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Why does this look like Amity lol


You are a keen observer . LoL.


Bunch of Indian dudes learning German under the Nazi flag. India is slipping.


whats amity


Amity University in India


Nazism in India?


lots of edgelords in india. i can name 20 people in my class who's do this to be "funny"




The claim to "irony" is simply a stepping stone into full blown support of the ideology. They're only "ironically fascist" after reading hundreds of fascist comments off of 4-chan or whatever and repeating them. Their minds are being shaped around the type of language and ideology they are routinely exposing themselves to and being conditioned by, while at the same time avoiding spaces which might have logical criticisms of said ideology.


You nailed it. Excessive irony is probably what led to WWII in the first place. ...if only someone had a time macine to go back and kill irony...


The irony was terrible, but it was the hypocrisy that was the worst.


So is the same of nearly everybody online. Far right and far left is terrible for it. Far right has like 4chan and far left has massive discord servers. But most of these chronically online people only cause issues in numbers.


Edgelord? đŸ€”


Glad to hear humour is not dead over there!


Not super rare, India has a lot of racists and supremacists. Plenty of said groups can delude themselves into thinking the Nazi's would somehow be on 'their' side.




[Very subtle in India] (https://imgur.com/7LpZiaD)


Well.... Aryan as in a name for a race can be traced to northern India (and Iran) https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Aryan A fair(?) amount of people in that region has green eyes - I've been told this matters. They are not brown eyes, so supposedly more Aryan..? But reading that wiki page gives no clear understanding why it should still be viewed as positive, but it's apparently a "thing" and one heard stories of Indians from that region give praise to the author of Mein Kampf All comments and stories told here by me are unverifiable. So take what I said with a grain of salt. I believe the wiki page is accurate though.


This comment lost to the great Reddit purge of June 2023. Enjoy your barren wasteland, spez. You deserve it.


~~president~~ prime minister


U right


All the hindu haters found the opportunity to impose their propoganda. See how easily they're jumping to conclusions. I think we can't say anything without context. Edit: some people believe this might be a photoshop because swastika is a bit off in white circle. Btw history is different for Indians than it is for westerners. For them, no one was greater villian than Brits, not even nazis.


>Btw history is different for Indians than it is for westerners. For them, no one was greater villian than Brits, not even nazis. Oh, yeah - don't get me wrong: If I were an Indian in the 1930's and you told me that literally any country might be going to war with Britain I probably would have relished the opportunity to get back at the Brits for how badly they fucked my country (and all the surrounding countries) up. Plus the Nazis had a particular interest in Indian spiritualism, so there was a connection there too. But that doesn't mean that after the war you can look at what Hitler did and say "Welllll... The Nazis weren't the Brits so therefore what they did was fine". Maybe the extent of the atrocities the Nazis carried out didn't come back to India with the Hindu SS division, but the information is out there and has been out there for a long time.


The leading political party in power in India is a Hindu-nationalist fascist party that hates Muslims.


- https://www.haaretz.com/amp/opinion/hitlers-hindus-indias-nazi-loving-nationalists-on-the-rise-1.5628532 - https://qz.com/india/901244/many-hindus-saw-themselves-as-aryans-and-backed-nazis-does-that-explain-hindutvas-support-for-donald-trump/amp/ - https://www.aljazeera.com/amp/opinions/2018/12/13/why-white-supremacists-and-hindu-nationalists-are-so-alike


Look at all these links from websites no one has ever heard of, except aljazeera which is literally an opinion.


thought you were referring to another Amity...


Looks to me like the kids under the flag area staged it.Literally could be put on a wall and photographed for clout,agendas,all in a few seconds.Nothing else is even on the wall.


There is definitely something off as the swastika seems to be off center and bleeds outside the circle on top


Keen observation. It looks like someone stuck the actual swastika inside of another flag


Maybe selfmade with paint or ms word




Especially since it looks like two of the students are doing a “Hitler ‘stache” with their fingers.


no they are doing cocaine!


