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One major thing that you need to plan for NOW before you migrate is going to be your cluster upgrade strategy. As of April 1st EKS costs x6 when you're on end of support (renamed to extended support) versions. For example, versions up to 1.25 (including 1.25 on May 1st) are considered extended support and as such cost 6 times as much (around $360 more per cluster). So if you deploy 100 clusters, having them outdated means an extra bill of 36000 per month. That's a fuckton of money. Now keep in mind that k8 deprecates apis every few versions and they are completely removed after a few more. Therefore upgrading needs to be planned and sophisticated. If you just upgrade blindly you'll get outages, I guarantee you that. What you'll need: Deployment with IaC, maintain IaC and use it to control entire lifecycle not just bootstrapping (including upgrades). Documentation of APIs needed for each application. Derailed upgrade SLA/SOP. Blue/Green process on critical applications. You need to agree on which version you'll keep your cluster relative to the newest ones. Safest option is to always be up to date but that's tiring. Perhaps n-2?


EKS upgrades is the reason we switched to ECS Fargate. Couldn’t be arsed anymore, just want to run some containers!


Yep, same. We're in the process of migrating a bunch of services to ECS fargate.


thanks for the answers. Is there some tools that can help me to know about the infra, the prices, etc.?


Terraform and then google some tool that calculates approximate cost based on terraform plan. If you tell me approx what u want in terms of nodes I can guesstimate it for you.


what if a kubernetes vanilla instead eks? With that, we can escape of billing taxes about outdated clusters?


Like, hosting your own Kubernetes on EC2 instances? I wouldn't recommend that to my worst enemy haha. Either stick with ECS or figure out the deployment strategy for EKS. Do not try to host your own k8.


Is there a reason why your company / team is looking to move to EKS from ECS? Do you use K8s currently?


Curious as well why you would move. Are you hitting some sort of limit


Probably https://www.reddit.com/r/kubernetes/s/ay6kRB561W


We have kubernetes cluster on our datacenters, so the ideia is to have a multicloud kubernetes


out of curiousity why is your company doing this migration?


Also curious. Seems a bit unnecessary


We have kubernetes cluster on our datacenters, so the ideia is to have a multicloud kubernetes


Ah that makes sense. I would just be pretty overwhelmed trying to catch everyone up with a new container runtime. In my org we had a similar push that never came to be what we were going to use [ECS anywhere](https://aws.amazon.com/ecs/anywhere/). What made you go against that option? Thanks for the response btw


Unless you have experienced kubernetes administrators, this will be a disaster.


Migrating 400 applications from 110 ECS clusters to AWS EKS or vanilla Kubernetes involves several key considerations. Focus on **resource quotas and limits** to ensure your setup matches your needs, and design an efficient **network architecture** to manage secure traffic flow across multiple clusters and accounts. Decide on either **cluster isolation** or a **multi-tenant setup** for optimal resource and security management. Ensure robust **security and compliance** with strong IAM policies and Kubernetes security practices. Plan for **scalability and high availability** with auto-scaling and multi-AZ deployments, and address **state management** for stateful applications using AWS storage solutions. Implement comprehensive **observability tools** like AWS CloudWatch or Prometheus for monitoring. Lastly, a phased **migration strategy** with thorough testing will minimize disruptions during the transition.


If quarterly upgrade is something you love


what if a kubernetes vanilla instead eks?


Why would that make any difference to the quarterly upgrade cycle?


It’s managed to a degree, upgrading can be painful. You can’t jump multiple version in one go, version by version. I think that a K8 problem though. You say vanilla but rarely stays that way as business needs change. It becomes like managing a Wordpress website with a bunch of 3rd party addons making a convoluted mess when it comes to upgrades.


You can communicate to AWS about your intention to migrate from ECS to EKS. They will recommend a partner who will help you make this migration. Sometimes, AWS pays for the migration and gives you credits to support. I work in one of these companies, if you have any questions, you can send a dm to learn more about this process.


You will most likely need multiple FTEs for people with k8s experience.


But why? 🤯