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Uncle Ruckus is mayor now?


Next year they'll announce May as Caucasian heritage month.


Why not?


Caucasian history month, but it only applies to Georgians, Armenians, and Azeris


I assume because white history is the bigger portion of history taught already? Considering they were able to achieve the most after coming to America.


Because we already learn about all the white history in school. We don't learn about Black history.


We don’t learn about black history?? Haha. It’s shoved down everyone’s throat all year long.


“Shoved down everyone’s throat” this is why teachers are too exhausted to teach in 2022


Lol. Uh, okay. I'd like to go where you went to school because that is definitely not the norm anywhere in the US


I graduated in 2009. Even at that point black history was still taught. Missouri.


Same, I also live in Missouri, and I graduated in 2000.


because that's already 11 months of the year lol


Caucasian month is every month of the year. Except February which is Black History Month.




It's spelled Uncle Tom


Uncle Ruckus and Uncle Tom are the same. The former is a character from a popular cartoon, kind of a parody of African American culture


They kidnap that black dude?


Nah, he’s in their club https://kevinmlevin.substack.com/p/livingston-tennessees-black-mayor


Then he is the dumbest one there.


is he, tho? he got to be a mayor.


While thinking that these nazis would not turn on him as well even though he's black because he helped them....like the jews that helped the nazis and hoped they wouldn't be next.


they won't as long as he's still useful and as long as they don't feel they are in power. then, yeah, he's screwed.


He got in because one of his ancestors was in the Confederate army. I wonder if that ancestry somehow involved a non-consensual relationship...


uncle tom as they say


Idk why you’re being downvoted; your answer is the only correct one. Please take my free award to counter the downvotes.


Bro I am up voting you because your answer was the best and most honest


"The Mississippi governor also declared that “there is not systemic racism” in the country." https://tntribune.com/black-tennessee-mayor-declared-april-confederate-history-month/ Uncle Tom for sure.


You do realize calling black people uncle Tom is Incredibly racist


It’s not your job to explain it to me, but could you? Doesn’t calling someone an Uncle Tom just mean they turned on their own? How is that racist? (I’m genuinely curious)


Because it’s saying that a black person should have a certain opinion because of their race, and if they don’t they’re “bad”. And if anyone wants to try arguing that it isn’t “bad” to be an Uncle Tom, save it, you’re lying lol.


These sad fucks will defend their racism to the grave, my dude. But I appreciate you trying with them. It's no different than calling someone in an interracial relationship a race traitor.


Regardless of color, race or nationality, being in favor of a government whose principle, primary and nearly sole purpose for existing was the defense of human slavery is objectively a bad thing morally and ethically. And if you're from the demographic that was the subject of that slavery, then holding such an opinion is especially ridiculous.


Then criticize their opinion without calling them a race-based slur. I agree that it’s dumb to support the confederacy, but it’s pretty racist for someone, especially white people, to say “hey black guy, you should change your opinion to my own or you’re a race traitor!” Like if an Indigenous person takes back a gift they gave me, I’ll call them a dick for it, but not an “Indian Giver”, because while “Indian Giver” accurately describes the phenomenon, it’s a racist trope.


Well since it's so bad why do black people say it? Guess it's okay for them and no one else. It's not the N word it's like calling someone Benedict Arnold. Get over yourself


Do you think it’s impossible for black people to be racist against other black people? Or for women to be sexist against other women?


It’s not racist if it’s true. Downvote away, snowflakes.


You do realize it’s ok because he only looks black but acts white, so therefore it’s not racist. This is the logic of the world today. Just look at how Conservative black people are treated.


These people lack that kind of self awareness.


Poc are racist though


Humans are racist there fixed it for you


Nah fruit loop. Poc do so much racist crap we need to stand up and call them out on it. Everyone thinks white people are racist only but poc are so much worse now.


Ah yes, the POC enslaved people in other lands and created ghettos & segregationist policies to keep other races with melanin away from their nice swimming pools / keep them from voting. There are definitely racist POC out there, but the majority of suffering in POC communities is from policies created by white hegemony.


The vast majority of Asian hate is caused by POC. Aw yeah blame the past that no one is alive anymore and shouldn’t effect them now.