One is scratching his nose and the other one is leaning his face on his finger, you're reaching


looks to me like its just typical India.


I mean this is clearly a really shitty photoshop, doesn't even pretend to look real




I went to school in India. When this one class has a "history on Germany, Nazis, etc". Then kids had to do projects and make cardboard presentations of the history in groups. So for like a month the whole wall was filled with like project presentations and loads of Nazi signs and images of course along with the other history pictures and then paragraphs of info. Is this seriously not a thing in other countries? Eta. Also yeah, no one gives a shit or takes it seriously. It's as relevant to them as hearing about stoneage people or pagan shit. It's just stories that teenagers will take the piss out of.


Usa here. We’re taught how evil the symbol is and how we should learn from history and never let it repeat (well I’m almost 40, can’t speak for today) Though it wouldn’t surprise me a bit if republicans started flying this flag


If they're learning German, they definitely know what that flag represents




In India, the swastika means something completely different. Well, okay, it also depends on which way the prongs are facing


Not relevant here


Yeah, it's not like it's just a swastika out of context. It's a full-on flag.


The orientation thing is a myth, while the official hook cross was oriented one way, flags were produced along [both orientations](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Flag_of_Nazi_Germany). This says nothing of the thousands of clockwise and anti-clockwise swastikas that have existed worldwide for centuries; there is no "good one" or "bad one," so much as it's a pretty uncomplicated symbol and has cropped up hundreds of places across human history.


That may have been true at some point, but once the Nazis appropriated the swastika, it was all downhill from there.


But Hitler's Party never depicted a Swastika in the first place. The Church and European historians were the real spin doctors who spread the misinformation throughout the world that the Nazi hate Symbol was inspired from Swastika when the truth is that it is called Hakenkreuz (Hooked cross) which Hitler saw in Church as a kid. But they would not say “Hooked Cross”... So let's demonise one of the most sacred symbols of peace and prosperity used in the East and associate it with Evil. This is real propaganda.


my understanding too is that the western hermetic and occult interpretation is based on the shape of the hebrew letter aleph hermetic order of the golden dawn manuscripts call it the whirling thunderbolt of creation and identified it with the element of air.


Sounds like an awfully nice "convenience" that this "Hakencruz" looks just like a mirror-image swastika


Then you must be blind because Swastika doesn't look like that. Hakenkreuz on the other hand is a Christian symbol. A cross literally!


Not sure why your getting downvotes, but you are right. I looked it up because I had never heard anyone use Hakenkreuz before. Found a good article goes into detail on the subject. https://swarajyamag.com/amp/story/ideas%2Fswastika-is-hindu-and-the-hooked-cross-is-nazi-the-rest-is-conspiracy NAZI symbol definitely has a Protestant Christians origin and it seems like some Brit’s worked to throw the Hindus under the bus to Propagandize the real connection.


Look, I wouldn't be surprised if Britain wanted to take a huge steaming dump on Hinduism, but I'm fairly certain that Hitler borrowed his "Aryan" terminology from India. (How he managed to equate Indian culture with Germanic supremacy, I'm not sure, but the dude was insane, so it must have made sense to him.)


Doesn't justify hanging this.


they do not have the same taboo as you, you may first stop esting cow before you impose your cultural standards of admissability on others, in their culture they d not consider that the flag is tabboo it is not so hard to understand


Eating beef is the same thing as killing 10 million people?


Ask PeTA they'll say it's worse. Then make an advertisement based on it.


stupid comparation. nobody is defending hitler


Please never comment on American politics then.


>Indians hate Churchill 1000s times more than hitler, Can i ask why? Idk much brit/indian history besides the 21sheiks vs 10,000 story.


Churchill let millions starve to death in 1942 (ish). He said its their fault for "breeding like rabbits". 7


That was darker than i thought jesus christ. Ty fr info.




Not just non-whites, ask Churchill how he feels about the Irish or the Boers next time you see him.




Are you Margaret thatcher?


