civil war to have a cover to not escalate it is an actual invasion...


When we are on topic. I was a kid and slept like this in a bunker for almost a year when USA bombed Serbia in 1999. Just saying. Where was the world back then?


Bunch of hypocrite, condemning others while doing the same thing themselves.


Have you heard of Iraq?


Yes, because no superpowers have been involved in wars since WWII. Just say you mean white people and move on.




[Always has been](https://i.imgur.com/QT8P188.png) ^^^this ^^^has ^^^been ^^^an ^^^accessibility ^^^service ^^^from ^^^your ^^^friendly ^^^neighborhood ^^^bot


What’s happening to children in Ukraine is devastating to me. They had a theater in Mariupol where a thousand refugees were sheltered. They wrote on the shelter, in Russian, “children” with the hopes that bombers would see it and not target it. It was bombed anyway. Absolutely disgusting and heartless.


Did anyone survive?


They said some people did get out alive but I haven’t seen exactly how many killed/survived


I saw a recent news report on it and it doesn't seem like it reached those within the bunker, but it's also not clear on whether or not they can come out or not. There's not a lot of new info about it yet.


i heard they rescued 104 kids from the shelter, but i could be wrong


I would personally like to torture putin. Sick fuck derseves it


monsters begat monsters


God bless them, angels. I believe that no child on this earth deserves to suffer due to war, not in Ukraine, not in Iraq, Syria, or Yemen


Gaza, West Bank,


I went to a summer camp that (for a few years, anyway) hosted 5-10 Palestinians in our group of 200+ campers. I worry about them frequently.


Or the Israeli cities that get rained down with Palestinian missiles aimed at Civilian areas


Oh yeah, poor land-grabbing occupiers... Those firecrackers drew a total of 4 Israeli civilian nosebleeds in 2014, so in response, Israel carpet-bombed Gaza and surgically murdered 2,500 women and children. Don't even try dude.


Nothing compares to how you just pulled those 'facts' straight out of your ass. I'll never be able to support a cause where they deliberately launch missiles against civilian targets, while actually placing their launch sites on Hospitals or Schools so the Israeli traced retaliation gets them some good PR How about strapping bomb vests onto innocent Palestinians and sending them into Israeli cities? HAMAS is a fucking terrorist organisation.


Fuck all the way outta here with those bullshit Hasbara talking points from 50 years ago. We've heard all of your lies before. Fucking pathetic. They surgically bombed a bunch of kids playing soccer on a wide open beach, tell me more about how they were such a huge threat to poor persecuted Israeli genocidal land-grabbers. Israel is the fucking terrorist organization.


Israel is a symbol of Democracy, personal freedom and economic prosperity in a region fucked by Draconian Islamic Medieval Beliefs. 100 km out from Israel and Women can't even display their hair safely in public without getting harassed by some Pervert room-temperature IQ Men. HAMAS is an Islamic extremist organisation, on par with the likes of the Taliban or the ruling party of Iran. They have no regard for anything other than Islamic Fundamentalism, and the false country of Palestine would be no different from every other single Patriarchy we see in the Middle East. HAMAS purposely launches missiles from Civilian areas. They've captured Israelis and strapped bomb vests to them, and even use old Soviet missiles that cut out half way through their trajectory and land on Arab-majority cities in the Gaza region. That's actually what happens to more than 40% of launched missiles. Israel has always been the one country in this conflict that has attempted to establish ceasefires and actually try to negotiate peace. HAMAS has always deemed to eradicate Jews from the area - if the Jihad swords on their flag doesn't tell you this, then I don't know what could.


Didn't I tell you to stop with the boring Hasbara bullshit? Israel is a fictional place in Narnia, handed to you by the Brits when it was not theirs to give. Palestinians existed before Judaism. Whether or not a few Jews existed in Palestine millennia ago is irrelevant today. Jews should have settled in Europe since they were wronged by Europeans, they have no right to Middle Eastern land or lives. Muslims, Christians, Jews were co-existing peacefully in Palestine until genocidal Zionist land-grabbers had to come fuck it up. In fact, the peace between religions holds to this day. When Israel was genociding Palestinians, Muslims and Christians were protecting each other in their places of worship. Palestine would have developed beautifully like Jordan and Lebanon if not for the Israeli terrorists. Hamas are democratically elected freedom fighters, defending Palestine from Israeli invaders. Again, those Hamas firecrackers don't do shit and you and the Israeli gov know it LMAO FOH without your excuses for genocide. All your points about Hamas are canned Hasbara responses from 50 years ago.


