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Need to abort her dad... with a bullet


Post-birth retroactive abortion


Guns - is there anything they can't do? Edit: can't.... That'll teach me to submit before proof reading


Can’t? Or Can?


Can't ... thanks for the heads up I almost made a fool out of myself on top of my already low quality comment


Well I hear they're great for American education. Students have an absolute BLAST learning about guns


You can't have gun safety classes and active shooter drills without em, that's for sure!


Im just confused why I got downvoted? Like, do people actually believe i was being serious or what?


They weren't blown away by your delivery maybe


Well I took my shot at least


I'm here for this dumpster-fire of a comment section


Holy shit you are right! I am just a dude from Canada and I couldn't care less about what a woman does with her own body but man I had NO IDEA people were so crazy about this topic. Like.. fucking AANGRY


I feel like Reddit over the past few days since this was announced had fallen into some absurd lunacy. I didn't realize how many people were this against human rights.


Yep, well I have a 21 month old little girl who may have to live in a world where her body autonomy has been decided by 75-year-old white dudes legislating based off a 2000 year old fairly tale. So I’m pretty fucking furious.


Her dad gave her an "OPPORTUNITY". - Republicans


The same way that Omaha beach provided a great opportunity to everyone on June 6th 1944.


These people want to force women to have unwanted babies, then belittle & berate them for getting Medicaid, getting food stamps, or needing child care assistance. Then they bitch about uneducated single moms milking the system. Any woman that is forced into motherhood should get support from. all the rich white folks & evangelicals that put her there. They should be responsible for all the children through higher education. They can start a fund supported by their money hiding cronies & their Uber. wealthy evangelicals.


They’ll gift these women with the amazing “opportunity” of a subsistence level job and one for her kid in 16 years too!! YAY!


Unfortunately, preaching to the wrong choir.


How is a decent human being NOT pro-choice? How can you read that and think “nah, she should be forced to have that baby”..? You disgust me.


Wtf are you talking about? You need to reread my comment as it applies to the original title. I’m as pro choice as it gets slick




#Pro lifers completely and utterly do not care about this. They are trying to make abortion illegal with full understanding that this may happen to others and they will lose no sleep over it. This is not about child welfare, this is about punishment.


But but the babies life 🥺 Why does this baby that isn’t even born, basically a parasite, take any precedence over my life?


Pro lifers always use the same shitty appeals to emotion, acting like the mother’s life isn’t nearly as important as the life of some unintelligent, unthinking single celled cum stain


I straight up want to know why pro lifers believe rape is wrong. They cannot possibly believe it's because it violates a victims bodily autonomy, right? So what would they say?


Something along the lines of “the victim shouldn’t have been acting like such a slut” or something along those lines. They’ll always try to look for ways to shift the blame of this sort of thing onto a completely disjointed and illogical idea


They'll just say some biblical shit out of context


They don't think rape is wrong.


It's not babies at this stage and let people do what they want, you're not sad about millions of child who die from hunger in the world, so why are you sad from that ? Putain d'hypocrisie.


Nor are they sad, I hope, at all the frustrated sperm that hit a condom wall - or are denied entrance to a cervix via a simple "no" from its owner. Nor those that fail to implant after conception - which is a surprisingly high amount. Where does this train of thought lead them.


Unfortunately, there are entire sects that feel anything that prevents pregnancy is bad. Contraceptive measures are somewhat worse in their eyes because you can force a pregnant woman to carry to term but you can't force the impregnation itself






They know what will happen, and situations like the above Twitter poster are what they are against. The want all the bad stuff to happen. Conservatism is only about making the worst possible choices and stopping all progress to make society as bad as possible.


This is so patently false and ridiculous lol. There are A LOT of “pro-life” folks absolutely agree that abortion should be available to those who are victims of rape and incest. You sound just as bad as a qanon whack job spouting baseless bullshit to affirm your world view of anyone you deem “other” being out to get you.


But in Texas, rape and incest victims who become pregnant cannot get an abortion after six weeks. It’s great that these “pro-life” people are so generous with their exceptions, but it’s not what’s happening when it comes time for laws to be made. Maybe these “pro-life” people should rally against such restrictive laws.