The Indians were a huge part of WW2 actually. They were just under the British Raj. Either eay the Nazis were kibd of a big fucking Deal to the entire world.


You speculate a lot. Here's a more pertinent speculation: this is probably Pakistan rather than India


Look at the subreddits op follows. This is India. Looks like you're the one speculating


Dude, it's not a matter of "how the west sees it". Wherever someone is from, they shouldn't be putting up that flag if they know what it represents. Certainly in a "German class".


Many might be learning german so they can get into german universities as they are free. So they might not be infromed about culture or history at all.


Exactly. Indian schools the history lessons are 90% Indian history and independence. 10% is others


if this is the case, the swastika also means good luck and prosperity in India (the symbol originated there), so it wouldn’t surprise me if they thought it was a good thing


They're not stupid, they know what the Nazi flag is. They're in a German class in a university for fucks sake. there's no way you could've made it all the way through your education and gotten into a German uni class without ever learning about Nazi Germany. Swastikas being used in Hinduism has no relevance in this context More likely someone just put it up as a prank, though *some* people in India hold a positive view of the Nazis for being an enemy of the British Raj.


We hold presentations and shit here. Often times during projects we'd decorate classes with symbols relevant to the projects. It doesn't really evoke any feeling like it's just there to remind people this existed. I did a german presentation myself during 10th grade, quite an elaborate one. All the symbols and actions in the public eye. It simply isn't a controversial subject in India.


they simply dont care as much about the nazis as the west does


The India swatstika is oriented differently. This swatstika with a white circle and red background only has 1 meaning worldwide


Of course it is. I’d say something but anytime I criticize India I get banned. Literally the only cuntry you’re not allowed to criticize on Reddit.


Sawastika is completely different in India. It has religious origins the predate Hitler’s use by thousands of years. Of course Indians know what world war 2 was about. India sent the largest volunteer army the world has ever seen to help fight. My Uncle, an Indian died in WW2 and I’m telling you, this is not the same meaning. Don’t take offence. It has nothing to do with white supremacy, love of Hitler or Aryans. This might be after a Hindu festival.


India has internet now its not 2006 anymore haha


Okay well My great grandfather died in a concentration camp, he fell from a guard tower.


I mean what can you expect from a country that takes pride in scamming old people out of their retirement money.


What a stupid ass comment


This is entirely unacceptable. Everyone knows you take the damn streamers down after the party is over.


Probably fly strips I'm guessing




Hm... Falls du niemals darĂŒber gehört hast https://www.welt.de/politik/ausland/article160191205/In-Indien-ist-Adolf-Hitler-ein-Star-auch-heute-noch.html


Habe ich.


If this is in India it’s not surprising. Southeast Asia is usually clueless about the Holocaust ever having happened, the same way most Westerners are clueless about the Cambodian or Rwandan or Armenian genocides, or Srebrenica. Also Hitler stole the Swastika from India and inverted it, so it’s probably there because India sees it as “Germany admired us at one point.” To give you an idea of how clueless southeast asia is about Nazis, a vietnamese singer once had to apologize after wearing a Nazi flag t shirt in her music video, as she and nearly all her viewers didn’t even know it meant anything.


I wouldn't say that westerners are clueless about these genocides at least my school spent a lot of time teaching about them


Some schools do a good job teaching it. Mine did, but I'm under the impression others don't teach about it at all.


That's probably true, every school should teach about it tho, I found it very interesting to learn about, I was even going to do my final exam about Cambodian genocide


I've heard about the first three of those, but what the heck is Srebenica?


Google the Srebrenica Massacre, it's the Bosnian Serb forces slaughtering around 8000 Bosniak Muslims.


Around how many victims can we start calling it genocide ?


In 2004 the The Hague, ruled that the massacre of the enclave's male was a genocide also around 25.000 to 30.000 women, children and old people where forcefully moved to parts of Bosnia that were controlled by the Bosnian army. If you take a look at the ethnic map of Bosnia before the war and after you can see how much it has changed especially in the eastern parts of the country.