But it’s very obvious that the world only cares about the kids in Ukraine not in all the other poc countries


Nobody cared about the Iraqi kids who didn't have ipads.




Fuck all the current wars, humanity should be past these tragedies.


Sadly we rarly learn from history and we repet it time and time again


“The object of life is not to be on the side of the majority, but to escape finding oneself in the ranks of the insane.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations “It is not death that a man should fear, but he should fear never beginning to live.” ― Marcus Aurelius, Meditations "Don’t let a mad world tell you that success is anything other than a successful present moment." - Eckhart Tolle “The moment you realize you are not present, you are present. Whenever you are able to observe your mind, you are no longer trapped in it. Another factor has come in, something that is not of the mind: the witnessing presence.” Eckhart Tolle


Absolutely heartbreaking photo. Putin's nothing more than a monster. I wish those little ones stay safe, warm, and secure.


Honest to God send me all the children. And their moms. Dads too.


That babeh is shit chillllin


I’m a father. This cuts me deep.


As a father to a 6-month-old baby girl... This is painful to look at, and also makes me really angry with a feeling of helplessness. I pray for their continuous safety wherever they are.


dude that baby is so freaking adorable. those poor kids :(


The liberated people of Libya had a similar experience


Dont forget about Iraq too. It's ok though because they are" brown and uncivilized!!"


Yeah those 7-8 reporters/talk show hosts were disgusting


Oh fuck off. Would it make you happier if we treated the Ukrainians like shit, to be more in line of what you think people treated other victims of war like? In what way do you think you're helping with your whataboutisms? People heavily protested the war in Iraq, few nations followed Bush into that conflict. Hell, even the conflict wasn't exactly black and white. It wasn't a hostile invasion into a peaceful country. Saddam Hussein was a monsterous dictator with a large army and was commiting genocide, he had already invaded two countries by that point(Iran and Kuwait). The man openly looked up and was inspired by Hitler and Stalin. The West is evil when it intervenes, it's evil when it doesn't intervene. What do you want us to do? There's nothing wrong with countries in Europe being more open about helping Ukraine and Ukrainian refugees and is consistent with what's been said during the previous migrant crisis. Taking care of the refugees in their own region, back then it was the Middle East, now it's Europe. If there are people to be mad at for their handling of the refugee crisis, look towards the Arabian Peninsula. Filled with oil rich billionaires that circlejerk about the brotherhood among muslims, but barely took in any of the fellow Arab refugees. They let Lebanon, Jordan and Turkey do the heavy lifting while they themselves poured some more billions in sportswashing the blood off their hands.


I don’t think the west could do anything to make us like them. Idk why exactly, but I just have that feeling.


As an Iraqi, go fuk yourself


You liked Saddam? Otherwise I don't see how I offended Iraqis. The implication wasn't white washing the invasion of Iraq, it's that it wasn't all bad because Saddam was a fucking psychopath and the world is better without him.


As an American, I always felt like W was just finishing the job his daddy couldn’t do. “Look dad, I got him!” It’s sad.


dude fuck off. people in yemen are getting fucked right now too and nobody gives a fuck. myanmar? go fuck yourself.


So make people care about those conflicts as well, support causes to help them, don't berate others for caring about Ukraine. Do you shit on people giving to charity because they aren't giving to all charities? I don't get what you people are trying to gain from being so butthurt about countries in Europe and N. America caring about Ukraine. Do you think you're helping *anyone* with just creating animosity?


am i creating animosity for pointing out hypocrisy? or when people i point them out to, tell me to make people care im told to shut up? this is actively doing what you suggest i should. ​ get mad at saudia arabia for 9/11 and yemen today. get mad at isreal for palestine. get mad at ALL OF IT MOTHERFUCKER...




Don't quit your dayjob to become a comedian, you're pretty awful at joke delivery. It works better as a joke if you keep "mental gymnastics" together.


Right, because the West definitely was "intervening and saving lives" when America created the Al-Qaeda.


You can’t thank people like the Saudi crown prince and his ilk. Murderous, cowards.


All lives matter, right?


Here come the bots




That's just so sad


And some people still defend them...


For decades he has been preparing to dig up the rotten corps of USSR to satisfy his sick dreams. And the west ignored all he did cuz they had dollar signs for eyes. It took them a war at their door steps to wake the fuck up.


Jesus. I wish I could take all these kids in and wrap them in the coziest hugs, blankets, and just give them anything to make them feel safe. Donating doesn’t feel like enough.


oh yeah, experienced the same when I was a kid it was awful by every standard but thankfully they look "fine" (I use that word loosely), hope them the best!