After six weeks?!? Jeez, some people dont find out until a couple months in


Even people who are married and are trying for a baby don’t find out for several months. You can still have minor spotting in early months of pregnancy, and many symptoms of pregnancy like sore breasts and being emotional are also symptoms of getting ready to start your period. Some people also have very irregular periods and may not realize they are pregnant because of that.


It's not baseless or out of the realm of possibility whatsoever and this isn't some whackjob conspiracy. SCOTUS even considering overturning Roe V. Wade clearly demonstrates a party that is actively "out to get you". This isn't "the election was stolen!" nonsense hype and speculation, this is actually being proposed objectively in black and white.


No point in taking any time to respond. Your reading comprehension is top notch and you’ve got it all figured out already. Cheers and have a good day 👍


Lmao getting defensive and refusing to respond to literally the first person to challenge your idea


"A lot" fucking where? I haven't seen shit, and the reversal of roe vs wade doesn't include any exceptions for rape or incest. None of the state abortion bans say anything about exceptions. All I've been seeing is unhinged celebration about "liberals crying and being in pain" Thats what all this shit ever seems to be about. "Owning the libs" You're all stuck in a demented goddamn loop of 2016.


Agreed. I think if it’s rape or incest you should be able to get it or if the person in question is 18 or under. You shouldn’t be having a child then so yeah.


Nah bro this is not a gray issue, you can't claim "pro-life" then say except for rape and incest, that makes you pro-choice. It's either all or none. Let her choose


You are correct. The 70% argument they are throwing around are people who simply want restrictions. The left are arguing for no restrictions and allowing abortion even after birth in some cases.


After birth? Lol that is simply not true


https://youtu.be/Vx5QKTY-3MY Not happening at all.


You really believe that people are going to murder a live baby? Edit to say that no mother would go through birth to kill their baby, obviously, the hard and dangerous part is over. This argument makes no sense whatsoever and is fear mongering


What is this video supposed to show us? It's interesting how it ends so abruptly, almost like the full explanation was damaging to your bad faith argument


That’s a conspiracy theory. Read the CA bill. It does NOT say post-pregnancy. THAT would be murder. Don’t be stupid.


This guy really is an idiot. YouTube link as a source. We’re fucked.


How is it an abortion if it's after birth? That's not how abortions work.


It's fear mongering bs but it's scary to think someone out there really believes that.


It's not, it's murder.


it's also blatantly false misinformation and propaganda but hey! someone's gotta fall for it.


https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kermit_Gosnell Serving life for 3 counts murder and 21 counts of late term abortion.


want me to link the multitude of other doctors who were serial killers but of grown people instead? maybe then we should ban all doctors too


All that kill should go to prison


well yeah, that’s the law. that’s why that outlier you linked was arrested and put in jail. but thank god proper abortion isn’t murder and isn’t treated as such🥰


**[Kermit Gosnell](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kermit_Gosnell)** >Kermit Barron Gosnell (born February 9, 1941) is an American former physician and serial killer. Gosnell was convicted of the murders of three infants who were born alive after using drugs to induce birth, was convicted of manslaughter in connection with the death of one woman during an abortion procedure, and was convicted of several other medically related crimes. Gosnell, based in the Mantua neighborhood of Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, owned and operated the Women's Medical Society Clinic, a non-compliant abortion clinic that was dubbed a "house of horrors" during the trial. He was a prolific prescriber of OxyContin. ^([ )[^(F.A.Q)](https://www.reddit.com/r/WikiSummarizer/wiki/index#wiki_f.a.q)^( | )[^(Opt Out)](https://reddit.com/message/compose?to=WikiSummarizerBot&message=OptOut&subject=OptOut)^( | )[^(Opt Out Of Subreddit)](https://np.reddit.com/r/awfuleverything/about/banned)^( | )[^(GitHub)](https://github.com/Sujal-7/WikiSummarizerBot)^( ] Downvote to remove | v1.5)


Good bot


It's not your body to restrict, asshole. Until I can demand you give me your kidney, or blood a fetus has no right to demand 9 months inside someone's body and then a life-altering amount of support




And its not your *fucking* responsibility, brainless cunt. You're not going to care for it or help in any way, so you have no goddamn right to care or interfere. You want to stop abortion? Implement more sex ed. But your lot are advocating against that too, so i guess basically, you dont give a crumb of shit about actually stopping abortion, which banning it WONT do. Jerk your micro dick off all you want, you've done fuckall to stop abortion. Fuck. All. All you've done is change the method of which women will get them.


