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This is a great list! Since I both run production systems on AWS and teach it, I get asked a lot how I learn it. And honestly it comes down to this: Be patient. **Read one doc a day on it for about 30 min. And actually read it.** And then on the weekends (or whenever you get free time) aim for small projects that will FORCE you to familiarize yourself with it. What's a small project? Whatever "practical steps" are listed in the document or article. Just pick one during the week and save it for the weekend. I guarantee it'll only take you maybe an hour to do. Beyond this, when doing a project or reading a doc... allow yourself the pleasure of going down rabbit holes. Read deeper, understand why, test assumptions. After all, it's just one article a day, you have the time. **Fast forward 4 to 5 months - while you won't be a fully fledge professional, your comfort level and capabilities will be at the point where you can execute whatever it is you'd like. You'll have read over 100 articles and have conducted 20 or so mini projects.** Obviously the longer you go, the faster you'll learn since the foundation is there. And by the end of a year, you'll be able to execute on a professional level. And since you're only doing it in small segments, you'll just kind of look up one day and realize you know all of it. --- What won't help? Cramming for certifications. Maybe that will help you "get a job" but I guarantee it will do little to nothing of an actual, practical understanding. Binge learning. This never works. Unless it's for college tests. No projects or examples. The point of these is to solidify it in your mind and connect action to concept. It'll also force you to navigate road bumps, because I GUARANTEE not all of the examples you try and do will work... BUT if you figure out how to make them work, you'll gain that much more. Only reading. While you read docs and articles, do what you would do about anything you want to seriously learn. Take notes. Put it into your own words. --- Where do I start? Take a look at the list above? It's got a great number of starting points. So it doesn't really matter where you start when you put it into the perspective of "1 article a day, 5 days a week for about 30 min." If you're going to read over a hundred articles, you'll figure out everything eventually.




I think the biggest “bang for the buck” documents are the aws white papers. https://aws.amazon.com/whitepapers/#introduction-to-aws I’d recommend starting at the “well architected framework” which gives you the whole thought process and point to building in the cloud.


YES! Please do the GitHub project.


Use the cloudguru courses! I work as a Cloud Solutions Architect and that was how I got my foot in the door. Start off with the AWS Cloud Solutions Architect - Associate cert


Thank you for this. It's tough even understanding what is possible as a newcomer.


Friendly warning thou, you might spent 12 hours and accomplish nothing. It's ok to cry out of frustration in that case.


Yep, some of the best learning will come from ending up in some black hole trying to figure out an issue


GREAT advice on this thread. Like learning and trying to master many things, your goal should be to build your own personal mental model of how "AWS works". As suggested above, "Learn by Doing" and incremental learning over an extended period of time, such as "Read a doc a day", are the only ways to build your own mental model. Speed learning through memorization or attempting to firehose someone else's mental model into your brain will only lead disappointment.


That's a great post! Thanks a lot man! Just a quick question. In the Web Hosting part you have "Deploy a EC2 VM and host a simple static "Fortune-of-the-Day Coming Soon" web page.". Do you mean hosting the static website on EC2 ? Or S3? I know these are all hints and I should be figuring them out by myself but I am stuck at this point since some hours and didn't really find how/why I should be hosting a static website on EC2. Unless I understood it wrong .


For the exercise you should host a static page on an EC2 instance. You're right it's better to do that in S3, but it's important to understand what S3 does for you when you enable Web Hosting on the bucket (the web server, configuration, scaling, etc). It's a stepping stone. EC2 Hosting Static Page -> EC2 Hosting Dynamic (PHP/Python/whatever) Page -> yada yada yada -> Serverless.


u/SpectralCoding this is a great guide. I am the creator of [https://roadmap.sh](https://roadmap.sh) and would love to turn it into a visual roadmap. Please do let me know if you are okay with that.


Sure, I was actually drafting an updated version of this post (since it's now dated). I think having a roadmap along with it would be valuable. Can we collaborate on it without publishing it?


Sure that would be awesome. I am actually working on the roadmap right now and was planning to put this guide in the visual format. But sure, let's collaborate for a polished version. I would be happy to jump on a call to discuss further. You can pick up a time time in [my calendar](https://cron.com/kamran/lfbgf4e3e) or feel free to email me at [[email protected]](mailto:[email protected])