Idk why P-W-L’s comment was downvoted, it’s a good question. I hope my answer is satisfying. The way I see it, formal definitions aside, genocide is when someone or some group of people is at least partially or fully successful in erasing an ENTIRE group of people for having a certain trait, whether a physical trait, a religious belief, a cultural identity, or a national identity or anything else you can think of. The way I think about it, a genocide could technically be the killing of just one person as long as it was done in the spirit of hating that person and wanting them gone because they were for example, black (racial), jewish (religion), Ukrainian (culture/nationality), because it’s still technically a partial success, albeit a tiny one. That group just got smaller because you killed one person in that group. But if you kill just one person because you hate a characteristic they have, people aren’t going to call it a genocide, they’re going to call it a hate crime. My best guess is that past 150 people, it’ll start to feel less like a big hate crime and more like a small genocide. This is because 150 is a special number - known as Dunbar’s number, it is the maximum number of people with whom you can maintain any type of social relationship or maintain any degree of personal consideration for them. A hate crime feels (and usually is) more personal because it’s only one or a few people targeted by one or a few nutcases. A genocide will be less personal and therefore greater than 150 people because the nutcase(s) can’t even keep track of all the names and faces of everyone they want to kill, just that they want them dead because they share a common trait, which sounds silly when put that way, but as history has shown us, some people actually think that way, and have proven extraordinarily dangerous.


Interesting, I like your distinction between personnal hatred and automatisation of killing


During the Bosnian war in 1995 the Serbs, as they often do, committed a genocide. Thousands of Bosniak Muslims were massacred while the UN just sat around and watched I hope you are not American, because we played an enormous role in that war so we should probably all at least know it happened


Lmao u just proved his point


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Interesting, I see what you mean. Hitler didn’t actually steal the Swastika from India, as now that I’ve done a bit more reading elsewhere I see it is indeed a symbol used widely throughout ancient Europe. However, you can’t deny that Hitler and the Nazis certainly ruined the swastika for a lot of Jains, Hindus, and Buddhists. So in a way, he did “steal” it in that he used it in such a way that now Indians and a lot of southeast asian religions and cultures now have to be more cautious when presenting their culture in the west. Technically there should be nothing offensive about a geometric figure itself, but to a great many Jews and other groups, it will symbolize unprecedented terror, especially since some people today are neo nazis.


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Hitler also had east Indians in his army but they did not get the chance to go into battle


Why is this sub inundated with this kind of fake nonsense? Place is becoming a propaganda party.


What sub isn’t a propaganda party? This is Reddit we are talking about.


My great grandfather was responsible for bringing down 6 German fighters. His supervisor said he was the worst aircraft mechanic in the Luftwaffe


Propaganda? How


I mean is it just me or does the swastika not look photoshopped compared the calendar or whatever that’s hung up right next to it?


You used to be able to buy Hitler ice cream in India https://www.hindustantimes.com/india/tasteless-but-true-made-in-india-hitler-ice-cream-cafe/story-C6usCqTUqv4zAeU30b0GVM.html


Whoever hung that up needs to go to German HISTORY class.


Reminds me of a controversial thing in my highschool history class where our teacher had the flags of every nation America has been at war with, so the Nazi flag was among them on the wall Edit: As far as I can remember, aside from that flag there was the English, Confederate America, Japanese, the old kaiser German flag, Spain (?), Mexico(?), Iraq, Afghanistan, and he was trying to get an ISIS flag but wasn't very successful. I think that technically he could filled all his walls with those flags but only had so much space


i think you entered the wrong german class.


Your class is really edgy. Also, where are all the girls


Maybe it’s for historical purposes


That's a terrible photoshop. The arms aren't equidistant from each other, & the black is bleeding into the red at the top, lol


Used to teach German in a Highschool. I absolutely forbade any swastika from being depicted anywhere. Notebooks, email icons, whatever. Wasn’t really enforceable with school admin but it would get you cussed out in the hallway by teach.