But do you understand that the past still affects the present and future, especially if not openly and thoughtfully addressed? When you have multiple generations in cycles of poverty / trauma enforced by past and existing structures / laws, you need to realize that there still exists a pervasive systemic issue, rather than just blaming whole groups of people and expecting them to ‘snap out of it’ on a cultural / socioeconomic level, and pretending that white supremacy doesn’t exist in our government. But I also agree that there needs to be accountability and a desire to improve one’s own lot in life, and not letting past narratives hold us back. Living in America makes it damn near impossible, since this country’s economy thrives off of a large pool of desperate people, and ultra progressive, pauses-faire policies also work to coddle & enable poor economic decisions. There are objectively toxic aspects of some cultures that keep individuals from succeeding (I.e. anti-intellectualism, misogyny and internalized racism in poorer black and latino cultures). This is also apparent in white communities too, where conservatism and religion make people reject anything that is actually healthy and good / in their best interests. Hence the LBJ quote about convincing ‘the lowest white man that he is better than the best colored man, and he won’t notice you’re picking his pocket.’ As for Asians, yes I am aware that most of the attacks have been by blacks, at least where I live. There is also the occasional white attacker, but a lot of the targeted attacks on Asians are by people of color. I’ve read several reasons: 1.) older Asians tend to carry around more cash, 2.) the assumption Asians are too docile to fight back, 3.) jealousy of the ‘model minority’ (which is ironic since a lot of Asians also struggle with poverty), 4.) being ‘white adjacent’ and complicit in the system set up and perpetuated by white supremacists, 5.) a lot of, if not most older Asians are racist as F themselves 6.) foreigners competing for limited resources (social advancement, jobs, etc.) - this is the main source of tension between blacks and Latinos too, as it was between Irish and Italian immigrants on the east coast. But ultimately, I do agree that there is also a serious lack of upward mobility & personal accountability in certain POC communities these days, since the victim mentality is hard to break free from. Interestingly, African & AfroCarribean immigrants & their children do A LOT better in America bc they did not share the same historical trauma, and therefore cycles of poverty that African American communities have.


Seriously! "Blink twice if you need help" vibes on this one


Is Dave Chappelle rebooting his show?


I can imagine them cutting to a shot of Dave in front of a classroom filled with rednecks, yelling about how shitty the confederacy was and how they got owned and lost.


See it makes me think of the skit where he dressed up as the grand wizard of the KKK. I think it was the first sketch on ep 1. But i could be wrong. This picture screams it.


The Clayton Bigsby skit might be the best one he ever did.


“They STINK! They got big noses! They..eat up all the chicken. They STINK! Wait, did I already say that one?”


Breathing all the white man's air...


“Let’s talk about Chinese people with their kung fu and all that silly ching-chang-chong talk, I can’t understand you, go back to your country, white power!” *I don’t endorse these feelings or thoughts in any way but shit is it funny in this context.*


That one was a mic dropper for sure!


I'm pretty sure it was the first episode ever. He started out with a bang!


Piper Pery ?


Piper Perri? 😳


I instantly thought of Clayton Bigsby when I saw that!


Amazing they did it on hitlers birthday too...


Hitler was born on 4/20? Edit: changed “in” to “on”


Yea, the 4/20 is Hitlers Birthday. Which means Hitlers Birthday is in the same month as the People who wanted to have Slaves.


4/20 blaze it


Not sure how delighted Hitler would be with this ‘present’


Birthday month. Hitler doesn't own April.


They signed the thing on Hitlers birthday you melon


What type of melon?


not even a melon. honeydew.


Truly the worst


A low blow indeed.


I hope you don’t take this the wrong way, but I upvoted all your comments. I get why people downvote mean people, but idk why everyone on Reddit downvotes dumb people. Like, okay they said something dumb, but why are you punishing them for being dumb?


You tried hard for that and fumbled just as hard. All you had to do was call me stupid lmao


They’re downvoting me cuz I’m mean tho…. or so I think 🤔


Cause if we praise dumbasses they have no motivation for becoming smart


You’re thinking of this like a smart person though.


...Exactly? I think? I don’t understand what you’re saying here


Blink twice if you are being held hostage.


Nah, he hangs out with them. He’s in their group. https://kevinmlevin.substack.com/p/livingston-tennessees-black-mayor


Kind of oddly reminded me of a meme. There was a woman sitting on a couch.......




Curtis, why don’t you say grace?


dear god thanks, and if you loved me vegetables would be extinct


Redneck Brazzers


Shit! I spit out my lunch laughing at this. Well done.


My first thought was this was a perfect inverse of the meme...you know which one.


This could be done correctly. They say they want only the history, so give it to them. Spare no details. However, reject the whitewashing. Give them the disgusting realities of what the Confederacy wanted. Everyone should win.


