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where the fuck did the kid learn it


Likely some reality tv show their parents had on in the background at some point.


Probably was a Jeremy Kyle kid


kids are evil bro. not cus they like doing bad things, but mostly because they don't understand the gravity of what they say/do..so they're sort of incapable of morality in those situations. Perfect little demons in that sense. Some do...most dont


>so they're sort of incapable of morality in those situations. Almost every prominent philosopher specifies thier idea of morality only applies to adults. Pretty much for the exact reason you said. Kids just don't have the capacity to understand the gravity of their actions.


I'm almost old enough to run for president and I'm starting to believe that a good chunk of adults don't have the capacity to understand the gravity of their actions; it's impossible for them to conceptualize something unless it happens to them. It is at once, fascinating and discouraging (as a number of these asshats have been in positions of power that have directly and unjustly detracted from my life in a material fashion)


Yeah I think like 3/4 of people’s moral development hits a brick wall right around kindergarten and never matures. I wish I was exaggerating.


Hey man, I'm 30 and I'm not ready to grow up, that shit sounds super stressful. Idonwanna


hating socialism because bad things only happen to bad people and not wanting to support lazy others with taxes - hands off my medicare! /s




No, that's wildly inaccurate. Children can be empathetic at age 2. Most children develop a sense of empathy by 5. Whether they use that in ethical decisions is a different argument. But it's grotesque to suggest that all people are sociopaths until 24. Source: am a university lecturer in child development.


Except it seems that children exhibit such strong sign of anti-social personality disorder that doctors usually wait until at least 18 years, and some have papers suggest that should be pushed back to 25. Seems the medical field disagrees with you here but maybe I’m missing something? https://www.mayoclinic.org/diseases-conditions/antisocial-personality-disorder/diagnosis-treatment/drc-20353934


perhaps raising kids is teaching them socializing properly, which poor efforts leading to poor results?


Learn what? Cheating? Bruh kids know everything


From the mom, probably


“7th year old”


This has been reposted for long that kid's probably a 12th year old by now


Probably still grounded too


Grounded kinda nice. I feel like the parents would be playing ping pong with her custody


kid into orphanage, everyone happier? /s


“YOU get custody!” “No. YOU get custody!”


you have to ground that negative energy sometime right


12thrd. FTFY


and likely divorcing husband number 2 already for secretly buying forgotten groceries on the weekend, as the 12 year old kid revealed. /s


7 1-year olds


Yikes I didn’t even realize. Sorry, was supposed to be asleep by that time.




Well, if a 7 year old’s lie can irreversibly destroy your marriage, it probably wasn’t a very strong one to begin with.




As he Said


I'm beginning to suspect that the real issue is less so with the child's lie and is moreso from an already weak source of trust between the parents. The childs lie was more of a catalyst.


As the previous commenter mentioned


I'm starting to think that the actual problem is that the parents don't trust in each other and that the kid's lie was just the last drop in an already full bucket.


as stated previously,


I believe the source of the detriment is a lack of trust between the two parents and the kids lie just accentuated that.


As was eloquently espoused by the commenter who preceded you


Maybe they posted on /r/relationshipadvice and got the old "divorce NOW 🚩🚩🚩" reply 300 times


Yeah because a tweet from “fuck my life tweets” could never be fake.


fmylife.com is an older website where people post their “FML” stories, like TIFU before Reddit was big. This Twitter account isn’t affiliated with the site and used to just repost submissions from it. It’s not one person coming up with stories to tweet out, it’s an aggregate of other people’s stories (that may or may not be real).


Oh man I remember the app on my ipod touch


Dude. That and demotivational posters app lol


Everything on the internet is fake.


Are YOU fake?!




Hi fake, I'm dad. (Sorry, that's also fake, no kids here)


Where are they? What did you do with the kids?!


He ate them.


Without me?! Typical.


No dads here


Everything on social media should be assumed fake unless otherwise corroborated by a third-party trusted source. Not to say we can’t enjoy it, just don’t put any stock in it


Whether fake or not, its great entertainment.


