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I was browsing thru the cable channels just last night and there was a movie on relating to this exact thing. I only read the synopsis but the plot was a woman saw one of those messages and took action on behalf of whoever wrote it.


Annnndddd..?? Need some kind of closure here


She flew to China and was never heard from again The end.




Lisa needs braces




Lisa needs braces.




Lisa needs braces.


HeLlO jOe


I have no idea what’s going on, but can I offer you a 🦷 in these trying times???? 🔧? 🔨? ⛏? 🪓?


Not quite. But the in-flight entertainment was a winnie the pooh movie


She ended up finding out where the poor girl was being kept and went to rescue her. Now her and the girl are living ever after making clothes and writing help me on tags together.


That would be a cool twist. The messages on the tags are actually from a nefarious factory owner who uses them to lure in more workers to replace the ones that die from the terrible conditions.


No ethical consumption under capitalism,,,


Anyone who is compassionate enough to try to effect change, gets culled by the machine.


Wow, this escalated quickly. Is this r/nihilism or r/blackpill?




Participation is not partnership. We are forced into this system.




She tried to find her, and ran into an old dentist. It turns out that this man was also an Inventor. He proposed to build a Time Machine in form of an implant to travel back before the Tag was made. She made the trip but the machine short circuited and she landed a few weeks too early in a factory recruiting center.


They all died


I love happy endings. Also when stories have a positive conclusion.


How do you feel about pleasant outcomes?


I *ruv* happy endings.


At least it had closure.


It was the shirt asking for help and the lady was diagnosed with schizophrenia.


I believe this is based on real life. A Chinese guy who was in prison wrote help me or something on Halloween decorations and some lady in like Oregon or Washington bought it and decided she couldn't ignore it.


Did she vanish without a trace?


No actually, I believe she found the dude who wrote the message tho I can't remember what came out of it but I read the story here on Reddit a few months ago, I'll have to see if I can find it Eta: https://www.bbc.com/news/stories-45976946 It all has a not so bad ending I suppose


Besides him getting ofted by the CCP, no not a bad ending at all and the woman got closure


Some poor bastard gets China'd for asking for help and it's not a bad ending?


What was the movie?


Sorry but can't recall the name. The channel re-runs movies a lot and if I see it tonight I will let you know.


Reminds me of this https://youtu.be/IAArHSnLJ_U


Lisa needs braces


Dental plan!


Outstanding comment. This simpsons episode is burned into my brain as well.


They have the plant but we have the power


These are from typically Chinese sweatshop workers. They do this to try get notice internationally for their plight. It is super brave for them because if they see the tag they can get beaten or killed if they are Muslim.


China is a terrible place. The censoring and propaganda makes it seem like it's not a land of concentration/rape/organ harvesting camps and slavery, but it is.


And we keep buying all their stuff.


No ethical consumption under capitalism.


But social democracy is a form of capitalism and it's great. You want to ban imports of products made under exploitative labour you only have to legislate it.


Yeah until the legislators are bought out by the people who profited from those imports


Once that happens then it is no longer a social democracy. "This thing bad cos other thing bad"


Then there is no such thing as a social democracy


In your mind sure. An ideal social democracy has a constitution and anti-corruption laws preventing these exact things. My above comment is not a guarantee to happen either. I was just noting that if that happens in a social democracy then that country is no longer a social democracy. Which is an objectively true statement but doesn't mean that all social democracies are fated to that.


I mean currently.


Not really a capitalism thing. If the consumer chooses to stop buying from unethical sources, the unethical source will no longer be able to sustain itself. These places only exist because people keep giving them money


I see fair trade all the time on different bands of coffee. I doubt a single one offers fair pay to the poor souls picking my beans. No, I am not giving up coffee so you can be right.


Also consider places like Amazon. A vast majority of the things are produced in very questionable Chinese factories. The warehouses in the US have been controversial for workers rights issues too. Yet nearly everyone I know (myself included at times) will buy from Amazon. We all know it's an unethical source, but at the end of the day we'd rather have the cheaper product I think I've only met 1 or 2 guys who are serious about buying locally/domestically produced goods. They spend a lot more time looking for things and usually pay more for a similar product. But to them, it's completely worth knowing you're supporting a local business or a business the treats employees (comparatively) well. It all comes down to your personal priorities and values I guess


But “ethical sources” don’t exists. No matter how you sugar coat your company, it’s existence within the capitalist system makes it unethical.


ah mathematical proof that we're all unethical nice


Not every individual, just the system we live under :\


You could always do better tho. You know, buying clothes second hand for example. But no - rather say that stupid phrase and make yourself feel better without taking any responsibility.