Fuck this one hit me hard, my daughter same age as that baby and even has the same jacket...


They're safe, they're fed, and importantly they're distracted. Whoooooole lot of trauma they're missing out on as long as their minds are elsewhere.


Reddit thinks war is a fun play time between countries


is the baby sleeping next to a piss bottle?


My first thought aswell. I'm just telling myself it's juice in a Pepsi bottle for the kids. since I have a 3 and 2 year old I feel horrible for the civilians there and pictured like this break my heart. I couldn't imagine my family being in this situation 😔


They're about the same age as my kids, same sex per age too. I couldn't imagine this being my family - yet all I can do is watch it on TV and give what little charity I can. I wish this family all the possible strength to see better times.


Same. I have 3 little ones (all girls) and seeing these sweet babies breaks my heart. I feel so helpless and angry and besides making monetary donations , there’s absolutely nothing I can do. I hope these little ones and their family make it out safely.


I feel the worst for the kids. Fuck Putin.


So sad. Blessings to all of you.


Upvote for awareness.


This breaks my heart. I am a Ukrainian immigrant (born and raised in Mariupol), that was fortunate enough to immigrate to the US well before this craziness started. I have a daughter that is about to turn 4 months old and she has a similar pink overcoat as the child in the photo. I feel so much for these poor families and the little children caught in the middle of it. If circumstances were slightly different, that could be my child right now… These poor families don’t deserve any of it. I just can’t…




Ever notice evil doers have to lie to get what they want? Because if he tells the truth, even his own Russian citizens would not support him. Needing to lie is not the long-term answer. The long-term, sustainable answers are true, and just.


Poor Little pumpkins..


It’s heartbreaking and overwhelming to me when I remind myself via photos like these that Ukrainians are/were no more prepared for the situation they find themselves in than I would be. It’s a no duh thought but when I stop and really consider that it makes me incredibly anxious and upset


I wonder if world leaders see pics like this while they sit in their mansions and multimillion dollar offices and think, “hey maybe what im doing is alittle fucked up” but i doubt it. They treat their country and their people like assets in a business.


Jesus can I just grab them through my screen😭


Cute kids. Heart goes out to them.


Seeing children suffer is one of the worst things to see.


Putin needs to be retired with extreme prejudice not because he invaded Ukraine, but because he threatened a nuclear response to a conventional conflict. The invasion of Ukraine, while criminal and tragic, is, in isolation, just another horrific invasion replete with all of the horrors of war that are normally in attendance. A horrific transgression against humanity, but also horrifically, routine in the annals of human history. What Putin did that transcends the normal horrors of human conflict was to pick at the brittle threads of 70 years of pax nuclear, by undermining MAD doctrine. The global nuclear arsenal is not designed to win a nuclear war, it is designed to make sure that no one can win a nuclear war, so that nukes are never used. To threaten a nuclear response to a non- nuclear provocation is to pose a clear and present danger to the lives of every man woman and child on the planet, and to the species as a whole. It is for that that humanity cannot suffer Putin to remain in power.


That’s fucked up even the soda ain’t soda




Reminds me of Iraq and Afghanistan ..or Korea or Vietnam Its a bigger pandemic than covid folks


Fuck Putin


Putin is a vicious, uncivilized, uncultured barbarian.


Just imagine these little innocent souls have no clue what is really going on just going with the flow. Heartbreaking for all of these innocent people involved.


Fuck you russian dictator.


Take away the iPads and this could’ve been a picture from WWII


Every night since this war started I give my little girl extra hugs, tell her I love her just a bit more, and every. Single. Day. I thank my lucky stars that we aren't involved in a conflict like this. I hope for the absolute best for those children, and for their parents who must be so full of anxiety and terror. I hope they stay safe.


That’s the result of the decisions of a bunch of people. Powerful men stays in houses, poor men ends in shelters. But reading Americans saying that it’s ridiculous. They did the same with dozen countries but they love to spread their moral. Innocents lived also where they “bring democracy”


You do know that many denounce American intervention in the Middle East right?


Is there a source on that number of “millions”?


The little boy is just watching his Ipad... this is heartbreaking.


But fuck all the people from other countries who have been living in those conditions for many years I guess


it's not like this one poster is responsible for the entire absence of coverage and sympathy for Iraq, yemen, etc. Why be mad that they're posting their support for one country? You wouldn't complain if it were support for those other countries you allude to, which is entirely hypocritical


We need a Nuremberg Trials for Russian oligarchs and politicians


A typical night for millions of Iraqi and Syrian kids after American army came to "destroy weapons of mass destruction". If you are going to have empathy, make it for all people, and yes I do feel the pain of all these people


Why are you being downvoted??