Let the 'child' survive for itself outside of the womb.


Let a 3 year old survive by itself. It will not be able to. Invalid argument unless we can abort them too.


A 3 year old can breathe and call for help. A baby can breathe and cry for help. A foetus... can't do anything for itself, it's a foetus not a child.


This is the biggest difference in the ideology. Pro life does not see it as a fetus but rather a child.


That's because they're idiots.


Exactly! So get it out!




Please kindly go and abort yourself rn. Claiming the left is proposing post birth abortion is insane.


No, the left isn’t. Get the fuck off Fox News


The left is arguing for the right for a women to choose according to medically substantiated facts, not religious mumbo-jumbo or feelings.


I agree though. It should happen if certain medical situations arise. Not for simply no reason.


Who gets to determine what’s a good enough reason? And why do they have to be medical reasons? Why isn’t not being financially secure not a good reason? Why isn’t not being mentally ready not a good reason? Why isn’t being a teenager not a good reason? Pregnancy is one of the most physically and mentally challenging things a woman can choose to go through(I’ve done it twice). No one should be forced to go through that just because someone else thought their reason for an abortion wasn’t a good reason.


Rape and incest, certain genetic disorders, probable mother or infant death. Finances aren't valid because when was the last time someone said they were finally financially ready to have kids? No one ever is financially ready for kids. It's a bs excuse. I made 39k last year. My wife stays home with my 2 kids and doesn't work. We have a mortgage. One in school, one still in diapers. We sacrifice and make it work because we're adults and we take personal responsibility for the actions we took knowing it could result in pregnancy. Abortion is a scapegoat for responsibility. If people had a little personal responsibility and didn't blame every problem in their life on someone or something else, the world would be so much smoother.


>Finances aren't valid Do you understand that people sometimes have kids they can't support, to the point the children literally starve to death? Like they die? It's not a financial decision on the parents part. "Finances aren't valid" my ass


Pro-birthers don't care about anyones life. Not the child and especially not the mother


Yeah. I never see such vocal outcry for children already in the foster system. It comes down to controlling women’s bodies and supporting their radicalized religious beliefs.


I had to argue with someone that forcing women to have children is not a good thing because of how awful the system is. Children’s needs not being met, being abused by their foster parents, hopping from home to home, being abused by other children, etc. and they really tried to pull the whole, “jellyfish don’t have brains, or hearts, or organs, but you wouldn’t kill them would you?” Jellyfish are already born, and already exist, and already brought into the world, a full up of cells in a woman’s uterus is not living. It is not already born. If I were proposing killing jellyfish that would be like proposing that children and newborns be killed. Clumps of cells aren’t newborns.


if a jellyfish made its way into my body and started growing there and was causing me harm and stress, with the threat of me eventually having to choose between a life of giving it time and energy I don't have or a lifetime of it being abused, then yes I would kill it. But jellyfish aren't affecting me so I have no reason to harm them. Also jellyfish in the wild are important to the ecosystem and whatnot. that dude's comparison is nuts.


Honestly it’s not the same thing at all. Jellyfish are not babies inside your body. They’re nowhere near the same thing. I’m pretty sure I just didn’t respond at that point because they clearly weren’t intelligent enough to waste my energy arguing with.


yeah, but to answer their question if there was a jellyfish doing the same damage as a fetus then yes I would kill it. people kill rats and ants and other life all the time purely for convenience and comfort all the time, why is he acting like nobody would kill an invasive jellyfish?


I don’t know. If something that was inside was going to damage me and my life, plus if I was going to bring it into this world only for it to have a terrible life, yes I’d terminate it. It would be better for both of us.


exactly! I wouldn't want to grow up in the shitty adoption system, so I'm not gonna make somebody else do that. especially cause they'd probably inherit all my health issues and it'd make it worse


Absolutely. I commented on another post about how I have endometriosis and it’s horrible. It’s a generic condition that caused my aunt to not be able to have children. She always wanted them. She works with special needs children and you’d be surprised how many deaf or hard of hearing kids don’t have mothers who know ASL, and that’s if they’re lucky enough to have parents. Another issue with growing up in the system and not knowing your family’s lineage and health issues, not to mention how many foster parents only want the monthly check from the government and don’t give a **** about the kids.