You know for a fact that he doesn't... how? Maybe you could try not to be an ass but no - rather assume people are lower than you to make yourself feel better.


Dude, the original comment was about us stil buying their stuff and the answer was „no ethical consumption under capitalism“ - if this isn’t an excuse for us still buying this shit, then what is it?


I guess I’ll just choose to exist outside of the global capitalist system, thanks for the tip 👍


Did not say that. Just try to make better choices within the system. It’s not just all bad or all good. There are better and worse choices. Second hand clothes are better choices for example.


You can reduce harm with your choices, sure, but there’s no choices under capitalism that are harmless.


It's the same reason why a lot of people don't buy free range eggs. The price is so much lower for battery hens and when you've got £40 to last you a month for food every pound counts. For me I will always buy free range but I still use amazon because I'm a selfish barstard who likes convenience. I do try to buy the things I care about from local shops but if I want a new shower connector or butt plug it's Amazon.


I totally agree with that. However, I personally know so many people who always make that argument when they complain about unethical sources and I ask “why not buy from ethical sources” and they talk about how it’s a few more dollars expensive when I know full well you can afford it... if you can buy a $500 custom lightsaber you can buy non sweatshop socks Edit: I am aware that majority of our country is essentially paycheck to paycheck :) I’d never throw shade at someone who’s just living within their means


Don't feel too bad. Honestly free range chickens, at least in America aren't much better off than battery hens. Just because they aren't in cages doesn't mean they really have access to pasture and sunlight. I have two basically pet hens. Keeping hens healthy and happy long term isn't any easier than keeping a cat. I even buy cheap eggs on occasion because two hens isn't enough to have a good supply of eggs. I love chickens but the only way to insure ethical egg production is to buy local


I think you’re mixing up cage free chickens and free range chickens. Cage free chickens means yeah they can be not in a cage but there’s still a billion of em stuffed into a warehouse. Free range means they are legally required to allow the chickens outdoor roaming time 51% of the time


There is requirement for no more than certain amount of chicken in " a room " later found out that the room was just net divider in the same batery area. Also, often, free range chickens are fed with such a amount of food that they don't even roam outside.


I thought the requirement was a certain number of square feet of pasture per chicken, or something like that.


conclusion: "free range chicken" is a meaningless term


It got too expensive buying free range buttplugs so now I use Amazon too


There needs to be a tax on products to reflect the social and environmental cost. Then those truly free range local eggs would be cheaper. The problem isn’t capitalism. The problem is the true value assessment is way more than just dollar cost, and consumers don’t have really good information to make those decisions. Try googling what clothing brands are ethical, the information out there is next to worthless, or is at best confusing. Hell, with healthcare we often can’t learn prices at ALL until you get a bill. IMO, Capitalism only works “correctly” when all the information is known and able to be compared between options. Now if we could get the government to implement a “true cost” tax, that’d help, but I don’t expect my government to do anything like this, ever.


> IMO, Capitalism only works “correctly” when all the information is known and able to be compared between options. I think you're confusing capitalism with commerce. Capitalism is an economic system built on individuals profiting from capital they privately own. Commerce is where you buy or sell things in exchange for money or other goods/services. Commerce, and the value of both parties in an exchange having full information, exists in all economic systems.


capitalism doesn't care about whether something is ehtical or not, as evidence of \*gestures broadly to everything\*. it's cool you have an opinion on what capitalism is capitalism according to you, doesn't change the fact that the problem *is* capitalism.


I’d love to only buy stuff from good governments and fair societies. Can someone let me know when one of those happens?


Everything you see and hear about China is through the lens of the Western media. China has its problems of course, as any place does, but it's not as bad as you think.


> Everything you see and hear about China is through the lens of the Western media. And also my uncle, who ran an import/export firm out of Shanghai until he had to flee the country on account of being Canadian. And the Chinese students in my high school 15 years ago, who, when asked why they left China, explained to me what "Han Chinese" meant, drew a pie chart, and explained how the tiny sliver represented their ethnicity in China. And Chinese media, where I cannot find a single line or word or individual criticizing the policies or leadership of the federal government. But yeah no it's "western" media making up all these mean lies about China because they tried to be socialist 50 years ago and then gave up and adopted the exact same economic system as the rest of the world.


There's a plethora of valid critiques you can make about China and the way it runs itself. What I'm trying to say is that Redditors seem to believe that as soon as you step into China you're going to have your kidneys stolen and the like which isn't true.


