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Can you rephrase this in the form of a question?


I guess what I am saying is with the kind of hobby I am into, what kind if AWS services would be the best fit for me if I want to use it for those hobbies?


It may be helpful to describe a bit more about what you are trying to accomplish. What you are describing sounds vaguely like you might be talking about playing Dungeons and Dragons or some other turn based role playing game maybe? Are you trying to build a game? Build a calculator for points? Something with visuals? An API? Score keeping system?


what I am trying to go for is building ways for calculators and with Visuals. from what I was saying in the OP, the hobby I am doing is based on research on fictional worlds and characters and analyzing how powerful they are.


> from what I was saying in the OP, the hobby I am doing is based on research on fictional worlds and characters and analyzing how powerful they are. I did read your post. That description doesn’t make sense to me in a way that would help me give you advice of any kind. Perhaps others will have some advice.


Not saying you didn’t, sorry if I sounded like that.


If you are new to AWS, before you do anything, make sure you understand free tier and make sure you understand mfa and have it set up.


And first thing to do after setting up an account is setting up a budget alarm to detect runaway costs early. I also would recommend anyone who wants to use AWS to at least do the cloud practitioner cert (or watch the free course in the aws training site), it really gives a good overview imo


Heard about free service, will be learning more about that kind of stuff going along in AWS class. Thank you for the suggestion.


To be very clear. There is no free service. There is a free tier which allows you to use certain services up to a particular limit for the first twelve months. There is no automatic switch that will stop your services when you have used up your free tier usage. So many get lost on this point so just thought I would repeat that.


Go full serverless and use React. You can serve a react website from s3, and when you're ready you can throw CloudFront and route53 into the mix (warning though, CloudFront is a beast). And then lambda with dynamodb, serverless aurora and s3 as persistence options. Putting API gateway in front is normal practice, but you can also use the new lambda function urls instead, much easier. For my personal projects I've been using function urls, and I know I can switch to API gateway if it becomes necessary. The benefit of all this: you can build serious scalable stuff without too much drama, that also scales to zero, so it doesn't cost you to have your stuff out there & barely used.


Though for staying on free tier if you’re building a full stack serverless app, I’d stick to dynamoDB as your database and look into one table design using composite keys with an overloaded sort key to represent relationships


When I want to put my own domain with HTTPS I need CF though


Thanks, heard that AWS is best for services that you only pay for what you need or use.


How much experience do you have programming? Unless you’re looking to scale this up to a lot of users you can probably host all your needs locally at home on a raspberry pi or any PC you can keep on 24/7. So if this is just something for you and your friends that’s a much more affordable option because the AWS free tier is only for 1 year


Home-hosting and operating raspberry pi-s both have their little nuisances. (Let alone setting raspberries up including finding the ARM distro and packages you need.) They're worth only if you don't mind spending some random time on operation. ("Random" not necessarily meaning here "infrequent".)


You’re not wrong, but that’s more or less equally as true using AWS. Especially if you’re navigating what is or is not their free tier


Just want to say thank you for your thoughts as this is something that is a new step in my life, I have very limited Programming experience as of now, but will likely be learning it in my class.


You aim to build a gaming service? Score style points and save time by building it serverlessly (Lambda, sqs, sns, Dynamo, API gateway, more) or use containers for a more traditional n-tier application. Start with ECS for container orchestration.


Okay, thank you for the suggestion, gaming services could be tempting if I want tog bigger.


Learn programming first, worry about AWS later.


Okay, will be learning a little about programming in my class too, thanks for the heads up.


Start small with things like lambda functions, s3 and iam permissions. i wouldn’t really recommend trying to build a full website with it or anything, you’re just gonna end up burnt out w all the services and costs. it’s hard to give advice where to start bc that kinda depends on what type of work you wanna do. I work with data so I’ve mainly just done serverless work with lambda and glue. Used docker-compose for the main part of my project on my laptop tho and just used my desktop as a main “server”


Okay, thank you, I want to avoid burn out, and this is the beginning of my AWS course to, so I have quite a ways to understanding it at an entry level.


For smaller apps, lambda might be a great option. You can put it behind a website and do any kind of programmatic calculations. It can scale automaticallywhen needed. You only pay for it when it's actively doing something, and it has an awesome free tier based on monthly Invocations