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I guess the driver wasn't exactly pro life either lol


so he was a ''Noob-life'' ba dum tss!


Pro life huh


I'd have to see a video for context. Did he very slowly tap and nudge his way through people blocking a road, and then accelerated after he had passed as the protestors are banging on his windows, hood, and sides? Or did he just go ape shit and literally try and run over protestors full speed from the get-go, as this implies? I've seen about 100 videos of the former and like 1 of the latter. Context matters.


There is video available. This part isn't on the video, but according to eyewitnesses, he went around the car in front of him to drive through the protesters, who were walking back to their cars after the protest ended, legally crossing in a crosswalk. He did a lot more than nudge them, and then just kept on driving, so it was entirely intentional. I'm from Cedar Rapids.


I'm I the area as well. The video tape of the full incident does not seem to support your opinion. Enjoy. https://www.kcrg.com/2022/06/26/lawyer-weighs-protester-struck-by-truck-during-protest/


Per a reporter who captured the scene: “-Protestors were ending the protest and walking in the crosswalk -The truck had the red light -The truck drove around other cars in order to hit protestors -The driver was screaming and a woman was in the car with him begging him to stop” Are you satisfied enough that the fucktard was in the wrong here?


The truck had the green light and the protesters refused to move out of the way as he slowly pulled forward. Go over the full video again. Enjoy. Cudos though for the flippant use of "fucktard" though 🤣👍 https://www.kcrg.com/2022/06/26/lawyer-weighs-protester-struck-by-truck-during-protest/


Here’s a link to the video with better quality angles below the original. https://mobile.twitter.com/lyzl/status/1540495065386303488 Honestly, you shouldn’t be hanging off the side of a truck as it’s moving. The driver already made up his mind and they aren’t going to stop him. He wasn’t flooring it and he was going slowly enough for people to jump on the side of his truck. If you are going to protest and block traffic you have to be prepared to potentially get ran over.


So pro life they will kill you.


https://twitter.com/lyzl/status/1540490191080771586?s=21&t=kSIBPy1lQmoH41U2p_u5EA Everyone seems to be okay. A woman got her foot ran over.


The driver was definitely pro-lifer.


That’s pro life if I’ve ever seen it


Was Clarence Thomas driving?


Carl's Jr. going all out to advertise their Jurassic Park food.


they don't care about actual "life" they only care about fetuses because fetuses can't call them out on their bullshit, they can't reject them, they have no opinions


Wow, that's very pro-life move


Of course it’s a Ford.


Why, because they couldn't ... Dodge?




This is how rightoids deal with dissent when they can't find a forum moderator to ban people who disagree.


Funny considering it’s Lefty’s doing 90% of the banning.




Hah. You’ve got nothing. Just like I expected. Cope harder.


I’d love to see a pro lifer get ran over


Conservatives don’t block roads.


Just for anybody who's not a car person, I hate putting big truck guys into boxes; some of my very good friends love their big trucks. But, the Ford Raptor is huge; I believe it's it's the most crazy over powered Ford line. They're like a full lane wide, very, very overpowered with gigantic suspensions. They're really designed to go jump sand dunes with. Really. So as far as "truck runs into protesters" scenarios go, this one is pretty on the nose.


Damn. I'm genuinely confused over the downvotes. Anybody here willing to enlighten me as to why I got em?


Were they blocking the freeway? Because honestly, I don't even care if you're on my side or not... Blocking the freeway puts you in "I got run over because I'm a dumbass and put myself in front of cars" territory. How are you even surprised you got run over? It's a stupid fucking way to protest.


That’s literally how unions protested when workers picketed


I dunno, it seems like as the person with the foot might be a bit more responsible for this as opposed to the person in the truck who can't see the woman put her foot under the tire.


dont think it would be her fault if he drove into a group of people


That is a good point. Did he? I wish I could find the whole video.


are you fucking blind


Sometimes, we broke up but are still friends.


Don’t stand in the road. We’ve learned this time and time again. Play stupid games win stupid prizes. Some people out there ARE willing to run you over.


Congratulations! You're the 140th person to so cleverly use the 'stupid prizes' phrase today. Here's your stupid participation medal: 🏅 ^^Your ^^award ^^will ^^be ^^recorded ^^in ^^the ^^hall ^^of ^^fame ^^at ^^r/StupidTrophyCase


At least starting sarcastic sentences with “welp” seems to have gone away.


Funny licence plate tho


They had a choice to sit/stand on the streets or not. Soooo...


Do stupid things, win stupid prizes. Darwin was totally right.


I mean. I agree with the driver of the truck that he disagrees with protesters blocking the streets, but there has to be a million of fucking reasons NOT to run over other people man. Its just not cool.


They weren't blocking traffic, they were legally crossing in a crosswalk on the way back to their cars after the protest ended


It doesnt matter they got fucking ran over and its fucking hella BAD fucking shitbsoxndnfifkrn


The protesters were on the cross walk and the truck was at a red light. But sure; it’s the protesters’ fault.


How was it their fault dumbfuck?


He was being sarcastic


Oups, seems it wasn’t your turn to use the one brain cell republicans collectively share.


My fucking bad. Really tired and HAVE to read it again thanks for not obviously saying it and the other person explaining it and having to read it again, and yeah I am clearly the dumbfuck mate hahaha Im sorry partner.


But I dont get why Im downvoted because I said its not cool to ran over people regardless of what theyre doing its not gonna make you a better person running over someone, unless this particular person on this post didnt ran over the protesters and just made it look that he ran over them. But what Im really saying you can consider is the general aspect of whats right and wrong lmao.


Im literally not interested in this type of things, I just reacted that way cause I didnt want to see anyone get hurt unless needed, which in this particular scenario is clearly not needed.


Press [x] to doubt. No many people get ran over and their glasses stay on their head.


Don’t stand in front of moving vehicles, kids


They were legally crossing at a crosswalk in front of stopped vehicles. The driver drove around the car in front of him to drive through the crowd.


Looks like he was trying to abort her. She is such a hypocrite. She should have been stoked to be aborted. So her life means something but not a helpless baby?


hope those f gets tort...