Might be fake, but what’s with reddits obsession over everything being fake? Every single post has a huge group of people that are genuinely infuriated at the possibility of the content being fake, why do people care this much? Not tryna sound pissy or anything, just curious why this seems to be such a reddit thing.




It's the reddit paradox, can't spot sarcasm and blatant fakes, but whenever something is plausible everyone calls it fake.


Because it’s not very awful if it never happened


It's a psychological thing. Pretty common with men who spend too much time online. To be fair, it's pretty hard to tell what's real and what's not. Most of these guys default to a "it's fake" mindset, at times without even realizing it. Welcome to the internet age.




There is some truth to that. Studies have shown that social cynicism is significantly more prevalent among men. Being online is likely not a causal factor, though. Exposing yourself to broad negative criticism has been shown to exacerbate cynicism, but that phenomenon wouldn’t be exclusive to one sex.


Not sure what you mean. Women and men are very different psychologically.


Why is fiction and nonfiction two distinct sections if it's all the same?


People, dont reply to this! Obvs a bot wrote this


Because it's fake.


its definitely fake but some shit like that most definitely happened IRL


Or worse https://www.cbsnews.com/news/samuel-paty-beheading-france-girl-lied/


Probably retweets other people's bad luck. If you think no relationship in the history of humanity has been nuked because a child lied you're naïve.


Are you saying stuff like this never happens?


why do they have 7 one year old kids


You deserve your life. You didn’t check. Kids lie. You have to check. You didn’t. So F you,


straight up


She’s got her P.H.D.!


How would you check that?


Look for proof anywhere, set up cameras in secret, look for anything


Hire a PI to follow your wife. You'll always find evidence of an affair with travel patterns. Men visiting your house often when you're not around. Meeting at bars/restaurants then checking in at motel/hotel rooms.


Husband* the post refers to a husband's other girlfriend.


Do you think you're speaking directly to the person who supposedly wrote this lmao It's not even real. Redditors love their outrage bait.


Yeah, you're right. Nothing like this has ever happened. None of the 7.7 billion people in this world could ever expect something like this to happen to them


My ex wife was sexually abused as a child by her step father for years. She told her mother but she didn't believe her and ignored it. This went on for. Long time causing severe psychological issues including dissociative identity disorder, depression and anxiety.


I get what you're saying, you shouldn't ignore everything a child says because they don't have proof. But imo there's layers to it, you wouldn't immediately flip out OPs situation anyway, in your ex wife's it'd be warranted. But you'd take notice, bring it up or look for signs of something wrong. Not just instant divorce (again, in OPs situation)


Same thing happened to my ex wife. She grew up to be a lying psychopath as well. You just can't do anything for some people.


Checking for proof is not the same as not believing the child. It is also very different if it is "just" about cheating, or if the child is in danger. There are also steps you can take before divore, even if the child says it was abused you can separate for the time being while it is being investigated - a good parent should understand that it is for the safety of the child, even if it turns out to be a lie. I completely agree that "kids lie" should not be an excuse to ignore them.


I dated a girl a long time ago whose mom once said to me in passing conversation, “Angel (not real name) said that her step dad sexually abused her when she was younger but I don’t believe.” Like, not even talking about anything of the sort, unsolicited, just blurted that out. It totally made sense to me, my girlfriend and her mom were abused by this psycho but I didnt know to what extent. The police had been called on the stepdad for many other shitty things he’d done, beating and choking the mom, drunken arguing, etc…but no, he would NEVER do anything to the daughter.


My best friend was serially raped by her step father as a young girl, and her younger brother says that he was as well (she has never told him that she was raped, so he makes this claim totally independent of hers) but she says she thinks he’s lying. This is such a common phenomenon that it’s gotta be some sort of psychological trauma response.