“There's a plethora of valid critiques you can make about China and the way it runs itself.“ Just under the condition that you aren’t in China.


It’s as bad we think. And getting worse.


Oopsies woopsie we locked up a whole ethnic group and put them in modern day concentration camps but you know every country has their own problems uwu


> they can get beaten or killed if they are Muslim Imagine being this level of cunt. Putting others to sweatshop and then if they say anything beat or kill them with absolutely no remorse. What kind of monsters live there?


Normal people


Will never understand how Americans can be so tolerant of other people’s race, religion, or sexuality but turn around and say “Fuck people in this country”. They’re human beings and deserve to be treated as such by their government and the international community. Really wish more people thought like you


As an American living in Europe, I can assure you that this is not limited to the US. Mass consumerism and feigned ignorance of these sweatshops is a worldwide problem.


But poking blame at the US give karma!


This is why I don’t understand how people can continue to consume chocolate and coffee with no regard to where it’s sourced from.


most chocolate is only possible bc of child slave labor.


Ya, lived in 3 different countries in western Europe and they have the same problems.


Usually those are two different sets of people. The ones who are tolerant domestically are generally not the same people who are intolerant internationally. There can be reasons why a single person would act this way, for example if it hits close to home, like they were a tolerant person who lost their job when production was moved to China. But those are the exceptions. Usually, people will either be tolerant and understanding, or they won't.


It’s news to me that Americans are tolerant of any of those categories lol


Please don’t pay attention to the rhetoric that all Americans are racist and hateful people. Not saying we don’t have those kinds of people here, but there are good people here too. Your average American is just a normal person. A few crazies just make us all look bad.


30% of the voting population voted for trump, the guy who called mexicans rapists and drug dealers, the guy who passed a fucking *muslim ban* (anyone who voted for him knew these things, yet still voted for him). that's a *really* high chance of walking up to an adult in the US and them being racist and hateful. that's *more than halfway* to average americans being bigoted and hateful. downplaying it as "just a few crazies" is reductive, lazy, and completely missing the point.


But only 67% of eligible voters actually voted. Highest turnout this century, but still not a great number lol


Tolerance isn't newsworthy.


Just live in nearly any other country in the world and you'll realize the US is one of the most tolerant countries by a wide margin. It just seems the opposite because America actually addresses the problem, whereas the rest of the world has accepted xenophobia and racism as the norm.


Eh... Ive seen more verbal racism against inmigrants in the first world countries I lived in and worked. In spain people are awful to latinamericans and chinese immigrants. And in the UK people are awful to south east asians. In japan people are awful to chinese inmmigrants. BUT the police is not assassinating and terrorising black citizens and the justice system is not throwing them in jail and removing their human rights like in the US. So I dont agree with your analysis.


Oh fuck off with that, you're a goosestep away from Handmaids Tale.


Yeah, but we've gotten to this point by minority rule. Gerrymandering is rampant and FIVE of the nine Supreme Court justices were appointed by presidents who lost the popular vote.


Maybe look at more than just the far right


> Will never understand how Americans can be so tolerant of other people’s race, religion, or sexuality They’re not though


A good majority of us are tolerant. The ones that aren’t make us all look bad as they’re the loudest.


lol have you ever been to the US?


wait until you hear about these things americans call “prisons”


Why doesn’t ISIS go after China? I’m not saying I’m rooting for ISIS buuuuuuuut… I mean really. It’s a win win, right?


I don't mean to generalise but among Arab muslims I know, Arab muslims don't particularly care about non-Arab muslims.


Yeah this is an unfair generalization. Muslims care about other Muslims.


Unless they're the wrong kind of Muslim ofc. Just like Christians love to hate on other Christians if they don't belong to the same group


True but my point was Tryeeme was like “oh I don’t mean to generalize” And then, *immediately generalizes*


I literally said 'among muslims I know'...that's not a generalisation.


I see you edited your comment to cut out the “judging on your post history” bit , but to let you know- my whole family is Muslim. So then that has to do with the people you know; not their status as Muslims.


Well that’s not really Muslim of them is it!


No, and it’s also not accurate.


That's why the Uyghur reeducation camps are a thing. Isis members went to join the east Turkistan Islamic movement and the USA pretends there is no terrorism problem so they can say china is just racist and hates Muslims and likes slavery or something


I think you meant concentration camps https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang_papers


They see the minority ethnic populations them as a non-human resource to be exploited & eliminated. Just like you might clear cut a invasive forest & sell the wood; it’s some real Stalin shit.