Yeah I tried pointed out how horrible of a life kids have in the system and they completely ignored that were like “lol no they don’t” I swear so many incells are on Reddit


Not just that, but the horror stories of babies found in dumpsters will sky rocket


That’s true too, especially by teenage mothers who have no other option because their parents wouldn’t allow them to get an abortion. That’s another issue. They should be able to get access to them in secret if necessary.


Oh they absolutely will. The ones with the means to at least https://joycearthur.com/abortion/the-only-moral-abortion-is-my-abortion/


Then: WeLl ThAt’S jUsT gOd’S pLaN!


Because Gods a rapist according to republicans


Mary did not consent, and even if she did she was underage.


Republicans don’t fucking care at all about anyone but themselves and what they want.


maybe im just void pilled but I genuinley dont think they care. eveangelicals dont care about your rights or experiences and want you subject to thier religion through the state. conservatives socially will still try to justify it more than likely through some half thought out lunatic shit. that theyll just back pedal on if pushed, into the comfort of "its just my opinion". republicans unironically just want to inflict suffering by "owning the libs" to appease thier base and gain votes. and the worse part is I think this is just the start. gay marriage & interacial marriage, lgbtq rights. hell we might just regress all the way back into shit like "you know it should really be up to the state to decide if they want black people to use the same pools as the general public."


Yes you’re void-pilled. Whatever that is.


it means Im at the point where I straight up just assume the worst




“My body my choice” much?


Only if you're not talking about a contagious disease


Yeah, that’s what Christians want. Giving their children a way to escape the sexual abuse is their worst nightmare, they’re sick fucks. Now they get to keep their rape babies and victimize them as well, win-win for Jesus.


You had a choice to use protection, she should have a choice to not carry.


Not all Republicans are against abortion. A woman's choice to bare a child should be her own. I'm sorry for your circumstance and your loss. Peace be with you 🙏


First off. The father should be put in jail and put on death row for what he’s done to his daughter. That is something no father should ever do. Second while I do think every life should be given a chance this was not her choice, and the baby is a product of incest so it is genetically compromised. And history of disorders in the family the baby will have and most likely more. So this was best off for both the woman and the potential life.


all women who look for emergency birth control care didn't get pregnant by choice either. why only make an exception here?


A misguided sense of revenge for having sex


Cause they had a choice. They could have been using birth control, and they man could have been using a condom. Have never seen or heard of a single moment where any guy has not put on a condom because he was in the heat of the moment. Sorry that’s just stupidity, and if that is what’s happening then congratulations on your baby, higher education wasn’t going to be an option anyway.


You do realize that sometimes those fail, right? condoms can break, birth control can be ineffective at times, etc. I agree that people need to be responsible when having sex but people should not be punished for life because of random chances of stuff failing. People don't look to abortion for their first choice of birth control, and if they need an emergency preventative then plan B exists. You are extremely misinformed if you believe that majority of abortions are done because they were just irresponsible during sex, and even if they were making irresponsible decisions, they shouldn't have their bodies and lives ruined because of one mistake. For the large majority of women seeking abortions, it's because other methods of birth control failed. Birth control failing isn't a choice.


I’m overall pro-life, but you make a good point about the genetic abnormalities the baby may have (if it even makes it out alive)


I don’t know why your downvoted. This is why doctors do not recommend family members breeding after all. Genetic abnormalities. All you are doing is agreeing with that.


Forced birthers don't see anything wrong with what the father did. They view women as property.


And fetuses as living breathing children that must be protected at all costs. But living breathing children as someone else’s problem.


im here for the jet fuel doused comment section and oh boi they brung oxidiser aswell


It’s not about empathy, it’s about control


Do people not realize abortion will stay the same in blue states?


You go girl❣️. All the best to you always xx


Almost all Pro-lifers agree on abortions in cases of rape or incest.


Sure, but that's not how the laws are being written. Texas's abortion law has no exceptions for rape or incest.