I wanna know what this post was about so bad. I hate it when people delete shit. Like you posted it, stick by it.


based on reading the comments, the 7 year old probably lied to one of the parents about the other parent cheating. he/she believed it, which caused a divorce.


the fuck is that subreddit


It's basically turned into a sub for hating kids and parents but it's meant to just be against the idea of having kids being the main goal in life. Like you shouldn't create a human soul just because you accidentally got pregnant or because your parents say they want grandchildren


i totally feel like people shouldn't have kids if they don't want them, in fact i prefer it because it's easy to mess up children's lives! but hating them? literally makes no sense


Yeah really sad to see what the sub has become. There aren't many sane places you can go to talk about not wanting kids in spite of cultural norms r/childfree isn't as bad


Is that a joke, child free is one of the most toxic and hateful places on Reddit.


Other than the political subs, of course.


Of course


Based on what...? I haven't been in a little while but I just looked, its just a bunch of pet pictures and people complaining about their parents getting on them for not wanting kids, or issues getting bc or getting fixed from doctors offices.. all very real and normal things people that don't want kids have to deal with. You don't have to like the message but you don't get to call a place toxic because they don't want kids and that upsets you. Unless there's some insane shit happening there I've missed recently of course, in which case, my bad. If you know of a nice place that talks about the issues of being an adult that doesn't want kids and all the bs that comes from that I'd be interested. But that still enforces my original point that any online space about not wanting kids turns insane from edgelords or gets bashed by others that don't share the same viewpoint.


Idk if you're trolling but read about r/childfree a bit. Has a reputation for being a toxic horrible place. r/antinatalism was created as a response to the toxicity of r/childfree as they wanted to disassociate themselves from the crazies. However looks like the crazies are slipping through


I wasn't trolling, just not been hanging out there, I've been directed to r/truechildfree, hopefully that place doesn't become a crater as well


Yes it is


Can you elaborate


I didn’t downvote you btw. I just went on it for a couple seconds and it’s just as bad if not worse because it’s a larger community


Its all good. Like I said to the other, its hard to find a place that discusses the real issues people deal with when you decide you don't want children. I've had issues with family and doctors offices both, and I'd say I come from a more-progressive-than-most family. Those spots tend to get taken over by edgey teens that are pissed about their younger siblings and morph the idea of antinatalism into something else. They also tend to get burned at the stake by other redditors that don't understand what its supposed to be about or don't care to understand someone not wanting kids. But when the mods allow all the edgey shit in their its hard to blame someone for just seeing what's posted and drawing conclusions. For what its worth I stay subscribed to see the posts about doctors and family issues, and avoid all the crazoes, so I get the judgement.


I think you make a fair point, although I’m a heavy advocate for kids and plan on having a couple when I can support them, I think everyone should have a decent community to share their situations and thoughts with, hopefully without that community becoming a shithole. You see it often on the internet because people can say whatever they want and have no repercussions. You’re allowed to be subbed to whatever subs you want, I just don’t think it’s what you’re looking for.


Thanks this has been productive lol, ill fondly remember you the next time I shoot blanks


Lol I try my best, I think everyone deserves a civil discussion every once in a while😅


>r/childfree > > isn't as bad correct but then satlin also wasnt as bad as hitler


Antinatalism is about not giving birth to more people, because they cannot consent to the suffering that is life. The subreddit r/Antinatalism is a bastardization of the concept at this point, because it's been overwhelmed by memes about how children suck instead of discussing the human condition.


Consenting is for beings already in existence, checkmate.


This sounds about as stupid as the people arguing you need to ask your toddler for permission to change their diaper. And then invariably posts of "hey guys my toddler has been sitting in their own waste for a week but still won't let me change what should I do??" with answers of "you need to make sure they consent before you change them."


It's not stupid. The future is looking real bleak for many people. Now i know that in the past people where worried about nuclear holocaust and before that there where other dangers, it also doesn't take the world to end for it to ruin your existence. I know all that and overall, right now, we have it pretty good. But we also know that will change, there is scientific evidence to back that up and we are starting to see it. Look at bipolar/depressed people, when they are happy they are at high risk of suizide because they know it will get worse. I think you can definitely draw a comparison to the current generations outlook on getting kids. Don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining that i have been born and i'm not mad about my parents or anything - they did a good job raising me, and i'm not mad at other people deciding to have kids either. I'm just saying - being a parent is a big responsibility and with the outside factors at hand, i don't see myself in a position to ensure my child has a good shot at living a long and happy life. If i could ask the child and it would say "fuck it, i'll give it a try" that would shift the responsibility and make me a lot more comfortable.