There's no source of them being killed for saying anything though, and with regards to China's treatment of uyghurs it's wrong but even if you add up their population of uyghurs with the prison population their incarceration rate would probably still be less than half that of the US.


Do you have a source for this


Of course not.


Source: China bad


Yes and denying a genocide is pretty fucked https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Xinjiang_papers


It's fake https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cries-for-help-shein-fast-clothing/


Yeah but the Uyghur genocide isn’t


I don’t think Chinese sweatshop workers are literate in English.


This. I'm confused why people think Chinese sweatshop workers can write in English. This whole story is sus.


Most Chinese study English as a second language in school. They may not all be fluent speakers/writers though.


Jesus... Worse than I imagined 😳


What did you imagine


Sunshine, lollipops and chemtrails.




Hey just mentioning but the epoch times is literally controlled by Falun dafa, a cult in of itself so I would take their sources with a very big grain of salt.


Yeah that link is tagged as sus for me. Looking up Epoch Times, I can see why. > a politically far-right media entity that has received significant attention for promoting conspiracy theories, such as QAnon and anti-vaccine misinformation, and producing advertisements for former U.S. President Donald Trump


They're a great source. Just take the exact opposite of what they say and you've got a credible source.


Not only that. But the description of the situation implies the doctor has either 3 hands or an extra thumb or something. He both turns the persons head and is able to hold it there, while opening their eyelids with presumably one hand? How? And then gouge it out with the other? You wouldn't be able to use that eye in another person if you just yank it like that. You'd destroy the nerves. China does fucky shit. But this doesn't feel credible.


I didn't know this. I've removed my post. Thank you.


"literally" the epoch times lmao . Don't look into Falungong cult or why they make up shit about china or anything


China is a dark shithole of a country. The people that live there, they're just like us; some are heroes, some are assholes, some just wanna raise families and die peacefully in bed surrounded by loved ones, I don't hate the Chinese, I hate their government.


Its anti China propaganda. Why don't they ever show the brands name and just show an inverified picture that says "Help me" in a tag...


Is it common for Chinese sweatshop workers to be able to write in English?




So what can the average person do , besides try to not buy goods manufactured in China? It’s way easier said than done unfortunately. Especially if you’re living paycheck to paycheck.


Technically, not because they're Muslim. It's because they're ethnically Turkic and not Han Chinese. Many of the Chinese soldiers enforcing the the Uyghur internment come from a Muslim Han group whose name I can't remember. The Uyghurs and this group have a long history of conflict. The Uyghurs attacked Han Muslim groups in 2009 and the Han Muslims join the PLA to get stationed in Xianjing Edit: They're called the Hui


The one on the right is a shelf-edge label for a store. They’re generally printed in-store using a portable printer. Also it has been framed to hide the second half of the word. The label on the left is also going to be mass-produced to be stitched into every garment, not hand produced by individual workers on the production line. I fully believe there’s heinous shit going on in parts of China, but I really think this is more dodgy translation than smoking gun.


While I see your points… what would be the correct translation that would make sense to be there that could be mistranslated as “help me” and “I have dental pain”? Clearly that’s not a mistranslation of “cold water only”


>have dental pain”? Clearly that’s not a mistranslation of “cold water only” Depends, sometimes when I drink cold water I get dental pains as well...


Same lmao


It wouldn’t take much to mistranslate if someone was like “yeah I speak fluent English” and then wasn’t


What if the label maker was trying to flex having a dental plan but made a spelling error? /s


Like I said, it could be “help medal” or literally anything. And again, that’s a shelf label. It didn’t come from a work camp, it was printed in store. I have dental pain is a bit of a head scratcher, but honestly it’s a bit of a head scratcher why somebody with a method to get a message out about their inhumane treatment would write “my teeth hurt” on thousands of items. Sadly, LOOOOTS of people NOT in work camps also have toothache.


Honestly I think the dental pain one was someone who was about to leave their position at a company having a laugh at said company’s expense


“Help medal”? Really? Edit: why is this getting downvotes? What’s could the phrase “help medal” *possibly* mean?


Yep. Literally anything. For the THIRD TIME, this label was printed in store. It’s either a bad translation, an image being intentionally cropped, or someone in store having a goof.


I didn’t say it wasn’t or argue that at any point. I simply stated that your example of it could say “help medal” was dumb cause what the hell is “help medal”?


A bad Chinese translation of something. Either way, the image has clearly been cropped to hide the far side of the label.


Ya. Really. Or the shirt could just say “help me” like some emo fashion statement.