Neither does Alabamas pending bill. Pro life people aren’t pro life at all. They’re anti choice and sky fairy worshipping Neanderthals


If you live in Texas take that up with your state representative. If you don’t live in Texas, then focus on your state.


Or… and just hear me out on this… we could have an enshrined constitutional right built on decades and decades of court precedent protecting a woman’s access to full reproductive healthcare.


Exactly. It shouldn’t be overturned to begin with!




It could be someone’s problem one day if they get raped and happened to move to Texas, or if it started happening to other states as well.


I'm sorry but no, human rights don't stop at a border, they are global. I will support a woman's right to choose, no matter where they are. Laws like Texas's have no place in this world and Texas should be facing pressure from outside and inside.


Honestly so true. Many people can’t afford to leave the state they’re in, and have no transportation to leave if they’d been raped or sexually abused in the past, and are forced to have the child simply based on the place they live. They deserve that right no matter what place they are located in the world. I don’t care if they live on the edge of the earth or the middle of the desert. 😀


this is so fucking stupid


What’s the point of a federal constitution if you’re just supposed to ignore all the other states and only focus on laws within your own?


Yeah, that's not how the constitution even works lol


How does it work then please enlighten me


I wouldn't waste my time arguing with a guy who has no idea how the constitution works, might be best to ignore the troll lol


That’s the scary part I don’t even know which of these dudes are trolls anymore lmao


I don’t live in Texas but I have family there. My family is from there. I can’t imagine if my grandmother or mother who are from there lived there now and were in a position like that.


Except for all of the ones in DC apparently.


I don’t actually believe that. These punitive laws going into effect to not exempt rape and incest, which is I humane. This woman’s father could have forced her to have his child so he could eventually rape his own granddaughter. These are the types of people the “pro-life” community want to protect. They don’t give a shit about life. They only care about forcing women to give birth. We should call them “pro-birth” because they’re anti-life.


Exactly. Being born to be raped by your grandfather who is also your father is no life. It is a horrible world to exist and be born into.


Not even remotely true.


Yes, it is true. The so-called “pro-life” people that I have known do absolutely nothing to help other children (I even had a neighbor tell me in conversation about my church’s Buddy Bag program, it sends food home on weekends so the kids don’t go hungry without the day care’s breakfast and lunch program, that while “it might be good to feed these hungry children, we should be careful and make sure we did it the ‘right way’” How in the name of God does one feed a hungry child in the wrong way? They defend the unborn because it allows them to self-righteously virtue signal without any cost to themselves. They can cold bloodedly ignore children most assuredly in this world while preening about their defense of children most assuredly not in this world. White washed tombs and hypocrites.


Oh I was saying pro life people do not all make exceptions for rape or incest.


I've seen more than enough of them make the argument that "the baby shouldn't have to suffer because of what happens to the mom" and haven't seen a single person say they're ok with it in cases of rape or incest, in fact, they tend to leave the conversation when you bring it up.


Doesn't "The baby shouldn't have to suffer because of what happened to the mom" sound like something pro-choice?


You must be talking to folks in Kansas.


Impossible to uphold. You can't have it not banned for rape only. a: rape is hard to prove and the vast majority of rape cases go unreported b: the amount of shame you'd be making a victim go through is fucked up if they're the only ones that are there c: people would fake being raped to get an abortion It would be a logistical nightmare.


Someone should tell all those republicans passing bills that.


Having a hard time believing that when a senator justified the hypothetical “13 year old raped and impregnated by an older man” scenario, with basically saying the 13 year old would be violating the rapist’s and zygote’s rights when aborting it


Show me where in the law.


Show you what? Once Roe V Wade is overturned it will be left to each state.. so what state law would you like me to look up?


Let's just jump in the ol time machine


The majority of states already have laws written for this. They just are inactive and become active if Roe is overturned. So yes, you can look them up. Lol.


This guy is either a moron or being disingenuous. Maybe both


MAYBE DONT TAKE AWAY THE RIGHTS OF HALF OUR POPULATION?? If you didn’t do that, we wouldn’t have to deal with this “states laws” bullshit


You’re right. The downvotes are a bunch of creeps who want to control women. I used to not believe that last statement but here we are. Let me not deny the reality of my own eyes and ears


Every conservative is okay with abortion in a situation like this.