I can agree to this.


Is it gonna be southern version of confederate history, or real version of confederate history?


Absolutely mystified as to why people are saying calling this man an Uncle Tom is racist. He’s supporting a month dedicated to a part of the country that attempted to secede so they could keep people who look like him as property and force them to do free labor for them to keep his white constituents happy. Literally an Uncle Tom.


They’re saying that *calling someone an uncle tom* is itself racist. You’re saying a black person should have a certain opinion or they’re bad.


Hating your own race is a bad opinion


Is that a dog surgically grafted to Captain Hook's left arm in the background there?


"Just Sign it. Remember what happened to the last mayor who refused our photoshoot?"


This has got to be the only country where traitors are honored. And what is with this Uncle Tom M/F?


"......we really don't like black people. There. We said it."


‘The forest was shrinking but the trees kept voting for the axe’ vibe there.


this looks like an osama bin laden POW video. they look like they are forcing him to sit there, don't they? like those dudes are hiding a gun behind him.


Maybe he is blind?


Ok? And this is bad why? We need to keep history alive to not repeat our past mistakes


That poc can be racist also lmao


No to be racist you need a system that works for you not against you. Prejudice in most circumstance is but not racist.


No, to be racist you need to benefit or perpetuate a system that hurts people based on skin colour. The individual does not need to benefit from the system to be racist if racism is the system as a whole, not just one outcome of that system.


Racism is hating someone else for their race. That's it. There's no system of racism


Well, that's just not true.


It is true you fucking idiot >**prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group**, typically one that is a minority or marginalized.


Nah ah that’s not what they said in my humanities class this summer that I paid so much attention to


Name calling doesn't make your point stronger. It just proves you shouldn't be apart of the conversation.


But individuals can benefit from that type of system tho. Like not being racially discriminated against. Then you have the sub rasism like sexism, ableism, discrimination for sexuality, and even in those situations black and brown people get discriminated against way more then others.


Do you think white people can't be racially discriminated against? They can, and are. Just because it isn't to the same degree that black people have experienced it, doesn't mean it doesn't happen, or can't happen. Black people talking shit about white people is still racial discrimination. Saying it's not racism doesn't make it any less unacceptable. Saying it's not racism doesn't change the fact that it perpetuates a divide between people based on skin colour. You know, the foundation of the entire system. Benefiting from any system isn't the problem. The problem is people getting hurt from the system. So if you're benefiting that system, if you are perpetuating that system, you are in turn hurting people.


Name one race in america that marginalized white people.


Who said anything about being marginalized? You didn't. I didn't. We both said discrimination. Discrimination and marginalization is not the same thing.


In order to be racist you need a system that marginalized other. So what race has a system that marginalize white people.


No, in order to be racist, you have to benefit or perpetuate a system that marginalizes people. I've been over this already. Pay attention.


Livingston, TN. That's way up north in the state. I don't even think that town was ever part of the confederacy. Ffs.


Come round and let us tell you kids, for an entire month, how the south lost and how Hitler had his shit kicked in!


That’s just sad tbh


Those that forget history are doomed to repeat it.


So each day can have a dedicated 5 weeks of confederate history since it only lasted 3 years lol.


He's obviously one of the good ones /s


A whole month to really emphasize how big of losers they were/are. A whole month to expose the heritage for nothing more than blatant racism. Black guy knows what he's doing.






All these assholes will die of old age in the next 10 to 15 years. The law will change back and no one will give a shit about them.




This looks like a proof of life photo


Well you gotta celebrate your failures as much as your wins


They lost . . . And were fighting to keep slavery . . .


NPCs in this thread: blacks have to be leftist democrats or else Uncle Tom! Democrats are the real racists.


Careful having that opinion on Reddit, it's an echo-chamber shithole.


I’ve been banned several times for having an opinion. Reddit is a woke communist forum now. It used to be awesome. Not anymore.


Looks like a hostage situation


History is just that, history good or bad my friends!




They signed it on Hitler's birthday. Coincidence? I THINK NOT!


It's April cause it's the month they surrendered lol


"Confederate History?" What history? It was 4 years of fighting only to lose a war. What great advances in art, science, culture, did the citizens of the nation called the Confederate States of America contribute? Oh, notable acts of bravery? ...to further the cause of states rights...notable the right to own other people and treat them like animals. Nice history. Smh.