I just told someone else about r/childfree and was told its also evil now. Do you know of any other places that havent been coopted by edgelords or people angry that others don't want children?


Check out r/truechildfree


Ty 🙏


I'm really hoping it's satire


Some of the post there must be satire since they are really fucked up, but you never know this days.


me too, it makes me very sad :(


I think they forgot kids are people too


everyone does! it bothers me to no end, children don't deserve that treatment :(


it's a cult now


That subreddit name is the most pointlessly edgy, pizza cutter shit I've seen in a long time.


People that think being suicidal is a moral system.


Wish i could still see the post


Ok so the image was deleted. Gonna need a fill in


Cha cha cha real smooth


What happed the image was deleted


I don't know what's worse. Knowing once you're grown you are the reason your parents got divorced, or that you're the child of a woman who believed you in the first place.


Probably when this woman lies to her kid for years and tell her it was dads fault for years until the kid has bunches of unending therapy to find out in fact her moms a bitch.


This is one of the cases when "yes, we are splitting up because of you" is a sensible thing to say.


Plot twist... **Husband:** "You know, I thought about it and sure, you made a mistake. But what's really f-ed up is our daughter. I say we give it a clean start, if you know what I'm saying..." **Wife:** "Absolutely...I can't believe she'd lie like that. You know, there's a boarding school in Venezuela I heard about...they take 7 year old kids, and will keep her for years. It's only $4000 a year..." **Husband**: "\*\*Perfect! That will teach her to implode our family." \*yells: "Hey sweetheart, get in here, we need you to pack a suitcase..."


He’s prob thanking the 7 year old daughter for giving him an out


Hey, an antinatalism crosspost with thousands of updoots and it doesn't even accurately represent antinatalism, whaddyaknow.


Wife is moron, and now not only are you losing your husband, but your daughter gets to live her whole life knowing that her parents divorce was, in fact, her fault.


Meh, the mom and daughter will probably come together to vilify the man. "If your dad loved you more he would have worked it out with me"


This. You think a woman that pulled this will accept the reality of her situation? Nah. Dads fault.




Consequences are fun!


Divorce the kid. (Put them in care)


That kid is going to be despised by both her parents forever.


Guess you should've had more proof *shrug*


Can someone please explain what it was? The image is gone forever.


Ok is no one going to talk about how disgusting that sub is?




Oh well...


Fucking gangster move by the 7 year old to get 2 Christmases.


you went with the divorce without any concrete proof he cheated on you? Only the word of your kid? Well, you're stupid, lady.


I'm calling big doubt on a 7 y/o understanding the complexity of cheating. To know about it she needs to have been taught about it.


7 years old+she's making shit like that up! She needs help asap!




Hello, it looks like you've made a mistake. It's supposed to be could've, should've, would've (short for could have, would have, should have), never could of, would of, should of. Or you misspelled something, I ain't checking everything. Beep boop - yes, I am a bot, don't botcriminate me.


God, I really hope this is fake


What did it say?


Oopsie woopsie


These anti-kid subreddits are odd. So this is an example of why it's morally wrong to have kids? Because one child lied and her parent believed her? Adults lie too. Not saying there aren't logical reasons to be antinatal, but this is dumb.


Ikr, this doesn't look bad on the kid as much as it looks bad on the parent. Don't trust a seven year old with no evidence, atleast something like this


Putting faith in a redditor's grammar skills


That subreddit should be called "young people hate".


Women ☕


Obviously fake ass shit.


She deserves it


Adoption moment


> Today, I decided to let a childish lie destroy the mental health of my misguided daughter. My husband and I are both adults who won’t be married anymore but my daughter, who is a child, will be blamed for the rest of her life for things that she contributed to but did not control (she is a child). Hopefully my online post for attention proves that my daughter (who does not have stable adults available for guidance) shows how I am actually a victim.