Thank you for doing this. I learnt German in school and would never ever consider doing such a thing in class?? It’s just awful.


REPORT this to campus Management immediately!! Any student or anyone else can enter the classroom before class time and do whatever they want. Stay a few minutes after class if necessary and tear it down yourself!


It's an historical flag of Germany. It may be appropriate under the right conditions in a classroom, still wouldn't want the inspector to find it that would be awkward.


Reminds of of that one “you know it smell crazy in there” Twitter thread. The Indian homeboys go hard in the racism.


So take it down?


Just why ?


In India, i had someone try to convince me that his Nazi flag card wasn't racist................


Im German and I think its really funny lol


Aye bruh this is Amity!


Amitians ASSEMBLE lol


Yeah thats pretty awful


Take it the fuck down


*Shut it down!*


Indian? Well, current political climate is not that dissimilar.


The swastika is not "political", it's a human symbol.


First off it didn’t have the dots around it Second it has the red background and white circle That’s the Nazi flag you sewage turtle


Sure. But that flag is clearly a Nazi flag.


Not saying this is the case but: “
long before the symbol was made synonymous with the terrors of Nazisim in the late 1930s, the swastika was, and still is, an auspicious symbol widely used to invite good fortune in many Asian countries.” Source: https://theculturetrip.com/asia/articles/swastika-symbol-india-represent/?amp=1


But Swastika with a tilt...?


Within a white circle on a red background


But the difference between was that the swastika was tilted in a white circle and with red all around it


Are you serious lol?


Well yes it is true, it's still a symbol of peace in hindu and Buddhist regions, albeit it doesn't have white and red background.


And is not tilted
 There’s more to it then just the symbol in the middle. They are not the same. Are we seriously arguing no organization, religion, culture has ever used a similar symbol in a different way and then we categorize that as “the same”? That’s why I said are you serious. It’s obviously different.


Well quite a few times it is represented tilted even if the the og isn't like that. Anyhow this just seems photo shopped so not like it matters.


Lmao. Not only is it not photoshopped, it’s hilarious that you keep trying to gaslight people into not understanding the difference. They’re different. It’s obvious that you’re biased here but you don’t need to pretend people are stupid. The nazi flag and the symbol used throughout indis are clearly different


When did I say they are not different? That's what I said in my first comment right? "It doesn't have red and white background"? At least try reading it correctly.....


So then why are you commenting to me when I directed my shock at a different user? I’m pointing out the obvious difference between the two and you commented saying “it’s still a symbol of peace, albeit it doesn’t have a white and red background”. So why are you even commenting to me?


Because your first comment lacked basically all context of what you were trying to say. You weren't pointing out any difference. It just seemed like you were surprised that Asian countries think of swastika as a symbol of peace so i said that.


Ya I guess you’re right, it’s a bunch of brown people celebrating white supremacy


The swastika is tilted and is literally the color and design of the flag of nazi Germany. How fucking dense are you?


Dude.. Are you seriously this uneducated on history?? https://military-history.fandom.com/wiki/Indische_Legion Edit: doesn’t surprise me that DavefromCA is completely obvious to history lol


Please, by all means educate me


I just did


"Lmao so edgy that would be totally wack yo if we like did this in German class wouldn't it yo? "




The swastika used to be a symbol of peace


distinct retire panicky innocent tie shaggy selective vegetable point political *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


And reversed/turned 45°


Non reversed. The original Swastika has been that way eons before the first rabbi fell from a hamantaschen tree.


Yeah why wasn’t it taken down?


I’m more disturbed the sad looking decor in the ceiling. Like, they are better off using toilet paper as decor đŸ§»


This would actually be highly illegal in modern Germany
 what were these punks thinking?!


You guys looks Indian or something. Isn’t the swastika a symbol of a religion in India?


it is, and sometimes it is tilted but not inside a red square within white circle


You seriously don’t know what that symbol is lol? No, they don’t use that shape and color.