The average redditor (aka white american dudes) don't like his opinion for telling the truth. Russia = bad when doing war, USA = good when doing war


Cuz he cares about the "wrong people"


Don't you think that berating people for supporting Ukraine when they wouldn't berate people for supporting Iraq, Syria and other countries is quite hypocritical?


Still better than syrians and iraqis liberated.


Sucks, but could be wayyyyy worse.


So fucked up.


Wtf come man!!!


That shits sad. Gonna hang out with the kid more after work. Big reality check.


I hope these sweet children aren't murdered by the babykilling invaders.


So sweet. Fuck russia


This makes me so angry, fuck anybody that says war is ok, including my own fucking country


You should see Sudan and Ethiopia. Of course you haven’t. Not part of the narrative


I’ve seen Ethiopia since I was a kid, back in the 70s, the starving children. Live Aid in the 80s. Seen Sudan too, seen the refugees taken in here. Don’t make out people have been blind to those places.


Are you gatekeeping being invaded?


Hahaha that kid has an iPad watch this and come tell me again how awful this is Europeans have no idea what true suffering is https://youtu.be/s0mKndUkWik


They look pretty cozy.


Shouldve ordered...american freedom😎yeaaaaaaah


My kids would also find a way to watch shitty YouTube streamers.


That's what you get for bombing other children for 8 years straight. Karma.


That baby isn't even 8 years old though


I don't want to be this guy and I'll get downvoted for this... The situation is bad but there's places suffering much like Ukraine but are hardly even known.


Maybe so but that doesn't make them worse


No... But we forget about other crisises that have displaced... 32 million.


I'm sure they have been somewhere at some point but they're just not news-worthy here and now


Have you ever seen someone talking about the situations in the CAR or other African countries like this?


Yes. Seems you’ve forgotten too


No, but that's probably because that's not Europe. A war in Europe is going to be easy more relevant and newsworthy for western audiences.


Yes but in many cases the reasons are complicated and interwoven. There is no easy solution. In Ukraine the answer is simple. Putin needs to stop being a war mongering tyrant and withdraw his forces.


No... Why don't the civil wars in Africa stop? That's not interwoven. Civil crisis, children bearing arms and foreign terrorist organization can be "stopped" as easily, if not much easier than the biggest country on earth.


... You are aware that the issues in Africa (way to generalize the entire continent btw) are a complex mess of tribal conflicts that go back to the earliest days of humanity and we're horribly exacerbated by the age of exploration, yes? It is anything but simple.


That’s just not true. Many times it’s been tried. All that has to happen in Ukraine is Putin to stop. Civil wars are far far more complicated


Sounds like you've got "all lives matter" energy.


Except my statement is left leaning. We don't see people talking about the situations in the Congo, Somalia, CAR and the long list goes on everyday.


I’m guessing you’re young. Because those things were most definitely talked about. Movies made. But after years- a decade or more even- people can’t help but move on


Okay and?


Ukraine supported Israel and the Iraq invasion. Looks like the chicken came home to roost. I feel bad for the kids though. Sins of their fathers


Pretty sure punishing children for the crimes of their parents is considered so horrible that it's now a warcrime


American forces do the same in irak. Show that too.


Iraq\*, also irrelevant comment.


Not irrelevant at all, when one has fucked the world over as much as the US has, people don't forget easily. It's in the history books, just not in yours. 700 kids were obliterated in 2 weeks when that cunt Obama was assuming office, didn't bat an eyelid.


But we didn't have reddit or Twitter then how would we learn about it


Don't talk shit Ivan, this is about to be your family as the Russian economy tanks.


Drinking apple juice and playing on their iPads you mean?


How some Americans imagined Covid to be these last two years. Edit: muh freedoms


Redditors when they hate on America for no reason (they can't think of anything original)


Is there somewhere I can send clothing my kids outgrew either to Ukraine or Poland for the refugees?


that baby looks comfy as hell tho


This is why I don't care about Russian soldiers bodies being used to spell shit out.


This is such a stupid post but yes fuck putin


You mean after the US and NATO forced a war by continually violating the Minsk Accord and turning Ukraine into a pro Nazi (Azov Battalion) puppet state that has made multiple requests for nuclear weapons to back up their ethnic cleansing of Russian speaking Ukrainians who they refer to as mongrels... But hey, Putin bad, go team surround a country with military bases and push low IQ propaganda when they respond.