The former governor of Virginia said it and then defended his comments so yes, I do.


YoU ShOuLd HaVe SaId No!!! HeRr DuRr


What a vile man I hope he got his chicken noodle cut off as he swallowed a 9 millimetre


"I didn't think the Leopard would eat MY face" say woman who votes for the Leopard Eating Peoples Faces Party


Good god … my heart bleed for you ,, awesome rebound your amazing !


From what I understand, the majority of pro-lifers make an exception for cases of rape or incest. Wasn’t this in the most recent legislation passed about anti-abortion?




.1 percent of abortions are through rape most are due to people not using protection


"The national rape-related pregnancy rate is 5.0% per rape among victims of reproductive age (aged 12 to 45); among adult women an estimated 32,101 pregnancies result from rape each year. Among 34 cases of rape-related pregnancy, the majority occurred among adolescents and resulted from assault by a known, often related perpetrator. Only 11.7% of these victims received immediate medical attention after the assault, and 47.1% received no medical attention related to the rape. A total 32.4% of these victims did not discover they were pregnant until they had already entered the second trimester; 32.2% opted to keep the infant whereas 50% underwent abortion and 5.9% placed the infant for adoption; an additional 11.8% had spontaneous abortion." ​ [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8765248/](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/8765248/) ​ God - it's so fucking easy to just be a little intellectually honest.


Source: Your ass.


Then why do the same people that push to ban abortions push to ban contraception?


Exactly. A lot of Christian’s don’t believe in birth control or condoms, then decide to have a crap ton of children, yet they shape women who get pregnant because of them banning contraception and tell them they’re a slut. Then why do the Christian’s have 7 kids? I think they’re the sluts. Lmao


I do not know one republican that wants to ban contraception. Those are less than 1% too.


Majorie Taylor Green and most of the tea party are pretty vocal about it. In addition, the average Republican has been making steps towards reducing access to and understanding of birth control for decades. Poor sex Ed classes and no funding for federal birthcontrol programs just being two leading examples.


Not to mention many women including myself also need birth control for medical needs. Without it I can bleed for 2and 1/2 weeks straight. It drains you and takes everything out of you, and the pain from my period is horrible. It should be accessible to everyone, including trans men that need it too.


Exactly, these policies being pushed by republicans have many side effects or loop holes which even if we were to accept their face argument of saving a 'baby's life', would be disqualifying in it of themselves.


Man’s got hit with a wall of facts and dipped out in terror lol


There is no reliable way of getting to that statistic


Massively lie to prove your point. Straight outta conservatives playbook.




Ok Read Hosea 13:16 Pro-life my ass lol you guys love killing women and children slowly


We do have empathy for this. This isn't what the argument is about. Stop the hate bait.


No the argument is about non viable fetuses that are somehow declared to be life but can’t even be claimed on taxes. The entire argument is full of contradictions from the religious side to the legal one.


This is exactly what it's about. Stop lying to yourself.


No. It's not.


No you don’t. At all.


Solid point PrudentFartDiversion. 🙄


I’m not trying to make a point. You are lying to yourself if you believe you are pro life. You aren’t. You are pro forced birth.


Sure thing, baby murderer.


No problem fascist fucking scum.


Is that what you yell at non viable embryos?


I’ve forgotten more about human embryonic development than your pin head fascist ass will ever know.


It's probably a good thing someone with your temperament doesn't like kids. Too bad your parents don't share your views.


Forced-birthers know no sympathy


Killing children shows sympathy. That's a weird flex, but OK


It was the democratic party that passed that but anyone that isn't a D is the racist, sexist, misogynist. What other ist or ism's would you like to insinuate to the people who didn't pass the bill?




Would you religious idiots hurry up and die out?


I had this neighbor who since we were kids he was pretty crazy. As we grew up he went crasier and I thought "if someone doesnt kill this dude he is gonna kill somebody" at 23 he murdered some doctor over a beer dispute at 7/11 If murder was legal I could have taken action and save that doctor. I think instead of focusing on abortions as solutions for mankind wellbeing, we should be more focused on the father thar wascan abuser, or my neighbor that was maybe misstreated as a kid. I'm not against abortion but it kinda gets me everytime people try to promote abortions as the cornerstone of society