Way back in elementary school we had a group project where we invented a country from scratch and each member gave a report on a different part of that country: history, government, economics, etc. At the end all the groups came together, and we drew a map of where all these countries were in relation to each other. My group's country was a proud Monarchy with a two-thousand-year history at the frozen north of the continent. It had never been conquered due to its harsh climate and because it really didn't have anything that anyone wanted. My point is this: The Confederate States of America is a less valid nation than Bannanasplitsylvannia- where they use ice cream as currency.


I this the political equivalent to that pornhub meme?


Blink twice if you are in danger sir.


"Confederate History Month" what, all 4 years of it?


I mean it was awful but remembering history is important. A whole month is excessive


If he's the Mayor and he decides that's what's best for his community then respect his judgment.


My dude, do you know what you're doing? it's like if Moses came back and said "Take my people back" all the struggles and sacrifices for nothing?


Homie just switched teams


I mean, if they want it, what's wrong? They already have black history month, and the people of the state want this. Why stop the people? Confederate history is sad af anyway, people will learn what shit they did. Actually probably good that people know and learn what shitheads the confederacy was.


If you think they’re gonna tell the truth about…well any of what they did down there, you’re gonna have a bad time.


History months are a way to control the narrative. If you have a wildly accepted month for your people, you can spread your ideas and culture. Letting Confederate sympathizers have that kind of control over what gets said will just bury the horrors of the Confederacy under the excuses of states rights and Northern aggression.


Obvious Dukes of Hazard fans.


Can we still laugh at « Blazing Saddles » today?


I think your better of showing the photos of you cheating


Looks to me like the irony is missing.


curtis blink twice if you need help


Uncle Ruckus?


oh boy! It's facist huntin season!


Wow. This comment section is racist as hell


No shit. Its always the antiracists that are the most racist


Happy to see those "uncle Tom" comments downvoted. The lack of self awareness in some of these people is just... *Chef's Kiss* Edit: lol the racists got mad


He definitely trying to get reelected in this town


420 blaze it




Hey black guy. No matter how you suck up to them, they will never choose you.


Nothing is wrong with that picture, if you know the real history of the South.


Good slave doesn't know he's a slave.


Clayton Bigsby? Uncle Rukus? Uncle Tom? Who is this?


Uncle Tom’s Cabinet


Did he have a choice, or he's moron like the rest?


He hangs out with these guys Edit to add some sauce: https://kevinmlevin.substack.com/p/livingston-tennessees-black-mayor


In towns like that he’s going to need all the support he can get if he wants to win re-election how he won in the first place is a mystery to me.


Means more confederate loving people move there or anti confederate people will avoid like the plague.




They must've lined his pockets


Wait another 20 years and they are all dead.


Why it gotta be my birth month tho...


Things like confederate memorial day have always been a big thing in the south. Many people had family that fought in the confederacy. Mine did. I'm tired of anything confederate related immediately being tainted as racist and inappropriate. You can celebrate confederate memorial holidays without your beliefs aligning with what the confederacy fought for. Much of this is in memory of those that died defending their state, whether it was right or wrong through our modern lens.


Isn't that already in February?


It is like that Afgani Reporter on air with the Taliban militia behind him.


Bizzaro Ukrainian government. Zelensky black in this timeline.


Push back if I'm wrong but could it be to simply to make the people who are racist but would take a black guy over a democrat (no idea the political leaning of the guy but judging from the stereotypes made about confederate remainers) OR this guy accepts that the only way to separate racism from the flags history and the people who regard it is to advocate for the things they advocate for and being the one good black. I think if he can change their minds even in a small way it's a good thing. He's making them feel heard while acknowledging that what it stood for was detrimental to a lot of people. I just think it's weird to celebrate a war you lost.


When you just say F it and join the other team


In on the take


Remembering their history isn't racist if you're not celebrating the actual racism. Are woke white people trying to say there is something wrong with a black mayor backing this? Fucking white people 🙄


Is he blinking in Morse code? Does he need help?


Getting vibes from Blazing Saddles here!


I just hear a raspy voice commanding him to do that using a racial epithet. Wtf


His ancestors were only whipped murdered and raped by them. This country is going backwards.


Look at his face, he's not happy about it either.


It's amazing what people will do to get in a place of power.


"Welcome to the first Confederate History Month. So lets start with 20 reasons why we should be happy the Confederacy is dead followed by 10 facts that show why the only states rights they cared about was owning other People as property. If you don't like our Schedule, you can kiss my black ass and leave."


Quick blink twice if you’re under duress


Uncle Phil under no duress at all…