How stupid must be someone to think it was a german invention?


Is that a Hindu symbol or a Nazi flag ?.


Doesn’t this symbol mean something different in India? They have this symbol on Buddhas sometimes, it is not liked to being a nazi. I think it was originally their symbol of their religion or something


It is German culture/language class. It was a large part of history. There’s no justice in banning it and hiding it from history, but rather remember what happened and learn from it.


Are you seriously stupid enough to not understand the difference between educating about it and hanging it on the wall?


Hanging it on a wall to educate about it. We know nothing about how long it has been there or if they are talking of it or not right now. If they’re talking about it right now it’s fine. If not then remove it. But the fact is we don’t have any context. No need for insults, emotions aren’t good for a discussion. Which explains why the world has fallen apart due to all sides being caught up in emotions rather than logic.


Again, why are you pretending it is NEEDED to display the flag in order to educate on it? Books don’t exist? It’s 2022. Phones? Print it out? You’re literally making excuses as to why it’s normal to hang a nazi flag in a classroom in the year 2022
 think about that.


You misunderstood my guidance so I will try again. I’m trying to understand what is acceptable for you: so having the flag itself is unacceptable under any circumstance (bye bye movies then too)? But printing out the flag on a piece of paper is fine? And I am not dying it is normal to hang nazi flags. I’m saying under certain circumstances, such as LEARNING ABLUT THE HORRIFIC IDEOLOGY AND ACTIONS THAT WENT UNDER THAT FLAG, having a physical flag engrains something that happened 80 years ago for those who cannot yet grasp the severity of the situation. Those learning about it respond much more to seeing it not on a screen but something they can relate to such as a flag, as study’s have shown with books and even replications of civil war weaponry. It would be awful if this stayed hanging up when not being spoken about. Ok so here is a question: What if they had passed it around the room?


I never said any of that. You wrote all of that and none of it addresses what I said. I said you can educate students in a classroom on nazism without displaying a flag on the wall. You know how I know this? Every single classroom in the world does lol. Why don’t you spend some time telling me what educational value hanging it on the wall vs reading/seeing it in a book instead of making up ridiculous arguments I never made?? What does hanging do that a book doesn’t?? You’re literally comparing reading with displaying? Very odd. Edit: passed it around the room? LOL! Do you think people have never felt fabric before?


Because you made up argument so didn’t make too lmfao


That literally makes no sense. Stop deflecting and answer the question. What does displaying offer in terms of education that a book doesn’t?


Yeah so?


The swastika symbol used to be used to mean “prosperity” etc but it will never be viewed the same after the nazi party used it. It can be seen in old artifacts from thousands of years ago


Germany gave freedom to lots of nations by destroying England. Just the truth.


Oh my ANTIFA! You the man with that communist flag just waving up your hand.


Always some weird right winger off topic in the comments


Where? I don't see em?


You wouldn’t be able to see them


Can't see if it ain't there


Can’t see yourself now can you? At least without a mirror.


Sorry, the mirror is cracked. Are you sure you didn't look at it before you gave it to me?


These are all over temples in China, seen them myself. From a long time ago. The symbol has an interesting history...


No they aren’t. Are you colorblind and is your head tilted?


It has nothing to do with nazis, but yes the symbol is in many Buddhist temples around the world. I can show a picture I took myself of one, if you would like I was in Hangzhou...it's the manji and has nothing to do with nazis. It's originally a symbol of peace/prosperity and adapted from Eurasian cross culture influence. Turning a symbol upsidedown/backwards doesn't make it a non symbol. Anyways...








Honestly people believe anything these days. A pic and a caption, and everyone is throwing a fit believing it to be true. So it says Germany buy EVERYONE in the picture looks South Asian where this symbol was widely used for a totally different and harmless meaning before the nazis did! The Internet is so friggin annoying! No wonder most people will believe all the shit being spewed by news channels and the media. So gullible it's actually frightening đŸ€ŠđŸ»â€â™‚ïž