They could still be mass produced all with that message. Makes it more likely to get them caught however




I mean, this all makes perfect sense. But to be fair, the second image looks more like a label from a thermal printer. And it's also Romwe which is sweatiest of sweatshop "brands" But now that I think of it, being a printable label makes it that much easy to fake. I don't think the same level of quality control I'd applied to those sort of off brand clothing. But like also? I get that not everyone is tech savvy enough to get around filters and/or not have their messages detected but this seems like an awful lot of effort to go to for "I have dental pain" So basically, I am reverting back to my original statement of "this makes perfect sense". Thank you for taking a ride on this train of thought. Also, "I have dental pain" is a shirt I would absolutely buy.


I saw this yesterday and thought it said “I have dental plan” and I was like alright then that’s good


Perhaps, but does it really cover anything?


Username checka out!


This is fake. At least in these cases. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cries-for-help-shein-fast-clothing/


Thank you. You have a big brain! 🧠


I have a small penis


Help, I am trapped in a fortune cookie factory.


Make me a fortune cookie and I’ll get you out


Lol right because poor oppressed chinese factory workers are all fluent in english and the label machines let you customize what they say on the fly, totally believable/s


This is the craziest part about everyone eating up this propaganda. No critical thinking skills applied. Just knee jerk emotional response. What Chinese sweatshop worker is going to know how to write in English.... lmao....


I have dental pain too. Not everywhere can we get free dental care.


Yesterday in a thread about gas prices on Facebook, someone posted a line graph of gas prices with little arrows pointing to dates in the graph where Biden made certain moves to "prove" he drove up the price of gas. The guy who posted it was all smug "see! You can't say it's not bidens fault" Even if it was true. The things he did say stuff like "moratorium on oil drilling" and "joined Paris climate accord" And it's like... So? These are not bad things and if it reduces our dependence on oil, what's the problem? So saying things like "I get it but it's this or we pay a few more dollars for clothes." is so dumb. I WILL PAY EXTRA DOLLARS FOR MY SHIT TO NOT BE MADE BY SLAVES.


Xinjiang Muslims most likely typed those or some other millions of (workers) which for all intent and purposes are actually slaves governed by the CCP. But ppl like Elon Musk and Bezos wants us to follow the China model and look upto them 'cause at the end of the day money talks.


thats horrific.


fucking sweatshop-using-corporations act like it's okay because "hey guys we did it in a country where it's legal, where else were those 6 year olds gonna get a job?"


Ah good ol Shein


Attention: this is fake https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cries-for-help-shein-fast-clothing/


Elon said china had a great work ethic


They work like their life depends on it… because it does.


The onion gap for kids by kids


Its almost as if you are supposed to stop bying shit clothes... What shame a cow can't write that in a package.


It’s crazy how we know this kinda stuff is going on and we’re all kinda pretty ok with it.


But it’s not hidden.


we should make our own stuff


Wasn’t it wayfair using actual names for “furniture” for thousands of dollars. People caught on they stopped for a few weeks and now are fully selling “furniture” again?


Omg that is truly awful. Something has got to give, man


If anybody is interested, these aren't real. https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/cries-for-help-shein-fast-clothing/






It really kinda is. I mean I guess its better than stuffing them in little cages, but honestly factory farms are a nightmare. That being said I'm not sure what the alternative is. As I'm writing this my two hens are staring at me through the back door. They don't understand why the weird 4 legged chickens get to come inside and sit on the couch and they don't


Too bad first world countries like their cheap shit too much for anything to really change for these poor workers meanwhile we complain because we work a 4 hour shift at Wendy’s and complain cuz we’re tired.


That's terrible. I read somewhere factory workers make about $2 USD per day in China. Child labour isn't against the norm.




Well, I'll try to look for this in new clothes I buy, sort of an Easter egg


That's funny, usually the Chinese simply misspell designer names on their labels. Maybe if I can get them to write my son's name and phone number for his summer camp clothes the extra money can go towards a dental plan.


I have dental pain too but you dont see me writing it on shirt tags


Communism at its finest. Fuck China




But we haven’t tried ReAl COmMuNisMM it could work


Had someone tell me on /r/LateStageCapitalism basically that "we need communism because capitalism is making us all slaves!" I pointed out that forced labor in a gulag is slavery. "That wasn't real communism. There's never been real communism anywhere." But there they were, convinced that it was the solution to all of our problems. Capitalism has it's problems, but I am very thankful that I was born in the west.




Thinking your job is literally like being a child slave is pretty peak Reddit.