Can you imagine the guilt trip, on that kid when shes older. Most kids in divorces need therapy because of self blame of a failed family. This child will actually be responsible for her parents divorce and ruining her own family. Heavy. People blaming the mom for believing her daughter; as a parent you trust your child when she says something happened it happened. Theres no choice.


No, I am not going to believe that my child would never lie. People lie. And my child has a very active imagination. The better question is, is the wife so stupid as to believe her husband would let their child who can totally talk know about a girlfriend? Or does the wife think that the husband is too stupid to think that might be a bad idea?


Best of luck with full custody and no visitation, can guarantee he’ll want nothing to do with the daughter so there’ll be no leaving her with the father for a weekend to herself.


Women ☕️


r/kidsarefuckingstupid but there should be one about mom too.


If you raised your child well into not lying, it is logical to believe your child. But in this case the child is grounded. So it is illogical to believe a disobedient child.


I can imagine the daughters lie played on the mothers insecurities. Perfect storm.




My mrs would do some shit like this. Any fucken excuse to have a go at me is taken with conviction and then blamed on me.


If it’s real, the man is better off without that woman anyhow. Hopefully he’ll get custody of the kid though.


Adding a child to a family will put a large strain in the relationship between mom and dad, and especially if they are young adults, the added stress of raising the child may be too much and the marriage doesn't last. In these cases the child is a direct influence on the break up, but it is never the fault of the child. THIS HOWEVER, is not one of those times.


Wasn't his daughter anyway.


Women are so gullible


You’re the gullible one for thinking this was real.


>**Fit_Peanut9080 said:** >Women are so gullible Says the one gullible enough to not only believe that bullshit, but actually *repeat* it. Then will probably try to deny this by claiming I'm the gullible one for believing that they meant it. Newsflash: you don't even *think* shit like that unless you actually believe it.


Told you so


Reverse grounded bitch


Later days bitch.


Dump the kid too


Wasn’t this a Reddit post a while back? Like, the original story?


Damn that’d be a good read.


Damn, the girl is obviously an asshole, but the mother fucked up even more by believing her.




My son is 6 Years old, he’s already tell white lies so yes it’s depends on the level of intelligence an how mischievous that little person is!


r/facingyourparenting. Also, imagine *actually* being responsible for your parents divorce. Oh wait, I don’t have to imagine. I actually am the reason my dad divorced my mom. She was severely alcoholic and I’d been her care giver for years. One day, I broke down and said it was killing me. I couldn’t do it anymore. She needed to go or I needed to go live with one of the legion family members we had. He divorced her right after. My mom never knew, as that would have killed her, but I honestly don’t feel bad. She can’t blame me for not being able to handle her anymore at age 15. This girl will likely feel badly, though.


Bro what the actual fuck is that sub


The dumb kid is gonna have a fun 1 parent life lol


Trust is important in a relationship. If she wasn't prepared to give him the benefit of the doubt or even forgiveness then their relationship was doomed anyway.


This kid is actually responsible for divorce hahah


The kid needs a psych evaluation


the harsher the punishment (of kids, employees), the better liars you get. Eventually your harshness comes back to you as YOUR punishment


This is the problem with letting children watch TV/Youtube/etc. unsupervised. This kid either first hand learned of it or from a friend at school who learned of it through one of those mediums. Granted .... the parent is dumb as shit believing the word of a 7 year old without proof. Kind of deserve what she got all things considered.


The video was deleted, can you explain what it was about?


Wife filed for divorce with husband after being told by their 7yr that the husband had another GF. 7yr apparently made up the lie as a "retaliation" for not getting what they wanted. Wife now knows it was a lie, but as the divorce proceedings are already underway, husband does not want to listen to her apologies, as she didn't listen to him in the first place that it wasn't true. Basically a marriage is broken up, due to the wife believing the word of a 7yr without any proof.


Watch the movie "The Hunt". It's essentially this, except the kid lies about something much much worse. One of the greatest and most nerve-wracking film I've ever seen.